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24 Sep 14:39

3 Navy sailors assigned to USS George H.W. Bush kill selves in week...

3 Navy sailors assigned to USS George H.W. Bush kill selves in week...

(Second column, 16th story, link)

24 Sep 14:38

Louisiana struggles to retain college grads despite energy industry's presence

by Carrie Bradon

According to, Louisiana’s current strained economy is based largely on three factors: taxes, bureaucracy and an exodus of young adults after earning college degrees. Read more..

24 Sep 14:37

Stolen game camera sends pictures identifying holder

WOODWORTH, La. (AP) – Louisiana wildlife agents say a stolen cellular game camera kept sending pictures, letting them identify the man who had it.

He and the man he said he’d bought it from were arrested.  

A Department of Wildlife and Fisheries statement Monday said 55-year-old Kurt Wiggins is accused of theft and 53-year-old Ernie Jenkins of possessing stolen items. Both are from Woodworth.

Department spokesman Adam Einck says he doesn’t know whether either has an attorney.  

He says a U.S. Department of Agriculture feral hog trapper reported Sept. 16 that his game camera, mount and battery pack were stolen from a trap site in the Kisatchie National Forest near Woodworth.  

Einck says agents with a search warrant found the items Sept. 19 at Jenkins’ home.  

The camera was marked as U.S. government property.

24 Sep 14:37

Too much bloodshed: New Orleans leaders address safety after shootings

City police officials they do not believe the weekend's multiple shootings were related.

24 Sep 02:53

Media frets over string of legal losses...

Media frets over string of legal losses...

(First column, 12th story, link)

24 Sep 02:52

President ordered hold on military aid days before calling Ukrainian president...

24 Sep 02:52

General Dynamics Unveils 'Light Weight' Tank That Could Be Deployed By 2025

by Tyler Durden
General Dynamics Unveils 'Light Weight' Tank That Could Be Deployed By 2025

The Department of Defense (DoD) is anticipating the next-generation of main-battle tanks to hit the modern battlefield by 2025. 

In the meantime, General Dynamics showed off its next-generation of main-battle tanks during the 2019 Modern Day Marine expo in Quantico, Virginia, over the weekend, reported Defense Blog.

General Dynamics Land Systems, a segment within General Dynamics, unveiled the advanced, 'light tank,' called the Griffin II. 

The DoD/Army is currently searching for new tracked armored vehicles able to defend infantry squads on the modern battlefield. 

Griffin II is part of a more significant effort by the DoD to develop weapons that can be quickly deployed around the world. The new tank is light enough that it can be airlifted into battle. 

The Army is shifting focus from counterinsurgency to high-intensity war-fighting against China and Russia, and will need a new lightweight tank for the next conflict. 

Griffin II has a 120mm main gun and weighs around 38-tons. It will "provide soldiers with speed, protection, lethality and the ability to wage a multi-domain battle, working in concert with other ground forces to overwhelm the enemy with multiple simultaneous challenges," said Defense Blog. It has a scaled-down version of the M1 Abrams turret with a similar overall design. 

The new tank is expected to have a higher rating of survivability than the M1 Abrams, a tank that entered service in 1980, and has been used in all US involved Middle Eastern wars since the Gulf War (1990-1991).

The new tank will feature advanced armor, more lightweight than ever before, along with intelligent sensors that are integrated with the hardware, software, and effectors to create an overarching, layered system of passive and active self-defense measures, Defense Blog said. 

Griffin II could enter service by 2025, and be flown to any battlefield in the world via a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft.

Tyler Durden Mon, 09/23/2019 - 22:45
23 Sep 19:07

‘Children of the Corn Level Scary’: Political Pundits Respond to Greta Thunberg’s Fiery UN Speech

by Charlie Nash

Political pundits took to Twitter, Monday, to air their thoughts on 16-year-old environmentalist Greta Thunberg‘s fiery speech before the United Nations.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words … entire ecosystems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!” declared Thunberg during her speech to world leaders. “You are failing us… Young people are starting to understand your betrayal.”

Ryan Saavedra, a reporter for Ben Shapiro‘s Daily Wire, described the speech as “absolute madness,” while conservative commentator and former RedState CEO Erick Erickson claimed Thunberg and her supporters are  “going to move quickly to violence to overthrow democratic governments.”

