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04 Nov 12:17

Useful Tips for Horror Game Designers

by Thomas
A while back Chris Pruett (creator of the excellent Chris's Survival Horror Quest and currently at work with some creepy stuff at Robot Invader) and I had some discussion about common horror / puzzle tropes over twitter. Now all of these little nuggets, and more that came up during subsequent mail discussions, have been collected into a nice blog post by Chris. If you are ever going to make a survival horror please read this first. Here comes:

No puzzles about equalizing pressure (or any other type of dial) by adjusting switches or knobs. Do not include puzzles that involve reconnecting the power, especially to an elevator. No sliding bookshelves with scratch marks on the floor. Avoid puzzles that involve pressing keys on a piano in a specific order. Do not require the player to collect paintings to reveal a secret image, or examine paintings to decode a correct sequence of buttons. No locked doors with an engraved symbol that also appears on the key. No important documents encrypted with stupid-simple substitution ciphers.

As you design, repeat this mantra to yourself: "I will have no keycard doors in my game." No feeding fertilizer or poison to giant plants. Check yourself before adding puzzles about inserting crystals, gems, or figurines into some ornate locking mechanism. Reconsider any puzzle involving a four-digit number sequence, found elsewhere, that opens a lock.

Do not employ sliding block puzzles. Ever. That includes sliding statues! No!

Deny the urge to take inventory items away from the player without a legitimate reason. When building puzzles that require combining more than two items, you must allow combination of arbitrary pairs of items even before the entire set has been collected.

Do not turn terrifying monsters into puzzles unless your goal is to kill all tension.

It's important to make objectives and mechanics clear, but if you just tell the player what to do and where to go, you've removed the puzzle entirely. Let them think for themselves occasionally. Be especially vigilant when designing any cumbersome door opening apparatus. Remember, your players will only believe so much!

This got old in 1997.

Not all stories have to be about the protagonist's personal demons. Don't blame everything on evil mega-corporations. You don't need a crazy Special Forces unit with an awkward acronym name. Do not include a sequence in which a child must crawl through a small opening to unlock a door for an adult. No more helicopters escaping from mushroom-cloud explosions. Eschew underdeveloped sub-plots about drugs.

Avoid zombies. But if you must use zombies, for the love of all that is holy, do not rely on a virus to explain them. Zombie dogs: no.

Not all vengeful ghosts need to be women. And curses do not all need to spread like a virus. And the virus doesn't have to kill its victims after exactly seven days. Also, ghosts don't always have to be innocent people who died horrible deaths.

It's not very believable that a high-security military research complex would have passwords written down on scraps of paper. If your plot twist involves the surprise reveal of a secret, sinister cult, you should probably stop.

Try to think of ways to put your characters in vulnerable situations that are not limited to making all of your characters petite school girls. Men can be vulnerable too. Plus, I know some school girls that could wipe the floor with your sorry designer ass.

Levels and Characters
There are other ways to block a passage off than having the roof collapse. Make a distinction between locked doors that will eventually open and doors that can never be opened; if you have any of the former, the latter must be barred, or broken, or otherwise obviously forever inaccessible. Be warned, however, that "it's jammed" gets old mighty quick.

No arbitrarily non-interactive objects; either you can interact with all doors or none of them. Ensure that you have more doors that can be opened than cannot. Do not block the player with short fences or other obstacles that should be trivial to bypass.

If a location is supposed to carry emotional weight, do not litter it with ammo boxes and collectibles. Do you want the player to contemplate the horrible living conditions of a young child or rummage through their things looking for loot?

Just say "No!" to items that are of great use to the player's problems but cannot be picked up. No obstacles that could be easily dispatched using the protagonist's arsenal but instead require some puzzle sequence to overcome. Do not provide a stock of limited supplies unless you make the remaining amount clear. Do not put hidden collectables in horror games with large levels, or in games that do not allow you to backtrack. Maybe just skip the whole hidden collectable thing completely.

