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18 Jun 00:05

Anodes: High-Performance Sb/Sb2O3 Anode Materials Using a Polypyrrole Nanowire Network for Na-Ion Batteries (Small 24/2015)

by Do-Hwan Nam, Kyung-Sik Hong, Sung-Jin Lim, Min-Joong Kim, Hyuk-Sang Kwon
Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

Porous, 3D anode materials are fabricated from Sb/Sb2O3 by D.-H. Nam, H.-S. Kwon, and co-workers using a simple electrodeposition method with a polypyrrole nanowire network as the substrate. On page 2885, the improved electrochemical performance of the Sb/Sb2O3–PPy electrode is attributed to the highly porous nature of the polypyrrole substrate and also to the buffer effects of the Sb2O3 matrix on the volume expansion. Good electrical contact is maintained between the nanodeposits and the polypyrrole nanowires even after 100 cycles.