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04 Feb 17:33

Super Troll Sunday graphic: Where in New Orleans to NOT watch a Super Bowl in the Saints' honor

by BY DAN SWENSON | The Advocate
If you're watching Super Bowl 53 this Sunday -- you're likely missing out.
03 Feb 15:34

Bill Maher makes 'Popeye's Chicken' joke to black politician


(TMZ) Bill Maher’s at it again — he made yet another joke on his show many people are calling racist … but this time he said it right to a black congressman’s face.

Bill was interviewing Rep. Will Hurd from Texas during the one-on-one segment of ‘Real Time’ Friday night when he challenged Hurd to explain why he’s a member of the Republican Party … especially since he came from the CIA.

Hurd replied, “I was in the CIA for almost a decade. I was the dude in the back alleys at 4 o’clock in the morning collecting intelligence on threats to the homeland,” … to which Maher commented, “That’s where they’d collect them, huh?”

It got some laughs, but then Bill added … “Wow, by the Popeyes chicken.”

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03 Feb 15:34

Holocaust? What Holocaust? says Egyptian website

From the start of German occupation in 1944, Jews and Gypsies (Roma) were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkinau concentration camp

From the start of German occupation in 1944, Jews and Gypsies (Roma) were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkinau concentration camp

Holocaust? What Holocaust?

That’s the attitude of Egyptian columnist Wasim ‘Afifi, who contends the media has inflated the Holocaust because of a propaganda conspiracy by Russia to blacken the images of Germany and the West, which wanted to establish a state for the Jews in Palestine, reports the Middle East Media Research Center.

Auschwitz, according to ‘Afifi, was not a concentration camp but a factory for manufacturing pesticides. And the crematoria were meant for burning the bodies of typhus victims.

Writing for the Egyptian news portal, he said the world’s view of Auschwitz came from propaganda by Russia, which controlled the camp and manufactured fake evidence there after the war.

The Egyptian columnist asserted the claim that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews doesn’t add up.

“Historians point out that in 1938, there were 16.5 million Jews in the world, and that a decade later, that is, in 1948, there were 18.5 million Jews in the world,” he wrote.

“Assuming for the sake of argument that six million Jews were annihilated during World War II, it is inconceivable that the remaining 10 million reproduced at such a rate as to become 18 million a decade later. This is contrary to the laws of statistics, and to the human population growth [rate].”

He insisted there were no official documents that prove the Nazis had a policy of exterminating the Jews. The German plan, he said, was to create a Jewish homeland in Madagascar, but “technical difficulties” prompted them to use the Jews as laborers instead.

The historic photographs of camp inmates with ribs protruding from starvation? They were simply efforts by the Germans to “show the extent of the starvation and typhus in Germany in last years of the war,” ‘Afifi claimed.

He said that along with the Soviet Union, the West was a “partner in this conspiracy,” promoting the idea of establishing the state of Israel as the homeland of the Jews.

However, points out that the Nazis themselves documented their “Final Solution” for the Jews.

“Beginning in late 1941, the Germans began mass transports from the ghettoes in Poland to the concentration camps, starting with those people viewed as the least useful: the sick, old and weak and the very young. The first mass gassings began at the camp of Belzec, near Lublin, on March 17, 1942. Five more mass killing centers were built at camps in occupied Poland, including Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and the largest of all, Auschwitz-Birkenau. From 1942 to 1945, Jews were deported to the camps from all over Europe, including German-controlled territory as well as those countries allied with Germany. The heaviest deportations took place during the summer and fall of 1942, when more than 300,000 people were deported from the Warsaw ghetto alone,” said.

“Though the Nazis tried to keep operation of camps secret, the scale of the killing made this virtually impossible.”

Auschwitz, it explained, was in fact a “large-scale industrial operation” that focused on murdering “more than two million people.”

“As many as 12,000 Jews were killed every day.”

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03 Feb 15:33

Joe Biden endorsed segregation in 1975, calling it 'black pride'


(BizPacReview) Former Vice President Joe Biden and a possible candidate in the next presidential election formerly argued that integration would keep black people from fully embracing their identities and rejected busing as an attempt to desegregate schools.

“I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride,” then-senator Biden said in 1975 after facing criticism from white voters, The Washington Examiner reported Friday.

Desegregation is “a rejection of the entire black awareness concept,” Biden said, according to the Examiner. Biden was a Delaware Senator from 1973 to 2009.

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03 Feb 15:33

Joe Biden endorsed segregation in 1975, calling it 'black pride'


(BizPacReview) Former Vice President Joe Biden and a possible candidate in the next presidential election formerly argued that integration would keep black people from fully embracing their identities and rejected busing as an attempt to desegregate schools.

