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27 Apr 15:04



(Main headline, 1st story, link)

27 Apr 15:04


27 Apr 15:04



(Third column, 5th story, link)

27 Apr 15:04

NBCNEWS faces skepticism in remedying in-house sex harassment...

NBCNEWS faces skepticism in remedying in-house sex harassment...

(First column, 1st story, link)

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27 Apr 15:04


27 Apr 15:03

HORROR: Man run over by 300 trains after body mistaken for fox...

HORROR: Man run over by 300 trains after body mistaken for fox...

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27 Apr 15:03

Galaxies to merge into biggest structure in universe...

Galaxies to merge into biggest structure in universe...

(Second column, 33rd story, link)

27 Apr 15:03

800,000 people about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists...

800,000 people about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists...

(Second column, 11th story, link)

27 Apr 15:03

POLL: Half of Republicans say news media should be described as enemy of people...

POLL: Half of Republicans say news media should be described as enemy of people...

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27 Apr 15:03

Secretly Taped Audio Reveals Dem Leadership Pressuring Progressive to Leave Race...

Secretly Taped Audio Reveals Dem Leadership Pressuring Progressive to Leave Race...

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27 Apr 15:02

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27 Apr 15:02

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ROB SCHNEIDER: 'SNL' ruining the joke...

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27 Apr 15:02

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26 Apr 17:27

BERKELEY must face suit alleging bias against conservative speakers...

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26 Apr 17:27

Trump begins distancing himself from Cohen after raid...

Trump begins distancing himself from Cohen after raid...

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26 Apr 17:27

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26 Apr 17:26



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26 Apr 17:26

Rapper admits to dissolving bodies in acid...

Rapper admits to dissolving bodies in acid...

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26 Apr 14:50

Last-minute plea deal reached in Alexandria fatal shooting case

by Melissa Gregory,, (318) 792-1807

After his victim's mother called him a "punk" and a "coward" who left her son to die, D'Marcus Ramon Bowie was sentenced Wednesday to prison for the killing of 19-year-old Mikael Malik Evans.

26 Apr 14:50

Escaped Rapides inmate caught in less than 2 hours

by Melissa Gregory,, (318) 792-1807

A Rapides Parish inmate who escaped Tuesday afternoon, a man who faces charges in a September 2017 carjacking and kidnapping in Alexandria, was back in custody within two hours.

26 Apr 14:50

Pineville mom charged with cruelty after beating with belt

by Melissa Gregory,, (318) 792-1807

A Pineville mother has been charged with cruelty to a juvenile after she allegedly beat her son with a belt and left "extensive bruising," according to a release.

26 Apr 14:49

NFL Player’s Girlfriend Claims She Made Up Domestic Violence Allegations

by David Hookstead
This is very strange
26 Apr 14:49

Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World's Largest...

Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World's Largest...

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26 Apr 14:47

Daily Beast to 'hit pause' on Joy Reid columns; MSNBC host backs off speaking event

by Joe Concha
The Daily Beast is "going to hit pause" on Joy Reid's columns while its reporters investigate the MSNBC host's claims around hacking of her old blog, which included homophobic comments that she says were "fabricated."...
26 Apr 14:47

NY Daily News Writer Laughably Suggests The NFL Is Racist Against Lamar Jackson

by David Hookstead
This is absurd
26 Apr 14:47

WATCH LIVE: EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Testifies Before House Committee Amid Controversies

by Ken Meyer

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will give testimony today before the House Energy and Commerce and Appropriations Subcommittee on the Environment. The proceedings are scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. EST.

It is all but certain that Pruitt will be asked about the cornucopia of scandalous allegations that have been hanging over him for the last few months. Much of these scandals pertain to Pruitt’s reported ethical violations and improper spending.

One of Pruitt’s problematic decisions, which is currently under investigation, is the $43,000 phone booth he had constructed so he could make private calls in his office. The EPA chief has also come under pressure due to his extravagant travel expenses, his unsanctioned pay raise for his top aides, and his questionable security expenses.

Watch above, via PBS.

[Image via screengrab]

— —

>> Follow Ken Meyer (@KenMeyer91) on Twitter

26 Apr 14:46

Kanye, Kim, And Chance The Rapper Dare To Stand Against Groupthink

by Rich Cromwell

First it was Kanye. Then came Kim, even if other statements make clear she doesn’t exactly agree with her husband. After that, Chance the Rapper came out in support ideological diversity.

In case the trio decide to delete any their tweets, here are three that give you the idea.

Independent thought? Years ahead of his time? Black people don’t have to be Democrats? One would think these wouldn’t be controversial statements. The Ringer, however, has an alternative opinion. Sean Fennessey writes:

Like thousands of people my age, Kanye West acted as a kind of mirror. Sometimes, it was the type you’d find in a department store dressing room, tilted, slimming, aspirational. Sometimes it was the kind the Evil Queen in “Snow White” would gaze upon — a mask for the hideous. It felt like the mirror shattered Wednesday. For 15 years, Kanye has been a maker of things that people love and a maker of statements people love to hate. But his music — the thing that keeps his followers invested — has routinely been coronated as innovative, rewarding, exciting, incisive, delirious, vulnerable, ferocious, and restorative.

He’s a waterfall — a sight to behold and dangerous. In the days since he returned to Twitter, a social media application that has changed the world and makes people feel miserable with a grave profundity, Kanye has clipped the barbed wire around his mind and begun espousing the empty phraseology of alt-right thinkers who rallied around President Trump.