Washington Examiner writer Tiana Lowe published an article accusing Thunberg’s parents of “child abuse,” which was in turn shared by Turning Point USA’s Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson, who referred to Thunberg as “David Hogg 2” in reference to Stoneman Douglas school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk branded the 16-year-old “ANTIFA climate activist Greta Von Thunburg,” while Buck Sexton, host of the Buck Sexton Show, criticized CNN for enabling her “propaganda.”

Those in Thunberg’s defense included actress Rose McGowan, CNN’s Ana Navarro and W. Kamau Bell, HuffPost Senior Politics Reporter Jennifer Bendery, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, and California State Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks.

On Sunday, convicted felon and author Dinesh D’Souza, who was pardoned by President Donald Trump last year, compared Thunberg to Nazi propaganda.


23 Sep 19:07

Ted Cruz's Gun Control Bill Would Encourage Enforcement of Restrictions That Make No Sense

by Jacob Sullum

If Republicans in the Senate respond to recent mass shootings with new gun control legislation, it is apt to look something like a bill introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R–Texas). Cruz's Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2019 already has been criticized as inadequate by proponents of new gun controls. But in several respects it moves in the wrong direction, reinforcing an unjust and irrationally broad system of background checks for gun buyers without doing much to prevent mass shootings.

"I think we absolutely need to act to stop gun violence," Cruz said on Fox News recently. "I was in Odessa right after the shooting in Texas, I was in El Paso right after the shooting there. I've been in Sutherland Springs right after that shooting. I was in Santa Fe right after that shooting. These mass murders, there are too many of them, it is horrific, and we need to act to stop it, but the question is: What is effective to stop mass murders?" He said the solution he favors "targets felons, it targets fugitives, it targets those with dangerous mental illness, and it stops them from getting guns, and it puts them in jail for crimes they have committed before they can murder others."

The first problem with Cruz's approach is that the vast majority of mass shooters do not have disqualifying criminal or psychiatric records. Even in the cases mentioned by Cruz, only two involved gun purchases that should have been blocked by background checks based on current federal restrictions. And those two cases are not representative of mass shootings in general.

The Sutherland Springs shooter had been convicted in military court of crimes that disqualified him from owning guns, but the Air Force failed to share that information with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Congress responded with the Fix NICS Act, which created penalties for federal agencies that fail to share relevant information with NICS. According to Texas officials, the Odessa shooter was disqualified by a "mental health issue" that should have been flagged when he bought the rifle he used in the attack.

If the background check system were working as intended, both of those mass shooters would have been unable to obtain their weapons from federally licensed dealers. Perhaps that would have deterred them. Or perhaps they would have bought guns in private transactions that the government could not monitor even if it notionally required background checks for all firearm transfers.

The El Paso shooter bought his rifle legally, while the Santa Fe shooter used a shotgun and a handgun legally owned by his father. In other words, background checks were demonstrably no obstacle to those crimes, and in that respect they were typical of mass shootings.

Even if background checks seem relevant in only a small percentage of mass shootings, you might think, beefing up the system makes sense if it potentially could deter some would-be killers who are not sufficiently determined to buy guns from other sources when they are turned away by licensed dealers. And even if that doesn't happen, what's the harm in trying to improve enforcement of current laws, as Cruz wants to do?

The problem is that the current federal restrictions on gun ownership go far beyond people who have demonstrated violent tendencies. The disqualified classes include anyone who has been convicted of a nonviolent felony, anyone who has ever been legally required to undergo psychiatric treatment because he was deemed suicidal, anyone who is living in the United States without the government's permission, and unlawful users of controlled substances, including cannabis consumers in states where marijuana is legal and people who use medication prescribed for others or use medication prescribed for them in a manner not authorized by a doctor.

Even the American Civil Liberties Union, which maintains that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to arms, recognizes that "the categories of people that federal law currently prohibits from possessing or purchasing a gun are overbroad, not reasonably related to the state's interest in public safety, and raise significant equal protection and due process concerns." Beefing up the background check system means, first and foremost, magnifying the injustice of taking away people's Second Amendment rights even when there is no evidence that they pose a threat to public safety.

