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04 Oct 21:07

4 Louisiana men plead guilty in Mississippi bribe scheme

by Jeff Amy, Associated Press

Four men have pleaded guilty to charges connected to allegations that they bribed Mississippi’s former corrections commissioner and tried to bribe a Mississippi sheriff.

04 Oct 21:06

Pharmacist says THC candy in 16-year-old victim’s system was not made in Louisiana

by Britt Lofaso

A high school student is behind bars after allegedly distributing THC-laced candy to a 16-year-old.

Police say they believe the victim took too much of the gummy candy after finding her unresponsive on campus.

Dr. Kevin LaGrange, a pharmacist at The Apothecary Shoppe, Acadiana’s only medical marijuana pharmacy, says there is no way the THC candy was legally produced in Louisiana.

Medicinal cannabis has been approved by Louisiana to treat patients with conditions such as cancer, autism spectrum disorder, PTSD, and AIDS.

Dr. LaGrange says the LSU and Southern agricultural departments are the only businesses in the state approved to grow medical marijuana, but they only sell the product in one form: oil.

Doctors can write recommendations for CBD-rich oil, THC-rich oil or balanced oil, which contains an equal amount of THC and CBD, but state laws prevent CBD products from containing more than .3% THC.

The LSU and Southern agricultural departments have been approved to make gelatin-based edibles containing THC. Those will be hitting the shelves in the near future.

04 Oct 21:05

Disney bans ads from Netflix ahead of streaming launch: WSJ

Walt Disney Co is banning advertising from Netflix Inc across its TV networks, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.
04 Oct 21:04

Banksy artwork ‘Devolved Parliament’ sells for more than $16M

by Adam Wallis
'Devolved Parliament' is Banksy's take on the British House of Commons in which chimpanzees replace all of its politicians.
04 Oct 21:04

Paris knife attacker 'heard voices' on eve of rampage: source

The wife of the French IT worker who fatally stabbed four of his co-workers at Paris police headquarters has told investigators her husband heard voices in his head the night before the attack, a source close to the investigation said.
04 Oct 21:02

Beatles' 'Abbey Road' back at top of charts 50 years after release

The Beatles' "Abbey Road" album has returned to the top of the British album charts 50 years after its first release.
04 Oct 21:02

Purple Heart 'forever' stamp arrives at U.S. post offices

The U.S. Postal Service began selling a new postage stamp Friday -- which honors recipients of the military Purple Heart award, which is given to U.S. troops wounded and killed in combat.
04 Oct 20:59

You Can Now Be Fined $250,000 For Saying This Phrase In New York City

by Tyler Durden
You Can Now Be Fined $250,000 For Saying This Phrase In New York City

Authored by Simon Black via,

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty and finances.

New York City starts banning words

You can now be fined $250,000 in New York City for using the term “Illegal alien” in a negative way according to new guidance from the City’s Commission on Human Rights.

This applies to landlords, employers, and in public accommodations.

So if a landlord says, “I can’t rent to rent to illegal aliens,” or a prospective employer says, “I can’t hire you because you’re an illegal alien,” you could be facing a quarter of a million dollar fine.

Click here for the full story.

Nurse takes newborn away after parents refuse vitamin K shot

A newborn’s first twelve hours of life were spent without her parents after they told a nurse not to administer a vitamin k shot.

The nurse announced she was reporting the family to child services, and left the room with the infant.

An old Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) policy classified parents who refused the vitamin K shot as negligent. The policy had been rescinded, but hospital staff still routinely use it to threaten parents.

The baby was returned without explanation. The next day a DCFS employee visited the parents and said there would be no actions taken, but that someone would still have to visit their home to check on the other children.

That’s what you get for having the nerve to choose what elective medical treatments you think are best for your child.

Click here for the full story.

Germany proposes three years in prison for insulting EU flag

It’s already illegal in Germany to insult foreign flags and German national emblems.

We’ve highlighted a case where a German man living in Germany was charged for reading an offensive poem about the Turkish Dictator.

