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06 Jun 15:37

Fired law professor Dorothy Jackson files federal lawsuit against Southern University

by Jeremy Krail
Fired law professor Dorothy Jackson files federal lawsuit against Southern University

BATON ROUGE - Former law professor Dorothy Jackson, who was fired from Southern University for her role in a shady will at the East Baton Rouge Council on Aging, is claiming she was unfairly fired from the school.

The federal lawsuit filed Tuesday claims Jackson's right to due process was violated when Southern's Board of Supervisors upheld SU President Ray Belton's decision to fire her in April. The document goes on to say her firing was the result of a coordinated effort by several high-ranking officials at the school.

The suit also cites multiple instances in which Jackson's work benefited Southern University and claims her firing has caused her "extreme emotional distress and mental anguish."

Jackson was terminated earlier this year after it was revealed she drafted a questionable will at the Southern Elder Law Clinic. That will named EBR Council on Aging Director Tasha Clark Amar the "executrix" Helen Plummer's estate and would have benefitted her to the tune of $120,000. Plummer was an elderly client at the COA at the time, despite being ineligible for the services due to her assets.

After numerous WBRZ reports on the shady document, Clark Amar and Jackson both distanced themselves from the will. Clark Amar went on to sue the Plummer family after it accused her of taking advantage of the 95-year-old woman.

Jackson is now seeking a trial by jury in her lawsuit and asks that she be reinstated to her position at the university. In addition, Jackson is asking that the school pay legal fees and other damages.

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06 Jun 15:37

Woman wanted in connection with man's poisoning death arrested

by Trey Schmaltz
Woman wanted in connection with man's poisoning death arrested

BATON ROUGE – A woman has been arrested on murder charges after authorities said she poisoned two men – both of whom she claimed were her husbands.

At least one of the men died as a result of the poisoning, authorities said, and the second died later but had been sick from poisoning.

Meshell Hale was arrested Tuesday, authorities said, almost a week after WBRZ first reported on the warrant filed for her arrest.

In East Baton Rouge, Hale was wanted on second-degree murder charges for the 2015 death of Damian Skipper. Hale, authorities wrote in the warrant first obtained by the WBRZ Investigative Unit, used barium acetate to kill Skipper. Barium acetate is a powerful poison and has been used in high-profile murders in other areas.

Authorities said Hale researched the method and they found evidence in the search history of her electronic devices.

Skipper died in June 2015. His body was exhumed and autopsied and his death was labeled a homicide from poisoning after investigators in New Orleans began investigating the alleged poisoning of another man, Arthur Noflin, who had also been sick with similar symptoms.

Hale claimed to be married to Skipper but, according to investigators, was documented to be married to Noflin. Hale was also the sole beneficiary of Noflin's $750,000 insurance policy.

Noflin was found dead in March 2016.

As reported first last week, Skipper died after being discharged from the hospital since doctors thought he had a virus. An autopsy was not performed immediately because his cause of death was labeled as a heart attack by the hospital. 

Hale was arrested in Baton Rouge Tuesday, police said.


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06 Jun 15:35

Starbucks' Howard Schultz stepping down, says 'public service' may be in his future

by Associated Press
Starbucks Corp.'s Howard Schultz is stepping down as executive chairman of the coffee company he helped transform into a global brand, and says public service may be in his future.
06 Jun 15:35

Louisiana Senate approves $540 million tax package

by Julia O'Donoghue
The Senate and House are expected to negotiate over the proposal.
06 Jun 15:34

110 Confederate monuments removed since 2015: report

by The Associated Press
The number represents a relative handful compared with the more than 1,700 memorials that remain to hail the Southern "lost cause."
06 Jun 15:34

The 'go-cup' has migrated from New Orleans to Mississippi: report

by Kevin Litten
Meanwhile, in Baton Rouge, police have been cracking down on go-cups for the past year.
06 Jun 15:34

Louisiana Legislature passes skeleton budget that cuts TOPS, higher ed

by Julia O'Donoghue
Another special session is in the works.
06 Jun 15:34

Katrina survivors know what Puerto Rico is fighting for | Opinion

by Tim Morris, Columnist
No one knows better than Katrina survivors how long it takes to recover and rebuild after something like Maria.
06 Jun 15:34

Sewerage & Water Board poised to seek risky audit extension

by Beau Evans
If the utility doesn't get an extension, it could miss out on state money it wants to upgrade its power plant.
06 Jun 15:34

John Bel Edwards signs bill to protect students from porn, cyberbullying

by Wilborn P. Nobles III
School districts muste send parents information highlighting the "addictive and destructive nature" of pornography.
06 Jun 15:34