Through grants, reporting requirements, and the creation of a Felon and Fugitive Firearm Task Force, Cruz's bill aims to encourage federal prosecution of disqualified gun buyers who lie on firearm purchase forms, which is notionally a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. I say "notionally" because such people are almost never prosecuted. According to a 2018 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), "federal NICS checks resulted in about 112,000 denied transactions in fiscal year 2017." While "the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) referred about 12,700 [cases] to its field divisions for further investigation," the GAO noted, U.S. attorney's offices had prosecuted only 12 of those cases as of June 2018.

Cruz thinks that's a scandal. But if you consider why these cases are rarely prosecuted, it seems more like a judicious use of law enforcement resources. ATF officials told the GAO that following up on these cases "has been time intensive and required use of their limited resources." Justice Department officials said "prosecuting denial cases can require significant effort and may offer little value to public safety compared to other cases involving gun violence" (emphasis added).

A 2004 report from the Justice Department's inspector general sheds further light on the sort of gun buyers who are typically flagged by background checks. If the FBI cannot complete a background check on a gun buyer within three days, the dealer is allowed to complete the sale, so the ATF, which is part of the Justice Department, is sometimes tasked with seizing guns after the fact from people who are not legally allowed to own them. The inspector general noted that there were often delays in retrieving weapons from prohibited buyers, partly because "ATF special agents did not consider most of the prohibited persons who had obtained guns to be dangerous and therefore did not consider it a priority to retrieve the firearm promptly" (emphasis added).

If these people were not actually dangerous, one might reasonably wonder, why were they barred from owning guns in the first place? If Cruz gets his wish, we will see more prosecutions of would-be gun buyers who are disqualified for reasons irrelevant to public safety. Will you feel safer knowing that medical marijuana users, illegal immigrants, and people treated decades ago for suicidal impulses are more likely to be imprisoned when they try to exercise the fundamental right to armed self-defense?

Cruz's bill also includes new grants and reporting requirements aimed at encouraging federal agencies to share "relevant" records with NICS. But those records are relevant only in a strictly legal sense. Given the unreasonable breadth of current restrictions on gun ownership, such information won't necessarily be relevant to the question of whether a would-be buyer is dangerous. Before trying to "improve" enforcement of those restrictions, Congress should take a fresh look at whether they make sense as part of a system that is supposed to "stop gun violence." As it is, Cruz is casting a very wide net that will capture far more harmless people than violent criminals.

23 Sep 19:06

Hubble takes closer look at not-so-‘dead’ neighbor

Messier 110 may not look like much, but it is a fascinating near neighbor of our home galaxy
23 Sep 19:06

GOP Challenger Bill Weld: Trump Committed Treason & Therefore Must Be Executed

by Jamie White
Media doesn't push back on appalling statement.
23 Sep 19:06

Demonic Puppets Revel In Our Demise

by Jon Bowne
Why does the establishment want to destroy the West?
23 Sep 19:06

Twenty suspects held in child serial killer investigation in Pakistan

Pakistani police have detained 20 suspects as they investigate the possibility of a serial killer being behind the suspected murder and sexual assault of three boys in a district which has a history of child abuse and abduction.
23 Sep 19:06

Democratic Rep. Admits On CNN: ‘We Don’t Know’ If Gun Buybacks Will Save Lives

by Virginia Kruta
'I don’t know that taking everyone’s guns is going to cure the national massacres'
23 Sep 19:06

Beto Claims Trans Women Of Color Can Be Killed With ‘Complete Impunity’

by William Davis
'With no one to follow up or investigate'
23 Sep 19:05

Trump says he would be awarded Nobel Peace Prize 'if they gave it out fairly'

by Brett Samuels
President Trump on Monday said during a spirited exchange with Pakistani reporters that he would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "if they gave it out fairly."The president appeared to revel in questions from membe...
23 Sep 19:05

Ron Paul: Will More US Troops In Saudi Arabia Make America Great?

by Tyler Durden
Ron Paul: Will More US Troops In Saudi Arabia Make America Great?