Yes, Kanye sounds just like Richard Spencer, what with his assertions that we don’t have to agree with everything anyone does and that we have the right to independent thought. Okay, maybe Spencer employs the “not everything” defense when examining certain madmen from the 20th century, so the parallel the Ringer is drawing can be mapped out with a plethora of string, sticky notes, a chalkboard, and at least one reference to Bigfoot. But to assert that Kanye is doing the same as the alt-right is just ridiculous and it proves the point Kanye, Kim, and Chance were making

Voting Against Your Interests

It would be too easy at this point to trot out various well-worn arguments about voting against one’s interests. It’s not an argument that’s specific to any race or nationality; that’s what makes it so magical. That doesn’t mean the counter-argument is more valid—that people of any race have to monolithically vote in one direction to further the interests of the whole.

Maybe, just maybe, individual black people—just like the rest of us, unless we live in Kansas—can vote in a way that comports with their own beliefs and interests. Maybe, just maybe, that doesn’t mean that their blackness should be at the forefront of any their decisions when they step into the voting booth. It also doesn’t preclude it. That’s kind of the thing about individuality. That some black people think and vote in ways that are aligned with their group interests while others vote based on self-interest should be yawn-worthy. Yet here we are.

Especially, as Patrick Ruffini notes, the black vote isn’t exactly as homogeneous as we pretend it is. Among black men aged 18 – 29, Trump wins by 17 percent. Even for those over 55, Trump is up by 5.5 percent. So, it’s not like Kanye and Chance are espousing a view held only by them. The Mooch gets it, even if he sounds like a t-shirt from the late ‘90s.

Please Set Your Clocks Back to 1992

Who would’ve thought we would have gone backwards between then and now? All of you who post messages on Facebook about, “Well the votes are in, please set your clocks back to 1950,” please recuse yourself from answering that one. Kanye admittedly didn’t even vote, though he says he would’ve voted for Trump. In that, he’s not alone. Celebrities, like regular citizens, are very fond of talking about elections while not pulling any levers themselves.

There is also the fact that these tweets don’t mean much with regard to Republicans’ chances. Trump, despite the narratives about how and why he won, is mostly a president for the capitalists. (Perhaps just of the crony variety. But that’s an argument for another day.) This doesn’t mean he’s popular with all black people any more than he’s popular with all white people. We’re not all capitalists, crony or otherwise.

This isn’t an earth-shattering revelation, as Steve Yates picked up on back in 2011 in an article for Prospect Magazine. He writes:

In the past 30-or-so years, hip hop has tried politics and it has tried gangsterism. But in the end it settled for capitalism, which energized it and brought it to a position of global dominance. American rappers like Puff Daddy and Master P, men who fought their way into the big time, did so by selling a vision of independence, empowerment and material success. That vision is also found, if less vividly, in Britain’s rap music. And though hip hop retains unpleasant features, the core theme that people can have better lives is a good one, and that’s important.

Kim and Kanye didn’t come from dire straits, but they’ve exceeded their birthrights. They have better lives than they were bequeathed. That’s worth celebrating, even if one personally disagrees with how they did so or how they choose to behave now. Chance the Rapper, well, he didn’t exactly come from humble beginnings, either. That he also seems to have eclipsed his birthright, however, is equally worth celebration.

In case y’all forgot, this is America. Eclipsing our birthright is what we’re all about.

For the aforementioned public figures, does that inform their opinions on politics? Certainly. Is that a bad thing? Not even a little bit. Chance’s father worked in government, including for a former president named Barack Obama that most of you have probably heard of. His mother works for the government in Chicago, also likely thanks to Obama. If anyone should be all about the Democrats, it’s him, yet he’s willing to go in the opposite direction.

‘There is the United States of America’

That shouldn’t be surprising. As Obama said, “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America—there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America —there’s the United States of America.”

With Kanye, Kim, and Chance’s comments, we’re reminded of that truth. While we’re prone to dividing ourselves electorally along tribal lines, and often ascribe extra requirements to voting with regard to those lines, that’s not a reflection of reality.

Reality simply states that we are Americans and that we share a sense of purpose and a variety of goals. Sure, we disagree about the means, but that doesn’t negate that purpose, those goals. If Kanye wants to extol individualism, while Kim and Chance offer support, even if they don’t wholly agree with him, then maybe the American experiment is still doing alright.

Which isn’t to say that Mooch, though he gets it, is an oracle. We’re different races, even if we’re all of the human race. That’s essential to the melting pot. But if we focus on that shared humanity, and celebrating the diversity that arises from that shared humanity instead of demanding fealty along racial lines, there’s hope yet. So grab that t-shirt you picked up at the mall in the ‘90s and rock it. Despite our current mood, our best days aren’t behind us, even if it takes rappers and reality stars to remind us of that.

26 Apr 14:46

U.S. officials warn of arrests as migrant caravan reaches Mexico border

About 130 immigrants from Central America have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border, expected to seek asylum in the United States.
26 Apr 14:45

VA nominee Dr. Ronny Jackson withdraws


(CNBC)Dr. Ronny Jackson, President Donald Trump’s embattled pick for Veterans Affairs secretary, withdrew his nomination after several allegations emerged about his conduct.

Jackson denied the allegations, which included accusations that he drank on the job and improperly gave out prescription medication. He said he was pulling out because the matter has become a distraction for the president.

“The allegations against me are completely false and fabricated,” Jackson, a rear admiral, wrote in a statement released early Thursday. “If they had any merit, I would not have been selected, promoted and entrusted to serve in such a sensitive and important role as physician to three presidents over the past 12 years.”

26 Apr 14:44

Alligator interrupts golfer on New Orleans course

A PGA golfer preparing for the Zurich Classic shared a video of his encounter with an alligator that interrupted his game in New Orleans.