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29 May 12:25

EU Goes Full Nanny-State: Proposes Ban On Plastic Straws & Cotton Swabs To "Protect Consumers"

by Tyler Durden

American social media firms are still reeling after being hit with a raft of lawsuits on the first day of the European Union's GDPR enforcement last week. And already, the bloc is considering its next piece of nanny-state legislation that would create unprecedented headaches for both the food-service industry as well as the companies that manufacture the plastic products used in restaurants, coffee shops and bars.

Not to mention consumers, who likely would bear the brunt of higher costs associated with the rule.

The EU on Monday unveiled a proposal that would ban single-serving plastic products like straws and plastic cutlery in an attempt to cut down on marine litter. The draft rule would ban the 10 plastic products that, according to the Associated Press, comprise 70% of all the garbage floating around the ocean.

These other items would include disposable food containers, single-use cotton swabs (typically used to clean people's ears), as well as plastic plates and cups often used in fast-food restaurants.

According to the BBC, the EU believes the ban will accomplish a number of desirable goals:

  • Avoid 3.4 million tons of carbon emissions.

  • Prevent 22 billion euros ($25.6 billion) of environmental damage by 2030.

  • Save consumers 6.5 billion euros ($7.6 billion).

To be sure, it will likely be three or four years before these rules take effect - that is, assuming they are passed into law in the first place. Not only would the law need to be approved by the European Parliament, but every EU member state (there are presently 28 member states).


The law would also reduce the sale of these plastic products to households as well, as EU First Vice-President Frans Timmermans points out. The law, Timmermans argues, would go a long way toward preserving the environment as the "harmful" plastic items are replaced with more environmentally friendly (and probably more expensive) products.

"Plastic waste is undeniably a big issue and Europeans need to act together to tackle this problem," EU First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said.

"Today's proposals will reduce single-use plastics on our supermarket shelves through a range of measures.

"We will ban some of these items and substitute them with cleaner alternatives, so people can still use their favourite products."


"You can still organize a pick-nick, drink a cocktail and clean your ears just like before," Timmermans said.

Timmermans added that the single-serving utensils wouldn't be completely banned - instead, companies would be "encouraged" to use sustainable materials instead of cheap plastic. The new rules would also reduce the sale of these items in supermarkets. Ultimately, the new rules would seek to hold the makers of these items responsible for the environmental harm they cause by ensuring that "it's the polluter that pays," according to the AP.


Bizarrely, industry groups have expressed support for the new rules. But less surprisingly, the notion that the new rules would help "protect" consumers triggered a backlash from conservatives who scoffed at the notion that these rules would somehow improve the quality of life for ordinary working people, who in all likelihood would be forced to pay more for basic household goods from napkins to feminine hygiene products.

Full tyrant indeed as the European Parliament seems to believe that each sovereign nation is unable to decide for themselves. European Green Party lawmaker Monica Frassoni also welcomed the initiative and added that:

“the scale of the problem means that we cannot rely on individual European countries to take action and must instead find a Europe-wide response.”

Producers of these products would be forced to bear some of the costs for environmental cleanup - costs that likely would be passed on to consumers, according to the proposal, a summary of which can be found below (courtesy of DW). The full EU news release can be found here.

  • A ban on the private use of disposable plastic products like straws, plastic plates, plastic utensils, plastic coffee stirrers, cotton swabs with plastic stems and plastic balloon holders.

  • Curbing the use of plastic cups for beverages as well as plastic food containers, such as the ones used for take-away.

  • Producers of certain products will be required to help cover the costs of clean-up and waste treatment, including: tobacco products with filters (such as cigarette butts), plastic bags, candy wrappers, potato chip packages and wet wipes.

  • Menstrual pads, wet wipes and balloons will be required to add a label indicating how the product should be disposed.

  • Producers of fishing gear - which accounts for 27% of beach litter - will be required to cover the costs of waste collection in ports.

