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07 May 05:55

Drone drops anti-media swastika flyers outside Ariana Grande concert, university event

by Zack Budryk
A drone dropped flyers featuring swastikas and slogans such as "the press is the enemy" outside an Ariana Grande concert and at a Sacramento State University event, ...
07 May 05:55

Children At Philadelphia Muslim Society Say They Will "Chop Off Heads" For Allah

by Tyler Durden

Footage has surfaced of Muslim children at an Islamic center in Philadelphia saying that they would sacrifice themselves, "chop off heads" and even kill for the "army of Allah".

The Muslim American Society (MAS) Islamic center in Philadelphia posted the video to its Facebook page in celebration of "Ummah Day". Young children are seen in the video wearing Palestinian scarves and reading poetry about killing for Allah.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) told Fox News: 

"These are not isolated incidents; they are happening in major centers of the country – including in Pennsylvania."

MEMRI translated the video, where children can be heard singing: "The land of the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey is calling us. Our Palestine must return to us."

One girl even talks about martyrs sacrificing their lives to conquer Jerusalem. In the video, she says:

 "We will defend the land of divine guidance with our bodies, and we will sacrifice our souls without hesitation. We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture."

MAS Philly belongs to the Muslim American Society, which has 42 chapters in the U.S.

The MAS put out the following statement on Friday: “While we celebrate the coming together of different cultures and languages, not all songs were properly vetted. This was an unintended mistake and an oversight in which the center and the students are remorseful. MAS will conduct an internal investigation to ensure this does not occur again. As a faith-based organization dedicated to moving people to strive for God-consciousness and a just and virtuous society, we affirm our long-standing position on our shared values of humanity. We stand resolutely in our condemnation of hate, bigotry, Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism and all the illnesses of hate that plague our society.”

And, as you may have guessed, CNN was right on the case, reporting its "most trusted name in news" take. Or not. 


06 May 13:56

Entire TIMES-PICAYUNE staff axed after sale...

Entire TIMES-PICAYUNE staff axed after sale...

(Second column, 13th story, link)

06 May 13:56

Self-improvement guru set to face 'sex slave' accusers...

Self-improvement guru set to face 'sex slave' accusers...

(First column, 23rd story, link)

06 May 13:39

How Amateur Porno Set Off Massive Federal Witch Hunt...

How Amateur Porno Set Off Massive Federal Witch Hunt...

(Third column, 16th story, link)

06 May 13:39

Buttigieg, husband attend Jimmy Carter Sunday school...

Buttigieg, husband attend Jimmy Carter Sunday school...

(Second column, 11th story, link)

06 May 13:38

Diana Ross Gets Full TSA Treatment...

Diana Ross Gets Full TSA Treatment...

(Third column, 8th story, link)

06 May 13:37

Black boxes recovered from Russian Aeroflot crash that killed 41

The black box flight recorders have been recovered from the Aeroflot plane crash site at the Moscow airport where at least 41 people died, Russian officials said Monday.
06 May 13:37

Diana Ross says TSA was 'over the top' at New Orleans airport

Diana Ross said on Twitter that she felt violated by the Transportation Security Administration at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.
06 May 13:36

Biden confused, says 'Thatcher' called him about Trump


(American Mirror) Joe Biden is so popular among world leaders, he’s having a hard time keeping them all straight.

Biden, who would be 78 on Inauguration Day, told a small group of donors in Columbia, South Carolina on Saturday that “14 heads of state” have contacted him, and “voiced concerns about Trump.”

Bloomberg reports: That list included Margaret Thatcher, he said, before correcting what he called a “Freudian slip,” that he was actually referring to current British Prime Minister Theresa May.

The post Biden confused, says 'Thatcher' called him about Trump appeared first on WND.

06 May 13:36

John Bolton Threatens Iran With 'Unrelenting Force': Reason Roundup

by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

"The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime, but." So says a not-so-reassuring Sunday statement from National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Call it what you will, but it sure seems like Bolton and the Trump administration are trying to entangle us in another dick-swinging Middle Eastern military adventure.

The U.S. is sending a bomber task force and a Carrier Strike Group toward Iran, according to the statement. Bolton called it a way to send an "unmistakable message" that if the wrong people do something we don't like (to anybody), "the Iranian regime" will "be met with unrelenting force."

Ahhh, there's that sociopathic old "America: World Police" spirit that Bolton perfected during the George W. Bush years.

Invoking increasing tensions between Iran and the U.S., Bolton said "we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or regular Iranian forces."

As White House Reporter Andrew Feinberg (and many others) have pointed out, "the US has pretty much constantly had a carrier on station in that area since the 1980s," so the fact that it's being sent there is pretty much business as usual. The fact that Bolton felt the need to put out a belligerent statement about it isn't.


Bartenders in Texas must now be clairvoyant if they want to avoid criminal charges. At least that's the message the state seems to be sending with the arrest of 27-year-old Lindsey Glass, who served drinks to a man named Spencer Hight before he went on a shooting spree that killed eight people. Glass has been charged with a misdemeanor for violating a Texas ban on selling alcohol "to an habitual drunkard or an intoxicated or insane person."


The Wall Street Journal takes a somber look at newspapers in the U.S. "Local papers have suffered sharper declines in circulation than national outlets and greater incursions into their online advertising businesses from tech giants such as Alphabet Inc.'s Google and Facebook Inc," the paper reports.

The result has been a parade of newspaper closures and large-scale layoffs. Nearly 1,800 newspapers closed between 2004 and 2018, leaving 200 counties with no newspaper and roughly half the counties in the country with only one, according to a University of North Carolina study.

Meanwhile, about 400 online-only local news sites have sprung up to fill the void, disproportionately clustered in big cities and affluent areas, the UNC study found.


