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01 Jan 15:52

Hillary Clinton calls 2018 'a dark time for our country' in sombre new year message

by Maya Oppenheim
Democrat former presidential candidate called for more light in coming year
01 Jan 15:51

Tommy Robinson supporter fighting for life after brutal attack outside home...

Tommy Robinson supporter fighting for life after brutal attack outside home...

(Second column, 23rd story, link)

01 Jan 15:51

Khan slammed for turning London show into EU tribute...

01 Jan 15:50

New Louisiana laws that take effect in 2019

The most high-profile change hitting the books with the start of January ends Louisiana's Jim Crow-era law that allowed split juries to convict people of serious felony crimes.

01 Jan 02:37



(Main headline, 1st story, link)
Related stories:

01 Jan 02:34

Louisiana Police Departments Offering "Home Visit" To Test Meth For Zika Virus

by Tyler Durden

This is not The Onion, but an actual public safety notice issued by police in Louisiana. The Harahan Police Department is asking people who might have crystal meth in their possession to get it tested for the deadly Zika Virus by bringing it to their local police station

The invitation and warning was posted to the department's Facebook page to spread awareness of the "threat" while offering "test" batches of meth "for free" at their department, and further advising all state residents possibly in possession of crystal methamphetamine to bring it to a local police department. 

And in what appears the most epic police attempt yet at uncovering and busting meth labs across the state, the department goes so far as to offer a home visit for "those not comfortable going to the police station." The post is signed Officer Moody. 

The Harahan Police Department announcement adds to the dubitable offer:

For those not comfortable going to the police station, if you make the call, an officer will be glad to come to you and test your Meth in the privacy of your home. Please spread the word!

We can only imagine the paranoid and hilarious conversations to ensue among area meth producers and addicts. Perhaps police will have the "success" stories later posted online as well in the form of police reports and mug shots? 

It turns out that it is a tongue-in-cheek tactic to fight the dangerous drug epidemic involving the homemade ultra-addictive substance that came to greater national attention by the hit series Breaking Bad. Other police departments over the past few years have tried it, apparently with little to no results, though surely it gets a big laugh at police stations — especially on the rare occasion that someone just might actually bring their meth to police. 


For example, police in a small Michigan town once tried to same thing with almost the exact same post:

Bailey said he put it out as a joke, but said the post has drawn attention to crystal meth and other drug issues.

"Crystal meth is poison. It's evil. Anything that will take a mother's love from a child is a bad drug. Anything that will make a man lose custody of his children and not be able to see them is evil. Yeah, we're going to combat it any way we can," Bailey said.

Bailey said no one has turned in their meth, yet.

And another public "Zika warning" related to meth out of Ohio drew national attention years ago, but with no results, perhaps just a lot of laughs, per CNN:

Can meth really be a host for Zika? No, the virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Has anyone taken the police up on their offer? No.

So what, then? "Make a catchy post, people see it, people share it," Assistant Police Chief Dennis Blankenship said.

Meanwhile, in Idaho...

Nope...i'm not falling for it again.

Other past public notices have involved "testing Meth for Gluten" for those needing to go with Gluten-free meth. 

If the police are going to attempt to "fool" the public, we only ask that should they actually make a meth bust via a gullible dealer calling them for a "home visit" to a makeshift lab on some remote country property, that they film and document every moment of it for posterity. 

01 Jan 02:33

Screening Jackie Chan Sex Scene Costs Iran TV Boss His Job

by Simon Kent
The simple act of screening a few fleeting seconds of a sex scene from a Jackie Chan movie has cost a regional TV producer in Iran his job.
01 Jan 02:32

Soros 'Person Of The Year' Indeed - The Year Globalists Pushed People's Patience To The Edge

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Robert Bridge, op-ed via,

Since 2015, the proponents of neoliberalism have been pushing ahead with their plans for open borders and globalist agenda without the consent of the people. The last 365 days saw that destructive agenda greatly challenged.

In light of the epic events that shaped our world in 2018, it seems the Yellow Vests – the thousands of French citizens who took to the streets of Paris to protest austerity and the rise of inequality - would have been a nice choice for the Financial Times’ ‘person of the year’ award. Instead, that title was bestowed upon the billionaire globalist, George Soros, who has arguably done more meddling in the affairs of modern democratic states than any other person on the planet.

