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22 Dec 18:38

The Federal Government Has Shut Down. Merry Christmas!

by Scott Shackford

Closed signPresident Donald Trump insisted he wanted $5 billion to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. The Senate said no and refused to add the money to a stopgap spending bill. So now the federal government is "shutting down."

It's really only a partial shutdown. About 420,000 federal employees will be working without pay; another 380,000 will be furloughed, But this is only due to the cut-off of the funding that would have been included in the continuing resolution. Much of the government spending for 2019—around $1 trillion—has already been approved.

As Joe Setyon wrote earlier today, the House of Representatives' version of the continuing resolution included $5 billion for the border wall. The Senate version offered a smaller $1.3 billion for border security, none of it for the wall. And he obviously won't be able to go back to Congress to ask for money after the holidays, because the Democrats will have firm control of the House and most certainly aren't going to give him more money.

The Senate adjourned at 8 p.m. tonight without passing a spending resolution, guaranteeing the government shutdown. They will return to session Saturday at noon

So now we have less federal government, briefly, while everybody hammers things out. Federal government shutdowns are one of those concepts that feel wonderfully libertarian in theory but often end up being anything but in practice. First of all, the government doesn't really shut down. Yes, a lot of employees get sent home, but most of the federal law enforcement apparatus is still in place. As I noted the last time we had a big federal shutdown, "The parts of the federal government authorized to shoot you are still functioning."

And when the shutdown ends, all those furloughed employees are going to get paid. It's not a money saver. Government shutdowns typically don't lead to smaller or more efficient government in the long run.

Nevertheless, a federal shutdown indicates that someone is resisting an expensive and wasteful government project. In this case, refusing to give the president billions of dollars to build a stupid, pointless border wall is something lovers of liberty should cheer on.

So have a holiday toast and celebrate the warm feeling of a federal government that is just a little bit less intrusive and controlling and domineering than it usually is—even if it's only temporary.

Here's Trump announcing the shutdown on Twitter and blaming the Democrats for not giving him the money for the wall:

22 Dec 18:37

Dancing FBI agent who accidentally shot man after doing backflip is spared jail

by Adam Forrest
'I've done stupid things at bars to impress girls, too,' victim says
22 Dec 18:37

Congress Considered To Have Lowest Ethics Of All Professions

by Evie Fordham
'Honesty and ethical standards'
22 Dec 18:36

FDA casts shadow on hemp win, calling CBD products illegal - The Associated Press

FDA casts shadow on hemp win, calling CBD products illegal  The Associated Press

SEATTLE (AP) — The hemp industry still has work ahead to win legal status for hemp-derived cannabidiol, or CBD oil, as an ingredient in food or dietary ...

View full coverage on Google News
21 Dec 23:53

Senate Advances House Spending Bill with Wall Funding

by Sean Moran
The Senate advanced the House-passed spending bill that contains $5.7 billion in wall funding on Friday.
21 Dec 13:08

MSNBC Rolls Out Sexist, Anti-Christian Smears Against Female Trump Employees

by Kelsey Harkness
Because these women happen to work for the Trump administration, MSNBC hosts think it’s fair game to mock them in ways they’d scream about if applied to liberal women.
21 Dec 13:08

It’s Not Populism Waging A War On Women, It’s Liberalism

by Nathanael Blake
Peter Beinart fails to establish his theory of misogyny as the definitive attribute of an authoritarian front from Manila to Milan, partly because many of his examples are dishonest or obtuse.
21 Dec 13:07

Why The Tucker Carlson Boycott Is Bad For Everyone

by Emily Jashinsky
The left is asking corporations to exert even more control over political speech in mass media by urging advertisers to pull out of Tucker Carlson's show.
21 Dec 13:07

Tucker Carlson Is Absolutely Right: Illegal Immigration Is Destroying The Environment

by Quentin Borges-Silva
If he’s a racist for accurately summarizing a GAO report and repeating what the mayor of Tijuana said, then the word racist has been worn out to the point of meaning nothing.
21 Dec 13:07

Mattis resignation, troop withdrawal and shutdown threat: A rocky end of the year for Trump

Donald Trump's presidency has lurched from crisis to crisis since he took office less than two years ago, but Thursday was a landmark day of chaos that appeared to test the resolve of even senior Republican backers in Washington.
21 Dec 13:07

Trump Warns Shutdown Will Last "For A Very Long Time" If Dems Vote 'No' On The Wall

by Tyler Durden





One day after the House passed a spending bill that included $5.7 billion in funding for the president's border wall (over the objections of Nancy Pelosi, who famously declared during last week's contentious meeting with the president that the votes simply weren't there), President Trump, who is insisting that he won't sign a spending bill unless it includes funding for his border wall (after briefly 'caving' on the wall fight earlier this week), tweeted this morning to urge Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to fight for the border wall "as hard as he fought for anything".