Now, one chamber of the German legislature has passed a law that will apply those rules to the European Union as well.

Germans could get three years in prison for denigrating the ‘values’ of the European Union.

(We’re curious whether those EU values include negative interest rates?)

If the second chamber passes the bill, it will become hate speech to speak out against the European Union, insult its flag, or criticize its anthem.

Click here for the full story.

Flag of communist China raised above Boston City Hall

How far Boston had fallen since 1776.

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Communist takeover of China, the Chinese Progressive Association of Boston held a ceremony and raised the Chinese Communist flag over city hall.

With a death toll of at least 45 million, Communism in China is nothing to celebrate… making this a clear indication of how powerfully the Socialist fever is gripping the Land of the Free.

Click here for the full story.

Police SWAT team responds to meme

A “Threat Assessment Unit” in full SWAT tactical gear stormed a Florida man’s home after he posted a meme.

The man shared a picture of former National Rife Association President Charlton Heston holding a rifle, with a caption of Heston’s catchphrase– “from my cold dead hands.”

In the post, the man named three local anti-gun politicians, and said he hoped they were the ones who would come to confiscate his guns.

One of the politicians’ wife reported the meme, saying she felt threatened.

And that was more than enough for the police to enter the man’s home (without a warrant) to interrogate him.

Click here for the full story.

Utah woman arrested and charged for being topless in her own home

If you’ve ever installed insulation, you know how aggravating the little fiberglass pieces can be on your skin.

So a Utah woman and her husband stripped their shirts off so they wouldn’t get fiberglass all over the house on the way to the shower.

The woman’s stepchildren saw her bare chested. That, she said, was a little embarrassing. But she used it as a teaching moment to ask why topless men and women should be treated any differently?

A year or two passed and suddenly the woman was arrested and charged with lewdness in front of a child.

Click here for the full story.

Tyler Durden Fri, 10/04/2019 - 14:10
04 Oct 20:59

CNN Fails to Report on Warren Facing Multiple Pro-Trump Protests in Nevada

by Marissa Martinez

On Wednesday, presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), was met by a large group of Trump supporters at the Reno-Tahoe Airport. CNN did not report on the incident. Instead, their latest on Elizabeth Warren and Nevada was from five days ago; highlighting how Democratic voters are “knotted up” in the state. This is Warren’s third […]

The post CNN Fails to Report on Warren Facing Multiple Pro-Trump Protests in Nevada appeared first on Accuracy in Media.

04 Oct 20:59

Georgia high school teacher on leave after telling class Confederate flag means ‘you intend to marry your sist - New York Daily News

04 Oct 20:58

Proposed change in ethanol rules could benefit corn farmers

The Trump administration may require large oil refineries to increase ethanol in their fuels next year to make up for the U.S. waiving ethanol blending requirements at 31 small refineries this summer.
04 Oct 20:57

Rashida Tlaib Thinks White People Can’t Tell African American People Apart

by Daily Caller Productions
Check it out!
04 Oct 20:56

Chrissy Teigen Faces Backlash Over Tattoo That Critics Claim Has ‘Strong Holocaust Vibes’

by Lauryn Overhultz
What do you think?
04 Oct 20:56

Disturbing Video: Drag Queen Strips for Kids in Library

Man disrobes in full view of children.
04 Oct 20:56

Kanye West Under Fire by Pro-LGBT Group Over Song Referencing Chick-fil-A

by Adan Salazar
‘Closed on Sunday, you my Chick-fil-A’
04 Oct 20:55

Woman ‘Consumed’ by Columbine and Oklahoma City Killings Had 24 Pipe Bombs, Police Say - The New York Times

04 Oct 20:55

Report: Anti-Trump Whistleblower Concealed Contacts With House Democrats From Inspector General

by Sean Davis
The anti-Trump whistleblower failed to disclose previous contacts with House Democrats in his anti-Trump complaint, Fox News reported on Friday.
04 Oct 20:54