Perhaps FT’s controversial nomination was an attempt to rally the forces of neoliberalism at a time when populism and nascent nationalism is sweeping the planet. Indeed, the shocking images coming out of France provide a grim wake-up call as to where we may be heading if the globalists continue to undermine the power of the nation-state.

It is no secret that neoliberalism relentlessly pursues a globalized, borderless world where labor, products, and services obey the hidden hand of the free market. What is less often mentioned, however, is that this system is far more concerned with promoting the well-being of corporations and cowboy capitalists than assisting the average person on the street. Indeed, many of the world’s most powerful companies today have mutated into “stateless superpowers,” while consumers are forced to endure crippling austerity measures amid plummeting standards of living. The year 2018 could be seen as the tipping point when the grass-roots movement against these dire conditions took off.

Since 2015, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants into Germany and the EU, a groundswell of animosity has been steadily building against the European Union, perhaps best exemplified by the Brexit movement. Quite simply, many people are growing weary of the globalist argument that Europe needs migrants and austerity measures to keep the wheels of the economy spinning. At the very least, luring migrants with cash incentives to move to Germany and elsewhere in the EU appears incredibly shortsighted.

Indeed, if the globalist George Soros wants to lend his Midas touch to ameliorating the migrant’s plight, why does he think that relocating them to European countries is the solution? As is becoming increasingly apparent in places like Swedenand France, efforts to assimilate people from vastly different cultures, religions and backgrounds is an extremely tricky venture, the success of which is far from guaranteed.

One worrying consequence of Europe’s season of open borders has been the rise of far-right political movements. In fact, some of the harshest criticism of the ‘Merkel plan’ originated in Hungary, where its gutsy president, Viktor Orban, hopes to build “an old-school Christian democracy, rooted in European traditions.” Orban is simply responding to the democratic will of his people, who are fiercely conservative, yet the EU parliament voted to punish him regardless. The move shows that Brussels, aside from being adverse to democratic principles, has very few tools for addressing the rise of far-right sentiment that its own misguided policies created.

Here it is necessary to mention once again that bugbear of the political right, Mr. Soros, who has received no political mandate from European voters, yet who campaigns relentlessly on behalf of globalist initiatives through his Open Society Foundations (OSF) (That campaign just got some serious clout after Soros injected $18bn dollars of his own money into OSF, making it one of the most influential NGOs in the world).

With no small amount of impudence, Soros has condemned EU countries – namely his native Hungary – for attempting to protect their territories by constructing border barriers and fences, which he believes violate the human rights of migrants (rarely if ever does the philanthropist speak about the “human rights” of the native population). In the words of the maestro of mayhem himself: “Beggar-thy-neighbor migration policies, such as building border fences, will not only further fragment the union; they also seriously damage European economies and subvert global human rights standards.

Through a leaked network of compromised EU parliamentarians who do his bidding, Soros says the EU should spend $30 billion euros ($33bln) to accommodate “at least 300,000 refugees each year.” How will the EU pay for the resettling of migrants from the Middle East? Soros has an answer for that as well. He calls it “surge funding,” which entails “raising a substantial amount of debt backed by the EU’s relatively small budget.

Any guesses who will be forced to pay down the debt on this high-risk venture? If you guessed George Soros, guess again. The already heavily taxed people of Europe will be forced to shoulder that heavy burden. To finance it, new European taxes will have to be levied sooner or later, Soros admits. That comment is very interesting in light of the recent French protests, which were triggered by Emmanuel Macron’s plan to impose a new fuel tax. Was the French leader, a former investment banker, attempting to get back some of the funds being used to support the influx of new arrivals into his country? The question seems like a valid one, and goes far at explaining the ongoing unrest.

At this point, it is worth remembering what triggered the exodus of migrants into Europe in the first place. A large part of the answer comes down to unlawful NATO operations on the ground of sovereign states. Since 2003, the 29-member military bloc, under the direct command of Washington, has conducted illicit military operations in various places around the globe, including in Iraq, Libya and Syria. These actions, which could be best described as globalism on steroids, have opened a Pandora’s Box of global scourges, including famine, terrorism and grinding poverty. Is this what the Western states mean by ‘humanitarian activism’? If the major EU countries really want to flout their humanitarian credentials, they could have started by demanding the cessation of regime-change operations throughout the Middle East and North Africa, which created such inhumane conditions for millions of innocent people.

