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22 Jul 18:19

"Agent Of A Foreign Power": In Historic First, DOJ Releases Carter Page FISA Application

by Tyler Durden

The Department of Justice late Friday released via the FBI's FOIA Vault a redacted copy of the Carter Page FISA warrant application and several renewals, which accuse Page of being a Russian spy, as summarized by the New York Times - which obtained a copy of the materials through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.

Of note, in the nearly two years since the application was filed, Page hasn't been charged with any of the allegations contained within it.

The previously top-secret document is the first such release by the DOJ in the 40 years since the surveillance law was enacted. In April, the DOJ said they were "processing for potential redaction and release certain [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] materials related to Carter Page,” after watchdog group Judicial Watch and several other organizations filed similar lawsuits.

The application reads in part: 

Identity of the target The target of this application is Carter W. Page, a U.S. person, and an agent of a foreign power, described in detail below."

"The F.B.I. believes Page has been the subject of targeted recruitment by the Russian government,” the warrant application continues. 

A line was then redacted, and then it picked up with “undermine and influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election in violation of U.S. criminal law. Mr. Page is a former foreign policy adviser to a candidate for U.S. president.” -NYT

The document then concludes that Page was allegedly "collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government," which they viewed as probably cause to spy on him - and again, which Page has never been charged with.

Page - who has repeatedly denied being a Russian spy, said in April that the FISA application was "beyond words," and a "Joke," while claiming that he has never served as an agent for a foreign government. We would also note that he hasn't been charged as one

Page was targeted months earlier by FBI informant Stefan Halper, who formed a relationship with Page and several other Trump aides as part of the Obama administration's active counterintelligence operation on the Trump campaign. 

"Witch Hunt" 

While President Trump has characterized the entire counterintelligence operation as a "witch hunt," an increasing chorus of frustrated GOP lawmakers have begun to echo his sentiment, as we are now in month 18 of post-inaugural investigation by the Department of Justice.

Shortly after the Times article hit, President Trump tweeted that the "Rigged Witch Hunt, headed by the 13 Angry Democrats" (in reference to Mueller's team), are trying to damage the GOP going into midterms by dragging out their investigation. 

Among those who signed the FISA applicaition were: James Comey, John Kerry, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, James Clapper and Susan Rice.

The Steele Dossier

Following months of Congressional investigations, GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee released the four-page "Nunes Memo," which concluded that the FBI relied on the largely unverified "Steele Dossier" as their primary source of evidence. To reinforce the dossier, they included a Yahoo! News article written by Michael Isikoff, which used information fed to him by Steele. (Isikoff was "stunned" to hear of this) The FBI has also been accused of failing to notify the FISA judge that the dossier was political in nature. 

To that end, the FISA application draws directly from page 9 of the Steele dossier, claiming that  someone "met secretly with Page and that their agenda for the meeting included Divyekin raising a dossier or "kompromat" that the Kremlin possessed on Candidate #2 and the possibility of it being released to Candidate #1's campaign.

To vouch for Steele himself - a former MI6 agent who the FBI fired after he made inappropriate admissions to the press, the agency wrote the following: 

"Not withstanding Source1's reason for conducting the research into Candidate1's ties to Russia, based on Source1's previous reporting history with the FBI, whereby Source1 provided reliable information to the FBI, the FBI believes Source 1s reporting herein to be credible"

The FISA application also says that Steele did not directly provide information to Isikoff, which he in fact did.

Meanwhile, as Congressional GOP have argued that this is evidence of malfeasance, House and Senate Democrats have argued that the FISA application also contained evidence unrelated to the dossier, and that the FISA judge was aware of its political nature. 

But Democrats noted that the application also contained evidence against Mr. Page unrelated to the dossier, and that it did tell the court that the research’s sponsor had the political motive of wanting to discredit Mr. Trump’s campaign. They argued that it was normal not to specifically name Americans and American organizations in such materials. -NYT

Read the full 412 page FISA application below (pdf link): 

22 Jul 18:19

"Hoax From The Beginning": Carter Page FISA Application Exposes Flimsy Underpinnings Of FBI "Witch Hunt"

by Tyler Durden

The late Saturday release of the FBI's heavily redacted FISA warrant application for Carter Page reveals that the Obama administration, eager to make a case to spy on a US citizen (and arguably the Trump campaign) cobbled together a combination of facts and innuendo from Page's business dealings in Russia, several press reports of varying reliability, and of course, the infamous Clinton-funded "Steele Dossier," which the FBI went to great lengths to justify despite being largely unable to verify its claims.