After the spending bill passed the House, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer insisted that it wouldn't pass the Senate. Trump wants McConnell to change that.

The president also took a swipe at intransigent Dems who insist that his border wall won't effectively reduce illegal migration (citing the old '31-foot-ladder' argument), with Trump insisting that "it's like the wheel, there is nothing better." He also once again cited Israel's walls along Palestinian territory, which Trump claimed are "99.9% successful."

But regardless of what happens in the Senate, Trump wants Republicans in the House to know that he's "very proud" of them and their accomplishments in passing the bill.

Because even Ronald Reagan tried and failed to build a border wall.

If Democrats vote no on the wall (and yes for open borders and crime) Trump warned there will be a shut down that will last "for a very long time."

And as if it wasn't clear enough already...

If nothing else, more denizens of the Washington media sphere are accepting that - if nothing else - at least that much is true.

21 Dec 13:07

The Memo: Trump reaches to shore up base on border wall

by Niall Stanage
President Trump threw efforts to avoid a partial government shutdown into chaos on Thursday rather than run the risk of losing his base.Hardliners in Trump's orbit, as well as commentators who are usually supportiv...
21 Dec 13:06

'Kill your foster parents': Amazon's Alexa talks murder, sex in AI experiment - CNBC

21 Dec 13:06

Trump tweetstorm: ‘Shutdown today’ if Senate fails to approve border wall funding

by Tal Axelrod
President Trump on Friday began the day by firing off a series of tweets digging in on his demand for $5 billion in border security funding, telling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to fight for the wall and...
21 Dec 13:05

Congress Ramps Up War on Sex Workers and Their Customers With Secret Votes on Four New 'Protection' Laws

by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

While seemingly preoccupied this week with criminal justice reform and avoiding a government shutdown, Congress also authorized a national strategy for arresting sex buyers and approved the use of secret wiretaps in misdemeanor prostitution cases.

The national plan to "end demand" for prostitution was part of the massive "Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act," which cleared the Senate Monday through a secret vote of the sort civil libertarians have long opposed.

Congress is now "strengthening federal efforts" to be tough on sex buyers, based on the false idea that customers of consenting adult sex workers drive demand for minors. All state and local cops, prosecutors, and judges are to be trained on "best practices for prosecuting buyers" of sex and how to use asset forfeiture in these cases. A federal working group on the study of sex-buyer arrests will also be created, and grants related to human trafficking must include language encouraging those working on demand-reduction efforts to apply.

In addition, Congress "clarif[ies] that commercial sexual exploitation is a form of gender-based violence," whatever that means.

"Any comprehensive approach to eliminating sex and labor trafficking must include a demand reduction component," states the bill, which passed the Senate Tuesday after clearing the House in July 2017.

The House also passed the bill via "voice vote," a process under which there's neither a record of how members voted, whether they were present for a vote, nor how many total members actually voted. Voice votes—also known as unanimous consent agreements—can be contested by a member demanding a regular vote. This week, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) has been demanding recorded votes on a slew of measures in the House.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R–Ky.) was using the process to usher through four bills at the intersection of law enforcement, human rights, bureaucracy building, and foreign diplomacy. In addition to the Frederick Douglass Act (H.R. 2200, with no separate Senate version), the following bills also passed the Senate by unanimous consent on Monday:

The chambers are now resolving differences on all three before sending them to President Donald Trump for signing. The total package includes a mixed bag of policies and funding priorities.

Big Changes, Fine Print

Tucked in some tiny sections are significant changes, some that go way beyond human trafficking. For instance, a section of S. 1311 would allow state law enforcement to use secret wiretaps on sex workers and their customers.

A part of S.1312 "amends the federal criminal code to broaden the authority of the U.S. Secret Service to provide forensic and investigative assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies by allowing assistance in support of any investigation—not just an investigation involving missing or exploited children." [Emphasis mine]

Another "amends the federal criminal code to authorize the Department of Justice (DOJ) to bring a civil action to stop or prevent criminal offenses related to suspected forced labor, sex trafficking, or sexual abuse." This would give the DOJ more leeway to preemptively shut down businesses while building a criminal case.

