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25 Aug 12:53

Michigan children made up story about white man urinating on black child, police say

by John Tunison |
A 60-year-old man was taken into custody Wednesday.
25 Aug 12:53

Mary Ann Mendoza: When Was the Last Time a Politician Stood Up for an American Citizen with a Press Conference?

‘They are quick to have a press conference an talk about the children separated from the border’
25 Aug 12:51

Part of child's finger cut off in freak accident at Baton Rouge school

by Trey Schmaltz
Part of child's finger cut off in freak accident at Baton Rouge school

BATON ROUGE – A child was rushed to the hospital after cutting off what sources said was the “tip” of a finger Thursday morning.

First responders were dispatched to Greenbrier Elementary School in the Monticello  area off Greenwell Springs Road around 10 o’clock Thursday to reports of the child’s injury related to their hand being smashed in a door. The child was about 5-years-old, sources said.

An East Baton Rouge Parish Schools spokesperson confirmed there was an incident and said the child was taken to the hospital with a school administrator where the student’s parents would meet them.

The district did not release additional information.


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25 Aug 12:51

School has the right to enforce dress code on hair extensions | Opinion

by Tim Morris, Columnist
Strict? Maybe. Racially discriminatory? I don't think so.
24 Aug 22:28

Trump Reportedly Fuming Over Sessions Statement, But Concerned About Backlash to Firing Him

by Tamar Auber

President Donald Trump is reportedly fuming about Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

According to a new report by CNN, Trump spent Thursday night fixated on Sessions’ brash statement in response to Trump’s slam of him in a Fox interview that aired early Thursday morning.

Then on Friday morning, Trump tweeted this: “FISA abuse, Christopher Steele & his phony and corrupt Dossier, the Clinton Foundation, illegal surveillance of Trump Campaign, Russian collusion by Dems – and so much more. Open up the papers & documents without redaction? Come on Jeff, you can do it, the country is waiting!”

In another White House, the clash between the nation’s Attorney General and the president would likely take place behind closed doors and not in public statements and on social media.

In fact, Sessions and Trump met in the Oval Office on Thursday. However, they reportedly only talked policy and avoided the feud. Trump tweeted the next day.

CNN sources say that lashing out publicly — instead of one-on-one — is Trump’s style because, according to CNN, “he does not tend to be as confrontational in person, despite his self-described penchant for fighting back.”

The CNN also reports Trump and Sessions “rarely” speak on the phone emphasizing the breakdown in communication and the relationship between POTUS and the Attorney General.

Yet, despite all the drama and back and forth, the CNN report indicated that Trump sill remains a bit reluctant to simply fire Sessions because he is concerned about Robert Mueller’s reaction and worries a new attorney general may not get confirmed.

[photo via Getty Images]

24 Aug 22:28

MSNBC Guest Dismisses Mollie Tibbetts as Some ‘Girl in Iowa’ ‘Fox News Is Talking About’

‘I’m sure we’ll hear what he has to say about this at his — his rally’
24 Aug 22:27

The Left Won’t Stop At Alex Jones. The Slippery Slope Is Real, And We’re On It

by Jesse Kelly

Ever watch “The Dick Van Dyke Show?” My folks used to put it on the TV for me when I was a kid. It was good comedy and harmless fun. What you may not have noticed about the show was the two main characters (a married couple) slept in SEPARATE beds in the same room. Obviously not an accurate portrayal of most marriages, the exception being Anthony Weiner’s, but in the early 1960s anything more than that would have been deemed inappropriate for public consumption. When public views on morality started shifting later that decade and television shows started getting a little more risqué, there were immediate cries that this would be a slippery slope. There were concerns that allowing even the slightest moral degradation of Hollywood would inevitably end in Caligula-style debauchery.

The people who warned of this slippery slope were laughed off. But today, “Sex and the City plays on regular cable with brief interruptions so Cialis can run commercials. So, about that slippery slope …

Sorry to disappoint you modern day Puritans, but this is not an article about the Sodom and Gomorrah Sunday night TV lineup and your potential for turning into a pillar of salt. It is about the tendency of some men to deny the existence of a ravenous left and their insistence that the slippery slope is something of a myth. It is anything but a myth. The slippery slope is how the left imprints their agenda into our culture. They know many on the right have little stomach for a fight about the ridiculousness of separate marriage beds. They know once they get momentum you’ll one day have to explain to your six-year-old what “dominatrix” means.