Perhaps the most concerning takeaway, however, is the stark disconnect between the FBI's multiple allegations against Page versus the fact that he hasn't been charged with a single crime after nearly two years of DOJ/FBI investigations.

Once issued, the FISA warrant and its subsequent renewals allowed the Obama administration to spy on the Trump campaign using a wide investigatory net, so the October, 2016 application painted Page in the most criminal light possible, as intended, in order to convince the FISA judge to grant the warrant. It flat out accuses Page of being a Russian spy who was recruited by the Kremlin, which sought to "undermine and influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election in violation of U.S. criminal law," the application reads.

In order to reinforce their argument, the FBI used circular arguments which presented dossier claims as facts, such as "The FBI learned that Page met with at least two Russian officials" - when in fact that was simply another unverified claim from the dossier.

Another approach used to beef up the FISA application's curb appeal was circular evidence, via the inclusion of a letter from Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (NV) to former FBI Director James Comey, citing information Reid got from John Brennan, which was in turn from the Clinton-funded dossier

In fact, aside from the Clinton-funded Steele dossier ("Source #1"), the FISA application cited no other evidentiary sources.

The application also reveals that FBI agent Peter Strzok lied when he said he had nothing to do with the FISA application, when in fact the disgraced FBI agent used Carter Page's September 2016 letter to Comey defending himself against a Yahoo! News article written by Michael Isikoff (who used information obtained directly from Steele) as a pretext to open the investigation on Page.

Meanwhile, the FBI tried to downplay Steele feeding Isikoff information for his article, falsely claiming in the FISA application that Steele did not "directly provide" information to the reporter, when in fact he did. 

“Obviously the information that I got from Christopher Steele was information the FBI already had,” Isikoff said in a February podcast

The FBI also went to extreme lengths to convince the FISA judge that Steele ("Source #1"), was reliable when they could not verify the unsubstantiated claims in his dossier - while also having to explain why they still trusted his information after having terminated Steele's contract over inappropriate disclosures he made to the media.

"Not withstanding Source1's reason for conducting the research into Candidate1's ties to Russia, based on Source1's previous reporting history with the FBI, whereby Source1 provided reliable information to the FBI, the FBI believes Source 1s reporting herein to be credible

The warrant application also confirms a February report that the FBI received a copy of the dossier from the Obama State Department, after Steele provided it to senior DoS official Jonathan Winer. Winer was also approached by Clinton confidant Sydney Blumenthal with a separate anti-Trump dossier written by longtime Clinton pal Cody Shearer.

So two separate Clinton-originated dossiers went from Steele and Blumenthal to the State Department, which then gave it to the FBI. Of course, the agency also had a copy it received in early August, 2016 directly from Steele himself, and we also now know that there were multiple versions of the document which went through various conduits before reaching the FBI.

Curiously, the FBI spotlighted the dossier provided by the State Department, ostensibly to enhance its credibility. 

The FBI's use of flimsy and uncorroborated evidence to support spying on Page, combined with the fact that a 3-month extension was granted despite the fact that it was obvious by June, 2017 he wasn't a Russian agent, will most certainly embolden those, like President Trump, who have called the entire Russia investigation a "witch hunt." 

Finally, on Sunday morning, president Trump responded with a series of tweets, including both his own thoughts, and quotes of others, stating that it is "looking more & more like the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon (surveillance) for the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Ask her how that worked out - she did better with Crazy Bernie. Republicans must get tough now. An illegal Scam!"

22 Jul 18:18

Chance the Rapper Demands Rahm Emanuel's Resignation over Police Shootings

by Warner Todd Huston
Chance The Rapper demanded Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's resignation over the shooting of citizens by police as part of an announcement of his purchase of a Chicago news website.
22 Jul 18:17

GREENWALD: Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Assange...

GREENWALD: Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Assange...