One provision essentially creates a new federal crime initiative by directing resources and money to fight "sextortion." Among other (expanded) missions, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will now teach school kids, cops, and staff about the dangers of "sexting and sextortion," too.

The measures include grant money for new programs aimed at school resource officers, teachers, and students that purportedly teach the signs of sex trafficking.

And they set aside more money for Customs and Border Protection "to expand outreach and live on-site anti-trafficking training for airport and airline personnel"—efforts that have thus far yielded a host of high-profile stories about profiling interracial families and not a single confirmed story involving actual sex traffickers.

Small Glimmers of Sanity

On average, however, there's actually less sex-trafficking panic in these bills than similar measures we've been seeing this century, with way fewer references to inflated and debunked statistics. The End Demand element notwithstanding, there's also less conflation of sex work that adults freely engage in and forced prostitution of adults or minors.

Congress instructs the Justice Department to develop better training with regard to "limiting arrests or prosecutions of trafficking victims for crimes they commit as a direct result" of being victimized, and to award grants to groups that prioritize this approach.

Senators also rejected the part of a House-approved measure that required traveling federal employees to stay at hotels "with certain policies relating to child sexual exploitation."

In addition, a host of transparency-related provisions are potentially good.

For nearly two decades, the feds have been leading and supporting anti-human-trafficking efforts with little accounting for the money and time spent or the results. Now, Congress is instructing DOJ to report on the methodology it uses "to assess the prevalence of human trafficking." In addition, federal crime reports are instructed to start measuring instances of child-labor violations, assisting or promoting prostitution arrests, and solicitation for commercial sex arrests.

Congress tells the FBI to "publish a status report on the Innocence Lost National Initiative," a nationwide effort, coordinated with local police, that has operated largely in secret for more than a decade. It's the initiative behind the FBI's annual Operation Cross Country, which I have written about in detail. The data Congress requested is information my former colleague Lauren Krisai and I have sought to get from the FBI, with no luck.

Congress also tells the government-funded-but-FOIA-exempt National Center for Missing and Exploited Children "to make publicly available the annual report on missing children and the incidence of attempted child abductions."

And it asks for more accountability from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) about trafficking-related investigations. HSI is involved in all sorts of prostitution stings around America, especially ones involving Asian massage parlors.

A large part of the legislation is concerned with the State Department's annual Trafficking in Persons report, which places countries into one of three tiers based on how well we think they're doing to counter sex and labor trafficking. Bad rankings on this list can affect a country's business dealings, reputation, and eligibility for various U.S. programs. Historically, the TIP report has been used as a political tool and is ripe for abuse. In the new legislation, Congress offers more guidelines for placing countries in which tier, how they're moved between them, and what counts as "credible information" for purposes of determining their rank.

Overall, there's a lot of overlapping instruction and redundancy in the four bills approved in the Senate Monday. Perhaps they could have benefited from full attention by the legislature instead of McConnell rushing them through under secret votes right before a holiday break.

But the fact that he was able to do that underscores something interesting. For at least a decade, lawmakers have made a big deal about introducing, supporting, and passing bills related to sex trafficking. Interestingly, there was little fanfare from folks in Congress about the passage of these measures. It seems that when these efforts aren't full of sex panic and high-profile targets like Backpage, there's little glory in claiming credit for them.

20 Dec 15:17

School Calls Police Over ‘Subscribe To PewDiePie’ Posters & Response to Teacher’s Viral Rant

by Paul Joseph Watson
Yes, really.
20 Dec 15:17

Dept. of Transportation sued for failure to release fuel standards plan

The Environmental Defense Fund sued the U.S. DOT over failure to release public records requested to know what is behind attempts to lower fuel standards.
20 Dec 15:16

President to boycott Dems' legislation lacking 'border security'


(Washingon Times) President Trump threatened Thursday to boycott Democrats’ legislation if they continue to fight him on the border wall.

While it appears that Republicans have backed down on the target figure for the border wall, Mr. Trump’s words make it clear the fight will continue in a divided Congress.

The White House signaled on Tuesday that it might accept less than the $5 billion that Mr. Trump originally wanted for the border wall.

The post President to boycott Dems' legislation lacking 'border security' appeared first on WND.

