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05 Jul 18:02

Trump Blames Teleprompter Snafu for Airport Gaffe in Speech: ‘It’s Hard to Look at in the Rain’

by Connor Mannion

President Donald Trump blamed a teleprompter malfunction for a bizarre tangent in his Fourth of July speech where he mentioned airports in the Revolutionary War.

“The teleprompter went out, it went kaput. So I could have said — and actually right in the middle of sentence it went out. That’s not a good feeling,” Trump told reporters Friday shortly before leaving the White House en route to his golf club in Bedminster, NJ.

“I knew the speech very well so I was able to do it without a teleprompter. But the teleprompter did go out. And it was actually hard to look at anyway because it was rain all over it. But despite the rain, that was just a fantastic evening.” he continued.

Trump has often lambasted politicians who use teleprompters for speeches.

“I’ve always said, if you run for president, you shouldn’t be allowed to use teleprompters,” Trump said in 2015. “Because you don’t even know if the guy is smart.”

In 2016, he softened his stance on the technology, saying of teleprompters ““They’re not bad. You never get yourself in trouble when you use a teleprompter. You know the problem is, it’s too easy. We have a president who uses teleprompters, it’s too easy. We should have non-teleprompter speeches only when you’re running for president.”

Watch above, via MSNBC

05 Jul 18:01

The Alex Jones Show: Trump Successfully Conducts Anti-Globalist Exorcism in Powerful Fourth of July Speech

by The Alex Jones Show
Mark your calendars - this is 1776 worldwide - this is EVERYTHING that we have worked for!
05 Jul 18:01

Kaepernick's rant undermined by 'rest of the speech'



Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is getting a history lesson after he lashed out at America on July 4th with a quote from abolitionist Frederick Douglass that appeared to harshly criticize “the people of these United States.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and others are pointing out that Kaepernick cited only a small portion of the speech, distorting the meaning.

It’s all about his complaint this week that caused Nike to cancel a special issue of shoes featuring the Betsy Ross flag. Despite the flag’s use during Barack Obama’s inauguration, Kaepernick insisted it was a symbol of slavery.

The company faced a huge backlash, and talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh blasted Kaepernick.

“These people are not interested in what’s best for America. They want to tear it down, folks,” Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated show. “They’re not even hiding it anymore. They’re not trying to even camouflage it. They aren’t trying to mask it. They aren’t trying to deceive us. They’re flat-out in our faces. They don’t like this country, and it’s not about fixing it. It’s about tearing it down.”

Limbaugh said Kaepernick “and his behavior and Nike going along with him, in my estimation, is flat-out un-American.”

“It’s anti-America, let’s put it that way. We don’t have any overlap here where it used to be said (impression), ‘Yeah, well, we’re all. … We all want the best for America. We just have different, uh, theories about how to get there.’ They’re not looking at the best! They want to rip this country apart. They want to tear up the concepts of the American founding.”

At the time, Cruz put the matter in perspective via Twitter.

“It’s a good think Nike only wants to sell sneakers to people who hate the American flag,” he said.

On July 4, Kaepernick, who previously had not commented directly on the controversy, excerpted a quote from a Douglass speech. He posted on Twitter the abolitionist’s statement: “What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine… There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Twitter news aggregator Twitchy noted Cruz and Charles C.W. Cooke, among others, pointed out the misleading post.

“Failed NFL AQ Colin Kaepernick thought it would be a good idea to share this Frederick Douglass quote in an effort to bash the United States on Independence Day. His problem, however, is that he didn’t read the rest of the speech and sharing this quote out of context is just plain embarrassing,” Twitchy said.

Cruz said the speech by Douglass, indeed, was “mighty and historic.”

But he said Kaepernick’s editing concealed several significant points:

He explained: “(1) This speech was given in 1852, before the Civil War, when the abomination of slavery still existed. Thanks to Douglass and so many other heroes, we ended that grotesque evil and have made enormous strides to protecting the civil rights of everybody.”