Trump administration ends five-year oil and gas drilling moratorium in California 

by (Miranda Green)
The Trump administration Friday announced it would make 725,000 acres of land in California’s central coast open to oil and gas lease sales, ending a five-year moratorium.The decision by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made the federal land...
04 Oct 20:54

Trump Reportedly Raged at Aides After Drudge Report Highlighted Huge Payout to Mexico: ‘What the F*ck am I Getting Out of This!?”

by Joe DePaolo

There is arguably no more influential piece of real estate on the internet — particularly in conservative circles — than the lead section of the Drudge Report. And last December, when that highly-trafficked space highlighted a deal in which the U.S. gave nearly $5 million to Mexico, President Donald Trump is said to have absolutely hit the roof.

According to the forthcoming book Border Wars, by New York Times reporters Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael Shear, Trump — on Dec. 18, 2018 — was irate after seeing the Drudge headline: “USA Giving $4.8 Billion to Mexico.” And the president went on to dress down the aides who convinced him to make the agreement with the country.

“My f*cking friends are calling me,” Trump seethed (in a passage published by the Daily Mail). “This is the stupidest sh*t you’ve ever done. Why the f*ck would we do this?”

The money — which was given to Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua along with Mexico — was earmarked for the governments of those nations to fight drug trafficking, poverty, and violence. But the media largely played the dispersal to Mexico as a defeat for the administration. And that left Trump quite unhappy.

“I’m not getting $5 billion for the wall, and instead I’m paying Mexico $5 billion?” Trump raged. “What the f*ck am I getting out of this?”

One of the biggest proponents of the deal, according to the book, was Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He argued that without the deal, Mexico wouldn’t agree to a plan which would require those seeking asylum to remain in Mexico while their claims were being looked at.

“Pompeo tried to explain that a lot of the money was private investment – American companies going down to Mexico would turn a profit and create jobs,” Shear and Davis wrote.

04 Oct 20:54

Media Overlooks Warren’s Conflicting Claims About Being Fired For Being Pregnant 

by Spencer Irvine

More often than not, political campaigns are rife with white lies and misinformation about political opponents and at times, one’s own upbringing, past, and public record. Yet, the mainstream media overlooked an important detail in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) ongoing political narrative as she runs for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Warren has made […]

The post Media Overlooks Warren’s Conflicting Claims About Being Fired For Being Pregnant  appeared first on Accuracy in Media.

04 Oct 20:52

No new trial for convicted Baton Rouge rapist after alleged racist remarks by jurors

by BY JOE GYAN JR. | Staff writer
A judge on Friday denied a convicted Baton Rouge rapist's request for a new trial after concluding that a black juror's allegation of racial bias, bullying and intimidation by several white jurors was not corroborated by her fellow jurors.
04 Oct 20:52

The New York Times Says 'Free Speech Is Killing Us.' But Violent Crime Is Lower Than Ever.

by Robby Soave

It has simply become too dangerous for the U.S. to cling to its norms of broad protection for all speech, no matter how hateful or extreme. Or so claims Andrew Marantz, a writer for The New Yorker and the author of a forthcoming book, Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation.

In a New York Times op-ed headlined "Free Speech Is Killing Us," Marantz writes that "noxious speech is causing tangible harm." Citing the ideologically motivated killings in Charlottesville and El Paso, he warns that something must be done to prevent extremist speech from continuing to inspire violence.

Here are some of his ideas:

I am not calling for repealing the First Amendment, or even for banning speech I find offensive on private platforms. What I'm arguing against is paralysis. We can protect unpopular speech from government interference while also admitting that unchecked speech can expose us to real risks. And we can take steps to mitigate those risks.

The Constitution prevents the government from using sticks, but it says nothing about carrots.

Congress could fund, for example, a national campaign to promote news literacy, or it could invest heavily in library programming. It could build a robust public media in the mold of the BBC. It could rethink Section 230 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act—the rule that essentially allows Facebook and YouTube to get away with (glorification of) murder. If Congress wanted to get really ambitious, it could fund a rival to compete with Facebook or Google, the way the Postal Service competes with FedEx and U.P.S.