20 Dec 15:16

Nuveen's Bob Doll: Fed's Gone From "Huge Friend" Of Market To "A Bit Of An Enemy"

by Tyler Durden

Shortly after Appaloosa's David Tepper declared "the Fed Put is dead", Nuveen Asset Management's Bob Doll tried to one-up him by declaring, even more ominously, that the Fed has turned on the market, and that yesterday's statement and ensuing press conference following the widely anticipated December rate hike proved that the central bank has gone from "friend" of asset prices to "a bit of an enemy."

In a brief interview with Bloomberg Daybreak, Doll declared that investors now "have to be" worried about the possibility of a "policy error" from the FOMC.

Do we have to be worried about a Fed mistake?

"We have to be. The Fed almost always overdoes it and so we have to keep our eye on that. I'm not convinced we're there yet, but if they keep going steady we'll get there. I hope there's not a lot more to come assuming the economy is slowing like we all think it is."

He offered a similarly dire take on the shape of the yield curve, credit spreads and the liquidity story (single-stock liquidity is down 40% this year).

"An inverted yield curve is not a friend of the stock market although there's usually a lead time between that and the onset of a recession. I'd rather see a nice steep yield curve I'd rather see rates at zero. Put it in perspective, the Fed has been a huge friend to the stock market but now they've become a bit of an enemy and they'll probably become worse of an enemy before this is all over. We have to watch the shape of the yield curve and credit spreads and the balance sheet of the Fed has a lot to do with that argument as well as the whole liquidity story that you've all touched upon."

And while the stronger dollar story has remained intact, Doll believes this will change next year.

"We all know that a strong dollar is a reference point to lots of things. It means US growth even though its slowing is stronger than overseas. It means that the market is listening to the Fed saying 'we're not necessarily done yet' while other foreign central banks haven't even gotten started. But at some point in 2019 my suspicion is that the dollar will weaken again.

Referencing Trump's demands for the Fed to stop with the "50 Bs" (really 36.2 Bs, as we pointed out yesterday), Doll blasted Powell for his remark that the central bank's balance sheet unwind will remain on "autopilot."

"I'm in the market so I'm biased but I wish the chairman had made a list of things that he could be thinking about should the market turmoil and the volatility be a concern. And I would love the balance sheet - at least the acknowledgement of it - to be on the list. But that seems hell bent on 'we're going to keep doing what we've been doing.'"

So we have gone from "Don't fight the Fed" to "The Fed is your enemy"...and all it took was 8 rate hikes and a 10% drop in the S&P.

Watch the clip below:

20 Dec 15:16

Congress grills Loretta Lynch for meeting with Bill Clinton


(Washington Times) Republicans grilled former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for hours Wednesday over her 2016 airport tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton at a time when her department was investigating his wife for mishandling top-secret emails.

GOP lawmakers emerged to say they had learned new information about the dissonance between Ms. Lynch and then-FBI Director James B. Comey, who cut Ms. Lynch out of some decisions and very publicly exonerated Hillary Clinton soon after the tarmac meeting.

“We are finding some very interesting things about his feeling he didn’t have to inform her before, during, or after he made the decision not to prosecute,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican.

The post Congress grills Loretta Lynch for meeting with Bill Clinton appeared first on WND.

20 Dec 15:15

Vladimir Putin on Trump decision to leave Syria: 'Donald is right'

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he agrees with President Donald Trump that it's time for U.S. troops to leave Syria.
20 Dec 15:15

Louisiana personal income growth lags behind nation in third quarter

Personal income in Louisiana growth slowed to a 2.3 percent rate in the third quarter of this year, a smaller gain than almost every other state, newly released figures show.
20 Dec 15:15

SpaceX says weather forces cancellation of launch of U.S. satellite

Rain and wind forced the cancellation of a scheduled morning launch of a Falcon 9 rocket that was to carry a global positioning system satellite into space for the U.S. Air Force, SpaceX said on Thursday.
20 Dec 15:14

KISS founder: Musicians should cool it on Trump criticism


(Fox) KISS legend Ace Frehley is opening about why he thinks politics and music don’t mix.

In a new interview with the “Juliet: Unexpected” podcast (via Loudwire), the 67-year-old guitarist revealed that he doesn’t agree when entertainers “jump on a bandwagon against our government.”