“I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride,” then-senator Biden said in 1975 after facing criticism from white voters, The Washington Examiner reported Friday.

Desegregation is “a rejection of the entire black awareness concept,” Biden said, according to the Examiner. Biden was a Delaware Senator from 1973 to 2009.

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03 Feb 15:33

Eatery owner who banned customers in MAGA hats backtracks


(BizPacReview) A California restaurant owner is walking back his comments and apologizing for his “recklessness” after making remarks banning customers in MAGA hats from his establishment.

Cookbook author and chef, J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, came under heavy fire for a now-deleted tweet last week that said any customers of Wursthall in San Mateo wearing Trump campaign “Make America Great Again” hats would not be served, Fox News reported.

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03 Feb 15:33

Breaking! US Government Legalizes Lying To The American People

Alex Jones reveals the trigger behind the mass MSM layoffs -- spread this link to break through the censorship!
03 Feb 15:32

If judge issues gag order on Roger Stone, he just may violate it anyway - NBC News

03 Feb 15:31

More than 40 mummies discovered at Egypt burial site - CNN

More than 40 mummies discovered at Egypt burial site  CNN

Dozens of newly discovered mummies have been unveiled at a burial site in Egypt.

View full coverage on Google News
31 Jan 17:03

Deported Child-Molesting Kidnapper Arrested After Re-Entering U.S.

by Bob Price
Border Patrol agents in the El Centro Sector stopped a dangerous criminal alien from successfully re-entering the U.S. on Monday afternoon.
31 Jan 17:03

We now spend more than a quarter of our lives online, shows Digital 2019 report

by Ben Lovejoy

Digital 2019, a new report from Hootsuite and We Are Social, shows that the average person spends more than a quarter of their lives online …


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31 Jan 17:02

Random stranger keeps leaving urine-soaked bags of bologna, bread at woman’s doorstep

by Adam Frisk
A random stranger keeps leaving pee-soaked grocery bags of bologna and sliced bread on a New Mexico woman’s door, baffling the mother and creeping out her neighbours.
31 Jan 17:02

Trump: New Troops Being Sent to Border to Stop ‘Attempted Invasion of Illegals’

by Ken Meyer

President Trump‘s latest Twitter proclamation has him saying he’ll dispatch more troops to the southern border to defend the country from the “Invasion of Illegals” that will supposedly wreak havoc without a wall to stop them.

Let’s review.

Trump started his Thursday with a tweetstorm in which he demanded that people “stop playing political games” and call his proposed wall a wall. This is a departure from recent White House efforts to politically label the wall as a steel barrier or a fence of some kind, rather than portraying it as a singular concrete structure across the border.

Later on, Trump seemed to drop his demands for federal wall funding again by telling the congressional GOP they’re “wasting their time” negotiating with Democrats through the Homeland Security Committee. That comes after Trump ended the longest government shutdown in U.S. history without securing his wall funding, plus he’s threatening to declare a national emergency and requisition money for the wall if a funding deal can’t be reached in two weeks.

So now, between Trump’s confused messaging about whether the wall is being built or not, we’ve reached the point where he’s sending troops down south to prevent an alleged “invasion.” Trump has ordered the military to secure the border before, but the last time this happened, it seemed like that decision didn’t yield much of anything in terms of results.

One last thing. As NBC national security analyst Ken Dilanian pointed out, Trump’s leading intelligence officers appeared on Capitol Hill this week to talk about the country’s most critical national security issues, and the immigration crisis never came up.

Granted, Trump might not think very highly of his intelligence chiefs these days, since he’s contradicting several of their most significant assessments and saying they ought to “go back to school.”

— —

>> Follow Ken Meyer (@KenMeyer91) on Twitter

31 Jan 17:02

Watch: Bible Literacy Champion Trump Hilariously Refused to Name His Favorite Verse

by Tommy Christopher

Donald Trump‘s former pastor called him out for championing Bible literacy while never attending Bible study, but Trump himself illustrated his familiarity with the Good Book during his presidential campaign when Mark Halperin stumped him by asking for a favorite verse or two.

On Monday, Trump tweeted about a Fox News segment that talked about Bible literacy classes in public schools. “Numerous states introducing Bible Literacy classes, giving students the option of studying the Bible. Starting to make a turn back? Great!” Trump tweeted.

But Trump’s former pastor, David Lewicki, pushed back at Trump, claiming that Trump never attended Bible study, or even came through the church doors, in five years as a member.

Trump’s Bible literacy never became much of an issue during his presidential campaign, although it did come up a few times.

