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11 Mar 19:07

Spray sun-blocking chemicals into atmosphere to cut global temperature rise in half, scientists say

by Josh Gabbatiss
Scientists compare solar geoengineering to blood pressure medication: 'An overdose would be harmful, but a well-chosen dose could reduce your risks'
11 Mar 19:07

NASA Is About To Test A Solar-Powered Drone That Broadcasts 5G 

by Tyler Durden

SoftBank and AeroVironment are ready to conduct flight tests of its experimental solar-powered drone that can deliver 5G connectivity to anywhere in the world, reported Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Dubbed Hawk 30, the drone is a curved “flying wing” design. Filings with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Securities and Exchange Commission show the drone has ten electric engines and an operational altitude of over 12 miles.

According to a Space Act Agreement signed with NASA last November, the drone could lift off from NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in California as soon as this month.

AeroVironment’s previous prototype drone, the Helios, was the largest winged horizontal aircraft in the world. The plane was wider than a Boeing 747 but weighed less than just one of the jet's landing wheels.

Helios came to an abrupt halt in 2003, when NASA was testing the drone off the Hawaiian coast, high winds caused the plane to disintegrate in mid-flight.

In 2010, AeroVironment designed and built another prototype, called the Global Observer, for the Pentagon. The drone carried top-secret communications and surveillance payloads. The program ended one year later after a crash landing.

The technical difficulties surrounding AeroVironment's drones did not prevent Facebook and Google from attempting to develop ones of their own.

"Google bought a company called Titan Aerospace in 2014, and carried out numerous tests of a 5G system called SkyBender at Spaceport America in 2016. Its parent company, Alphabet, eventually grounded the drones in 2017 to focus on Loon, which is now an Alphabet subsidiary delivering commercial Internet service from high-altitude balloons. Facebook also wanted to test its enormous, stratospheric Aquila drones at the Spaceport, but shelved its plans last year after fragile prototypes were damaged on landing," wrote IEEE.

In January 2018, SoftBank and AeroVironment formed a partnership called HAPSMobile to develop a solar-powered HALE drone for commercial operations.

Wahid Nawabi, CEO of AeroVironment said, “For many years, we have fully understood the incredible value HALE unmanned aircraft platforms could deliver to countless organizations and millions of people around the world through remote sensing and last mile, next-generation IoT connectivity.”

Although filings provide limited details of the Hawk's intended communications payload, it does say "tests will address integrating the transceivers at different altitudes in the solar environment."

IEEE notes that Google and Facebook have dropped out of the internet drone race, but the Hawk 30 still faces several competitors including Boeing subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences' Odysseus and Airbus' Zephyr.

We'll know in several weeks if the Hawk 30 can overcome the mishaps of AeroVironment's previous drones. If the test flights are successful, Hawk 30 could be in the running to provide 5G connectivity to the world.

11 Mar 19:07

Patient And Shocked Family Learn He Is Dying From Hospital Robot With Video Screen - ScienceAlert

Patient And Shocked Family Learn He Is Dying From Hospital Robot With Video Screen  ScienceAlert

A California family is outraged that a doctor told their elderly relative his lungs were failing and he was going to die imminently - via a telepresence robot.

View full coverage on Google News
11 Mar 19:07

Pastor charged in murder of transgender


(CLICKONDETROIT) — A Detroit pastor been charged in the murder of a transgender woman who was found dead in December in the city’s Palmer Park neighborhood is due in court Monday afternoon.

Albert Weathers, 46, of Sterling Heights was charged Monday with murder in the death of 36-year-old Kelly Stough.

The post Pastor charged in murder of transgender appeared first on WND.

11 Mar 19:07

Dems' Tit-For-Tat: Gun Violence National Emergency

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Graham Noble via,

Why a future Democratic president will never declare a national emergency over gun violence...

President Donald Trump has encountered criticism from both sides over his declaration of a national emergency on border security. Beyond the discussion of whether the situation warrants such action, many in the political world have raised the prospect that Trump is setting a dangerous precedent that will give future chief executives the opportunity to declare national emergencies to address any domestic issue by fiat, bypassing Congress.

It is a weak argument on several levels, but it appears to be the reason why a growing number of Senate Republicans have buckled to objections from Democrats and will support a joint resolution to terminate the president’s declaration. Trump still has the veto, though, so the resolution will prove meaningless and the fight will be taken to the courts, where the president’s clear authority will be upheld.