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

President Trump deserves credit for resisting the war cries from neocons like Sen. Lindsey Graham and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after last week’s attack on two Saudi oil facilities. Pompeo was eager to blame Iran because he wants war with Iran and anything that can trigger such a war is fine with him. So he put the president in a difficult spot by declaring Iran the culprit: suddenly the president’s options in the media and in Washington were limited to “how to punish Iran.”

A week has now passed since the attack and Pompeo’s rush to judgement has been shown for what it was: war propaganda. That is because there has still been no determination of who launched the attack. Yemen’s Houthis took responsibility right away and Iran denied any involvement. We have seen nothing to this point that contradicts this.

President Trump likely understands that a US war on Iran will be his undoing as president. Who knows, maybe that’s what his closest advisors want. But according to a Gallup poll just last month, only 18 percent of Americans were in favor of military action against Iran. Seventy-eight percent of Americans – including 72 percent of Republicans – want the president to pursue diplomatic efforts over war. Iran has made clear that any attack on its territory will trigger a total war. The Middle East would be engulfed in flames and the US economy would be in the tank. Suddenly we’d see Democrat challengers pretending to be antiwar!

The message to Trump is pretty clear – war with Iran would be deeply unpopular - and it seems clear he understands the message. Just hours after his Secretary of State put the US on war footing with Iran, President Trump was forced to walk back Pompeo’s aggression. When asked about going to war with Iran, President Trump said, "Do I want war? I don't want war with anybody."

Unfortunately, with pressure on President Trump to “do something” even as Iran has not been found to have been behind the attack, the president has settled on two measures - one pointless and  the other dangerous. On Friday Trump announced yet even more sanctions on Iran, leaving many of us to wonder what is possibly left to sanction. He also announced a deployment of US military forces to Saudi Arabia of a “defensive nature.” Why should the military be sent to “defend” one of the wealthiest and most repressive countries on earth? It is hard to see how putting US servicemembers into harm’s way – into a war zone – to defend Saudi Arabia can in any way make America great again. I believe most Americans would agree.

President Trump should immediately cancel the order to send US troops to Saudi Arabia and should immediately remove what troops are already on Saudi soil. Then the Saudis would understand that they must end their aggression against Yemen.

Attempting to placate the neocons is a fool’s errand, because they are never satisfied even up to and including war. The tide is turning in America – and even in Washington – against Saudi Arabia. After the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and a catastrophic four-year Saudi war on Yemen, no American politician is any longer in the mood to stick his or her neck out to defend Saudi Arabia. President Trump would be wise to use caution: it’s always dangerous sticking one’s neck out when the Saudi government is around.

Tyler Durden Mon, 09/23/2019 - 14:10
23 Sep 19:04

U.S. Soldier Charged With Teaching Bomb-Making To Far-Right Extremists - NPR

23 Sep 19:04

Dramatic video: Bystanders rescue girl after dad's subway suicide

by WND News Services

(NEW YORK POST) -- Dramatic cell-phone video shows the moment a 5-year-old girl crawls out from under a Bronx subway car that her suicidal dad had just fatally leaped in front of — with her cradled in his arms.

“Little by little, my love, little by little!” one onlooker can be heard encouraging the little girl in between sobs, as she inches out from under a southbound No. 4 train at the Kingsbridge Road station.

Once she grasps the outstretched arm of a good Samaritan who had lowered himself onto the track, the girl is hoisted up onto the platform, into a crowd of shocked straphangers who rush to console her, footage shows.

Read the full story ›

The post Dramatic video: Bystanders rescue girl after dad's subway suicide appeared first on WND.

23 Sep 19:04

Jury sequestered in trial of former Dallas cop who shot black man in his home

A judge on Monday took the rare step of sequestering the jury in the murder trial of a former off-duty Dallas police officer charged with shooting and killing a black neighbor last year after the officer entered his apartment by mistake.
23 Sep 19:04

Giuliani Promises To Release Incriminating Evidence On Biden

by Shelby Talcott
Calls Hunter Biden 'drug challenged'
23 Sep 19:03

The Unbearable Whiteness Of Climate Protest

by David Marcus
On climate change, young white progressives have finally found a grievance where they can be the victim, not just the ally.
23 Sep 19:03

"You've Stolen My Childhood" - 16-Year-Old Girl Throws Tearful Climate Tantrum At UN

by Tyler Durden
"You've Stolen My Childhood" - 16-Year-Old Girl Throws Tearful Climate Tantrum At UN

Great unleashed...