This failure on the part of Western capitals to speak out against belligerent US foreign policy helps to explain why a number of other European governments are experiencing major shakeups. Sebastian Kurz, 32, won over the hearts of Austrian voters by promising to tackle unchecked immigration. In super-tolerant Sweden, which has accepted more migrants per capita than any other EU state, the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats party garnered 17.6 percent of the vote in September elections – up from 12.9 percent in the previous election. And even Angela Merkel, who is seen by many people as the de facto leader of the European Union, is watching her political star crash and burn mostly due to her bungling of the migrant crisis. In October, after her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) suffered a stinging setback in Bavaria elections, which saw CDU voters abandon ship for the anti-immigrant AfD and the Greens, Merkel announced she would resign in 2021 after her current term expires.

Meanwhile, back in the US, the government of President Donald Trump has been shut down as the Democrats refuse to grant the American leader the funds to build a wall on the Mexican border – despite the fact that he essentially made it to the White House on precisely that promise. Personally, I find it very hard to believe that any political party that does not support a strong and viable border can continue to be taken seriously at the polls for very long. Yet that is the very strategy that the Democrats have chosen. But I digress.

The lesson that Western governments should have learned over the last year from these developments is that there exists a definite red line that the globalists cross at risk not only to the social order, but to their own political fortunes. Eventually the people will demand solutions to their problems – many of which were caused by reckless neoliberal programs and austerity measures.

This collective sense of desperation may open the door to any number of right-wing politicians only too happy to meet the demand.

Better to provide fair working conditions for the people while maintaining strong borders than have to face the wrath of the street or some political charlatan later. Whether or not Western leaders will change their neoliberal ways as a populist storm front approaches remains to be seen, but I for one am not betting on it.

01 Jan 02:32

Trump: Warren's 'psychiatrist' knows whether she thinks she can win White House in 2020 - Fox News

01 Jan 02:32

Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapper living near elementary school in Salt Lake City

A woman who helped kidnap Elizabeth Smart is living several blocks from a Salt Lake City elementary school following her release from prison in September, according to Utah’s sex-offender registry.
01 Jan 02:31

Sorry, sir, but you are not a 'ma'am'

by Michael Brown

Did you see the video footage? A customer in a game store, a transgender woman, is livid. (In case you forgot, a transgender woman is a biological male who identifies as female.) The customer claims that the cashier called him “sir,” and the customer demands an apology, shouting, “It’s ‘ma’am!” The customer even challenges the cashier to a fight. What’s wrong with this picture?

Amanda Prestigiacomo on the Daily Wire paints the picture:

The video starts with the trans individual cussing out the male GameStop clerk after being offered store credit rather than a refund.

“I don’t want credit, you’re going to give me my f***ing money back,” the customer yells.

A woman not in the view of the camera took issue with the trans person’s vulgar language.

“Excuse me, sir, there’s a young man in here – you need to watch your mouth,” she says in a calm voice.

The trans person instantly becomes aggressive, screaming, “Excuse me – it is ma’am! It is ma’am!”

The two customers interact, after which the trans customer resumes his attack on the cashier, who denies calling him “sir.”

The enraged customer responds: “No, you said, ‘sir’; once again, it’s ma’am! Mother f***er! Take it outside! You wanna call me ‘sir’ again? I will show you a f***ing sir!”

To repeat the question: What’s wrong with this picture?


First, when you watch the video, it’s immediately clear that the customer is a man who identifies as a woman. He is “sir” by birth, even if he now identifies as female.

Listen to his voice and look at his face.

He can take hormones and grow breasts. He can surgically alter other parts of his body.

That still does not make him “ma’am.”

This is not to deny that some men have very feminine characteristics, by nature, and that some women have very masculine characteristics, again, by nature.

It is just to say that this transgender woman is not a biological female. This “sir” is not “ma’am.”

Second, listen to his challenge. It is the challenge of an angry male. “Take it outside! You wanna call me ‘sir’ again? I will show you a f***ing sir!”

Yes, young man, you call me sir and I will show you how much of a sir I really am! Let’s take this outside!

Again, this is not to deny that some women get into fights. Some do “take it outside.”

But overwhelmingly, this is aggressive male behavior. This transgender woman’s angry, inner male came roaring back to the surface when his femaleness was challenged.