During an August 26, 2015 interview with Bloomberg TV, Trump explained that he personally objected to same-sex marriage “from the standpoint of Bible,” which led Halperin to ask Trump about his favorite verse or verses, which Trump refused to name.

“You mentioned the Bible, you’ve been talking about how it’s your favorite book, and you said, I think last night in Iowa. And some people are surprised that you say that. I’m wondering what one or two of your most favorite Bible verses are, and why?” Halperin asked.

Well I wouldn’t want to get into it because to me that’s very personal. And, you know, when I talk about the Bible it’s very personal. So I don’t want to get into verses.”

Trump would later allude to the (disputed) size of his own penis during a nationally televised debate, but Bible verses are too “personal.”

“There’s no verse that means a lot to you that you think about or cite?” Halperin continued.

“The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics,” Trump claimed.

“Even to cite a verse that you like?” Halperin asked.

“No, I don’t want to do that,” Trump replied.

“Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy?” co-host John Heilemann asked.

“Probably… equal,” Trump said. “I think it’s just an incredible — the whole Bible is an incredible — I joke very much so. They always hold up ‘The Art of the Deal,’ I say ‘My second favorite book of all time.’ But I just think the Bible is just something very special.”

Days after that interview, Trump claimed he was a frequent attendee Marble Collegiate Church in New York — the same church for which Lewicki was pastor — but the church released a statement that said he was “not an active member.”

Watch the clip above, via Bloomberg TV.

31 Jan 17:02

Trump Vows To Stop Incoming Migrant Caravan, But Says A Wall Would Make It ‘Soooo Much Easier’

by Evie Fordham
'More troops being sent to the Southern Border'
31 Jan 17:02

Trump’s Former Pastor Calls Out President’s Bible Study ‘Hypocrisy’: Never Entered the Church, ‘Not One Time’

by Pardes Seleh

President Donald Trump‘s former pastor seems skeptical of his public affection for bible study in recent years, calling it out as inauthentic.

After the President lauded a Fox & Friends segment he saw about the option of ‘Bible Literacy classes’ being introduced to state schools, Pastor David Lewicki slammed his former churchgoer’s “hypocrisy” on Twitter earlier this week and said Trump never attended bible study.

“I was @realDonaldTrump’s pastor for 5 years @MarbleChurch. I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in. Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki, then quoting Edmund Burke on hypocrisy and failed promises.

The President had tweeted Monday in support of Indiana Senator Dennis Kruse‘s “Education Matters” bill, which would give public schools the option of teaching bible study. Lewicki, who was a pastor at New York City’s Presbyterian Marble Collegiate College back when Trump was there, is among Trump’s critics who see his support of Bible study as insincere.

“He was not an active and visible member of the church, no,” Lewicki, who is now a pastor in Georgia, told the Huffington Post.

This isn’t the first time a member of Marble denied to the public that Trump was an active churchgoer. In 2015, after Trump name-dropped Marble as his longtime place of worship, the church told CNN in a statement that he was not an active member.

Donald Trump has had a longstanding history with Marble Collegiate Church, where his parents were for years active members and one of his children were baptized. However, as he indicates, he is a Presbyterian, and is not an active member of Marble,” said the statement.

Trump is also known to have married his first wife Ivana at Marble in the ’70s, under Rev. Norman Vincent Peale.

31 Jan 17:01

Sanders rolls out bill to expand the estate tax

by Naomi Jagoda
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is mulling a 2020 Democratic presidential bid, offered a bill on Thursday to expand the estate tax as progressive lawmakers increasingly discuss ways to increase taxes on the wealthy....
31 Jan 17:01

Look: Carey Hart defends teaching daughter, 7, to shoot gun

Carey Hart "poked the parent police bear" by sharing a video of Willow, his 7-year-old daughter with Pink, using a gun.
31 Jan 17:01

Fast-attack submarine USS South Dakota to be commissioned on Saturday

The U.S. Navy plans to commission the future USS South Dakota, a fast attack submarine, on Saturday at Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Conn.
31 Jan 17:00

Howard Schultz Starts His 2020 Attack And It’s Not Aimed At Trump

by Hanna Bogorowski
31 Jan 17:00

More mysterious brain injuries in Cuba; Canada halves staff after new case

by Beth Mole
High-contrast diagram of human brain

Enlarge (credit: Jonathan Lee, Duke University)

The Canadian government announced Wednesday that it will halve the number of diplomats at its embassy in Cuba after a 14th Canadian has mysteriously fallen ill with brain injuries there.

The latest case from December suggests that the enigmatic incidents—which began in late 2016 and have been considered by the US government to be attacks—are still ongoing, straining relations between Cuba and the US, and now Cuba and Canada.

Josefina Vidal, Cuba's ambassador to Canada, called the decision Wednesday “incomprehensible.”