Cruz added: “(2) Douglass was not anti-American; he was, rightly and passionately, anti-slavery. Indeed, he concluded the speech as follows: ‘Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented, of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country.'”

Douglass said:

“There are forces in operation, which must inevitably, work in the downfall of slavery. ‘The arm of the Lord is not shortened,’ and the doom of slavery is certain.”

I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope. While drawing encouragement from ‘the Declaration of Independence,’ the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age.”

Cruz’s suggestion: “READ THE ENTIRE SPEECH.”

On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported Nike was dropping the sneaker because Kaepernick said he and others consider the Betsy Ross flag to be offensive. Nike shares immediately fell, and CBS reported Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said would rescind financial incentives recently offered to Nike to build a $185 million plant and bring 500 jobs to the state.


In a tweet, Ducey called Nike’s decision a “shameful retreat,” saying “American businesses should be proud of our country’s history, not abandoning it.”

Kaepernick launched the national-anthem protest movement in the NFL, which he said was in protest of police officers killing unarmed black men.

He was unable to sign a new contract and eventually settled a lawsuit against the league alleging owners conspired against him.

The post Kaepernick's rant undermined by 'rest of the speech' appeared first on WND.

05 Jul 18:00

U.S. EPA proposes hike in biofuel mandate to 20.04 billion gallons in 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday it has proposed increasing the volume of biofuels refiners must blend into their fuel annually to 20.04 billion gallons in 2020, up from 19.92 billion gallons in 2019.
05 Jul 18:00

The man who accuses Kevin Spacey of groping him dropped his civil lawsuit against the actor - CNN

The man who accuses Kevin Spacey of groping him dropped his civil lawsuit against the actor  CNN

A civil lawsuit brought by the young man who has accused actor Kevin Spacey of sexual assault has been dropped, just over a week after it was filed, according ...

View full coverage on Google News
05 Jul 17:59

Former police chief accused of stealing department money arrested once again

by WBRZ Staff
Former police chief accused of stealing department money arrested once again

CLINTON - A former police chief who allegedly used police funds to pay for personal expenses is in jail for a third time.

State police confirmed to WBRZ Thursday that Fred Dunn was booked into jail again on the Fourth of July. He was booked for possession of stolen goods, though police could offer no further details about the nature of the allegations.

Dunn, who resigned as Clinton's police chief in 2018, was arrested twice in the span of two months last year.

He first fell under the microscope after investigators began looking into the unauthorized purchase of several new SUVs for the town's police department.

A past arrest warrant claims Dunn took $8,089 from the police department's narcotics account and used that money for personal expenses. He allegedly wrote checks out to multiple personal acquaintances and used at least $1,000 of that money on his daughter's private school tuition.

Dunn was previously arrested on charges of felony theft and malfeasance in office.

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05 Jul 17:58

Police crack Britain's largest 'modern slavery ring'

Details about what prosecutors have called one of Britain's largest-ever modern day slavery rings have emerged with the conviction of eight people originally from Poland.
05 Jul 17:58

Claims 1775 revolutionary army 'took over airports'?

05 Jul 17:58

French priest defrocked for abusing Scouts in landmark case...

French priest defrocked for abusing Scouts in landmark case...

(First column, 19th story, link)

05 Jul 17:58

Reverses course on healthcare for illegals...

05 Jul 17:58

Humans wearing 'teledildonic suits' can now have sex with each other over internet...

Humans wearing 'teledildonic suits' can now have sex with each other over internet...

(Second column, 24th story, link)

05 Jul 17:58

Mexico murder rate reaches all-time high; 94 killings every day...

Mexico murder rate reaches all-time high; 94 killings every day...

(Third column, 9th story, link)

05 Jul 17:58

BIDEN BACKFIRE: Russia Meddling Wouldn't Have Happened 'on My Watch and Barack's Watch'...