The federal income tax was established in 1913. (The government has not always stolen a cut of your paycheck before you get it.) There were warnings then about where that kind of sticky-fingers governing would end. The rates were 1 percent. Today the rates are almost 40 percent. In the 1930s, President Roosevelt was pushing for Social Security and folks on the right were warning of socialism. Social Security was then intended to be a temporary relief program. Today it’s a permanent retirement program for many and it’s also 14 percent of our $21,000,000,000,000 debt. Yesterday conservatives were warning about the left’s takeover of public schools and where it would lead. Today students are taught the evil of Trump’s immigration policies and football coaches lose their jobs if they pray on the field with their teams.

Many on the left and the right gave a loud cheer last week when Alex Jones was banished from Facebook. Twitter later suspended him. While it is not surprising to see the jackals on the left cheer at the burning of books, one would hope folks on the right would look in the mirror and realize their time is coming soon. The leftists will not stop (and did not stop) at nutty Alex Jones, because they do not think you are much different from him. You rightly think your belief in immigration enforcement is much different than his disgusting conspiracy theory about Sandy Hook. But you must understand the left thinks you are both equally vile. They just knew Jones was the weak member of the herd. They could pick him off as a test run. Next they’re coming for you.

But we didn’t get a unified message of support from the pinky-out people on the right. We were scolded for defending Jones. They sang so sweetly into the left’s ears: “Alex Jones is icky. And there is no slippery slope. And you should frankly be censored anyway, if you don’t at least have a Master’s degree.”

The same people who ceded control of public education, the federal bureaucracy, the media, movies, and music to the left have once again found another hill not worth dying on. “It’s only social media,” they say. Yeah, fear not. Around 2.5 billion people use Facebook and Twitter. What’s the worst that can happen if we just let the left have them?

While this denial of the slippery slope is frustrating, it is also understandable if you understand the nature of man. Very few people in this world actually enjoy fighting. It is much easier on the mind to just avoid a fight. That is why so many on the right ignore the obvious truths staring them in the face. “It’s only Alex Jones” is not necessarily something they believe to be true.

“It’s only Alex Jones” is a comforting blanket. It’s the child who closes his eyes and covers his ears in the naïve hope that the monster disappears if you can’t see or hear him. But the monster does NOT disappear. And it is most definitely NOT just Jones. Yesterday it was Jones. Today, YouTube censored human vanilla Dennis Prager. Tomorrow, there may be a knock on YOUR door.

Freedom is not something you acquire by practicing it. You don’t one day wake up and decide you are free. Freedom is something tangible and it requires the cooperation of others. If others will not give you that cooperation, you have to take it from them. We need to stop whistling past the graveyard and realize the left is seeking total victory. They do not want to compete in a marketplace of ideas. Their goal is to silence dissenting voices.

Look down at where you’re standing at this very moment. That is where you draw your line in the sand. Do not give them another inch.

24 Aug 22:26

Illegally-grown marijuana ravaging national forests...

Illegally-grown marijuana ravaging national forests...

(First column, 22nd story, link)

24 Aug 22:26


24 Aug 22:26

UPDATE: Michael Jackson 'may not have' sung lead vocals on posthumous tracks...

UPDATE: Michael Jackson 'may not have' sung lead vocals on posthumous tracks...

(Second column, 5th story, link)

24 Aug 22:25



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24 Aug 22:25

Hemp Makes Comeback At George Washington's Home...

Hemp Makes Comeback At George Washington's Home...

(RSS generated with FetchRss)
24 Aug 22:25

Ex-CDC director arrested on sex abuse charges...

Ex-CDC director arrested on sex abuse charges...

(RSS generated with FetchRss)
24 Aug 22:25

Drive-in 'sex boxes' for prostitution, built by taxpayers, wild success...

Drive-in 'sex boxes' for prostitution, built by taxpayers, wild success...