We don't need any more tentacle monsters in horror games. Especially not tentacle monsters with bright, bulbous weak spots. Avoid close-quarter combat with ghosts that can pass through walls. Never throw the player against a source of infinite damage unless you also provide a source of infinite health and ammo (e.g. infinite enemy spawner).

Little known fact: not all monsters have an irresistible urge to bare their teeth and scream at the player. Nor do they all hunch over with long, bent arms. Crazy, huh!?

Excepting certain types of zombie, it is almost never exciting to see a monster charge the protagonist. Perhaps you can modify your AI to stalk the player and approach him slowly to appear more menacing? Caveat: circling the player and occasionally revealing a weak spot is not a good alternative.

Ask yourself: "how many times have I been to the gym this year?" You're a game designer, so the answer is probably "none." Do you think your game's cultists have it any better? They're too busy summoning an obscure deity to think about their diety. So why did you make them look like they're all bodybuilders and/or silicon implant models?

And while we're on the topic of appearances, does your monster really need that awkward underwear? I mean, you just had him rip a dude's head off in the last scene; I don't think your audience is going to be phased by a little monster nudity. Or heck, just come up with something else. Tiny bits of torn fabric around the midsection of an otherwise naked beast is a cop-out.

Took forever to find pants in my size. And now they're torn.

Technical Stuff 
When you have a body lying on the floor that is significantly more detailed than all of the other bodies on the floor, we all know that it'll come to life and attack us sooner or later. Also, a surprise attack isn't very surprising if the game suddenly starts loading like crazy moments before.

Do not put scary encounters in cutscenes. I know, I know, you want to control the camera and the timing and the sound so everything is "just right." But listen, games don't work that way. Take a gamble. Let the player discover the monster through gameplay.

Navigating save slots, confirming file overwrites, and waiting for flashy menu animations is pretty much the worst possible thing you can subject a player to. Your sense of presence must extend to the game as a whole, even your UI.

If you have item descriptions, why not make them interesting or useful? Everybody already knew it was a trashcan before they examined it.

It may sound a bit unintuitive, but horror games work surprisingly well without rocket launchers. And you'd be surprised how fun mystery games can be when they don't have RPG mechanics shoved into them.

Fail in every other category if you must, but do not fail in this: map and menu screens must not require a loading pause to display. It is bad enough that you have to bring these up in the first place. Oh, and checking the map every two steps is not fun.

10 seconds of loading to tell us that flashlights are useful in the dark. 

Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to making a horror game that is fresh and original! After which you can make endless sequels!

02 Nov 18:16


02 Nov 13:47

[via reddit]

Joan Blasco


31 Oct 17:41

togifs: A black guy, a priest and a rabbi get on a plane…...


A black guy, a priest and a rabbi get on a plane… [via]

29 Oct 15:39

unregistered-hypercam2: guess who’s cum is in the stratosphere...

Joan Blasco



guess who’s cum is in the stratosphere right now

26 Oct 14:54

infinite water!

infinite water!

25 Oct 09:08


Joan Blasco

Ten amigos

24 Oct 16:09

Escenarios CIA apuestan por fragmentación de los grandes estados nación

by david
And yet more fragmentation and division, even new sovereign states, are a crucial step in a longer process toward building transnational stability among neighbors.
21 Oct 15:36

Ataque aéreo contra Madrid con chemtrails: mil aviones atacando a la ciudadanía

by (Wicho)
Joan Blasco

Que alguien le pase esto al padre de Jess XDDDDD

Nunca pensé que que el nivel de conspiranoia de los que creen en los chemtrails alcanzara tal nivel: «Nos están fumigando como cucarachas», «¿Yo pago impuestos para qué? ¿Para que me envenenen y me suelten aluminio como están haciendo hoy?».

Aunque casi lo más WTF del vídeo son los primeros segundos: «091 Policía al habla. En estos momentos nuestros agentes están ocupados. No se retire por favor.»

Menos mal que no era una urgencia de verdad.