No Need For A National Emergency

As the president himself pointed out during his CPAC address, he is not setting any precedent because a future Democratic president would invoke national emergency powers if they saw fit to do so, regardless of what Trump does in the present. How quickly people forget that the most stunning example – in recent years – of a president completely bypassing Congress to take action on a major issue of national concern was Barack Obama’s creation of the DACA program. In that instance, the president simply ignored Congress, commandeered its authority to legislate, and changed federal law. Obama did not even declare a national emergency to do so and Congress put up no fight.

The idea, then, that Trump’s national emergency declaration will embolden future presidents to use the same tactic is nonsense. Congressional Democrats have shown that they are willing to simply cede unlimited authority to a president, should they choose to do so.

The argument – strawman that it may be – has been put out there, though. Specifically, Democratic presidential hopefuls have suggested they may use the measure to deal with gun violence. Could a national emergency declaration do anything to reduce gun crime or would it merely be an excuse to further erode the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens?

Democrats have volunteered no explanation of what the threatened national emergency on gun violence would look like. The truth is, the threat is empty. There is no possible legal basis for a president to unilaterally alter federal firearms laws. National emergency statutes do not grant any authority to impose new laws or to alter existing ones.

Once again, Obama’s creation of the DACA program shows that a future Democratic president need not declare a national emergency to impose draconian new gun restrictions. In fact, using the national emergency statutes would actually limit a president’s power, in this respect.

2A Rights Guaranteed During National Emergencies

In 2006, the 109th Congress passed the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act which prohibits the confiscation – either permanently or temporarily – of privately-owned firearms during times of national emergency. It also prohibits the establishment of a gun registry and the imposition of restrictions on the carrying of firearms. This law does not, of course, override any existing federal, state or local firearms regulations already on the books, but it explicitly prevents a national emergency declaration being used to justify the creation of new restrictions.

There is certainly an argument to be made that the situation with the influx of illegal aliens across the southern border should never have gotten to this point, but the fault lies squarely with Congress. Both Democrats and Republicans have failed, for decades, to adequately address the issue. The president elevated the problem to the level of national emergency in order to appropriate adequate funds to construct border barriers and provide the resources necessary to expedite the processing of illegal border-crossers.

As with previous national emergencies, however, this latest one does nothing to infringe upon the constitutional rights of American citizens. A dangerous precedent would be to declare such an emergency as a way of depriving Americans of a right protected in the very founding document that forms the basis of all U.S. law.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has already hinted at the possibility of a gun-related national emergency and it is clearly a talking point that her party has adopted and intends to promote. Julian Castro, who is competing for the Democratic presidential nomination, told MSNBC: “I will come into office with a strong belief … that the fact that so many people in this country die because of gun violence, that is a national emergency.” Castro has also suggested, in a tweet, that climate change may also be a policy area over which a national emergency could be declared.

Another presidential candidate, California Democrat Kamala Harris, dutifully parroted the party line by hinting that, in addition to gun violence and climate change, healthcare may require a national emergency.

Is any president justified in using executive authority to mold domestic policy without legislation from Congress – even to address a major issue that Congress has consistently proved unwilling and/or unable to deal with? Even to those who view with skepticism any expansion or overreach of presidential authority, it is difficult to dismiss the argument that, where the legislative branch fails to resolve an ongoing national problem, the executive branch should take action. Certainly, those Democrats – and Republicans – who uttered not one word of objection when Obama legalized illegal aliens with the stroke of a pen would agree.

On the other hand, a president has no constitutional or moral authority to deprive citizens of their rights in the name of what they have decided to call an emergency; whether that be the right to own and carry a firearm or the right to choose a health insurance plan.

Defining An Emergency

The second question to consider is: How does one define emergency? The abuse of America’s immigration laws has taken place over several decades, so is it really now an emergency? The same can be said of gun violence, the affordability of healthcare or the effects of climate change. The (Merriam-Webster) dictionary definition of an emergency is “an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action,” or “an urgent need for assistance or relief.”

None of the aforementioned situations are unforeseen and whether any of them require urgent relief is an entirely subjective argument. If emergency measures are needed in order to save lives, then why not declare the consumption of alcohol a national emergency – or smoking, for that matter?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, some 88,000 Americans die every year from alcohol-rated causes, making this “the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.” Smoking – incidentally – is number two. This figure for alcohol-related fatalities dwarfs the number of annual gun-related deaths, so why would gun violence warrant a national emergency but alcohol consumption not?