  • Each member state should use a deposit system or other measure in order to collect 90% of plastic bottles used in their country by 2025.

  • An increase in consumer information about the dangers of plastic packaging.

EU members would also be forced to require clear labeling on products to "educate" consumers about how their waste impacts the environment. According to data compiled by the consulting firm Eunomia, the UK produces by far the most straws of all EU member states.

 Infographic: Billions of Discarded Straws | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

However, by the time these rules take effect, the UK more likely than not will no longer be a member of the bloc.

29 May 12:25

Britons Rage Over Robinson Arrest As Mass Protests Break Out Worldwide

by Tyler Durden

The arrest, imprisonment, and government-ordered media blackout of UK journalist and activist Tommy Robinson has set off a firestorm of protests around the world.

Free speech advocates and supporters of Robinson's movement from Melbourne to Berlin came out by the thousands to protest the Friday arrest outside of Leeds Crown Court while Robinson was reporting on a pedophile grooming trial via Facebook livestream. Within six hours of his detention, Robinson was slapped with a 13 month prison term for violating a prior suspended sentence for a similar offense. 

A big police van with about seven police officers pulled up and arrested [Robinson] and told him to stop live streaming,” Robinson’s producer told RT (before their article (archivedwas scrubbed from the internet). “They said it was incitement and a breach of the peace.

“No peace has been breached – there were two other people there and he’s been perfectly quiet talking into his phone. [The police] said nothing about the court proceedings. It’s very strange.” 

Equally as disturbing are the implications of a court-ordered media banmaking it a criminal offense for news outlets operating in the UK to cover Robinson's arrest and incarceration. In a page straight out of George Orwell's 1984, several news outlets were forced to pull articles which were published before the ban.

Mass protests broke out following Robinson's arrest - the largest of which was a crowd of thousands in the UK, demonstrating at the gates of Downing Street to demand the release of the conservative activist.

At least six demonstrations were held across Australia on Sunday in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide. 

Hundreds demonstrated in the German cities of Berlin and Dresden, while German MP Petr Bystron has offered Robinson political asylum over concerns for his safety in prison

Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner, whose life is in clear and pressing danger. We have to do everything we can to make sure he is granted political asylum,” said the office of conservative German MP Petr Bystron in a Saturday statement provided to the Gateway Pundit's Cassandra Fairbanks.

A crowd even showed up at the British embassy in Tel Aviv:

Dutch MP Geert Wilders showed up at the British Embassy in The Hague to deliver comments.

"I am here on behalf of millions. Freedom of speech is being violated all over Europe and also in Britain. Restore freedom of speech." -Geert Wilders, Dutch MP

Wilders penned a letter to the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs over the weekend with five questions about Robinson's situation.

Robinson, 35, rose to fame as a conservative activist and founder of the English Defence League in Luton, Bedfordshire in 2009. After retiring from the party in 2013, Robinson has continued to advocate for British nationalism and against unchecked migration into Europe.

29 May 12:24

TMZ Staffers Claim Harvey Levin Worked to Discredit Trump’s Sexual Assault Accusers in Bombshell Report

by Aidan McLaughlin

A new report from the Daily Beast details the extent of the relationship between Harvey Levin, the founder of TMZ, and Donald Trump — including attempts to provide cover for the candidate after the release of the Access Hollywood tape, an allegedly salacious video of Trump that might have been quashed, and even personal efforts on the part of Levin to discredit Trump’s sexual assault accusers.

The extensive story, by the Daily Beast’s Lachlan Cartwright, includes a vast array of current and former sources at the gossip mega-website who described Levin’s cozy and mutually beneficial relationship with Trump.

One stunning revelation, based on two sources who spoke to the Beast, is Levin’s unusual involvement with stories on Trump’s sexual assault accusers:

After Jessica Leeds accused Trump of groping her on an airplane in the late 1970s, Levin personally called airlines to determine what happened.

