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03 May 19:12

James Comey's Forgotten Rescue Of Bush-Era Torture

by Tyler Durden

Authored by James Bovard via The Mises Institute,

Here I stand, I can do no other,” James Comey told President George W. Bush in 2004 when Bush pressured Comey - who was then Deputy Attorney General - to approve an unlawful antiterrorist policy.

 Comey, who was FBI chief from 2013 to 2017, was quoting a line reputedly uttered by Martin Luther in 1521, when he told Holy Roman Emperor Charles V that he would not recant his sweeping criticisms of the Catholic Church. Comey’s quotation of himself quoting the father of the Reformation is par for the self-reverence of his new memoir, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews recently declared, “James Comey made his bones by standing up against torture. He was a made man before Trump came along.” Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria, in a column declaring that Americans should be “deeply grateful” to lawyers like Comey, declared, “The Bush administration wanted to claim that its ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ were lawful. Comey believed they were not... So Comey pushed back as much as he could.”

Martin Luther risked death to fight against what he considered the heresies of his time. Comey, a top Bush administration policymaker, found a safer way to oppose the worldwide secret U.S. torture regime widely considered a heresy against American values. Comey approved brutal practices and then wrote some memos and emails fretting about the optics. 

Comey became Deputy Attorney General in late 2003 and “had oversight of the legal justification used to authorize” key Bush programs in the war on terror. At that time, the Bush White House was pushing the Justice Department to again sign off on an array of extreme practices that had begun shortly after the 9/11 attacks. A 2002 Justice Department memo had leaked out that declared that the president was entitled to ignore federal law in approving extreme interrogation techniques. Photos had also leaked from Abu Ghraib prison showing the stacking of naked prisoners with bags over their heads, mock electrocution via a wire connected to a man’s penis, guard dogs on the verge of ripping into naked men, and grinning U.S. male and female soldiers celebrating the bloody degradation. A confidential CIA Inspector General report had just warned that post-9/11 CIA interrogation methods may violate the international Convention Against Torture.

Rather than ending the abuses, Comey repudiated the memo. Speaking to the media in a not-for-attribution session on June 22, 2004, Comey declared that the 2002 memo was "overbroad," "abstract academic theory," and “legally unnecessary." Comey helped oversee crafting a new memo with different legal footing to justify the same interrogation methods.

Comey twice gave explicit approval for waterboarding, which sought to break detainees with near-drowning.

This practice had been recognized as a war crime by the U.S. government since the Spanish American War.

Comey wrote in his memoir that he was losing sleep over concern about Bush administration torture polices. But losing sleep was not an option for detainees because Comey approved sleep deprivation as an interrogation technique. Detainees could be forcibly kept awake for up to 180 hours until they confessed their sins. How did this work? At Abu Ghraib, the notorious Iraqi prison, one FBI agent reported seeing a detainee “handcuffed to a railing with a nylon sack on his head and a shower curtain draped around him, being slapped by a soldier to keep him awake.” 

Comey also approved “wall slamming” which, as law professor David Cole wrote, meant that detainees could be thrown against a wall up to 30 times. Comey also signed off on the CIA using “interrogation” methods such as facial slaps, locking detainees in small boxes for 18 hours, and forced nudity. When the secret Comey memo approving those methods finally became public in 2009, many Americans were aghast - and relieved that the Obama administration had repudiated Bush policies.

When it came to opposing torture, Comey’s version of “Here I stand” had more loopholes than a reverse mortgage contract. Though Comey in 2005 approved each of 13 controversial extreme interrogation methods, he objected to combining multiple methods on one detainee. It was as if Martin Luther grudgingly approved of the Catholic Church selling indulgences to individually expunge sins for adultery, robbery, lying, and gluttony but vehemently objected if all the sins were expunged in one lump sum payment.

In 2014, the Senate Intelligence Committee finally released a massive report, Americans learned grisly details of the CIA torture regime that Comey helped legally sanctify - including death via hypothermia, rape-like rectal feeding of detainees, compelling detainees to stand long periods on broken legs, and dozens of cases of innocent people pointlessly brutalized. Psychologists aided the torture regime, offering hints on how to destroy the will and resistance of prisoners. The only CIA official to go to prison for the torture scandal was courageous whistleblower John Kiriakou.

If Comey had resigned in 2004 or 2005 to protest the torture techniques he now claims to abhor, he would deserve some of the praise he is now receiving. Instead, he remained in the Bush administration but wrote an email summarizing his objections, declaring that “it was my job to protect the department and the A.G. [Attorney General] and that I could not agree to this because it was wrong.” A 2009 New York Times analysis noted that Comey and two colleagues “have largely escaped criticism [for approving torture] because they raised questions about interrogation and the law.” In Washington, writing emails is “close enough for government work” to convey sainthood.