Or the private sector could pitch in on its own. Tomorrow, by fiat, Mark Zuckerberg could make Facebook slightly less profitable and enormously less immoral: He could hire thousands more content moderators and pay them fairly. Or he could replace Sheryl Sandberg with Susan Benesch, a human rights lawyer and an expert on how speech can lead to violence. Social media companies have shown how quickly they can act when under pressure. After every high-profile eruption of violence—Charlottesville, Christchurch and the like—tech companies have scrambled to ban inflammatory accounts, take down graphic videos, even rewrite their terms of service. Some of the most egregious actors, such as Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, have been permanently banned from all major platforms.

Most of these suggestions involve government regulation, government funding, or some other sort of government intervention. (Repealing Section 230 would singlehandedly destroy free speech on the internet as we know it.) So it's worth exploring whether the claim "free speech is killing us" really holds up.

It does not. Today the U.S. has greater protections for free speech and less violence. The Supreme Court has recognized increasingly fewer exceptions to the First Amendment over the last several decades. The result has not been an increase in violence: The violent crime rate has plummeted since the early 1990s.

Just last week, the FBI released its annual United Crime Report, covering the year 2018. The report was largely good news: "Both violent crime and property crime fell in 2018 from the previous year, according to the FBI's annual crime statistics released today." The report relies on data submitted voluntarily by local police agencies, and as such cannot be completely relied upon. But the general trend of declining violence is a well-established fact.

It's true that far-right white nationalists have posed an increasing threat in recent years, and that they are responsible for more ideologically motivated killings than other groups. But ideologically motivated killings comprise a very tiny portion of overall violence. We are talking about dozens of deaths each year. In the year 2018, there were vastly more homicides in the city of Chicago (1,400 killings) than known homicides by domestic extremists anywhere in the country (50 killings). And those 50 killings include not just actual hate crimes and terror attacks but completely non-ideological murders that happen to have been committed by extremists.

If the argument is that free speech protections must be curbed in order to stave off an epidemic of violence, then the argument should be heartily rejected. Domestically, our capacity for free speech has increased, but violence has not.

03 Oct 14:34

Trump retweets post mocking Greta Thunberg, calling her an 'actress'

by Aris Folley
President Trump retweeted a post that mocked teen climate activist Greta Thunberg's emotional plea to world leaders at the United Nations summit late last month and called her an "actress."The tweet, shared by a su...
03 Oct 14:34

Trump Engages in Contentious Back and Forth with Jeff Mason over Ukraine Question

03 Oct 14:34

Trump Tweets Video Mocking Biden with Nickelback Reference

‘Biden: I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings’
03 Oct 14:34

Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims Schiff Hearing Remarks Were Trump’s ‘Own Words’ in Interview With Stephanopoulos

by Charlie Nash

ABC News host George Stephanopoulos was forced to correct House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on ABC’s Good Morning America, Thursday, after she claimed that Chairman Adam Schiff’s false interpretation of President Donald Trump’s Ukraine call transcript was “the president’s own words.”

“I know you support Chairman Schiff but was it right for him to have that dramatic interpretation of the president’s transcript of the phone call at the hearing last week?” asked Stephanopoulos.

“I want the American people to know what that phone call was about. I want them to hear, it,” replied Pelosi. “So, yeah, it’s fair. It’s sad but he was using the president’s own words.”

Stephanopoulos interrupted, “Well those weren’t the president’s words, it was interpretation of the president’s words. They’re saying he made this up.”

“He did not make it up,” responded Pelosi. “And look, I want to tell you something. When I took the oath of office to defend the constitution, as my colleagues have done, I did not say, ‘I will do this as long as the Republicans can understand the constitution… The fact they’re loyal to Trump and not to the constitution is not going to slow down or impair our ability to keep the Republic.”