“I remember when that woman started making allegations against Trump, Harvey made it a mission for days to discredit her,” a former staffer said. “In that instance he called airlines to ask what kind of armrests they were using at that time as this woman had said she was assaulted by Trump on a plane after he lifted the armrest up. Harvey personally called airlines.

“Harvey was convinced that when this incident occurred armrests didn’t lift up. He wanted to find a way to say she’s a liar.”

Jason Beckerman, TMZ’s head of legal affairs, told the Beast that while Levin did look into the armrests, it was a standard part of the website’s reporting. TMZ actually published a story backing Leed’s claims about the armrests.

But it wasn’t just Leed’s allegations that TMZ took an interest in:

But two days after adult film star Jessica Drake accused Trump of sexually assaulting her, TMZ wrote she “might’ve pulled off the ultimate publicity stunt—announcing an online sex shop 1 day before accusing The Donald.”

“There was definitely an air in the newsroom that Harvey wanted to discredit these people,” said the former staffer.

Levin friendship with Trump, which included frequent phone calls between the two and favorable coverage on TMZ, reportedly “destroyed newsroom morale and led to the departure of several key staffers.”

Cartwright’s report also reveals that TMZ was approached, during the 2016 election, by a lawyer claiming to have another damaging tape of Trump. Levin personally handled the pursuit of the tape, and had an executive at TMZ parent company Time Warner approve “a significant financial amount to purchase it.”

Levin went to meet the lawyer, but then claimed she didn’t show. Beckerman told the Beast that it was “insinuated” the lawyer sold the tape to someone else. A source told the Beast Levin said he had tipped off the Trump camp about the alleged tape.

“When I look back now this is possibly something really big that went down here. If something was hidden or killed there was a reason,” a former TMZ staffer told the Beast.

The also piece details how in the aftermath of the release of the Access Hollywood tape, TMZ ran a series of “exclusive” stories providing cover for Trump — which included a piece targeting Bill Clinton for his allegedly crude remarks and another accusing NBC News of timing the release of the tape.

Read the full report here.

[image via screengrab]

29 May 12:24

Trump’s ‘Rigged Russia Witch Hunt’ Morning on Twitter (Unpredictably!) Dunks on Hillary Losing in 2016

by Caleb Howe

President Donald Trump started off the Tuesday after Memorial Day weekend with a lot of tweets, including a series on the “Rigged Russia Witch Hunt” of the Mueller investigation.

Per now-established pattern, Trump was obviously watching Fox News this morning, and he began his witch hunt thread with a quote from last night’s Special Report.

Fired up, he then chose his own best words.

“Ask them if they enjoyed her after election celebration,” may seem like reaching backward to some of you, but it’s brilliantly deployed red meat. Trump Twitter will not ever get enough of this.

The capper though is when he asserts what should be under investigation is “Clinton/Russia/FBI/Justice/Obama/Comey/Lynch”. Russia is only an hilarious, old-fashioned bogeyman if you’re talking about Trump. When you tie it to Clinton or the FBI or “spygate” it’s a serious issue. True of him and the Special Report guests he quotes.

29 May 12:23

James Clapper: ‘I Have an Aversion to Using the Word Spy’

‘—None of the classical attributes of spycraft, if I can use that term, were present here’
29 May 12:23

Emotional Memorial Day Ceremony at WWll Museum

by Natasha Robin
On this 150th anniversary of Memorial Day, pride and patriotism filled the Boeing Freedom Pavilion of the World War Two museum.
29 May 12:23

Bill to keep one-third of the extra penny sales tax makes it out of La. House on second try

by Sabrina Wilson
A bill to retain a portion of the temporary extra one-cent state sales makes it out of the House on a second try. 
29 May 12:23

Police seek man wanted for Algiers murder

by Staff
New Orleans police are searching for a man wanted for second degree murder following a shooting in Algiers. 
29 May 12:23