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22 Jul 18:17

Delivers fascist speech in character ...

Delivers fascist speech in character ...

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22 Jul 18:17



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22 Jul 18:16

LA authorities recorded privileged attorney-client conversations, district attorney says...

LA authorities recorded privileged attorney-client conversations, district attorney says...

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22 Jul 18:16

In Hollywood, 'Anything Goes' Becomes 'You're Fired'...

In Hollywood, 'Anything Goes' Becomes 'You're Fired'...

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22 Jul 18:16

Woman Who Lost 9 Relatives in Boating Accident Struggles With Why She Survived...

Woman Who Lost 9 Relatives in Boating Accident Struggles With Why She Survived...

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22 Jul 18:16



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22 Jul 18:16

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22 Jul 18:14

Uber, Lyft driver booted after newspaper reveals he was livestreaming passengers

by Cyrus Farivar

Enlarge / Jason Gargac, seen here in April 2018. (credit: Jason Gargac)

A St. Louis Uber and Lyft driver has been kicked off both companies' platforms after the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Friday night that he had been livestreaming his passengers for months without their consent.

According to the newspaper, Jason Gargac, a 32-year-old man from Florissant, Missouri, had been giving hundreds of rides since March—and he has streamed nearly all of them live under the Twitch handle "JustSmurf." (His Twitch account has also been shuttered.)

As the Dispatch wrote:

Read 8 remaining paragraphs | Comments

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22 Jul 18:11

Release of Carter Page surveillance documents reignites debate

by Brett Samuels
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22 Jul 18:11

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(DEUTSCHE PRESSE-AGENTUR) — WASHINGTON — A U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jet on Saturday intercepted a small plane near Donald Trump’s private golf resort in New Jersey, where the president is currently staying.

Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command said a “general aviation aircraft” entered a temporary restricted area “without proper clearances or communications” over Bedminster, N.J.

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22 Jul 18:11

Campus paper hiring 'social justice' reporter


(CAMPUS REFORM) — The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse student newspaper is looking to hire a reporter whose sole responsibility will be to cover stories related to “diversity, inclusion, and social justice.”

Earlier this month, The Racquet posted a solicitation seeking to fill two positions for the 2018-2019 school year: a “General Assignment Reporter” and a “Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Reporter.”

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22 Jul 18:11

New website exposes driving histories



Every single time that you get into a car, you are potentially risking your life. There is a car accident every 30 seconds in the U.S., and drunk driving accounts for the vast majority of crashes. If you think most car accidents are just inconsequential fender benders, think again: In 2012 alone, over 25,000 Americans died from fatal car crashes. Fortunately, you don’t have to let these sobering statistics scare you away from ever getting behind the wheel again.

Until recently, most people didn’t know that driving infractions and tickets could easily be seen by just about anyone online.

A new online tool called Truthfinder lets you review anyone’s driving records, before you get in the car with them. Now you can find out if the parent driving your kid to school in the weekly carpool has ever been busted for DUI. Until recently, most people didn’t know that driving infractions and tickets could easily be seen by just about anyone online. Trying to keep those speeding tickets hidden from family and friends just became virtually impossible!

With just a simple online search, you can uncover anyone’s complete driving history online. Instantly discover DUI arrests, speeding tickets, suspended drivers licenses, and much more.

Believe it or not, this site actually finds more than just driving records. It can also tell you if someone’s been arrested! It can also uncover personal details, contact information, relatives, and hidden assets. Imagine being able to access this kind of information on someone you just started dating, a new friend, or online connection. Now you can learn about someone’s past before you let them into your life.

Truthfinder has made public record research easier than ever before. Before you had to go down to city hall or the county courthouse, file a request, and wait for a clerk to locate the paperwork you need. Now, all you have to do is type in someone’s first and last name into Truthfinder’s search engine, and let them take care of the rest.

The service operates by aggregating millions of federal, state, and county records, along with records sourced from thousands of other databases. What it returns is a simple report that includes personal information, driving infractions, sex offender data, arrest records, licenses and much, much more.

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The best part is that all searches are completely anonymous. You can look for public records on your husband, your mom, or your best friend and they will never find out that you did a search on them.