President Trump called for the resignation of Schiff on Twitter, Wednesday, posting, “Congressman Adam Schiff should resign for the Crime of, after reading a transcript of my conversation with the President of Ukraine (it was perfect), fraudulently fabricating a statement of the President of the United States and reading it to Congress, as though mine! He is sick!”

03 Oct 14:34

Facebook can be forced to remove content worldwide after landmark EU court ruling

Facebook can be ordered to police and remove illegal content worldwide, Europe's top court said on Thursday, in a landmark ruling that rights activists say raises concerns some countries could use it to silence critics.
03 Oct 14:33

Russian plan would kickstart Cuba's nuclear ambitions, oil and gas drilling

Russia could help Cuba build nuclear power plants and kickstart the country's oil and gas development, Russian state-run media reported.
03 Oct 14:33

As it happened: Employee goes on deadly knife rampage at Paris police headquarters

by FRANCE 24
A 45-year-old IT worker went on a rampage at Paris police headquarters on Thursday, killing four people including three police officers with a ceramic knife before being shot and killed. Read our live blog to see how the day's events unfolded.
03 Oct 14:33

Is There A Ukrainian Armageddon Dead Ahead For Dems?

by Tyler Durden
Is There A Ukrainian Armageddon Dead Ahead For Dems?

Authored by Graham Noble via,

For three years now, Americans have been hearing the cry “no one is above the law.” Those who have been repeating that mantra – aimed at President Donald Trump – seem to feel, however, that they themselves truly are above the law. As the Democrats’ Ukraine scandal unfolds, this becomes harder to ignore.

Barack Obama

A common Democratic Party narrative has already been established. It is evident in relation to the case of Hillary Clinton’s missing emails, the supposedly hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) server, the 2016 Clinton campaign’s colluding with foreign powers to obtain compromising material on Trump, and now Joe Biden’s corrupt Ukraine racketeering. The narrative goes something like this: To investigate any of these matters  – or to even suggest that any Democrat may have acted illegally – is not just un-American but a crime.

This brazenly despotic tactic – demonizing and criminalizing anyone who dares question one’s motives or the legality or morality of one’s actions – was established by the Obama administration. To this day, Obama and his faithful, cultlike followers claim that his time in the White House was scandal-free. Any objective study of his administration’s conduct shows that the opposite was true. In eight years, Obama may have racked up more scandals that any US president in history.

Suggest that anything the Obama administration did was corrupt or inappropriate, though, and one is met with howls of outrage and ridicule. People who dared to mention Solyndra, Benghazi, pallets of cash flown into Tehran in the dead of night, or the government’s dreadful Obamacare website designed by a company owned by an old college friend of Michelle Obama’s were labeled conspiracy theorists or worse.

Ukraine Cover-Up

The very same thing is now happening with regard to Joe Biden, the Clinton 2016 campaign, and Ukraine. The leftist news outlets are hard at work dismissing the entire affair as a right-wing conspiracy theory: Fabricated and debunked.

Joe Biden

Democrats and their media underlings are now furiously attempting to bury the entire Biden-DNC-Clinton-Ukraine web of corruption and complicity. Biden himself has even called upon the media to deny Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, the opportunity to speak about Ukraine. That fact in itself can only cause one to wonder what the Democratic Party’s 2020 frontrunner is afraid of.

Unfortunately for Trump’s detractors, hundreds of documents have come to light which corroborate everything the president and his political allies believed about Biden’s corruption and the Democrats’ attempts to conspire with foreign sources to influence the 2016 election.

The Incriminating Paper Trail

As a result of the investigative efforts of The Hill’s John Solomon – along with a Politico investigation and other media probes – the Democrats’ Ukraine narrative is rapidly falling apart. Neither Politico nor The Hill are known, exactly, for dabbling in right-wing conspiracy theories.

All roads lead to Ukraine, it seems. Not only Biden’s blatant abuse of his vice presidency but the Democrats’ soliciting from Ukraine opposition research on Trump and his political associates. The very birth of the Trump-Russia hoax itself originated from Ukrainian officials who in 2016 disseminated the rumors that Trump was in league with Ukraine’s enemy, Russia.