"I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words."

"For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear... We are in the beginning of a mass extinction..."

"You are failing us, but the young people are starting to understand your betrayal,"

"We will not let you get away with this."

Presented with no comment...

Bonus GIF...

Tyler Durden Mon, 09/23/2019 - 14:25
23 Sep 19:03

Snapchat reportedly has “Project Voldemort” dossier on Facebook’s bad behavior - Ars Technica

Snapchat reportedly has “Project Voldemort” dossier on Facebook’s bad behavior  Ars Technica

Facebook is only 15 years old, yet in that time it has become the world's dominant social media platform, boasting more than 2.4 billion users. It has also become ...

View full coverage on Google News
23 Sep 19:02

TV audience for 2019 Emmy awards slumps 32% to all-time low

The U.S. television audience for the Emmy Awards show, celebrating the best of television, slumped to 6.9 million viewers, its lowest ever level, according to Nielsen ratings data on Monday.
23 Sep 19:02

Sid Haig, horror movie star, dies at 80

by Katie Scott
Sid Haig worked on many films and television shows throughout his career, including 'The Devil's Rejects' and Rob Zombie's 'House of 1,000 Corpses' film series.
23 Sep 19:02

Suspect in shooting of Louisiana officers identified

by Associated Press

MANDEVILLE, La. (AP) — Authorities say a 21-year-old man is in custody, accused in the fatal shooting of a Louisiana police officer and wounding of another following a vehicle chase north of New Orleans.

Louisiana State Police say Mark Spicer of Covington faces charges including first-degree murder of a police officer, attempted first-degree murder of a police officer and possession of stolen property (firearm).

It was unknown if he has an attorney.

Troopers say Spicer refused to stop Friday and a pursuit ensued along U.S. 190 in Mandeville. Spicer’s car ultimately crashed and the shooting occurred.

Mandeville Police Chief Gerald Sticker identified the deceased officer as 58-year-old Capt. Vincent Liberto Jr., a 25-year veteran of the department.

He is survived by a wife and seven children.

The wounded officer is expected to survive.

23 Sep 19:01

Company to sell stake in Louisiana medical marijuana program

by Associated Press

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — A Nevada-based company has agreed to sell its 50% stake of a Louisiana medical marijuana business.

News outlets report the $16 million deal between GB Sciences Inc. and Lafayette-based Wellcana Plus LLC is expected to close by the end of October.

The Advocate reports GB Sciences Louisiana LLC is the exclusive partner for Louisiana State University’s state-approved medical marijuana program. The deal will make Wellcana the full owner of GB Sciences Louisiana.

The medical marijuana program released its first batch of products to licensed pharmacies last month .

Officials for LSU and GB Sciences both say they don’t expect the sale to impact their operations.


Information from: The Advocate,

23 Sep 19:01

Court rules hangovers an 'illness'...

Court rules hangovers an 'illness'...

(Third column, 22nd story, link)

23 Sep 19:01

Left goes ballistic as teen climate agitator criticized

by WND Staff

Leftists have gone ballistic over criticism that their newest global warming campaign star, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, resembles some of the Nazi propaganda that was used to turn the world against Jews more than half a century ago.

Thunberg is a celebrity in her home country Sweden. She started skipping class to protest global warming, or climate change as it’s now known, especially since global cooling leveled off and global warming is no more.

She delivered a rant recently at the United Nations, and charged the adults in the room with stealing her dreams and her childhood.

“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing,” she claimed. “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction…”

See a compilation of her statements from Ryan Saavedra:

Which prompted author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza to note her resemblance to those whose images were used by evildoers at the time, in the time leading up to World War II, to promote their propaganda.

On social media, he said, “Children – notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks – were often used in Nazi propaganda. An old Goebbels technique! Looks like today’s progressive Left is still learning its game from an earlier Left in the 1930s.”

He included an image alongside a depiction of a female in Nazi garb.

Those who disagreed with his evaluation of a political issue weren’t happy.

“Do us a favor, blow your brains out. And please have someone post the vid,” was the diatribe from “Max Keiser, tweet poet.”