This is as sad as it is ironic, and it reminiscent of another “transgender woman,” a male war veteran who now goes by the name “Zoey,” threatening Ben Shapiro when Ben asked him what his genetics were. Zoey put his hand on Ben’s neck, looked him in the eye and said, “You cut that out now or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” Zoey’s inner male rose up again!

This is also reminiscent of what happened to me when I was on the Tyra Banks show in 2010, discussing the issue of transgender children. Sitting next to me for the discussion was Dr. Marci Bowers, himself a male-to-female who is considered the rock star of sex-change surgery.

You’ll notice in the video that Dr. Bowers gently puts his hand on me a couple of times when making his points, similar to Zoey and Ben Shapiro, although in a non-aggressive fashion. It was what Dr. Bowers said to me before the show that got my attention.

I was chatting briefly with him and Kim Pearson, a heterosexual woman who is an activist for the transgender cause and was also going to be on the show.

Dr. Bowers said to me in a challenging voice, “Are you going to be able handle this?” (meaning, taking on the two of them on the air).

It didn’t dawn on me then, but as I flew home with my colleague, Scott, I said to him, “I just realized that Dr. Bowers gave me a macho challenge before the show!” On a certain level, he was calling me out. The inner male lived on.

During the show, Scott was sitting in the audience next to several other trans women, although they had no idea Scott was with me. One of them got so angry when I was speaking that he turned to his friend and said, “I wish I had brought a gun in my purse. I would shoot him!” How ladylike!

Of course, there are women who carry guns and women who start fights and women who say, “Let’s take this outside!”

But when you watch the video from the game store and when you watch the Ben Shapiro video, once thing is abundantly clear. These are males, not females, as their chromosomes and cells will attest.

As we come to the end of 2018, it’s good to remind ourselves of these realities.

As much as we have compassion on those who genuinely struggle with their gender identity. As much as we do not minimize their pain. As much as we want them to find wholeness. We do not collaborate with social madness.

And I say that with all respect, sir.

The post Sorry, sir, but you are not a 'ma'am' appeared first on WND.

01 Jan 02:31

Glowing New Year's Eve ball rises above a sodden Times Square

Thousands of hardy merrymakers, many in plastic ponchos, watched on Monday as the shimmering New Year's Eve ball was raised high above a rainy Times Square, hours ahead of its annual midnight descent, a New York City tradition for more than a century.
01 Jan 02:31

US military apologizes for New Year's tweet about dropping bombs

by Michael Burke
The U.S. Strategic Command on Monday apologized for a New Year's Eve tweet joking about dropping bombs."#TimesSquare tradition rings in the #NewYear by dropping the big ball...if ever needed, we are #ready to drop...
01 Jan 02:30

White House press deputy lashes out at reporter doubting Trump's location

by Owen Daugherty
White House press deputy Hogan Gidley blasted a reporter who questioned whether or not President Trump was working at his Oval Office desk on Monday.Playboy reporter and CNN analyst Brian Kare...
01 Jan 02:29

UPDATE: Smoke Shop Worker Fired After Anti-Trump Rant at Customer...

UPDATE: Smoke Shop Worker Fired After Anti-Trump Rant at Customer...

(Second column, 10th story, link)

01 Jan 02:29

New Year's Eve Times Square drone grounded due to weather, NYPD says - Fox News

New Year's Eve Times Square drone grounded due to weather, NYPD says  Fox News

A rainy New Year's Eve in New York has some Times Square revelers ponying up to keep dry, while police are scrapping plans to deploy a drone to keep watch ...

View full coverage on Google News
31 Dec 16:08

Leaked Louis C.K. Set Puts Comedian Back in Outrage Spotlight: Reason Roundup

by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Comedian Louis C.K. is back in bad graces with would-be culture cops, after joking in a leaked set that teens today—including survivors of Parkland school shooting—are boring and making cracks about young people asking to be called by particular pronouns. In response, C.K. has been declared "alt-right," "canceled," and an old fart who just doesn't get it.

A disheartening number of critics have focused on the comedian's age. He's only 51, but to hear Twitter tell it, C.K. is basically a doddering old fool who should be put out to pasture and proof that no one older than 40 has any worthwhile perspective. While bashing C.K.'s embrace of stereotypes, non-inclusive language, and other unfashionable tropes, they've been quick to declare more than half the population to be intellectually and artistically useless.