“I hate politics. I don’t like talking politics, and I don’t think politics and music mix,” said Frehley, who co-founded the iconic group in 1973.

“I really frown on musicians who get up on a platform and start talking about the president or complain about … I just don’t think it belongs. I’m an entertainer,” he continued. “There’s no reason to bring up politics. Let me play my guitar and write songs and entertain people. That’s my job.”

The post KISS founder: Musicians should cool it on Trump criticism appeared first on WND.

20 Dec 15:14

Trump Thanks House Reps After Passing Funding Bill With $5.7 Billion For Wall

by Tyler Durden

Update 5: The U.S. House passes a stopgap govt funding bill that includes $5.7 billion for a wall on the border with Mexico after President Trump said he wouldn’t sign a bill that didn’t have the extra money, setting up a conflict with the Senate.

The vote on the amended House version of H.R. 695 is 217-185.

Of course this now hits a brick wall - as Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says Trump’s wall funding can’t pass the Senate.

As a reminder the clock is ticking as funding legislation is needed for about 25% of government operations by midnight Friday to avoid a lapse and partial shutdown.

*  *  *

Update 4: According to Rush Limbaugh, President Trump will veto any bill that doesn't have his $5 billion funding for the wall. 

Update 3: White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement: "President Trump just met with Republican Members of the House. Not surprisingly, they all feel strongly about Border Security - stopping the flow of drugs, stopping human trafficking, and stopping terrorism. We protect nations all over the world, but Democrats are unwilling to proect our nation. We urgently need funding for border security and that includes a wall." 

Rep. Steve Scalise says they holdout group is seeking $5 billion for the wall as well as disaster funds. 

Update 2: The odds of a shutdown just spiked according to PredictIt, reaching as high as 49%.

Update: After a stopgap funding bill to keep the government running until February 8 cleared the Senate, a showdown is currently taking place in the House, after an "insurrection" at a GOP conference meeting on Thursday left Republican leaders scrambling for enough votes to pass the measure. 

Meanwhile, an aide to President Trump says that he does not want to go further without a provision for border security. He will be meeting with House Republicans at Noon to discuss the stopgap funding. 


Sighs of releif over an averted government shutdown turned into chaos Thursday morning after President Trump announced via Twitter that he won't sign any legislation unless it has "perfect" border security. 

"The Democrats, who know Steel Slats (Wall) are necessary for Border Security, are putting politics over Country," tweeted Trump. "What they are just beginning to realize is that I will not sign any of their legislation, including infrastructure, unless it has perfect Border Security. U.S.A. WINS!"

Meanwhile Politico's Jake Sherman tweeted "WARNING ... I’ve spoken to multiple senior White House aides this morning who have no idea what the plan is for the stopgap spending bill. Concerns he might veto are rampant."

On Wednesday night, the Senate passed a seven-week stopgap funding bill to prevent a partial government shutdown set to begin on midnight Friday. 

Senators passed the legislation by voice vote, which represented the final item on the Senate's to-do list as they wrap up their work for the year this week; the bill will now go to the House - after which President Trump will decide on whether to endorse it or not. 

House Republican leadership has told members in the chamber that they will vote on the stopgap measure on Thursday. 

Several prominent conservatives, meanwhile, have called on Trump to veto the spending bill over its lack of wall funding. 

Via Rush Limbaugh:

A government shutdown never hurts a damn soul, and every year at this time, “The government might shut down! It might shut down! It might shut down!” Trump should not sign this bill and leave for Mar-a-Lago, and tell them it’s not gonna get signed and their precious government’s not gonna get back up and running ’til there’s $5 billion. What are they gonna do? Impeach him? Huh? -Rush Limbaugh:

20 Dec 15:13

Weinstein Motion to Dismiss Assault Case Rejected By Judge...

Weinstein Motion to Dismiss Assault Case Rejected By Judge...

(Third column, 12th story, link)

20 Dec 15:13

Writer touted by CNN as 'Journalist of the Year' forced to resign for fabricating stories - Fox News

20 Dec 15:13

3 astronauts return from International Space Station - AOL

20 Dec 15:13

Apple will stop selling some iPhone models in its stores in Germany following ruling in Qualcomm patent case - CNBC

20 Dec 15:12

Exclusive: Trump Thinks Americans Will Engage in an Armed Revolt if Deep State Tries to Remove Him From Office

by Paul Joseph Watson
45 knows the swamp is coming for him and is prepared to fight