They immediately demanded that his speech be censored, with “Cassy Stowe” explaining, “Amazing that so many have reported this tweet and it STILL hasn’t been taken down.”

“Caroline,” part of #RESIST, said, “Take down this tweet. You are insane. She is a 16 year old child, with Asberger’s syndrome, she’s not part of propaganda.”

Thunberg was not as much in favor, however, on the social media comments that followed Saavedra’s video.

“Should have stopped at ‘I shouldn’t be up here,” wrote “Tony Po.”

“‘I should be in school’ Then go to school,” added “Samantha Garber.

“Niko,” however, remained confused, “I see they’ve changed the propaganda to Climate Action (from Protect the Ozone, the Global Warming, Global Cooling, to Climate ‘Change’ – just in my lifetime). So is it going to be colder? Warmer? Moderate to fine? And Action against what exactly?”

Her performance wasn’t so far from propaganda, another said.

“Kimann” said, “Child abuse to manipulate a little girl to this extent & then use her as a human billboard for childhood angst. There is nothing she does/can do that is not planned & brought to fruition by her adult controllers & so-called caregivers.”

“This girl has anger problems. She has been trained to be a vear monger,” added Alexander Padilla. “Regardless of the issue, I do not want to be lectured by a kid.”

Thunberg’s rant was littered with insults, including, “There will not be any plans presented in line with these figures here because the numbers are too uncomfortable and you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is.”

And, “If you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you.”

And “Right here, right now is where we draw the line.”

At the Twitter social media aggregator Twitchy was the comment, “‘Where are the parents’? Greta Thunberg’s ‘disturbing’ rant at U.N. Climate Action Summit suggests she’s been thoroughly terrorized.”

The comment continued, “The bad people in this equation are all those who have instilled this young woman with fear and are using her as a human shield – and her parents for letting it happen.”

Thunberg’s warnings echo those of socialist U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who is on record that in a few years Miami would disappear because of global warming. And that the world has only about a dozen years left.

But the Competitive Enterprise Institute has reported there has been a long list of foreboding threats about the climate – none of which have happened.

“Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today,” the report said, but, none have come true.

The CEI pointed out that while the predictions grab media headlines, “the failures are typically not revisited.”

Among the failures:

The Los Angeles Times reported in 1967 that Stanford University’s Paul Ehrlich warned it already was too late for the world “to avoid a long period of famine.”

“Most disastrous by 1975,” said the report.


Ehrlich, a “population biologist,” had several others. In 1969 he warned that by 1989, “everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam.”

Oops, again.

In 1970, the New York Times reported on a threat from James P. Lodge Jr., a “pollution expert,” who said there would be an ice age by 2000.

Also in 1970, NASA’s S.I. Rasool said that over the next five to 10 years, there would be “such a temperature decrease [that it] could be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

Brown University scientists in 1972 wrote to the president that “very soon” there would be “a global deterioration of climate, by order of magnitude larger than any hitherto experienced by civilized mankind.”

They looked at the bottom of the ocean to determine that.

The list continued.

WND long has reported on such failures and admissions about the political and financial agenda behind the activists pushing the idea of global cooling, global warming and climate change.

Al Gore, for example, once admitted the campaign is “torqued up.”

He was discussing a warning from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that horrible things are ahead for humanity if it continues to use carbon fuels.

PBS host Judy Woodruff noted the panel members were “painting a much more alarming picture of what we face than we had previously known.”

Gore, the vice president under Bill Clinton and a failed Democratic nominee in 2000, said, “The language that the IPCC used in presenting it was torqued up a little bit, appropriately – how [else] do they get the attention of policy-makers around the world?”

If you want the actual scientist, a look at scientist Art Robinson’s The Petition Project is helpful.

The effort has gathered the signatures of at least 31,487 scientists who agree that there is “no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

They say, “Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

Robinson, who has a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California-San Diego, where he served on the faculty, co-founded the Linus Pauling Institute with Nobel-recipient Linus Pauling, where he was president and research professor. He later founded the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. His son, Noah Robinson, was a key figure in the petition work and has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Caltech.


The post Left goes ballistic as teen climate agitator criticized appeared first on WND.