This Louisiana parish has issued $1.6 million in tickets to uninsured drivers

by The Associated Press
8,000 citations have been sent after the parish installed license plate readers last year.
06 Jun 15:34

John Bel Edwards vetoes bill meant to help businesses like House GOP chairman's

by Julia O'Donoghue
Edwards said the bill would have raised gas prices.
06 Jun 15:32

Dan Bongino on Samantha Bee, Joy Reid: There’s Not a Double Standard Because There’s No Standard for the Left

‘I don’t think these apologies are as sincere as they are making them out to be’
06 Jun 15:32

Parkland Shooting Officer Responds to Claims He’s a ‘Coward’: ‘There Was No Time’

‘The families need to know, I didn’t get it right’
06 Jun 15:32

Bill Clinton Backtracks on Lewinsky Apology Remarks — ‘I Got Hot Under the Collar Because of the Way the Questions Were Asked’

‘And I think what was lost were the two points that I made that are important to me’
06 Jun 15:31

Melinda Gates Bashes ‘White Guys,’ Says She’ll Discriminate Against Them

by Joy Pullmann

Melinda Gates has decided to enter the venture capital world by sending her money to people based at least partly on their sex and skin color, she said in a recent Fortune interview.

“It’s been incredibly disappointing to watch how few women-led businesses are getting funded,” Gates said. “Ultimately, if we want more innovation and better products, we’ve got to put more money behind women and minorities. That wasn’t happening, so I decided to step in and see what I could do to help a little bit.”

Here are other portions of her interview where Gates specifically says some criteria for how she invests in startups are race and sex. She clearly says she preferences women and non-whites over men and white people, specifically for these immutable characteristics that have nothing inherently to do with business success. “Over-index” is essentially a financial or data version of affirmative action.

I am specifically looking at funds who over-index on women-led and minority-led businesses.

I’m asking a lot of business questions about how they will go about their funding, how they will over-index on women’s businesses, and how they will hold themselves accountable for a great return.

Some of these big firms often believe in the white guy in a hoodie disrupting a whole industry. So we’re going to disrupt it by making sure we’re indexing for women and minorities because they’ve got great ideas.

Many of them think if they have one female at the table, they’ve done their job. Another big one is when they say that they have trouble finding women. Those are just excuses. They don’t know what investing in these areas looks like until they get several women who are partners in their firm.

A white man could easily make products that meet minority women’s needs and desires, and vice versa. Their race and sex has nothing to do with their drive and ingenuity. But Gates implies that they do, which is weird and patently stupid, to put it mildly.

It’s not only Gates who feels comfortable revealing her race and sex biases when deciding where to spend some of her billions. It’s industry publications, too. Here is how Business Insider characterized the interview, a headline reposted to the website of the longtime Microsoft-funded National Center for Women and Information Technology:

It’s by now automatic in our Alice in Wonderland world to see things like this and immediately imagine the social hypocrisy, not to mention cries of racism and sexism, if the scenario were reversed. What if Gates had announced she’s going to give “white guys” a boost in her investment calculus, merely for being white guys? Or what if she complained about a startup for having only one man on its board because then “they don’t know what investing in these areas looks like”?

There’s a good chance — only mitigated by the fact that her husband is one of the richest men on earth — that she’d be written out of public life and shamed by every publication in town. Of course, that’s far less likely when she, her husband, and likeminded people are funding lots of the outlets that cover their activities, either through charitable dollars or business investments. Great PR cover if you can get it.

Gates is, of course, merely one prominent person among many spending lots of time and money addressing what seems to be largely a feature, not a bug, of human nature under conditions of historically unparalleled social freedom. Yet instead of addressing real inequalities, such as the development-retarding home environments of children whose parents chose not to commit to each other for life or hiring practices at companies like Google that seem to purposefully tilt the playing field against whites, men, and non-leftists, companies like Microsoft, Gates, Apple, Pfizer, Intel, AT&T, and Facebook choose to address the actual structural inequalities like these with PR rather than equality.

They sponsor pseudo-academic conferences that generate “research” that amounts to narrative-pushing. They hire lawyers and PR people instead of considering the possibility that they are wrong. Obfuscating reality allows them to play politics without even admitting it is politics, much less truly investigating whether their politics fit human nature, even though mangling it even accidentally is highly dangerous.

Disparate Outcomes Can Signal Broader Possibilities

In the Fortune interview, Gates says “I think real change can occur when the VC community starts to demand that the people it invests in have diversity, the right values, and the right behavior.” When asked to “define diversity,” she responds, “I define diversity as when you have a mix of people seated at the table who look representative of our whole society.”