Empty Threat

Clearly, a future Democratic president would have no credible basis for declaring gun violence a national emergency and no legal authority to use such a declaration to enact any additional gun restrictions. The threat is empty. Any future president who wants to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment rights will attempt to do so without invoking national emergency powers.

Democrats using this threat are being outrageously disingenuous. Republicans going along with them are either entirely out of touch with reality or they are willingly perpetrating a ruse and assuming the American people are gullible enough to believe them.

11 Mar 19:06

Is Twitter The Fuse For Civil War?

by Jon Bowne
Social media has become front and center in the fight for free speech.
11 Mar 19:06

Dem Congressman Defends Fox News Over DNC Debate Ban: They Have a ‘Huge Audience’

by Julio Rosas

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) defended Fox News from the Democratic National Committee’s decision to ban them for the 2020 primary debates during his interview on CNN Monday morning.

“I want to ask you about the DNC decision not to hold debates on Fox. You go on Fox, you’re interviewed by the folks over at Fox. Do you think that was the right decision from the DNC,” CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota asked.

“Well, with all due respect to the DNC, no, I don’t think it was the right decision,” Himes replied. “You know, look, it’s no surprise to anybody, including the Fox News watchers that Fox is largely an instrument of the right wing of the Republican Party. It’s a propaganda arm for the White House. However, and the reason I go on Fox, is that it’s watched by millions and millions of Americans.”

Himes said because of Fox News’ large audience, he gets to talk about what the Democrats want for America in front of an audience that may not hear about otherwise.

“But it’s interesting, Congressman, since you believe it’s a propaganda arm for the White House, but you’re trying to get your ideas out there and you think that you need to speak to the Fox audience, have you ever seen your interviews move the needle,” Camerota followed up.

“Well, you know, one of the secrets, not so secret secrets about television, of course, is that they say that, you know, 70 percent of the impression that is formed is formed with the — with the volume off. And, you know, again, I think our candidates will make a far better impression with the volume off,” Himes said.

“So, look, you know, a debate is a very carefully orchestrated thing. I go on Tucker Carlson, I go on Fox & Friends, it can get uncomfortable because when they don’t like where you’re going they cut you off, they go somewhere else, they throw a lot of the nonsense out there,” he continued. “But a debate is a very highly structured moment, right? It is in some senses fair. It’s not like, you know, Sean Hannity can jump in and challenge Bernie Sanders. So, again, with all due respect to the DNC, that’s a huge audience.”

Watch above, via CNN.

11 Mar 19:06

Gal Gadot Slams Netanyahu After He Claims Israel Is For ‘Jewish People Only’

by Katie Jerkovich
'It is a matter of dialogue, of dialogue for peace'
11 Mar 19:05

Twitter Reacts to Jack Dorsey’s 2013 ‘Learn to Code’ Tweet After Users Get Banned for Saying the Same Thing

by Pardes Seleh

Twitter is having a hard time with the social media platform’s new algorithm arbitrarily banning users for tweeting the phrase “learn to code” after learning Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey himself tweeted that phrase years ago.

On the famous Joe Rogan podcast recently Dorsey and his attorney Vijaya Gadde said they created the automatic suspension of people who tweet “learn to code” because people were using it to mock journalists who lost their jobs at BuzzFeed a couple months ago. Ironically, the phrase first originated in 2014 after a BuzzFeed journalist suggested coal miners in middle America, who were losing their jobs due to industrial advancement, should “learn to code.” It eventually became a phrase adopted by memers on the right.

“The ‘Learn to Code’ is coming from inside the house!” tweeted Mediaite’s Julio Rosas.

Others complained about the platform’s arbitrary suspension of numerous users who had tweeted the phrase, while allowing others to keep their accounts.

Another old tweet from Dorsey also surfaced several times recently: one in which Dorsey’s friend “Adam” colored the area surrounding his mouth black, a costume some described as blackface.

“Would Twitter founder @jack ban himself and his friends?” one user mused.

04 Mar 21:45


04 Mar 21:44

Vegan 'steaks' made with 3-D printer for 'conscious carnivores'...