05 Jul 17:57

Ice cream truck owner fed up with requests from influencers

A Los Angeles ice cream truck owner fed up with requests for free product from social media influencers put up a sign bearing his new policy: "Influencers Pay Double."
05 Jul 17:57

Trump: 'If we had a Fed that would lower interest rates, we'd be like a rocket ship' - CNBC

Trump: 'If we had a Fed that would lower interest rates, we'd be like a rocket ship'  CNBC

President Donald Trump lambasted the Federal Reserve yet again on Friday, saying he thinks the economy will “be breaking records” even though the central ...

View full coverage on Google News
05 Jul 17:57

Math Teacher Loses Job After Defending Western Civilization

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Jennifer Kabbany via The College Fix,

A math teacher says she has lost her job at a private school in Southern California for speaking out in defense of Western Civilization - even though she made her comments outside the classroom.

Dr. Karen Siegemund, president of the Los Angeles-based American Freedom Alliance, gave a speech in May at the group’s “Long March Through the Institutions” conference, which explored the Left’s ongoing multi-decade takeover attempt of numerous public and private institutions to effect a radical transformation of America.”

During her speech, she said “each of us here believes in the unparalleled force for good that is Western Civilization, that is our heritage, whether we were born here or not.”

Shortly thereafter she said she was informed that her teaching contract at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, a private K-12 school, would not be renewed.

“It’s kind of shocking, isn’t it,” Siegemund told Mike Huckabee in a recent interview about the experience, noting she has been a teacher for almost 20 years.

“Because of my outside activities, I was told my contract would not be renewed. I praised Western Civilization, and how it’s brought the greatest good to the most number of people, and we are all its beneficiaries, including those not even from here, and that was deemed hostile,” she said.

Huckabee said he thought there might be something more to the story:

“Surely you did not just get fired just because you believe in Western Civilization?”

“No, I did,” she replied.

“I see myself as an educator,” Siegemund added, “and I want all my students to learn critical thinking, to explore, to be skeptical, to value those things that we value, to grow as an individual, that’s always been my stance, which I guess is also problematic. Because there are other teachers who denigrate the president in the classroom, who wear ‘resist’ T-shirts, who promote all kinds of various leftist policies in the classroom — that’s apparently fine — because their contracts have been renewed.”

“I even hesitated to wear anything with an American flag, not hesitated — I did not wear anything with an American flag on it — for fear of that being sort of too subversively patriotic … But I have promoted freedoms and independent thought.”

Apparently the conference might have been the final straw. But Siegemund has launched a GoFundMe page and says she plans to fight the “unfair termination.”

“I am just standing up for what I believe is right,” she told Huckabee.

Her story has resonated with several observers, including on Ricochet and PolitiChicks.

05 Jul 17:57

Coming Out For Trump

by Millie Weaver
Worse than coming out as gay.
05 Jul 17:56

Do organic crystals create ‘bathtub rings’ around Titan’s lakes and seas? - EarthSky

01 Jul 15:02

Helpless farmers can't defend against federally protected birds...

Helpless farmers can't defend against federally protected birds...

(Third column, 19th story, link)

01 Jul 15:02

Russia to tow nuke power station to Arctic...

01 Jul 15:02

Journalism Job Cuts Haven't Been This Bad Since Recession...

01 Jul 15:01

Feds issue domestic terror warning for holiday...

01 Jul 15:01

UPDATE: Ex-FOXNEWS reporter, 'climate change' activist take on DRUDGE...

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Hong Kong protests descend into chaos in direct challenge to China...

Hong Kong protests descend into chaos in direct challenge to China...

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01 Jul 15:01

Police Cars Damaged As 1,000 Teens Wreak Havoc In Philly Streets...

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01 Jul 15:01

Third of Americans cut spending...

01 Jul 15:01

Vultures eating animals alive on Kentucky farms...

Vultures eating animals alive on Kentucky farms...

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01 Jul 15:00

Stray missile hits holiday island of Cyprus turning hillside into fireball...

Stray missile hits holiday island of Cyprus turning hillside into fireball...

(Third column, 15th story, link)