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19 Mar 13:54

NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For 'Possessing' Mosque Shooting Video; Web Hosts Warned, 'Dissenter' Banned

by Tyler Durden

New Zealand authorities have reminded citizens that they face up to 10 years in prison for "knowingly" possessing a copy of the New Zealand mosque shooting video - and up to 14 years in prison for sharing it. Corporations (such as web hosts) face an additional $200,000 ($137,000 US) fine under the same law. 

Terrorist Brenton Tarrant used Facebook Live to broadcast the first 17 minutes of his attack on the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand at approximately 1:40 p.m. on Friday - the first of two mosque attacks which left 50 dead and 50 injured. 

Copies of Tarrant's livestream, along with his lengthy manifesto, began to rapidly circulate on various file hosting sites following the attack, which as we noted Friday - were quickly scrubbed from mainstream platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Scribd. YouTube has gone so far as to intentionally disable search filters so that people cannot find Christchurch shooting materials - including footage of suspected multiple shooters as well as the arrest of Tarrant and other suspects. 

On Saturday, journalist Nick Monroe reported that New Zealand police have warned citizens that they face imprisonment for distributing the video, while popular New Zealand Facebook group Wellington Live notes that "NZ police would like to remind the public that it is an offence to share an objectional publication which includes the horrific video from yesterday's attack. If you see this video, report it immediately. Do not download it. Do not share it. If you are found to have a copy of the video or to have shared it, you face fines & potential imprisonment."

Dissenter blocked in New Zealand

Along with the censorship of online materials and investigation of content sharing platforms such as BitChute and 8chan - where the shooter posted a link to the livestream of his attack, social discussion service Dissenter has been blocked in New Zealand. Created by the people behind Twitter competitor - Dissenter is a browser extension which pops up a third-party comments section for any website where people can discuss content outside of the control of the website owner

On Saturday, Gab's official accounts (@gab and @getongab) reported that "New Zealand ISPs have banned until it is "censorship compliant.""

Update: Shortly after this article published, we were informed that ZeroHedge is unable to be reached by Votafone customers.

Milo banned

Meanwhile, far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos was banned from Australia in the wake of the New Zealand shootings after he said on Facebook that attacks like Christchurch happen because "the establishment panders to and mollycoddles extremist leftism and barbaric, alien religious cultures."

Australia's immigration minister, David Coleman, said in a Saturday statement that Yiannopoulos's comments were "appalling and forment hatred and division," adding "Milo Yiannopoulos will not be allowed to enter Australia for his proposed tour this year." 

UK man arrested

While the Christchurch attacks were utterly reprehensible, supporting them is now punishable in the United Kingdom. On Saturday afternoon, a 24-year-old man from Oldham was arrested on suspicion of sending malicious communications in support of the mosque attacks. It is unclear what he is alleged to have written. 

The Greater Manchester Police said in a statement that they "became aware of a post on social media making reference and support for the terrible events in New Zealand," adding "Police have made urgent enquiries and a man aged 24 from the Oldham area is now under arrest on suspicion of sending malicious communications."

"It is clear that people are worried and we really understand that... It is truly terrible what happened yesterday. It is hard to put into any form of words," said Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson, who added "We have nothing to suggest any threat locally, but none of this can diminish how people feel and that is why we want to be there to offer more support at this difficult time."

16 Mar 02:22

New Zealand To Change Gun Laws After Mosque Shooting

by Tyler Durden

Less than a day after a terrorist attack at two mosques that left 49 people dead and several fighting for their lives, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she will change gun laws of the country, with the prime minister noting that the New Zealand government is now looking at banning semi-automatic weapons.

“While the nation grapples with a form of grief and anger that we have not experienced before, we are seeking answers,” Ardern said during a Saturday morning news conference in Wellington, cited by Bloomberg. “I can tell you one thing right now, our guns laws will change."

"There were five guns used by the primary perpetrator," she said at the news conference. "There were two semi-automatic weapons and two shotguns. The offender was in possession of a gun license. I'm advised this was acquired in November of 2017. A lever-action firearm was also found."

She said the suspect, who has not been publicly identified, obtained a gun license in November 2017 and began purchasing guns legally in December 2017.