Vegan 'steaks' made with 3-D printer for 'conscious carnivores'...

(Third column, 6th story, link)

04 Mar 21:44

Women sentenced to probation after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert...

Women sentenced to probation after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert...

(Second column, 20th story, link)

04 Mar 21:44

Panhandler accused of killing woman. But family staged attack, police say...

Panhandler accused of killing woman. But family staged attack, police say...

(Third column, 25th story, link)

04 Mar 21:44

REPORT: President Tried to Block AT&TTIMEWARNER to Punish CNN...

REPORT: President Tried to Block AT&TTIMEWARNER to Punish CNN...

(Second column, 1st story, link)

04 Mar 21:44

Bill Clinton has advice -- but few candidates seeking it...

04 Mar 21:44

Francis announces opening of Secret Archives on 'Hitler's Pope'...

Francis announces opening of Secret Archives on 'Hitler's Pope'...

(Third column, 21st story, link)

04 Mar 21:43

Death of 'hood CNN' pioneer exposes gangland reporting risks...

Death of 'hood CNN' pioneer exposes gangland reporting risks...

(Third column, 11th story, link)

04 Mar 21:43

PRODIGY lead singer found dead in home...

PRODIGY lead singer found dead in home...

(Second column, 19th story, link)

04 Mar 21:42

'When I'm done, I'll kill self'...

'When I'm done, I'll kill self'...

(Second column, 20th story, link)

04 Mar 21:42

FACEBOOK Under Fire After Making Phone Numbers Searchable...

FACEBOOK Under Fire After Making Phone Numbers Searchable...

(First column, 18th story, link)

04 Mar 21:42

Russia Suspends Nuclear Missile Treaty With USA...

Russia Suspends Nuclear Missile Treaty With USA...

(First column, 3rd story, link)

04 Mar 21:42

Hillary's Southern Accent Returns in Selma...

Hillary's Southern Accent Returns in Selma...

(First column, 10th story, link)

04 Mar 21:41

Luke Perry Dead at 52...

Luke Perry Dead at 52...

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04 Mar 21:41

Stocks Skid, Bonds Bid As "Sell The News" Strikes At Critical Resistance

by Tyler Durden

"off the lows" ... or "off the highs" - it appears sell-the-news was the order of the day as yet another headline proclaiming a US-China trade deal is close sparked overnight gains, but met a wall of selling at the cash open...

China was up once again overnight - with SHCOMP back above 3,000 - but the afternoon session was notable selling...


European markets opened gap higher but faded into the close with Span and Germany ended unch...


US Futures show the day's actions best as stocks gapped open overnight after the WSJ trade headlines and then dumped at the cash open, not helped by construction spending and McConnell headlines...

Today was the worst day for the Dow since Jan 3rd before the panic bid lifted everything back...

Trannies are down 7 days in a row (longest losing streak since Nov 2017)


TICK showed the biggest selling pressure since Jan 28th hit around 1215ET, before stocks bounced on a series of buy programs...


S&P 2,800 confirmed the Quadruple Top...


The algos BTFD in a desperate attempt to get us back to 2800...


Nasdaq futures tested the 200DMA...


Tesla stocks hit a 5-mo low and caught down to bonds...


VIX topped 17 intraday, but compressed back as stocks bounced...


We note VIX broke above its 200DMA before pulling back...


Bonds and stocks decoupled as the latter rebounded...


Treasury yields fell on the day - after 3 big up days - with the long-end outperforming...


30Y yields fell around 4bps...


The Dollar refused to be impacted by the weakness in stocks and continued to trend higher in a tight much for Trump's weak dollar call...


However, overnight strength in the yuan on the WSJ trade headlines, were erased...


Cryptos had another ugly day...


Despite dollar gains, WTI managed to rally as PMs and copper slipped lower...


Gold extended its losses against the Yuan...



What happens next?

04 Mar 21:41

Angry Tesla Owners Protest The Company's Aggressive Price Cuts

by Tyler Durden

Tesla's new price cuts have been so extreme and so unexpected, that some buyers who purchased vehicles recently and have been forced to watch them depreciate significantly (sometimes overnight) have launched impromptu protests in Taiwan and China according to electrek.