(J. R. Mora vía RT de @fotomaf)

19 Oct 18:53


Joan Blasco

True story



07 Oct 10:51

Open Letter

Are you ok?  Do you need help?
06 Oct 14:02

Detenido un oftalmólogo que se masturbó delante de su paciente para comprobar si veía bien

by Lee
Joan Blasco

- Si la esquiva es que ya ve bien.
-¿Si esquivo qué, doct...? OMFG.

Un oftalmólogo estadounidense fue detenido después de que, según una paciente, se masturbara delante de ella para comprobar si veía con las nuevas gafas que le había puesto.

etiquetas: oftalmólogo, oftalmólogo, paciente, vista, masturbara

» noticia original

06 Oct 12:47


02 Oct 23:55

Valve filed trademark for the title: Half-Life 3!

by stranded

Check these out:

hl3trademark3 hl3trademark2 hl3trademark1

Source: GameFAQs thanks to _KaszpiR_

26 Sep 12:22

Una mujer es condenada por hacer que su marido dispare contra un vecino que la había "violado telepáticamente".

by destornillador
Joan Blasco

Ojo a las fotos...

La mujer ha admitido que convenció a su marido para que atacara a su vecino, que según ella la había "violado telepáticamente".

etiquetas: usa, eeuu, telepatía, violación, melony selleneit, estados unidos

» noticia original

26 Sep 12:19 5th Birthday Trivia: Round One

Joan Blasco

Loteridas de güejos jratis, hoyga

Birthday fun and gifts (for you!) 5th birthday celebration continues, and we came up with some fun activities essential to every nerd party in the universe. Namely, we want to play some trivia with you! There will be prizes, of course, because there have to be gifts in a birthday celebration. Since it is our party, you get to keep the gifts! We wouldn't have it any other way. But, just to make it more fun, you'll have to put some effort into getting them. For the next couple of days (let's say: until Sunday), we'll post a daily activity for you. A quiz, a puzzle, some trivia--you know: fun stuff. Each day you'll get a chance to prove your gaming knowledge and familiarity with for a chance to get some free games. Our activity of choice today: word search!

We got word from our support, that some users aren't sure where they should send the answers. Let's pretend that finding the e-mail address on the picture below is a little warm-up exercise before the actual word search. If you can't handle that task, there's probably not much point in wasting your time looking for the 40 titles. And one more thing: we didn't notice it ourselves, but there's actually 41 hidden titles in the picture (apart from the highlighted "FEZ"). That's because one of the longer ones contains another one, shorter. Still--we don't expect more than 40, and that gives you a bit of an advantage.

You've got time until Thursday, September 26, at 14:59PM GMT. That's 24 hours. Have fun! :-)

21 Sep 14:44

El asalto fascista a Blanquerna se puede saldar con multas de 300 euros

by Neonamu
Joan Blasco

Que esto no se me haga extraño me revuelve el estómago.

Asaltar la sede de la Generalitat en Madrid les puede salir a los 11 ultras imputados ya en libertad bastante barato. Así lo han señalado fuentes gubernamentales consultadas por La Vanguardia, quienes consideran que por lo sucedido apenas se les puede acusar de una falta de lesiones y otra de desórdenes públicos. Ambas infracciones penales -si no hay lesiones importantes no alcanzan el carácter de delito- están castigadas con entre 2 y 6 días de localización permanente o multa de entre 10 y 30 días.

etiquetas: fascismo, ultraderecha, blanquerna

» noticia original

18 Sep 16:44


11 Sep 19:29

Valve prepares Steam Family Sharing for beta

Joan Blasco

Living room, there we go

Soon, you'll be able to share your game libraries with authorized friends and family.
05 Sep 11:58

How To Insert a Tampon "Today I show you how to correctly Insert...

Joan Blasco

'Igualito que el anuncio de la rubiaca!

How To Insert a Tampon

"Today I show you how to correctly Insert & Remove a tampon. Inserting & removing a tampon correctly is extremely important for ALL Men & Women. Inserting it correctly can be the difference between life & death, where removing it incorrectly could result in a yolky mess. I highly suggest you watch this video very carefully and take notes. Many men & women find it difficult inserting a tampon, however it doesn’t have to be! Simply watch this video and it will answer all your questions."