"While work is being done as to the chain of events that lead to both the holding of this gun license and the possession of these weapons, I can tell you one thing right now. Our gun laws will change." Ardern said adding that

The suspected attacker was not on a government watch list in either New Zealand or Australia, and had bought five guns legally according to the PM.

The suspected gunman got a “category A” firearms license in 2017, and began stockpiling weapons legally at that point, Ardern told reporters on Saturday. The “mere fact” that this happened means people will want to see a change to gun laws, and she was committed to supporting that, she added.

In what Ardern described as a well-planned terrorist attack, a shooter walked into a packed mosque in the South Island city of Christchurch on Friday afternoon and opened fire on worshippers, filming and live-streaming the act to social media. After killing 41 people there, he drove to another mosque and continued the massacre, murdering a further seven people. Another person died in hospital.

Shortly before the attack, he published a 73-page ‘manifesto’ in which he vowed “revenge” against Muslim “invaders” and said he was inspired by Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011.

Most of the victims were at the Al Noor mosque, as the attacker was reportedly chased out of the Linwood mosque by a "well known Muslim local" who fired two shots in pursuit, according to the New Zealand Herald. The Herald quoted one of the witnesses who said that the gunman was confronted by a mosque caretaker, who wrestled one of his guns away but did not shoot because he "couldn't find the trigger."

Currently, New Zealand restricts the purchase of “military-style semi-automatic weapons” to those 18 or older. The minimum legal age to buy a firearm is 16. Anyone the police consider to be “fit and proper” can get a firearms license – provided they pass a background check involving criminal and medical records. Registration of individual weapons is not required.

Until Friday, the biggest massacre in the country's history happened 30 years ago, when a man named David Gray went on a shooting rampage, killing 13 people.

Following that attack, the nation's gun laws - which were first passed in 1983 - came under scrutiny according to CNN. The ensuing debate led to a 1992 amendment on the regulation of military-style semi-automatic firearms. Despite those laws, New Zealand's weapons legislation is considered more relaxed than most Western countries outside of the USA. Gun owners do need a license but they aren't required to register their guns - unlike in neighboring Australia.

New Zealand police officers are not routinely armed, but recent figures suggest more officers are in favor of carrying guns. A 2017 survey from the New Zealand Police Association showed that that 66% of its members support arming officers, according to TVNZ. That figure has significantly increased from a decade ago, when 48% of officers supported general arming in 2008.

New Zealand also has a low murder rate, with a total of 35 homicides in 2017, fewer than the number of people who died in Friday's double mosque attack.

16 Mar 02:22

CNN Receives ‘First Amendment Award’ After Working to Silence Infowars

by Dan Lyman
Tucker Carlson slams network celebrating censorship
16 Mar 02:22

49 killed and dozens, including young children, injured in New Zealand mass shootings targeting mosques

by Savage Admin

FOX NEWS: Three people are in custody — one of whom was charged with murder — after at least one [READ MORE]

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16 Mar 02:21

Al Gore: More than ‘99.9 Percent’ Agree with Me on Global Warming

‘The old strategy of trying to fool people into disbelieving the evidence in front of their own eyes is failing’
16 Mar 02:21

Alexandria records 3rd fatal fire of 2019

by Melissa Gregory, Alexandria Town Talk

Alexandria recorded its third fire fatality of 2019 early Friday morning, according to the city.

16 Mar 02:21

Man arrested after teen's body found floating in Amite River; additional suspect wanted

by Advocate staff report
A man is facing arrest in the death of a Baton Rouge teenager whose body was found floating in the Amite River earlier this month, authorities said Friday.
16 Mar 02:21

Federal prisons official used prison labor to work on church


(The Appeal) A high-ranking Federal Bureau of Prisons official used incarcerated people from a Texas prison to provide labor for his church to finish a landscaping project it couldn’t afford. On two occasions last year, six men incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Seagoville worked on the church for meager wages in what some say is a clear-cut case of prison labor exploitation.

Two Bureau of Prisons (BOP) employees speaking the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media told The Appeal about the arrangement between John Caraway, who is the BOP’s South Central regional director, and the Life Church in Midlothian, Texas, which is about 35 miles from the Seagoville prison.