Gates is saying that venture capitalists — and other social leaders — should be demanding that business partners essentially conform to quotas based on neo-Marxist class distinctions, or Left-defined identity groups: sex, race, income, sexual behavior, ethnicity. Never mind whether the individuals whom Gates lumps into these groups believe their interests align with those of all the others. No self-determination allowed here. You are allowed to count precisely as much as identity politics-mongers decide you do, and according to criteria they choose, not you.

This is conformity, under the banner of diversity. Yet social research actually tends to find that a truly free society with better-equalized opportunities for all people sees a greater range — or, ahem, a greater diversity — of choices than do less-free and less-developed societies. Or, as a 2008 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article put it: “differences between men and women in their personality traits become more extreme with the increasing development of human society.” The more people are free to do what they truly want, the more they are likely to create outcomes that drive rigid, Procrustean percent-equalizers insane.

This may seem to be contradicted by surveys like the below, presented at NCWIT’s conference last week, but such surveys may also just reflect that kids of any sex don’t know much about careers, period, and other research showing that women’s strong predilection for non-science pursuits appears to be natural and persistent despite millions spent to change that: “An analysis of women’s academic choices in 67 diverse countries and regions…reports that women consistently register lower interest in STEM education and careers compared to men. This fact has remained stable over the decades, despite most developed countries taking ‘considerable efforts toward understanding and changing this pattern.'”

Instead of considering evidence like this, Gates and those like her rush in and assume social crimes like racism and sexism. Guilty until proven innocent.

Affirmative Action Schemes Hurt Intended Beneficiaries

Furthermore, evidence from countries that have imposed class quotas on business boards have actually seen a decline in opportunities available to women and minorities. What either written or unwritten diversity quotas tend to do is secure opportunities for a select few people who are already at the top and fit the quotas’ arbitrary criteria. So far there is no evidence they actually increase opportunities for the artificially advantaged groups, and some that they reduce their opportunities and create dangerous social conditions by weaponizing and thus delegitimizing their promotions as artificial rather than earned.

Other attempts to rig finance and tech on women’s behalf are already backfiring, and Gates has even indicated she’s aware of this yet so far seems blind to how it applies to her new venture capital strategy.

“Guys in finance only hire who they can fire easily. Young men they can fire without a problem,” an anonymous female venture capitalist told Business Insider. “The unfortunate thing that happened in the #metoo movement is that men don’t want to ride the elevator with women who could pitch them for fear they would accuse them, let alone mentor that person alone.”

By weaponizing women as women, Gates is likely to reduce their opportunities by making them too political for others to work with safely. It’s already happening. If women could be hired and fired based precisely on their work, and nothing more, then they would have precisely equal opportunities. The outcome are up to individuals’ free choices. When women are hired based on their sex, it may appear an advantage at the outset, but it will in the long run disadvantage them by promoting them beyond their abilities and increasing prejudice against them for gaining what they did not earn.

Punishing People for Their Group Status Is Deeply Unfair

Lastly, Gates presents her strategy as a just corrective to an unjust current system, but is actually the opposite. By elevating women based not on their work but on their sex, she necessarily disadvantages men based not on their work but their sex. Of course, men can’t change that they are men.

Therefore, she is consciously and publicly discriminating against men for something they can’t change and that has nothing to do with their potential for bringing her financial returns or serving the market needs of anyone, including women and minorities. This is unfair, and unjust. If Gates or anyone else cares not about that, they may care about its sure potential to breed dangerous resentments.

Even if you do buy that women and minorities are not as frequently funded because of some kind of injustice somewhere, it only adds another injustice to disadvantage innocent competitors for capital because of it. The men competing with these currently politically favored groups did not themselves do anything to hurt women and minorities. Simply putting themselves forward in the same competition is not unjust, that’s just part of the game. So punishing them for the sins of others based on sharing some trivial characteristic is deeply unjust. It is an attempt to make two wrongs into a right.

Further, punishing people for the “sins” of their “class” is, quite frankly, of a piece with the ideology that ultimately led to the slaughters of the Bolshevik and French revolutions. If we don’t want to end up in an avalanche of those kinds of effects, maybe let’s start by not packing and tossing a snowball.

03 Jun 15:25

Kudlow: Trudeau 'overreacting' to tariffs

by Mallory Shelbourne
White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow on Sunday said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is "overreacting" to the Trump administration's decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada.
03 Jun 15:25

Jim Jordan on Spygate: If That’s Not a Spy, I Don’t Know What Is

‘What else can you call it?’
03 Jun 15:25

Hypersonic nukes next big threat...

