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03 Jan 18:15

Liberal revolt on first day...

03 Jan 18:15

Freshman class not asking permission...

03 Jan 18:15

Pelosi breaks with Justice: Trump can be indicted...

Pelosi breaks with Justice: Trump can be indicted...

(First column, 1st story, link)

03 Jan 18:14

Roger Stone finds time for best-and worst-dressed list amid scandal...

Roger Stone finds time for best-and worst-dressed list amid scandal...

(Third column, 9th story, link)

03 Jan 18:14

Mexico finds Flayed god temple; Priests wore skins of dead...

Mexico finds Flayed god temple; Priests wore skins of dead...

(Second column, 28th story, link)

03 Jan 18:14

Warship spotted carrying 'next gen' hypersonic superweapon...

Warship spotted carrying 'next gen' hypersonic superweapon...

(First column, 13th story, link)

03 Jan 18:13

Vermont top destination for people moving...

Vermont top destination for people moving...

(Second column, 7th story, link)

03 Jan 18:13

Paying people $10,000 to move there...

Paying people $10,000 to move there...

(Second column, 17th story, link)

02 Jan 14:28

US Fires Tear Gas Into Mexico As "Violent Mob" Of Migrants Rush Border

by Tyler Durden

New Year, same old issues.

US border agents have reportedly fired tear gas into Mexico to push back against what one official called a "violent mob" of migrants as they rushed the US-Mexico border near Tijuana.

Reuters reports that clouds of the noxious gas could be seen wafting up from around the fence at the border. One migrant picked up a canister and threw it back into U.S. territory.

More than 150 Central American migrants approached an area of the border in Tijuana in the Playas neighborhood near the beach late on Monday.

Migrants said they thought security measures might be relaxed due to the New Year’s holiday.

U.S. security personnel fired tear gas into Mexico after midnight as some migrants prepared to climb a border fence, according to the Reuters witness. During a second attempt, migrants began to pass youths and children over the razor wire along the fencing to the U.S. side.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Katie Waldman called the group “a violent mob” and said they had thrown projectiles at agents who responded with “the minimum force necessary to defend themselves.”

“Congress needs to fully fund the border wall,” Waldman said in a statement.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement the gas was aimed upwind of people throwing rocks on the Mexican side who obstructed agents from helping the children being passed over razor wire.

CBP said most of the migrants attempting to cross returned to Mexico while 25 people, including two teenagers, were detained.

02 Jan 14:27

Game of Thrones dethroned as most torrented show of the year by The Walking Dead

by Clarisse Loughrey
HBO's fantasy show skipped out on releasing a new season in 2018, ahead of this year's grand finale
02 Jan 14:26

Marine shot and killed in Washington DC barracks identified - ABC News

02 Jan 14:25

New Documents Suggest The Steele Dossier Was A Deliberate Setup For Trump

by Lee Smith
After nearly two years since the Steele dossier was published, it remains the cornerstone of the case for collusion. The dossier model has also given rise to similar operations.
02 Jan 14:25

U.S. demands immediate return of ex-Marine detained in Russia on spy charges: Pompeo

The United States is demanding the immediate return of a retired U.S. Marine detained by Russia on spying charges, and wants an explanation on why he was arrested, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday.
02 Jan 14:24

KERNS: Remember When Obama And Clinton Shut Down Government For Their Own Pet Projects?

by Jen Kerns
It's hypocritical for Democrats to complain about Trump shutting down the government given their own history
02 Jan 14:23

Scientists Find the 'Missing' Dark Matter from the Early Universe - Live Science

Scientists Find the 'Missing' Dark Matter from the Early Universe  Live Science

Roughly the same amount of dark matter has pretty much been hanging around galaxies for billions of years.

02 Jan 14:23

CNN's Lemon mistakes local reporter for ex-girlfriend during New Year's Eve telecast

by Joe Concha
CNN anchor Don Lemon mistook a New Orleans reporter for his ex-girlfriend during network coverage of New Year's Eve festivities on Monday night from New Orleans.before realizing he had the wrong woman"I thin...
02 Jan 14:23

CNN’s Camerota Confronts Brother of Detained American on Anti-CNN Social Media Posts

by Ken Meyer

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota spoke to David Whelan on Wednesday about his brother being detained in Russia, during which, she asked him a question about his brother’s slams against her network.

Paul Whelan‘s family is denying the allegations against him and are demanding his release after he was arrested in Moscow under espionage charges. As Camerota spoke to Whelan’s brother about recent indications that Paul’s arrest might be the Kremlin seeking revenge over Maria Butina, she asked him about a social media account Paul had on a Russian website, which he used to trash CNN as “fake news.”

Camerota insisted she wasn’t taking Paul’s attack personally, but she asked David, “is this a statement on his part somehow?”