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16 Mar 02:21

Jarring photo shows blood-soaked survivor of New Zealand attack

by Savage Admin

NEW YORK POST: A new disturbing photo captures the moment a blood-soaked survivor of Friday morning’s New Zealand mosque shooting [READ MORE]

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16 Mar 02:20


by Savage Admin

I need a butt-shine, Right now You are holy, Oh, sacred Cow I thirst for you, Provide Milk. Buff my [READ MORE]

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16 Mar 02:20

Deep-sea explorers discover WWII aircraft carrier USS Wasp


(CBS News) Deep sea explorers found the USS Hornet in the South Pacific earlier this year, but the Hornet was not the only ship located on that expedition. In the latest update for the American Naval history books, the research vessel Petrel revealed it also found the World War II aircraft carrier USS Wasp.

We’re 2.5 miles down, peering inside the cockpit of an avenger torpedo bomber from the sunken World War II aircraft carrier, USS Wasp. The plane is not just a relic, it’s a clue, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips. Can the Wasp itself be far away?

The Wasp was part of the ferocious 1942 air and sea battle for the strategic South Pacific island of Guadalcanal. Jim Forrester, 98 years old now, was 21 on the Wasp that day.

“All of a sudden we got hit with torpedoes,” Forrester recounted. “Imagine yourself lifted right up out of your chair right now.”

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16 Mar 02:20

Chelsea Clinton Apologizes To Students Who Blame Her For NZ Attack

by Mike Brest
'The 49 people died because of the rhetoric you put out there'
16 Mar 02:20

College-admissions scammers oozed entitlement


(Boston Herald) These arrogant, smug, rich pampered pukes in the middle of the college admissions scandal — they’re even more obnoxious than you think.

I read the entire 204-page affidavit the FBI filed in support of the criminal complaint, and it’s like being locked in a windowless room with 12 or 15 of the Democrat candidates for president. They ooze smarminess, entitlement and sanctimony, and as stupid as they are, they are absolutely positive that they are the smartest, most woke people in the room.

Let’s go straight to the affidavit. Meet Agustin Huneeus Jr. of San Francisco. His daddy owns some vineyards in the Napa Valley. His below-average daughter has been trying to get into USC in one of those water polo scams. It’s the usual thing — “fraudulent SAT score and a fabricated athletic profile” — including a photo of somebody else playing water polo. Hey, who cares, right?

Cost: $250,000.

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16 Mar 02:20

New Zealand shooter hopes for U.S. civil war


(Breitbart) The New Zealand shooter’s manifesto, which will not be linked to here, is a mix of avowed white supremacist sentiment and suggested tactics to fellow extremists — including his declared intention to exploit racial, cultural, and political divisions in the U.S.

According to his manifesto, the shooter — who massacred civilians at two mosques in New Zealand’s city of Christchurch — appears to subscribe to a number of ideologies. The document is riddled with white nationalist talking points, and the shooter describes himself as a “fascist.” He also castigates Muslims as “the most despised group of invaders in the west.”

Yet elsewhere in the document, the shooter describes himself as a socialist, “depending on the definition.” The shooter also declares his support for “environmentalism,” “worker’s rights,” and “responsible markets.”

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16 Mar 02:19

Tucker Carlson Mocks Don Lemon for Saying Kellyanne Conway Is ‘Beneath the Dignity’ of CNN

by Tamar Auber

On Friday night, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson slammed CNN’s Don Lemon and it was all over his remarks about White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. 

Last night, after Chris Cuomo faced off with Conway, Lemon said this while speaking to Cuomo: “For me, it feels beneath the dignity of this network to have someone on who just constantly lies and misconstrues things.”

He added: “Having someone on like that is giving them a platform they have not earned.”

In response, Carlson said that President of CNN Jeff Zucker doesn’t like Conway because she “works for Trump.”

Then, after playing a clip of Lemon’s remarks to Cuomo, Carlson said this: “The governor’s little brother looks absolutely stunned in that video and you can see why. According to Don Lemon, ideas that Jeff Zucker doesn’t like are beneath the dignity of this network and should the not be heard.”

“CNN, ladies and gentlemen, the First Amendment channel,” he quipped.

Watch above, via Fox News.

