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13 Jun 23:52

Iran FM: "Suspicious Doesn't Begin To Describe" Attack On Japanese Tanker During Abe's State Visit

by Tyler Durden

With the words "Gulf of Tonkin" trending on Twitter this morning at a moment that a senior American defense official told CBS News that "it's highly likely Iran caused these attacks," it appears the general public is not even close to buying the claim that Iran attacked two tankers near the strategic Strait of Hormuz this morning. 

Iranian Foreign Minister Javid Zarif pointed out a crucial obvious factor not likely to make it across the US mainstream airwaves or headlines: 

"Suspicious doesn't begin to describe what likely transpired this morning," he said. 

This especially crucial according to his comments — given that one of the vessels is a Japanese tanker supposedly "attacked" by Iran in the middle of a visit to Tehran by Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Japan's Trade Ministry later confirmed that one of the ships hit Thursday morning was carrying "Japan-related cargo."

Via The Japan News/The Yomiuri Shimbun: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attends a joint press conference with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani following their summit meeting in Tehran on Wednesday.

The details of the Japanese tanker are described by the AP as follows:

The Japanese operator of a tanker that was damaged in a suspected attack in the Strait of Hormuz says all of its crewmembers are now safe onboard a U.S. Navy warship.

The chemical tanker Kokuka Courageous, operated by Kokuka Sangyo Co., was apparently attacked as it was passing through the Strait of Hormuz toward Singapore and Thailand destinations to deliver methanol.

Currently Iran is desperately attempting to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal with other world powers at a time its economy is being crushed under US sanctions, and Wednesday's visit by the Japanese PM appears an attempt to mediate. The tanker incident and emergency nature of what transpired "eclipsed the Abe visit, an unexpected bit of outreach to Iran by someone Trump calls a friend," as CNN noted

The Panama-flagged and Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous was one of the two vessels reportedly attacked, possibly by torpedo fire, mine, or underwater drone, in the Gulf of Oman. 

Speaking of CNN, we've really entered new territory when even it's pundits are quickly raising the question of a 'false flag' in our midst:

Iran doesn't appear to have a lot to gain. Say what you like about Tehran's malicious intent, these incidents heighten the global drumbeat for greater isolation and boosts those who seek to apply military pressure on Iran. Its economy is in a bad condition. Before President Donald Trump pulled the US out of the JCPOA (colloquially known as the Iran nuclear deal), Tehran was at its peak of regional influence. With diminished economic resources, its potency is likely to wane.

The incidents also came in the middle of a visit to Tehran by Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, apparently trying to mediate over the nuclear deal (although Tokyo says he's not an envoy for Washington). The apparent attacks eclipsed the Abe visit, an unexpected bit of outreach to Iran by someone Trump calls a friend.

And quite surprisingly, more from CNN:

Iran's chief moderate, Foreign Minister Javid Zarif, was right to point out that "suspicious doesn't begin to describe what likely transpired this morning." When one party is so easily blamed, it is likely blameless, or unfathomably stupid.

Meanwhile anonymous US officials are blaming a "state actor" in what is very likely just the beginning of a hail of evidence-free accusations and threats to follow. 

And separately, a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition supporting Yemen's government in the country's civil war has come out and blamed Iran for Thursday's attack, saying they believe they can connect it to a similar tanker bombing last year in the Red Sea committed by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

The spokesman called the attack a "major escalation", and reiterated in what sounded to us like a thinly veiled threat that Saudi Arabia has the capacity to protect its vital institutions.

Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP Photo

It will be interesting to see what Japan officially concludes when it releases further statements and perhaps more details of its findings on the incident. On Wednesday, just before the attack, Japan's Abe told Rouhani that "no one wants a military clash" while speaking of the US so-called "maximum pressure" campaign and ratcheting tensions with Washington. Abe said at a press conference while standing beside Rouhani: “I decided to visit Iran as part of my efforts to ease tensions.”

PM Abe also called on Tehran's leaders to play a “constructive role” toward stabilizing the region and pursuing a calming of tensions. 

And following this positive meeting with Japan's head of state that went in Iran's favor, what did Iran decide to do a mere hours later?... Attack a nearby Japanese tanker of course!

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Amazon Launches Credit Card For Deadbeats

by Tyler Durden

Submitted by Nick Colas of DataTrek Research

Amazon launched a new credit card offering today for individuals with bad/no credit. If disruptive innovation always starts with addressing the low end of a market (and it does…) then this move merits attention. If anyone has the technological horsepower to crack the low end of the financial services marketplace, it’s Amazon.

Most of what passes for “disruptive innovation” doesn’t actually fit that description too well. We haven’t talked about this idea for a while, so as a reminder:

  • Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen’s original disruption paradigm describes a business that starts life addressing the low end of a market.

  • To be profitable competing in this segment, the company has a unique edge. Think Japanese “lean manufacturing” in the auto industry or Amazon’s original business of selling books on the Internet. Both were novel for their time and gave a definable competitive/financial advantage.

  • Since these new entrants are only attacking the low end of a market, established competitors cede ground since they don’t make much money here anyway.

  • Over time, the new company moves upscale using the same competitive advantage. Again, established companies retreat since they still have the high end to keep them profitable.

  • Eventually, the upstarts become the status quo as the old guard dies and the whole cycle begins anew.

We bring all this up because Amazon’s news today that it is launching a secured credit card for individuals with bad/no credit history fits this pattern better than a lot of things that pass for “disruption” these days. A few details:

  • The underbanked/unbanked/low credit score cohort clearly fits the definition of the “low end” of the market for financial services. While community banking laws mean the bad-old-days of redlining are largely past, there is still a sizable community of Americans with little access to the financial products most of us take for granted.

  • Amazon Credit Builder is the name of the company’s new secured credit card offering. A customer deposits $100 - $1,000 with Amazon’s affiliated bank (mailing a check/money order is an option) and receives a credit card with a line of credit of equal amount.

  • Repayment is fixed at 6, 12, or 24 months, customers can track their credit score online and also see how timely repayment is improving their FICO score on a monthly basis.

  • Clients of Amazon Credit Builder can upgrade to the company’s standard credit card offerings in as little as 7 months provided they make timely payments. At that point their security deposit is refunded in full.

  • The only downside (but it’s a lulu)…. An annual percentage rate of 28.24%.

Our thought: Amazon is famous for only addressing large markets but often starting small and this product seems to fit both characteristics. If anyone has the technology (and lack of branch infrastructure) to make a profitable go of it at the low end of consumer banking, it is Amazon.