Tax proposal partially addressing budget shortfall heads to senate

by Katherine Mozzone
Lawmakers are one step closer to shoring up the state's multi-million dollar budget gap. The House passed a sales tax proposal, Memorial Day, that would renew part of an expiring one-percent sales tax. Yet, some say it won't be enough.
29 May 12:22

Kenner teen accused of attacking elderly couple with hammer due in court

by Staff
A hearing for the Kenner teen accused of attacking an elderly couple with a hammer is set for Tuesday morning. 
29 May 12:22

Several New Orleans Starbucks locations closing for anti-bias training

by Staff
Most of the Starbucks across the New Orleans area will close for anti-bias training Tuesday, according to our partners at | The Times-Picayune. 
29 May 12:22

Video: See incredible aerial footage of Louisiana Capitol's flag garden on Memorial Day

by Advocate staff report
More than 11,000 American flags honoring heroes from the Revolutionary War to the present day were planted at the Louisiana State Capitol for the Memorial Day holiday.
29 May 12:20

TOMMY ROBINSON UPDATE: UK in shock as judge covers up Soviet-style disappearance of journalist...

TOMMY ROBINSON UPDATE: UK in shock as judge covers up Soviet-style disappearance of journalist...

(Third column, 1st story, link)

29 May 12:19

Media blackout as Trump, Congress make significant progress on agenda...

Media blackout as Trump, Congress make significant progress on agenda...

(Second column, 11th story, link)

29 May 12:19

Women taking selfies struck by lightning...

Women taking selfies struck by lightning...

(First column, 10th story, link)

29 May 12:19



(Second column, 19th story, link)

29 May 12:19

MEDICAL MYSTERY: Hillary Bundles Up Like Eskimo For Memorial Day Parade...

MEDICAL MYSTERY: Hillary Bundles Up Like Eskimo For Memorial Day Parade...

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29 May 12:19

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29 May 12:19

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29 May 12:18

Pope Francis faces pushback from church conservatives...

Pope Francis faces pushback from church conservatives...

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29 May 12:18

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29 May 12:18

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Three dead as terrorist 'shouting 'Allahu Akbar' launches cafe attack in Belgium...

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24 May 14:46

Acting ICE Director Scolds Dem Lawmaker, Tells Her He’s Just Enforcing Laws ‘You All Enacted’ (WATCH)

by Alberto Luperon
24 May 14:46

Breaking: Trump Cancels June 12 Summit with Kim Jong Un

by Mikael Thalen |
U.S. President Donald Trump has cancelled next month’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Trump, in a letter to Kim release...
24 May 14:46

FBI warns against posting hoax threats to schools, public spaces

The FBI issued a stern condemnation of those who make hoax threats to public spaces Thursday, warning those acts could land people in prison.
24 May 14:46

Scientists plan DNA hunt for Loch Ness monster next month


(Reuters) A global team of scientists plans to scour the icy depths of Loch Ness next month using environmental DNA (eDNA) in an experiment that may discover whether Scotland’s fabled monster really does, or did, exist.

The use of eDNA sampling is already well established as a tool for monitoring marine life like whales and sharks.

Whenever a creature moves through its environment, it leaves behind tiny fragments of DNA from skin, scales, feathers, fur, faeces and urine.

“This DNA can be captured, sequenced and then used to identify that creature by comparing the sequence obtained to large databases of known genetic sequences from hundreds of thousands of different organisms,” said team spokesman Professor Neil Gemmell of the University of Otago in New Zealand.

24 May 14:46

Trump: 'Maybe you shouldn't be in the country' if don't stand for anthem, lauds NFL protest ban

by The Associated Press
NFL forbids players from sitting or taking a knee on the field during the anthem.
24 May 14:46

Tropical depression has 80 percent chance of forming this week in Gulf, forecasters say

by Carlie Kollath Wells
If the system strengthens to a tropical storm, it will be called Alberto.