16 Mar 02:19

Jailed Reuters journalists appeal to Myanmar's top court as rights group decries 'fear'

Lawyers for two Reuters reporters jailed in Myanmar for breaking a colonial-era official secrets law appealed to the Supreme Court on Friday against their conviction, as a rights group said the government wielded repressive laws against peaceful critics.
16 Mar 02:19

Bernie advocated 100% tax, nationalizing companies

by Art Moore
Bernie Sanders at a CNN town-hall meeting (screenshot)

Bernie Sanders at a CNN town-hall meeting (screenshot)

What would a President Bernie Sanders do if he were elected in 2020?

The self-declared democratic socialist has been clear about his support of such policies as universal health care and free college tuition. But CNN found that when he first ran for the Senate in the 1970s, he advocated full-blown socialist policies such as nationalizing major industries, including energy companies, factories and banks.

And he campaigned for a 100 percent income tax for the wealthiest Americans.

The network said Sanders’ “past views shed light on a formative period of his political career that could become relevant as he advances in the 2020 Democratic primary.”

The past positions, CNN observed, “could provide fodder for moderate Democrats and Republicans looking to cast the Democratic presidential candidate and his beliefs as a fringe form of socialism that would be harmful to the country.”

CNN noted that aspects of Sanders’ plans and time as a member of the far-left Liberty Union Party have been reported before, “but the material taken together, including hundreds of newly digitalized newspapers and files from the Liberty Union Party archived at the University of Vermont, paint a fuller portrait of Sanders’ views on state and public-controlled industry at the time.”

CNN obtained a statement from Sanders campaign spokesman Josh Orton.

“Throughout his career, Bernie has fought on the side of working people and against the influence of both the powerful ultra-rich and giant corporations who seek only to further their own greed,” Orton said.

“The record shows that from the very beginning, Bernie anticipated and worked to combat the rise of a billionaire ruling class and the exploding power of Wall Street and multinational corporations. Whether fighting to lower energy prices or expand access to capital for local development, Bernie’s first priority has always been — and will always be — defending the interests of working people across the country.”

Under the Liberty Union Party, Sanders, in his early 30s, ran for governor of Vermont in 1972 and 1976. And he was a candidate for U.S. Senate in 1972 and 1974.

He also served as chairman of the party from 1973-1975.

At the time, CNN said, Sanders and Liberty Union “argued for nationalization of the energy industry, public ownership of banks, telephone, electric, and drug companies and of the major means of production such as factories and capital, as well as other proposals such as a 100% income tax on the highest income earners in America.”

CNN: Do you envision a socialist America?

Last month, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Sanders whether he wanted America to become a socialist nation

In a town-hall-style interview, Blitzer recalled President Trump’s declaration in his State of the Union address earlier this month.

Blitzer asked: “Senator, President Trump said in a State of the Union address, and I am quoting him now, this is the president, ‘America will never be a socialist country.’ Will that hold true if you’re elected president?”

Sanders replied: “If I am elected president, we will have a nation in which all people have health care as a right. Whether Trump likes it or not. We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition free. We are going to raise the minimum wage to a living wage of at least 15 bucks an hour, and whether Trump likes it or not, when I talk about human rights, you know what that also means, it means that our kids and grandchildren have the human right to grow up in a planet that is healthy and habitable. And it is really a disgrace and an embarrassment that we have a president who rejects science, who does not even understand that climate change is real and caused by human activity, who does not understand what this planet will look like in years to come if we do not go forward boldly and transform our energy system away from fossil fuels.”

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16 Mar 02:19

Beto Supporter Tries To Dodge Identity Politics Moments After Attacking GOP For ‘Old White Guys’

by Phillip Stucky
'We aren't going to make identity our sole issue'
16 Mar 02:19

Stacey Abrams Maintains That She Won Gubernatorial Election

by Mike Brest
She STILL hasn't conceded and said she doesn't plan to do so
16 Mar 02:18



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16 Mar 02:18

Fire Marshal's Office arrests 3 in arsons that grew increasingly dangerous

PLAQUEMINE — Three men arrested Friday are accused of setting seven fires that, while causing no injuries, grew increasingly dangerous in the small Iberville Parish community of Bayou Goula.
16 Mar 02:18

FEMA Contractor Arrested For Cocaine Distribution... To Kids

by Tyler Durden

Authored by John Paul Hampstead via,

Joseph Lipsey III, CEO of Chattanooga-based transportation companies Lipsey Logistics and Lipsey Trucking, was arrested on Tuesday in Aspen, CO, for distribution of cocaine to a minor, three counts of serving alcohol to a minor, possession of drug paraphernalia, and providing nicotine to minors. Lipsey’s wife Shira and son, Joseph Lipsey IV, were arrested Monday on similar counts.