Booker wants all gun owners to get federal approval. The Democratic candidates seem to be in competition for the most overbearing gun policy proposals:


  • The Cat in the Hat is right about parenting, writes Katherine Mangu-Ward.
  • "Are we cool? We like to think we're cool," the Transportation Security Administration declares on Instagram. It gets worse from there
  • That word…I do not think it means what you think it means:

  • Former Trump fixer Michael Cohen is headed to prison today.
  • Uber and Lyft drivers are going on strike this Wednesday in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.
  • A new report shows a stunning lack of oversight in the New York foster care system.
  • Not everyone is on board with plans to legalize (and commercialize) D.C.'s decriminalized marijuana scene. "You can grow it here, you can have six plants which actually is a lot," says Will Jones of the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana. "You can share it with people. If you want to do it, have fun. Grow it, use it, great. It's legal. But to say that we should allow commercial industry, that's a step too far."
  • "President Trump upended what appeared to be steady progress toward reaching a trade pact after he threatened on Sunday to impose still more tariffs on Chinese-made goods unless Beijing moves closer to a deal," reports The New York Times.
  • Former Obama administration official Mark Morgan is Trump's pick to run U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
04 May 15:01


04 May 15:01

Cohen set for prison; 'Rat' warned to watch his back...

Cohen set for prison; 'Rat' warned to watch his back...

(Third column, 11th story, link)

04 May 15:01

'WINNIE THE POOH' Star Accused of Rape...

'WINNIE THE POOH' Star Accused of Rape...

(First column, 14th story, link)

04 May 15:01

Algorithms of Repression, Mass Surveillance...

Algorithms of Repression, Mass Surveillance...

(First column, 15th story, link)

04 May 15:01



(Main headline, 1st story, link)

04 May 15:01

Killer asteroid flattens New York in simulation exercise...

Killer asteroid flattens New York in simulation exercise...

(Second column, 20th story, link)

01 May 11:43

Donald Trump threatens Cuba with 'full and complete embargo' over support for Venezuela's Maduro

by Andrew Buncombe
Violence erupts in Caracas as opposition seeks to oust president
01 May 11:42

MSNBC Venezuela Coverage Shows Why U.S. Founders Wanted Armed Citizenry

by AWR Hawkins
While covering Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro's efforts to hold power, MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders noted Maduro has the advantage of guns against an unarmed populace. 
01 May 11:41

Carlson blasts supporters of Venezuela intervention: 'Has it ever worked?'

by Zack Budryk
Fox News' Tucker Carlson lambasted supporters of U.S. intervention in Venezuela Tuesday night, suggesting they "care more about Venezuela than they do this country.""Will the overthrow of [President Nicolas] Maduro...
01 May 11:41

Journalist Claims Media, Government Are Lying About Venezuela

by Mike Brest
'The opposition has no popular support'
01 May 11:41

Venezuela: Maduro claims victory over 'attempted coup', as Guaido calls for people to take to streets again

by Harry Cockburn
Opposition leader's appeals to military largely fail to secure change in loyalty
01 May 11:40

Australian scientists find antidote for deadly box jellyfish sting

Australian researchers believe they have found an antidote to a sting from the world's most venomous creature, the much-feared box jellyfish.
01 May 11:40

In Abortion Decision, Kansas Supreme Court Empties ‘Natural Rights’ Of Meaning

by John G. Brungardt
The Kansas Supreme Court majority's philosophy of construing 'what ‘liberty’ and ‘inalienable natural rights’ mean in the real world today' leaves us with a rule of law as changeable as popular music.
01 May 11:39

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Republicans Are Worried About Politics In Public Schools

by Will Flanders
The increasingly left-wing tilt in public schools just might fuel a whole new demand for school choice among parents who are sick of political correctness and indoctrination.
01 May 11:39

It’s Getting Difficult To Tell The Difference Between The New York Times And Al Jazeera

by David Harsanyi
In bias against Israel, The New York Times hasn’t needed much prodding over the decades. But it's getting worse.
01 May 11:39

Joe Biden Should Apologize To Clarence Thomas, Not To Anita Hill

by Inez Feltscher Stepman
Apparently, even a favorable hearing in front of the whole world is not enough for a woman alleging that a man has sexually wronged her. Now we have to rewrite history to affirm allegations that the evidence contradicts.
01 May 11:38

Maria Bartiromo: ‘Really Disappointing Behavior from Robert Mueller’

by Colby Hall

Maria Bartiromo addressed Tuesday’s bombshell news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller sent a letter expressing disapproval to Attorney General Bill Barr for the manner in which the later ostensibly summarized the findings of a 400+ paged report in a four-page letter that gave President Donald Trump the best possible interpretation of Mueller’s findings.

The Fox Business morning show host introduced Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano to provide his insight, to which he defended the manner in which Mueller privately expressed his disapproval to Barr six weeks ago, details of which have not come out until Tuesday, perhaps not so coincidentally the day before Barr is set to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee for a public hearing.

As the rather predictable segment wrapped, Bartiromo summarized the discussion by saying “Sounds like Politics to me.” She then added, without further explanation “this is disappointing in terms of Robert Mueller’s behavior.”

Bartiromo has often expressed views in support of President Trump so perhaps this summary comment is not surprising coming from the Fox Business host. It is surprising, however, in the context of what Napolitano had just said on her airwaves.

Watch above via FBN.

01 May 11:38

Trump approval highest in two years in CNN poll

by Morgan Gstalter
President Trump's approval rating stands at its highest level in two years, according to a ...
01 May 11:37

Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for skipping bail

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was sentenced by a London court on Wednesday to 50 weeks in jail for skipping bail.