In this day and age, you can’t afford to learn the truth about someone’s character the hard way. With Truthfinder, you have the ultimate resource you need to instantly uncover valuable information about someone’s past. This powerful tool can reveal unsettling truths about the people in your life, but it’s better to get the facts now then wait until it’s too late.

Are you ready to uncover someone’s past? Click here to get started.

The post New website exposes driving histories appeared first on WND.

19 Jul 19:41

Controversial Trump judicial nominee withdraws

by Jordain Carney
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19 Jul 19:41

Muslim Children Ejected From Public Pool for Flouting an Unwritten Swimwear Rule

by Leonard Robinson

The staff at a public pool in Wilmington, Delaware, recently ejected modestly dressed Muslim children who ran afoul of an unpublicized and possibly nonexistent rule against cotton swimwear.

Kids enrolled in the Darul-Amaanah Academy's Arabic Enrichment Program, a summer day camp, have been using Wilmington's Foster Brown Pool for 4 years. In accordance with their Muslim faith, they wear cotton shorts, shirts, and headscarves. That attire was never an issue until this summer when the city decided to enforce a ban on cotton swimwear without notifying pool visitors of the rule.

"There's nothing that's posted that says you can't swim in cotton," camp director Tasihyn Ismaa'eel told Delaware Online. "If it's a rule, it's never been enforced." At the pool, the only attire that was explicitly banned was "cut-off jeans."

Last week, the pool employees asked Ismaa'eel and her campers to leave initially citing the swimwear rule before switching rationales and claiming the pool was at full capacity. Eventually, a police officer who was parked outside was called by pool staff to get involved. The Independent reports that the officer pressured the campers to leave, claiming that people were "outside waiting" to use the pool.

Naveed Baqir, executive director of the Delaware Council on Global and Muslim Affairs, told Delaware Online such incidents are familiar in his community. Years ago, he faced similar discrimination as he tried to swim in a public pool with his legs covered. "For my own children, I'd rather pay the money and be treated like everyone else rather than putting myself in an anxiety situation," he said. Like Baqir, many Muslims in Wilmington use private pools, such as one in Elkton, Maryland, about 20 miles away.

Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki was at first unsympathetic to the campers, saying everyone should wear "proper swimming attire." Facing pressure from local critics, Purzycki retracted his initial comments. "We should be held accountable for what happened and how poorly we assessed the incident," he said in a statement the following Saturday. "We also referred to vaguely worded pool policies to assess and then justify our poor judgment in reacting to it, and that was wrong."

Ismaa'eel said some of her students come from low-income households and cannot afford religious swimwear made of approved fabrics such as nylon. As a result of the publicity surrounding this incident, Darul-Amaanah Academy has received offers to cover the expense.

19 Jul 19:40

Why Is Bernie Sanders' Chief Strategist's Name All Over Manafort Evidence?

by Tyler Durden

A curious name appeared on an itemized list released on Wednesday of evidence in the trial of former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort.

Bernie Sanders' Chief Strategist Tad Devine - who appears to have had extensive contact with Manafort via email under such subjects as:

  • "Can u resend the talking points" 
  • "R. Gates, et al re Ukraine Trip"
  • "Call - Important" 

The emails span the period which include Manafort's  2012-2014 lobbying effort for a pro-Ukraine think tank tied to former president Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych fled from Ukraine to Russia after he was unseated in a 2014 coup. 

Manafort’s firm earned $17 million consulting for Yanukovych’s centrist, pro-Russia ‘Party of Regions.’ During the same period, he oversaw a lobbying campaign for the pro-Russia “Centre for a Modern Ukraine,” (ECMU) a Brussels based think tank linked to Yanukovych which was pushing for Ukraine’s entry into the European Union.

Of note, the now defunct Podesta group, operating under Manafort, earned over $1.2 million as part of that effort.

While the Podesta group and Manafort both failed to file paperwork related to the Pro-Russia Centre for a Modern Ukraine, retroactive disclosures filed by the Podesta group on August 17 revealed dozens of previously unreported communications with high level democrat officials related to the lobbying campaign – including Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden.

And now it appears we can add Bernie Sanders' Chief Strategist to the list of Manafort associates.

See the list of evidence below: 

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