Under Colorado law, if convicted of the distribution charge, the Lipsey parents would each face a mandatory sentence of between eight and 32 years in prison.

The Lipseys were each released on $100,000 cash-only bonds. In January, Joseph Lipsey IV was charged with two counts of vehicular assault after a Tesla SUV he was alleged to have been driving careened off the road, injuring himself and four other teens in the car.

The Lipseys saw an opportunity in freight brokerage when the second Bush administration began privatizing and outsourcing disaster relief, where previously the federal government had leaned on the military.

A small water company in the family’s portfolio helped the Lipseys secure an award to provide bottled water for hurricane relief.

In 2003, Lipsey had engaged UPS for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) logistics and transportation support for disaster relief, but almost immediately Hurricane Isabel hit the global logistics conglomerate realized that the task of providing disaster relief logistics was more realistic with an asset-based truckload provider than through independent brokerage capacity. UPS handed over the business to US Xpress, which managed relief logistics on behalf of Lipsey.

Joe Lipsey soon realized that there was a lot of money to be made in using brokerage capacity and by the 2005 hurricane season, the Lipseys had launched their own brokerage to move water and ice on a cost-plus basis for the government.

Lipsey Logistics has been investigated on numerous occasions for failure to comply with federal rules around deadlines, botched paperwork, and according to a government investigation, in billing more than $800,000 in unsupported Federal payments.

On September 5, 2017, Lipsey Water was awarded a $143 million FEMA contract to provide bottled water. As of October 2017, Bloomberg reported that Lipsey won at least $215 million in FEMA relief services since Hurricane Harvey.

“Lipsey Logistics’ sister company, Lipsey Water, has numerous State and Federal emergency contracts providing Disaster Relief Services to communities affected by disasters, both natural and manmade. While working with thousands of carriers for FEMA relief, Lipsey quickly realized the need for a reliable logistics organization to manage the delivery of water, ice, and durable goods. Thus, Lipsey Logistics Worldwide was formed,” the company said on its website.

If the cocaine charges stick, Lipsey’s government contracts could be under threat. FreightWaves estimates that Lipsey was able to build a nearly $200 million per year transportation and logistics operation on the back of FEMA and state government contracts. Not all of Lipsey’s logistics business is from FEMA. The firm, benefitting from being located in Chattanooga, has hired brokerage and trucking staff from truckload giants US Xpress, Covenant Transport, and Coyote Logistics. Major clients that Lipsey have provided 3PL services include Home Depot, Niagara Waters, and Proctor & Gamble.

Reporting by the Aspen Times based on police accounts depicted the Lipsey's' Aspen home as a sordid drug den. According to a police affidavit, during a February 19 search of the Lipsey home, officers and deputies found charred tin foil, a crystalline powder-caked spoon, baggies of white powder that tested positive for cocaine, unprescribed Xanax pills, and codeine syrup.

Needless to say, the prospect of multiple felony drug convictions, especially ones involving kids, puts Lipsey Logistics’ federal contracts under threat.

16 Mar 02:17

Christchurch Killer: Nation with Closest 'Values to My Own Is the People's Republic of China'

by Ben Kew
The man allegedly responsible for the mass shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, wrote in his manifesto that the modern political system he most admired was that of communist China.
16 Mar 02:17

Feds: Illegal Aliens' Health Care Costs U.S. Taxpayers Quarter of a Billion Dollars Annually

by John Binder
Every year, American taxpayers are forced to subsidize the cost of healthcare for illegal aliens who have been arrested by federal immigration officials to the sum of about a quarter of a billion dollars. 
16 Mar 02:17

Student Hectors Chelsea Clinton, Blaming Her Condemnation of Ilhan Omar for New Zealand Terror

‘I want you to feel that deep inside’