When Comey finally exited the Justice Department in August 2005 to become a lavishly-paid senior vice president for Lockheed Martin, he proclaimed in a farewell speech that protecting the Justice Department’s “reservoir” of “trust and credibility” requires “vigilance” and “an unerring commitment to truth.” But Comey perpetuated policies that shattered the moral credibility of both the Justice Department and the U.S. government.

Comey failed to heed another Martin Luther admonition: “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.”

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02 May 14:34

Shortlist For Historic US-North Korea Summit Narrowed Down To 2 Locations

by Tyler Durden

After President Donald Trump sought to crowdsource the location of the historic US-North Korea summit by asking his twitter followers if they'd appreciate the symbolic significance of a meeting along the Demilitarized Zone, a South Korean newspaper reports that Panmunjeom - the border village where the Korean War armistice was signed - and Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, are the final two candidates, according to two anonymous US officials. 

"The US is currently pushing for Panmunjeom and North Korea for Pyongyang as the site of the summit," a source in Washington who is familiar with developments concerning the summit said on April 30.

"A few days ago, President Trump said that the candidates for the North Korea-US summit had been narrowed down to two, but North Korea and the US were already talking about Panmunjeom and Pyongyang two weeks before he made those remarks," the source said.

The report in South Korea's Hankyoreh newspaper suggests that "third country" locations like Switzerland and Sweden, which were initially touted as possible locations for the summit, have been definitively ruled out.

North Korea

During a joint press conference with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the White House on Friday, Trump responded to a question about the possibility of holding the summit in the DMZ, saying "some people don't like the look of that" but that there'd be a "great celebration" to be had on the site if the talks go well.

"Some people don't like the look of that, some people like that very much. [...] There's something I like about it because [...] you're actually there where if things work out there's a great celebration to be had on the site not in a third party country."

Other sources explained that Trump's push to hold the summit at the DMZ is a negotiating tactic aimed at extracting more nuclear concessions, since the North Koreans are pushing to host the summit in Pyongyang.

Of course, choosing a location should be an afterthought assuming the North Koreans are serious about denuclearization.

"If, in fact, Kim has made a strategic decision to give up his entire nuclear weapons program, then I think deciding on the place and the date should be fairly easy," said John Bolton.

Bolton's remarks, according to Hankyoreh, appear to suggest that the US would be willing to hold the talks in Pyongyang if North Korea is willing to make certain concessions on the scope and time frame of denuclearization.

According to diplomats, the optics of President Trump visiting Pyongyang, the capital of a country with which he was only recently exchanging nuclear threats, would create a powerful image. However, a meeting at Panmunjeom would also carry symbolic weight, given its role in the original Korean War peace talks. Panmunjeom was one of a handful of potential summit locations that were discussed during the phone call between President Moon and Trump on April 28. Most recently, it was the site of the historic inter-Korea summit held on April 27. 

"Panmunjeom has considerable significance as the place where division was dissolved and a milestone to peace was erected," a senior official at the Blue House said on May 1.

"If Panmunjeom turns out to be the site of the North Korea-US summit, the summit could end up being even more symbolic than the Malta Summit," Blue House Chief of Staff Im Jong-seok said last month. The Malta Summit was when the leaders of the US and the Soviet Union met in 1989 to officially declare the end of the Cold War.

Hankyoreh added that Panmunjeom would also be useful because of the minimum of ceremony that such a meeting would require, as opposed to a summit in Pyongyang, which would be considerably more high maintenance. Furthermore, South Korea's Blue House believes that if an agreement is reached during the meeting, it would be best for South Korean President Moon Jae in to immediately join the two leaders for a trilateral summit aimed at officially bringing an end to the Korean War.

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The outcry over Michelle Wolf‘s White House Correspondents’ dinner monologue has dominated the airwaves for the past 36 hours. But of the dozens and dozens of takes offered on Wolf’s set, perhaps none were more anticipated than those from the ladies of The View — a show uniquely positioned to weigh in on the Correspondents’ Dinner uproar given its entertainment and political bona fides.

And it was unanimous: The View stood behind Michelle Wolf.

It should be noted that resident conservative Meghan McCain was absent on Monday. But the rest of the panel — including McCain sub Ana Navarro — all believed Wolf simply did her job.

“The comedian did her job,” said Sara Haines. “She’s there to come and push the envelope. That’s what comedians do.”

“Everything [Wolf] said was based in truth and in facts,” Sunny Hostin said. She added, “Perhaps thats not what [conservative critics of Wolf’s set] like.”

Navarro, for her part, blasted “the hypocrisy of people today who are clutching their pearls.”

And Whoopi Goldberg said, “I chuckled a lot. Because I thought, ‘Seriously, guys? Now you’re pissed off? This is what offends you?’ It’s good to know we found the thing that will make you cringe.”

Watch above, via ABC.

[featured image via screengrab]


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