(RSS generated with FetchRss)
24 Aug 22:23

Losing bidder disputes Louisiana voting machine award

by By MELINDA DESLATTE | Associated Press
One of the losing bidders for Louisiana's voting machine replacement work wants a re-do, saying the bid process was "irresponsibly rushed and fundamentally flawed."
24 Aug 22:23

Jim Brown Backs Trump in 2020, Claims Support Will 'Make Me Very Unpopular in the Black Community'

by Warner Todd Huston
NFL legend Jim Brown has endorsed President Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020, but he admits that the endorsement will make him unpopular among liberal black activists.
24 Aug 22:22

Roger Stone Predicts Mueller Will Indict Donald Trump Jr. on Process Crime

by Joshua Caplan
Long-time Republican operative Roger Stone predicts special counsel Robert Mueller will soon indict Donald Trump Jr. on a process crime. 
24 Aug 22:22

Twitter CEO Dorsey to testify before House panel on September 5

Twitter Inc Chief Executive Jack Dorsey will testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Sept. 5 on the social media company's algorithms and content monitoring, the committee said on Friday.
24 Aug 22:21

Limbaugh: Left's war against Trump now 'personal'

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh

An increasingly frustrated and intolerant left now is making the war against President Trump “personal,” and it remains to be seen where it ends up.

That’s from talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

The comments came in light of investigators and reporters looking into claims of secret information held in a newspaper’s safe, the financial status of the Trump organization and even activities of his children.

“Here’s the question, folks. What do you think Donald Trump would do – if I’m right and if the objective here is to ruin him and the Trump Organization – and if you wipe out the Trump Organization, I mean, financially wipe it out, what have you also done?” he said on Friday.

“You’ve wiped out his children, you’ve wiped out his grandchildren, you’ve wiped him out, you have taken away and destroyed and ruined whatever has been built. There’s no ‘there’ there anymore. Would Trump allow that to happen, allow the attempt, would he continue to stay in office and continue to implement his agenda to make America great again and then try to win reelection in 2020, or would he resign to save the futures of his children and grandchildren?”

Limbaugh said he thinks there are more than those two options.

“But that’s what they’re trying to make him think about. I have no doubt, and it is personal, it is not criminal, it is not civil; it’s personal. These people despise Donald Trump, and they are not hiding that, and it’s people that Mueller has hired to be his investigators. It may be Mueller personally. I think it’s Comey personally. I think Strzok Smirk and all these other people literally, personally hate Trump because he ran for office and won. I think it’s personal, deeply, darkly personal. I think all these analysts on TV that can’t keep their composure hate Donald Trump. I think the conservative Never Trumpers personally despise Donald Trump.”

He said those people never would allow themselves to be targeted. Nor would they allow their friends to be targeted.

“But they will help it along with Trump. It really is not complicated. He’s an outsider. They don’t like the way he talks. They don’t like the way he makes fun of them. They don’t like the way he mocks them. They think that he is a pockmark on the presidency. But what would he do, do you think, if those eventually become the options that he faces?”

He said attacks on people close to Trump and those who work with Trump is where he believes it’s going.

“They can’t find any Russian collusion; they just want to destroy the guy because he won and outsmarted them. They can’t tolerate that, and we’ll see where it goes, folks.”

The post Limbaugh: Left's war against Trump now 'personal' appeared first on WND.

24 Aug 22:21

GOOGLE quietly purges user-generated reviews?

24 Aug 22:21

McCain decides to discontinue cancer treatment...

McCain decides to discontinue cancer treatment...

(Third column, 1st story, link)

22 Aug 19:33

BACKPAGE.COM's Founders Speak for First Time After Raid...

BACKPAGE.COM's Founders Speak for First Time After Raid...

(Second column, 18th story, link)

22 Aug 19:33

MTV Awards All-Time Low Ratings...

MTV Awards All-Time Low Ratings...

(Second column, 9th story, link)

22 Aug 19:33

'Would rather have fake news' than censorship...

'Would rather have fake news' than censorship...

(Second column, 2nd story, link)

22 Aug 19:32

MICROSOFT anti-hacking efforts make it internet cop...

22 Aug 19:31

GOOGLE News will now filter out negative and tell you 'something good'...

22 Aug 19:31

FLASHBACK: Obama Campaign Fined $375,000 for Campaign Reporting Violations...

FLASHBACK: Obama Campaign Fined $375,000 for Campaign Reporting Violations...

(Second column, 2nd story, link)

22 Aug 19:31

Plans to behead female activist...

Plans to behead female activist...

(First column, 3rd story, link)

22 Aug 19:31

Firefighters say VERIZON 'throttled' data, crippling communications during CA wildfire...

Firefighters say VERIZON 'throttled' data, crippling communications during CA wildfire...

(Third column, 6th story, link)

22 Aug 19:30