“I don’t really know. I don’t know what’s on his VK page,” Whelan responded. “I don’t follow him on social media other than Twitter, which is where I am. I don’t know what he was intending by those photos.”

When asked why Paul used the Russian website, David guessed that his brother used it to keep in contact with Russian acquaintances he made from his travels abroad.

Watch above, via CNN.

— —

>> Follow Ken Meyer (@KenMeyer91) on Twitter

02 Jan 14:22

Year of the Woman in Congress leaves out Republicans

The 116th Congress will be the most diverse in history: 126 women will take office, including 43 women of color. Yet this new diversity is confined to one party.
02 Jan 14:22

Netflix pulls 'Patriot Act' episode in Saudi Arabia that slams Khashoggi killing

Netflix has removed an episode of "Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj" from its streaming service in Saudi Arabia that criticized the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.
02 Jan 14:21

Trump responds to Romney op-ed: ‘Be a team player & win'

by John Bowden
President Trump on Wednesday responded to an op-ed written by Sen.-elect Mitt Romney (R-Utah), suggesting the incoming senator should be more supportive of his policies.In a tweet, the president called on Romney to...
02 Jan 14:21

Haley switches Twitter accounts, loses followers, previous posts due to Obama-era rule

by (Emily Birnbaum)
Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday announced that Obama-era social media rules are requiring her to shut down her official Twitter account, meaning she will lose all 1.67 million of her followers and...
02 Jan 14:21

Vietnam 'totalitarian' law bans online criticism of govt...

Vietnam 'totalitarian' law bans online criticism of govt...

(First column, 16th story, link)

02 Jan 14:20

JILL SPILLS: Former NYT editor rips paper's anti-Trump bias; Eroding credibility...

JILL SPILLS: Former NYT editor rips paper's anti-Trump bias; Eroding credibility...

(Second column, 6th story, link)

02 Jan 14:20

Hackers threaten to expose secret 9/11 documents...

Hackers threaten to expose secret 9/11 documents...

(Third column, 8th story, link)

02 Jan 14:20

Netflix pulls comedy show episode in Saudi Arabia

Netflix withdrew an episode of the comedy show "Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj" from its Internet streaming service in Saudi Arabia after officials of the kingdom complained, the company said on Wednesday.
01 Jan 23:24

"Pay The F*ck Up": Hackers Threaten To Dump Secret 9/11 Attack Files If Bitcoin Ransom Not Met

by Tyler Durden

A hacking collective known as The Dark Overlord announced on New Year's Eve that it had broken into the computer systems of a law firm and obtained files related to the September 11 attacks - threatening to publicly release a large cache of internal files unless a hefty ransom is paid, according to Motherboard

Dark Overlord's demands targeted several insurers and legal firms, including Lloyds of London, Silverstein Properties and Hiscox Syndicates. It is unclear what exact files were stolen by the group, however the hacking collective tweeted "We'll be providing many answers about 9.11 conspiracies through our 18.000 secret documents leak from @HiscoxComms and others." 

"Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London are some of the biggest insurers on the planet insuring everything from the smallest policies to some of the largest policies on the planet, and who even insured structures such as the World Trade Centers," the group's announcement reads.  

According to a spokesperson for the Hiscox Group, the hackers had breached a law firm which advised the company and had likely stolen files linked to litigation tied to the 9/11 attacks. 

"The law firm’s systems are not connected to Hiscox’s IT infrastructure and Hiscox’s own systems were unaffected by this incident. One of the cases the law firm handled for Hiscox and other insurers related to litigation arising from the events of 9/11, and we believe that information relating to this was stolen during that breach," the spokesperson told Motherboard in an email. 

"Once Hiscox was informed of the law firm’s data breach, it took action and informed policyholders as required. We will continue to work with law enforcement in both the UK and US on this matter," they added. 

The hacking group published a small set of letters, emails and other documents that mention various law firms, as well as the Transport Security Administration (TSA) and Federal Aviation Administration (The TSA could not provide a statement in time for publication, and the FAA told Motherboard in an email it was investigating.) Those documents themselves appear to be fairly innocuous, but the group says it may release more.

In its extortion note, The Dark Overlord included a link for a 10GB archive of files it allegedly stole. The group also provided a link to this archive to Motherboard before publishing its announcement. The cache is encrypted, but the hackers are threatening to release the relevant decryption keys, unlocking different sets of files at a time, unless the victims pay the hackers an undisclosed ransom fee in Bitcoin. -Motherboard

"Pay the fuck up, or we're going to bury you with this. If you continue to fail us, we'll escalate these releases by releasing the keys, each time a Layer is opened, a new wave of liability will fall upon you," reads the demand letter. 

The hacking collective is also offering to sell the data on the dark web hacking forum, and has reportedly attempted to blackmail individuals mentioned in the documents themselves. 