One of the sub-plots to Tesla announcing that it would finally be launching its $35,000 Model 3 last week was the announcement that it was also making price and option changes to its Model S and Model X lineup. These changes included a new Model S battery pack and some enormous price drops, including ones up to $12,000 in the United States. This comes on top of price cuts that the company has already twice made so far in 2019. With Musk admitting last week that the company won't be profitable in Q1 2019, it is obvious that Tesla is trying to keep demand steady, while moves like shutting down all of its retail stores make it obvious that the company is also doing everything it can to cut costs.

Overseas, however, price reductions on some of these models have been even more significant. For instance, the higher end versions of the Model S and the Model X saw overnight price reductions of over $30,000. Also, in Taiwan, the price of a Model S P100D was cut nearly in half by Tesla's latest price changes, resulting in about $100,000 in savings.

This rightfully angered owners so much that they started to organize and protest at Tesla stores and superchargers.

In China, price reductions have also caused protests, some of which have been reported by the Chinese media.

Global Times reported on one Tesla owner, who stated: "I received Tesla’s Model X on February 25, and I only drove this car for five days before Tesla announced a price reduction of 174,300 yuan ($25,989.87). I’m probably the most unlucky new buyer…That’s unfair."

While the remaining members of the Musk "cult" continue to defend the company under the guise that all price reductions will be good for Tesla over the course of the long-haul, consumers certainly appear to be feeling rejected by Tesla's "fly by the seat of its pants" management style. We wonder how long Musk and his gang can keep this line of thinking up before the inevitable protests in the United States start.

04 Mar 21:39

‘Trump Supporters’ Walked Down Hollywood Blvd Like Dogs Because Art

by Whitney Tipton
' ... I will dog walk you'
04 Mar 21:39

Leftists bark, growl like dogs on Trump's Hollywood star


Leftist activists recruited white men to don “Make America Great Again” hats, act like dogs and be paraded up and down Hollywood Boulevard on leashes by women on Sunday, culminating in a canine frenzy on Donald Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame.

The activist group Indecline explained its “performance” with more than two-dozen “men and women of color and members of the LGBT community” was based on a recent Twitter battle between rapper Cardi B and conservative pundit Tomi Lahren, reported the Gateway Pundit.

Cardi B told Lahren, “Leave me alone, or I’ll dog walk you.”

Indecline said in a press release the “project” was titled “Hate Breed.”

The group explained it “speaks to race relations in America, specifically the patience exhibited by those most affected by racism and bigotry and their willingness, despite having the greatest right to anger, to walk their attackers down a path to empathy.”

The men wore dog collars with tags that each bore the name of a “racist white man.”

The Gateway Pundit noted there was a casting call for the actors:

Male Caucasians for Human Dogs
Male/Female People of Color to be Dog Walkers
Male/Female LGBTQ to be Dog Walkers

To submit for a role in this project, please RSVP and DM us asap and tell us a little about yourself, as spots are expected to fill up fast. Tag your friends!!!

Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame has been vandalized repeatedly. It has been destroyed twice with a pickax and defaced on many occasions. In April 2017, for example, someone wrote the words “F— Trump” on it with a black marker.

The Gateway Pundit noted a rise in attacks on Trump supporters.

A Massachusetts woman last month knocked “Make America Great Again” hat off a stranger’s head at a Mexican restaurant, resulting in an assault and battery charge. At the University of California at Berkeley, a member of the conservative activist group Turning Point USA was attacked. Among others was a woman who posted video of herself harassing an elderly man in a thrift store wearing a Make America Great Again hat. Also, a couple wearing MAGA hats while shopping at a Sam’s Club had a gun pulled on them.

The post Leftists bark, growl like dogs on Trump's Hollywood star appeared first on WND.

04 Mar 21:39

Rand Paul Publicly Opposes Trump’s National Emergency Declaration

by Marissa Martinez

WASHINGTON – Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has become the fourth GOP senator to pledge a vote for the disapproval resolution. Forty-seven Democrats and their independent allies would provide 50 votes, and Paul’s vote would make 51. Just one past the majority required. Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), and Thom Tillis (N.C.) have […]

The post Rand Paul Publicly Opposes Trump’s National Emergency Declaration appeared first on Accuracy in Media.

04 Mar 21:38

House Democrats Demand Trump Hand Over Communications with Putin

by Kristina Wong
Three House Democrat chairmen are reportedly demanding that President Trump hand over all of his records and interviews related to his communications with Russian President Vladimir Putin.