31 Aug 13:09

Por fin os puedo dar una excelente noticia sobre la economía española

by manifa33
Joan Blasco

Me parto XD

Chicos, chicas, después de 5 años de travesía por el desierto por fin os puedo anunciar una excelente noticia para la economía Española. Hoy se han dado a conocer dos datos muy importantes. Ya tenemos plena libertad para poder declarar en quiebra el país, suspender el pago de la deuda y negociar una quita a una deuda que no podremos pagar jamás.

etiquetas: economía, españa, quiebra


» noticia original

30 Aug 18:17

Show HN: Gingko, a tree-document editor

24 Aug 14:59

Ingenioso microrrelato contado en un sobre de azúcar. ¿Quién hace el trabajo?

by tucan74

Pocas líneas bastan para trenzar una historia, incluso las más ingeniosas. En la imagen, un microrrelato tomado de un sobre de azúcar.

etiquetas: microrrelatos, trabajo, literatura


» noticia original

23 Aug 09:27


23 Aug 07:08

Cómo limpiar las gafas de bucear para que no se empañen

by conversador

Si habéis hecho viajes de buceo o snorkle, sabéis que una de las principales razones para bucear es contemplar lo que hay bajo el agua, la vista de los peces, los corales y todo tipo de fauna y flora submarina. Para poder disfrutar plenamente de las vistas, es imprescindible que la máscara esté bien limpia. Pero, ¿cómo hay que limpiar las gafas de bucear para que nos se empañen?

etiquetas: consejos, gafas de bucear, limpieza


» noticia original

20 Aug 17:58

What we all like to see on Steam, EA-Origin just got: REFUNDS!

by Dragoon



TL:DR From today on Origin give the Great Game Guarantee: You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) purchased on Origin for a full refund.

It probably happened to all of us, we bought a game just to regret it later.
Maybe the game, what is nowadays all too common is bugged beyond reason, your video card can’t keep up or it’s just a bad game.
In ancient times when people bought games in retail stores they could probably return it. However in modern times, with digital sales taking raising shares, not so easily done.

Today in EA’s latest attempt to buddy-buddy gamers worldwide to their Origin service offers a 100% guarantee refund!

It works like this and I just quote EA on this:
Origin Great Game Guarantee: You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) purchased on Origin for a full refund–within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from when you purchased it, or within the first seven days after the game’s release date if you pre-ordered it (whichever of these conditions happens first).

Requesting a refund is quick and easy. Just visit your order history and click the “request a refund” link next to your recent purchase, answer a few quick questions, and we’ll take it from there.

You can read the full news on EA’s own blog here.

Whatever you may think of Origin, on one thing I guess we can all agree.
Especially after release disasters like WAR Z, Sword of the Stars 2 and Legends of Pegasus.

17 Aug 09:43

see? you will be able to tell your kids that you learned...

see? you will be able to tell your kids that you learned something useful in this tumblr…

13 Aug 07:09

face folding [via]

Joan Blasco

La gente es tó grande

face folding


12 Aug 11:22

El primer ministro de Noruega se hace pasar por taxista. [ENG]

by gromenawer

El primer ministro de Noruega, Jens Stoltenberg, pasó una tarde trabajando de incógnito como conductor de taxis en Oslo. Stoltenberg dijo que quería escuchar verdaderos votantes Noruegos y que el taxi era uno de los pocos lugares donde la gente comparte sus auténticos puntos de vista. Llevó gafas de sol y el uniforme de los taxistas de Oslo, solo revelando su identidad una vez que era reconocido. Las situaciones fueron grabados con cámara oculta y presentará el resultado en Septiembre como parte de su campaña electoral.

etiquetas: noruega, primer ministro, stoltenberg, taxi


» noticia original

11 Aug 20:59

wat the…

wat the…