But perhaps—and I hope you'll hear me out here even though I'm more than a couple years past Logan's Run doom—some entertainers, artists, or pundits might just be bad, boring, or whatever you don't like about them because they're them, not because their brains have been melted by age and everyone Gen X and up should just die.

Another critical refrain has been to point out that C.K. promised to listen more after being accused by multiple women of making them uncomfortable with requests to masturbate in front of them. Though his 2017 comments on that front were related to women, sexual activity, and boundaries, some seem to have taken them as a promise to shut up always and about everything.

As many have pointed out, C.K.'s latest stand-up routine sounds a lot like his previous work—which was never perfectly in line with "P.C." values even when he was younger. So, no, C.K. didn't emerge from his masturbation-reckoning a totally changed person, but this likely has nary to do with aging or a lack of commitment to consent.

Still, "dude's out here doing stand-up as if he's somehow impervious to the repercussions of [his] actions," states Paste, making explicit the undercurrent of so much current outrage culture. The goal is to prevent people whom the appropriate online factions have deemed doomed from finding work, expressing themselves, or participating in public spheres in perpetuity.

None of this is especially novel at this point, alas, so let's at least note the irony: C.K.'s set was private. A tiny group of people paying to be there could have been the only witnesses to this allegedly wicked man's words. Now the internet is abuzz about C.K.'s set and his name is back atop headlines.

The "dude's out here" being heard because of those allegedly aghast at him being allowed to speak.


Good news for the First Amendment and engineers in Oregon.

• New York is banning cigarette sales at any store that includes a pharmacy section.

• Hemp companies are finding trouble on Facebook.

• #MeToo hits the Bernie Sanders campaign:

31 Dec 16:07

Comedian Louis C.K. mocks Parkland shooting survivors in leaked audio - CNN

Comedian Louis C.K. mocks Parkland shooting survivors in leaked audio  CNN

The embattled comedian asks, just because "you went to a high school where kids got shot, why does that mean I have to listen to you?"

View full coverage on Google News
31 Dec 16:07

Facebook backs down after censoring Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham

Rev. Franklin Graham, the chief of the Samaritan’s Purse Christian ministry as well as the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, is accepting a formal apology from Facebook after the social media company blocked the noted Christian leader, who has millions of people who watch his page, for 24 hours.

The leftist social media company had someone on its staff impose the punishment for a two-year-old post in which Graham supported a state law in North Carolina, his organization’s home, that simply mandated that men use men’s restrooms and locker rooms, and women use women’s facilities.

That law later was killed by progressives in the state who demand that a man who says he is a woman be allowed to use the women’s showers in public facilities.

A report on the situation:

In a statement when the punishment was imposed, Graham said, “Facebook is censoring free speech. They’re making & changing the rules. Truth is truth. God made the rules & His Word is truth. The free exchange of ideas is part of our country’s DNA.”

In an interview, he explained the penalty “just came out of nowhere.”

“All of a sudden we got a notification we’re blocked,” he said.

He noted someone inside the social media company had to go back years to find the post that company officials somehow found offensive.

“It was a personal attack for me,” he said. “I was defending the governor and the legislature on a very controversial bill. It was a good law.”

However, in Facebook’s world, he said, for that “you can be classified as hate speech and racist.”

That would be if you disagree with Facebook’s mandate to promote alternative sexual lifestyle choices.

The solution isn’t complicated, he explained.

“I would hope they would look to the Bible and get some instruction from God’s Word.”

Graham’s original statement: “Bruce Springsteen, a longtime gay rights activist, has canceled his North Carolina concert. He says the NC law #HN2 to prevent men from being able to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms is going ‘ backwards’ … Well, to be honest, we need to go back. Back to God!”

Facebook condemns anyone who doesn’t align with its corporate policy of advocating for “protected characteristics,” including “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.”

Graham pointed out that Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg told Congress some months ago that his company was a “platform for all ideas.”

“His staff hasn’t got that memo,” he said.

Among the thousands of comments was one from Emily Gilmore: “The FB ethics committee is anti American and anti Christian. So when they say you go against the FB standards, they are really saying the opposite, if you are Conservative, Christian, White, a Woman, Patriotic, then FB monitors your every action. Biased, biased, biased.

Graham warned of Facebook’s “secret rulebook for policing speech.”

Facebook’s statement said it made a mistake.

The post Facebook backs down after censoring Franklin Graham appeared first on WND.