Hypersonic nukes next big threat...

(First column, 4th story, link)

03 Jun 15:25

Bayer set to close Monsanto takeover on Thursday: report

BERLIN (Reuters) - Bayer's planned $62.5 billion takeover of seeds maker Monsanto is set to close on Thursday, Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntags Zeitung reported.
03 Jun 15:25

Could dark matter atoms explain a recent observation?

by John Timmer

Early this year, a project called EDGES managed to take the Universe's temperature at a time when the very first stars were forming. The results were somewhat confusing in that the Universe's regular matter seemed to be much cooler than we'd expect, based on the energy it had shortly after the Big Bang. If the measurement is right, then something must have cooled the regular matter down.

Physicists immediately suspected dark matter, as every indication is that it's relatively cold, meaning it's moving slowly enough for gravitational interactions to control its behavior. But dark matter generally doesn't interact with regular matter, making it hard to see how the two could have exchanged enough energy to cool the regular matter down.

Now, some physicists are back with a potential answer: a tiny fraction of dark matter has a charge, allowing it to interact with regular matter during the time between the Big Bang and formation of the Cosmic Microwave Background.

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03 Jun 15:25

WATCH: Hamas Terrorists Condemned by UK Ambassador at UN

by Simon Kent
The UK’s permanent representative at the UN Security Council  has condemned repeated mortar and rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israel.
03 Jun 15:23

The Big One could leave 400,000 quake refugees in California...

The Big One could leave 400,000 quake refugees in California...

(Second column, 10th story, link)

03 Jun 15:23

Speaking, Not Sexually, With Dr. Ruth at 90...

Speaking, Not Sexually, With Dr. Ruth at 90...

(Third column, 6th story, link)

03 Jun 15:22

Most women with early stage breast cancer can avoid toxic chemotherapy, major trial finds

by Alex Matthews-King
'This life-changing breakthrough is absolutely wonderful news as it could liberate thousands of women from the agony of chemotherapy,' UK cancer specialist nurse Rachel Rawson said
03 Jun 15:22

Netflix’s ‘Making a Murderer’ Shows Grim Reality Of False Confessions, Dassey Lawyers Tell Supreme Court

by Kevin Daley
Justices mull Netflix docu-series
03 Jun 15:22

Caught On Video: FBI Agent Accidentally Shoots Patron At Denver Bar After Busting Move

by Tyler Durden

Moscow mules and all sorts of handcrafted spirits were heavily flowing at the Mile High Spirits Distillery and Tasting Bar in Denver, Colorado, on Saturday, when an off-duty FBI agent accidentally shot a bar patron.

Denver police responded to the bar in the Lower Downtown district of Denver for an accidental shooting at 12:45 a.m. on Saturday. Police said the FBI agent was dancing at the bar when his firearm dislodged from its waistband holster and dropped onto the floor.

When the agent picked up the gun, “an unintended discharge occurred,” striking a patron inside the club in the lower leg. "The victim was transported to the hospital with a good prognosis," Denver police said.

A video clip obtained by Denver 7, shows the reckless agent busting out dance moves in front of a dozen or more bar goers. The agent then executed a backflip, however, during the bizarre dance move, his gun ejected out of the man’s holster onto the floor. Immediately the agent lunges forward to secure the weapon, but as he picks it up the gun went off.

Bar patron Julie, who captured the shooting incident on her smartphone, told KDVR that she smelled gunpowder and saw a person bleeding: "Everyone was kind of shocked after it happened because [the agent] kind of put his gun back away and then he walked away," Julie said.

Julie said the bar was in disarray when the weapon discharged.

“No one really knew what was going on,” Julie said. “I was shocked. I honestly just wanted to make sure that my friends… [that] I knew where they were.”

Denver Police transported the agent to headquarters where he was later released to a supervisor from the FBI.

“The incident is being investigated by the Denver Police Homicide Unit and charges will be determined by the Denver District Attorney’s Office,” a statement from the Denver Police read.

It was not immediately clear if the FBI agent was drunk at the time he was busting potentially lethal dance moves.

03 Jun 15:22

Whale dies after eating more than 17 pounds of plastic

A short-fin male pilot whale died died in southern Thailand after swallowing more than 17 of plastic bags and packaging.
03 Jun 15:22

8 robberies in 24 hours brings New Orleans' weekly total to 30: NOPD

by Hanna Krueger
Two robberies occurred within the same block within an hour of each other.
03 Jun 15:21

Four grocery pickup and delivery options in Alexandria

by Miranda Klein,

Experts say approximately 70 percent of American households will buy groceries online by 2024.