Read 10 remaining paragraphs | Comments

31 Jan 17:00

White House names a deputy press secretary to handle Congress inquiries

With Democrats promising to open investigations into President Donald Trump's administration, the White House has picked a legal expert as deputy press secretary to handle inquiries related to congressional oversight, a White House official said on Thursday.
31 Jan 16:59

Virginia Delegate Who Co-Sponsored Abortion Bill Admits She Didn’t Read It

by William Davis
31 Jan 16:59

Trump Reportedly Interviewed Herman Cain For Fed Governor Seat

by Tyler Durden

President Trump's relentless attacks on Fed Chairman Jerome Powell must have deterred many qualified candidates from seeking one of the open seats on the central bank's board of governors because, according to a Bloomberg report, the president just interviewed Herman Cain - yes, that Herman Cain - for one of the two empty seats.

Last week, White House advisor Larry Kudlow told reporters that Trump was looking for "highly capable" people to fill the vacancies. And presumably it wouldn't hurt if candidates would be open to supporting President Trump's low interest-rate agenda, particularly, we imagine, now that Powell has completely capitulated. Kudlow also said during that press conference that Trump wouldn't renominate economist Marvin Goodfriend.

“The White House wants highly capable, competent people who understand that you can have strong economic growth without higher inflation."

That being said, the notion that Cain could bring "the Herminator Experience" to the Eccles building isn't totally outlandish. Because between 1992 and 1996, Cain served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, as well as deputy chairman and then chairman of the bank.

Readers will remember Cain for his short-lived but heavily covered bid for the 2012 Republican nomination - a campaign that came to an early end after allegations of sexual misconduct bubbled to the surface.

Now, the former Godfather's Pizza CEO is probably best remembered for his infamously creepy smile:

But if Cain is to become a successful candidate, then we imagine he will need to promise the president that an interest rate of 9.99% isn't in the cards.

31 Jan 16:59

Trump to abandon arms pact with Russia as soon as Saturday, US official says

by Morgan Chalfant
The Trump administration will stop abiding by a landmark arms control pact with Russia as soon as Saturday after last-minute diplomatic efforts to bring Moscow back into compliance failed, a top State Department official...
31 Jan 16:59

White House announces changes in press office

by Brett Samuels
The White House is shaking up its communications staff with a pair of promotions and one new addition, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday.Sanders ...
31 Jan 16:59

KISS guitarist Ace Frehley lashes out at Gene Simmons, claims rocker ‘groped’ his wife

by Adam Wallis
'You’re just an a**hole and a sex addict and you’re just trying to sweep it all under the carpet,' claimed 'Space Ace.'
31 Jan 16:59

Rachel Maddow Theorizes Russian Attack on Power Grid During Polar Vortex: ‘What Would You and Your Family Do’

by Julio Rosas

Segueing into a report from the Wall Street Journal on the vulnerabilities of U.S. infrastructures, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow used the current polar vortex to hypothesize a Russian attack on the power grid.

“And it is like negative 50 degrees in the Dakotas right now. What would happen if Russia killed the power in Fargo today? What would happen if all the natural gas lines that service Sioux Falls just poofed on the coldest day in recent memories, and it wasn’t in our power whether or not to turn them back on,” Maddow said.

“What would you do if you lost heat indefinitely as the act of a foreign power on the same day the temperature in your front yard matched the temperature in Antarctica? I mean, what would you and your family do,” she asked.

Later on in the segment WSJ’s Rebecca Smith said this year’s threat assessment noted the attacks on the infrastructures are no longer hypotheticals, but now foreign agents are able to infiltrate systems. 

The New York Times reported in 2018 how Russian hackers are starting to target America’s electric grid instead of going after campaigns:

Despite attempts to infiltrate the online accounts of two Senate Democrats up for re-election, intelligence officials said they have seen little activity by Russian military hackers aimed at either major American political figures or state voter registration systems.

By comparison, according to intelligence officials and executives of the companies that oversee the world’s computer networks, there is surprisingly far more effort directed at implanting malware in the electrical grid.

Watch above, via MSNBC.

31 Jan 16:58

Indian court holds two more people sent from UAE in helicopter bribery case

An Indian court has ordered two men sent to India from the United Arab Emirates to be held pending trial over alleged bribery of government officials to buy helicopters, in a case which has become an issue in India's upcoming general election.
31 Jan 16:58

Amid cries of 'traitor,' Canada's Trudeau set for ugly election

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who swept to power on a wave of optimism in 2015, is set for an ugly reelection campaign this October, judging by exchanges with voters in public town halls this month where he was grilled on topics ranging from immigration to housing affordability.