"If you're one of the dozens of solicitor firms who was involved in the litigation, a politician who was involved in the case, a law enforcement agency who was involved in the investigations, a property management firm, an investment bank, a client of a client, a reference of a reference, a global insurer, or whoever else, you're welcome to contact our e-mail below and make a request to formally have your documents and materials withdrawn from any eventual public release of the materials. However, you'll be paying us," reads the post. 

The breach was first alluded to by the Hiscox group, which announced in April that they may have been exposed during a hack on an "unnamed US law firm."

"Hiscox recently learned of an information security incident affecting a specialist law firm in the US that provided advice to Hiscox or its policyholders on some of its US commercial liability insurance claims. The incident involved illegal access to information stored on the law firm’s server, which may have included information relating to up to 1,500 of Hiscox’s US-based commercial insurance policyholders," reads the April announcement. 

01 Jan 23:24

Jesse Jackson: Hillary Won by 3 Million Votes and Lost, There’s Something Wrong with That

‘In 2018, Mr. Trump lost by 9 million votes and yet he won the Senate’
01 Jan 23:23

'Trump All Day' -- Kanye Reaffirms Support...

01 Jan 23:23

'We are at ground zero of new medical epidemic'



The online ScienceMuseum describes the marketing of a sleeping pill called thalidomide to pregnant women “one of the darkest episodes in pharmaceutical research history.”

The teratogen made users sleepy and relaxed and was seen as a perfect example of the newly – at the time in the 1950s – fashionable tranquilizers.

But it caused malformed limbs in thousands of newborns, which parents discovered only after their children were born.

Now, a secret undercover study has revealed that expecting mothers are being told to take another teratogen, which by definition can cause malformation of an embryo.

It’s marijuana.

“Only once has a known teratogen like cannabis been marketed globally. That was thalidomide,” said Dr. Albert Reece, a professor at Edith Cowan University.

“In the womb, it can not only interfere with brain development but basically amputate the forebrain,” he warned. “But as with thalidomide, no one is properly looking at the side-effects. They are frightening.”

It was the Christian Institute that reported on an “undercover investigation” done by the University of Colorado, in one of the earliest states to approve, five years ago, the commercial business of selling marijuana, which found “women pretending to be suffering from morning sickness were encouraged to take cannabis.”

“Cannabis-based medicines are being distributed to pregnant mothers in the U.S., despite evidence that the drug harms babies,” the Institute’s report said.

“Researchers contacted cannabis dispensaries around the U.S. In two-thirds of cases, cannabis products were recommended for morning sickness. Many attempted to sell the would-be mothers a version of cannabis containing THC, the chemical that gives users a ‘high,'” the report said.

“A number of women were advised that they should keep it a secret from their doctors and one was told that something ‘going through your digestional tract’ will have ‘no effect’ on the unborn life,” the report said.

However, the report confirmed cannabis use has been linked to birth defects including gastroschisis, where the intestines develop outside the body, congenital heart conditions and even anencephaly, where part of the brain is simply missing.

Torri Metz, a University of Utah professor, said in the Institute report, “There are also concerns about possible long-term effects on the developing brain, impacting cognitive function and decreasing academic ability later in childhood.”

“We are at ground zero of this new medical epidemic which will lead to havoc,” warned Karen Randall, an emergency room doctor in California.

“When a breast-feeding mother uses marijuana, it gets concentrated in the breast milk. There are many studies that show memory is decreased with constant use, so I guess that in five to ten years, we are going to see a lot of kids with learning issues,” she said.

The Daily Mail reported recently that the Colorado researchers found of 400 calls to cannabis dispensaries, two-thirds recommended their products for morning sickness.

“Edible [marijuana] would not hurt the child,” said one sales operator.

The report pointed out, “To blame is a simple fact: a multitude of studies over several years have shown all forms of cannabis to be ‘teratogenic.’ Meaning that, like tobacco or excessive alcohol, they can harm a fetus.”

It’s already been linked to several birth defects, including at least six that threaten the newborn’s life.

“Babies exposed to marijuana in utero are at increased risk of admission to neonatal intensive care units,” Metz said.

“There are also concerns about possible long-term effects on the developing brain, impacting cognitive function and decreasing academic ability later in childhood.”

The Institute reported studies by Harvard and the University of Montreal also have shown the drug “to be linked with poorer memory function, which could seriously damage young people’s academic ability.”

Psychiatrist Dr Max Pemberton said: “Whether its schizophrenia, anxiety or depression, serious mental health problems as a result of cannabis use are well-established.”

The post 'We are at ground zero of new medical epidemic' appeared first on WND.

01 Jan 23:22

Ariana Grande's Confirms She's Single in Hilarious Tweet - Is Ariana Grande Dating Anyone? -