31 Dec 16:07

Four dead, dozens trapped under rubble after Russian gas blast: agencies

As many as 40 people could still be trapped in the rubble of a Russian apartment block that partially collapsed in an explosion on Monday, killing at least four people, news agencies reported.
31 Dec 16:05

Cosmologists claim universe is riding on an expanding bubble in an extra dimension

Cosmologists at Uppsala University in Sweden have developed a new model for the structure of the universe.
31 Dec 16:05

New Year's Eve: Watch celebrations as they happen around the world

by Gianluca Avagnina
Samoa, Kiribati and some areas of Russia are first to welcome in 2019
31 Dec 16:05

Scammers Use Fake Netflix Billing Email to Steal Personal Data

by Lucas Nolan
Online scammers are reportedly using fake Netflix billing emails in an attempt to steal users' personal and financial data.
31 Dec 16:04

Trump to appear on Fox News for New Year's Eve special

by Joe Concha
Fox News announced Monday its plans to present an exclusive interview with President Trump during the network's New Year's Eve special, with "Fox & Friends Weekend" host Pete Hegseth conducting the discussi...
31 Dec 16:03

Security researchers hijack celebrity Twitter accounts, and prove claimed fix failed

by Ben Lovejoy

Security researchers have hijacked a number of celebrity Twitter accounts – including that of Louis Theroux – to post unauthorized tweets. They have also demonstrated that Twitter’s claimed fix for the problem didn’t work …


The post Security researchers hijack celebrity Twitter accounts, and prove claimed fix failed appeared first on 9to5Mac.

31 Dec 16:02

Lawmakers punt shutdown to new Congress

by Jordain Carney
Congress is effectively kicking the partial government shutdown into 2019.Both chambers met briefly on Monday but did not take action to fully reopen the government.The Senate, with only Sen. Cory Gardner (R...
31 Dec 16:02

Democratic Sen. Warren takes step to challenge Trump in 2020

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a liberal firebrand and Wall Street antagonist, took the first step toward a 2020 White House run on Monday, becoming the most prominent Democrat to announce a challenge to Republican President Donald Trump.
31 Dec 16:02

Franklin Graham: Facebook Ban Felt Like A "Personal Attack"

by Tyler Durden

Evangelist Franklin Graham on Sunday accused Facebook of issuing a "personal attack" against him by banning his account for 24 hours last week over the contents of a 2016 post, according to the Hill.

"Why are they going back to 2016," Graham, the son of evangelical pastor Billy Graham and president of the evangelism organization Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said during an interview on Fox News. "I think it was just really a personal attack toward me."

Graham appeared on Fox and Friends to discuss the ban, where he said that the "problem with Facebook is that...if you disagree with their position on sexual orientation you can be classified as hate speech."

The post in question referenced Bruce Springsteen's decision to skip a concert in North Carolina to protest the state's now-infamous "bathroom bill".

Read the text of the post below:

"He says the NC law #HB2 to prevent men from being able to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms is going 'backwards instead of forwards,'" Graham said in reference to the singer in the post. "Well, to be honest, we need to go back! Back to God. Back to respecting and honoring His commands."

"The Bible is truth and I would hope [Facebook] would look to the Bible and get some instruction from God’s word."

Facebook has apologized to Graham and explained that he was mistakenly banned after the post was flagged by another user, citing a policy against using "dehumanizing language" and discrimination based on sexual orientation or race. 

Graham thanked Facebook for its apology and for its decision to admit that his post didn't actually violate their community standards.

31 Dec 16:02

Tesla has over 3,000 Model 3 vehicles left in U.S. inventory: Electrek

Tesla Inc had over 3,000 Model 3 vehicles left in inventory in the United States as of Sunday, automotive news website Electrek reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the matter.
31 Dec 16:01

NBC host wants 'climate deniers' silenced


(Washington Times) NBC News has decided that climate change is no longer an issue that has two sides.

Sunday’s episode of “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd featured an hourlong panel with lawmakers and scientists about the consequences of climate change. But at the start, Mr. Todd said his show is “not going to give time to climate deniers” and went on to inaccurately characterize the nature of the climate debate.

“Just as important as what we are going to do is what we’re not going to do,” he said. “We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause. Period.”

“We’re not going to give time to climate deniers,” Mr. Todd added. “The science is settled even if political opinion is not.”

The post NBC host wants 'climate deniers' silenced appeared first on WND.