At this point, it is worth noting that Russia and Ukraine are still foes and remain at war. Russia’s aim remains nothing less than the annexation of its neighbor. It is somewhat amusing, then, to think that Democrats for three years claimed that Trump was possibly an agent of Russia and now they are accusing him of “colluding” with Russia’s regional adversary.

Documents out of Ukraine reveal a number of things highly damaging to Democrats and, in all likelihood, fatal for Biden’s presidential aspirations. They show that, in 2016, the Democratic National Committee dispatched a contractor, Alexandra Chalupa, to Ukraine in search of compromising material on Trump’s then-campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. This has been confirmed by Ukraine’s Washington Embassy. The aim, apparently, was to spark a congressional investigation right in the middle of the presidential campaign – a development that would have undoubtedly sabotaged Trump’s presidential chances.

In 2016, certain Ukrainian government officials worked to boost Clinton’s presidential campaign by, among other things, openly casting doubt upon Trump’s suitability for the White House and suggesting that he was, in effect, a puppet of the Russian government.

Other documents and statements by Ukrainian officials show that Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired after a threat from Biden to withhold over a billion dollars in loan guarantees to Ukraine, was indeed dismissed because he would not stand down his investigation into Burisma.

Burisma is the Ukrainian energy company that awarded a directorship to Biden’s son, Hunter, just weeks after then-President Barack Obama appointed his VP to be US point-man on Ukraine. Hunter Biden has no experience or qualifications for such a position, raising serious questions about why the company paid him some $50,000 a month.

Shokin stated in a deposition, under penalty of perjury, that he was told he was being fired because of his investigation into Burisma. Ukrainian officials and memos from Burisma’s American legal team indicate that everyone knew Shokin was fired over the Burisma investigation, contrary to what Biden Sr. has insisted.

There also exists documented evidence that congressional Democrats threatened Ukraine’s government, first to hand over information on Trump to then-special counsel Robert Mueller and, later, to not open a new investigation into the Bidens’ Ukrainian connections.

To deflect from all of this, Democrats engineered a phony story about Trump coercing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky into providing damaging information on Biden, the president’s potential 2020 opponent. The story has been created with the help of an anonymous intelligence community source inventively described as a “whistleblower.”

Fatal Impeachment Blowback

While Democrats have launched an impeachment inquiry based upon the Trump-Ukraine allegation, they have put themselves in a precarious position. Impeachment is not something that can be rammed through Congress behind closed doors in the dark of night. At some point, the president’s political opponents will have to make impeachment proceedings official, giving Republicans – and the president’s legal counsel – the power to seek out exculpatory evidence and mount a defense.

At that point, the Democrats’ 2016 attempts to solicit the aid of a foreign power to influence the election – now corroborated by the Ukrainians – will become an unavoidable story. Biden’s influence-peddling will also be examined because a major part of Trump’s defense will be that his impeachment is, at least in part, a ploy to cover up the potentially illegal activities of the DNC and corruption within the Obama administration.

William Barr

As if the Ukraine situation were not bad enough for Democrats, they may also be concerned about what Attorney General William Barr and his point prosecutor, John Durham, are uncovering in their investigation into the genesis of the Trump-Russia investigation.

The identity of the so-called whistleblower and of the White House sources he or she claims to have will become known, also, if articles of impeachment are introduced. It is simply inconceivable that a president could be impeached based upon second-hand information provided by an anonymous source.

The Ukrainian quagmire could well prove to be the Democrats’ undoing in 2020. Almost certainly, it means the end of Joe Biden’s nomination chances. Of all Trump’s achievements in the three years he has been in office – for better or worse, depending on one’s political point of view – his most significant may be that he has managed to drive the Democrats and the left-wing media so insane with hatred that they continue to shoot themselves in the foot, over and over again.

Tyler Durden Thu, 10/03/2019 - 10:29