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16 Oct 02:44

Cherokee Nation Blasts Elizabeth Warren For DNA Stunt: ‘Inappropriate And Wrong’

by Bre Payton
'Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. . . Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.'
14 Oct 03:01

Cannabis Set To Disrupt $500 Billion Market Amid DEA Approvals And Canadian Legalization: Canopy Growth CEO

by Tyler Durden

The CEO of Canadian marijuana producer Canopy Growth says that marijuana is set to disrupt $500 billion in global markets.

Bruce Linton - whose company recently shipped cannabis from Canada to the United States using a yet-undisclosed "DEA-approved partner," told CNBC's Jim Cramer that the "back-of-the-envelope math" pencils out - between therapeutic cannabinoid treatments to a cultural shift from alcohol and tobacco to recreational pot use. 

"We disrupt alcohol potentially, cigarettes potentially, in terms of smoking cessation," he told Cramer. "We really disrupt pharmaceutical, because whether or not you're geriatric care, you're dealing with arthritic conditions, you're someone who can't sleep, you're going through an oncology treatment, I think you're going to find cannabinoid therapies really hit there."

"And so you add all that together, plus the existing $200 billion illicit market, that pretty quickly gets you up around $500 billion," Linton continued. "It sounds like a 'How could it be?' but just do a bit of the back-of-the-envelope math. It's not crazy."

Canopy made headlines last week after announcing several-billion-dollar investments from Corona parent company, Constellation Brands, as well as legal shipment of marijuana, a Schedule 1 drug, into the United States. 

"Under [Drug Enforcement Administration] approval, we shipped, for the first time, legally — and I highlight 'legally' — cannabis from Canada to the U.S," Bruce Linton, the co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Canopy Growth, told CNBC's Jim Cramer.

"The DEA-approved partner, which we haven't announced yet, can actually begin to do medical research, clinical trials if necessary, [and] create the data set that enables people to know when, what, where, and maybe it can become federally regulated in the U.S. with some input that way," Linton said in an interview on "Mad Money." -CNBC

The positive news for Canopy comes on the heels of competitor Tilray announcing DEA approval to import cannabis into the United States for medical research at the University of California San Diego's Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research. As CNBC notes, California is one of eight states to fully legalize medical and recreational marijuana use, while thirty states currently legalize some form of medical marijuana. 

Canada will fully legalize adult marijuana use next Wednesday, October 17, which is expected to result in a massive windfall for producers such as Canopy. 

Linton says that Canada's legalization has forced governments worldwide to consider how they can get in on the action. 

"Last week I was in the EU, the U.K. They know about Oct. 17 intimately and they're trying to figure out, 'Hm, if we're a government or businesses, how do we quit ignoring cannabis and govern it, regulate it, tax it and turn it into something that might be medicinal and for sure a much better formatted product for a party?'" he said.

"And so what's going to be the big bump isn't just Canada," he said. "If we do it right, Canopy leads. That gives us the position globally that then, all of a sudden, you add a zero or two to the number of people we're trying to serve."


14 Oct 03:01

Trump celebrates return of American pastor from Turkey

by The Associated Press
"From a Turkish prison to the White House in 24 hours, that's not bad," Trump said.
14 Oct 03:01

Camille Paglia: Feminism Based on Destroying Men Is ‘Absolute Poison’ to Culture

by Dr. Susan Berry
The brand of feminism recreated by Betty Friedan in the 1960s, Paglia said, is now based on “denigrating men” and “defining men as oppressors and tyrants through history.”
14 Oct 03:00

Three men arrested on assault, robbery charges in clash following speech by founder of far-right group

by John Bowden
Three men were arrested on assault and robbery charges in New York City on Friday following a violent clash after a speech by the founder of the "Proud Boys," a male-only, far-right group.The New York Police Depart...
14 Oct 03:00

Florida officials fear death toll will rise...

Florida officials fear death toll will rise...

(Third column, 20th story, link)

12 Oct 16:47

'We are fine': Melania dismisses gossip...

'We are fine': Melania dismisses gossip...

(Second column, 3rd story, link)

12 Oct 16:45

Beach town erased like 'mother of all bombs'...

Beach town erased like 'mother of all bombs'...

(Third column, 2nd story, link)

12 Oct 16:44

'Friendly fire' destroys Belgian warplane at base

A Belgian air force mechanic servicing a warplane at a base in the south of the country opened fire and destroyed another F-16 jet fighter on the tarmac, public broadcaster VRT said on Friday, citing unidentified sources.
12 Oct 16:44

MASCOT completes first scientific 'stroll' across asteroid Ryugu

The German lander MASCOT has completed its first scientific 'stroll' across the asteroid Ryugu.
12 Oct 16:42

Chicago Sues Trump Again — This Time To Force Justice Department To Release $2 Million Grant

by Will Racke
'We will not be bullied'
12 Oct 16:42

ABC Regrets Firing Roseanne; "We Didn't Think It Through Properly"

by Tyler Durden

ABC executives regret their "knee-jerk" decision to fire Roseanne Barr, and now believe that the network's spin-off series The Conners will fail under the weight of its own politically correct hubris, reports the Daily Mail, citing two anonymous execs. 

"We didn't think it through properly. What Roseanne did was wrong but we shouldn't have rushed to fire her. It was almost a knee-jerk reaction by Ben [Sherwood] and Channing [Dungey] who should have launched an investigation," said one insider, who added "This would have given them more time to listen to the public, advertisers and cast members to determine the best decision." 

The Roseanne reboot - which quickly became ABC's #1 top-rated series in April, was quickly derailed after the network suddenly fired star Roseanne Barr after she compared former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to if the "Muslim brotherhood & Planet of the Apes had a bay," comments which were condemned by Dungey as "abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values." 

Barr, 65, was fired before a single advertiser pulled out, just three months into the show's return. Her co-stars immediately turned on her, publicly shunning Roseanne for her tweet. 

Roseanne immediately apologized: 

Many conservatives at the time pointed out that while Roseanne was fired, MSNBC host Joy Reid was allowed to keep her job despite making anti-gay, anti-Muslim blog posts several years ago over a sustained period - and then lying about it. 

The vastly different treatment of the two TV personalities has once again raised questions over the treatment of conservatives in Hollywood. 

Although many applauded the network for taking swift action against the actress, the cancellation marked a premature and unfortunate end to the revival which had been considered an overall success.

Prior to Barr's tweet, however, the show had already received criticism for Roseanne's portrayal of a Trump supporter and its attempts to confront social issues involving race and politics.  

According to one source, ABC was aware of what they 'were getting' when they hired the outspoken actress and rebooted her show, but the inappropriate tweet was the last straw for Dungey, despite Barr's desperate attempts to save face. 

'They could've suspended her from the first few episodes without pay and had her return later on in the season. I mean the season finale saw Roseanne going to the hospital for knee surgery,' the source added.

'While they worked out her fate, her character could have faced serious complications and fought for her life, while simultaneously making Roseanne fight for her career with a national apology tour. -Daily Mail

ABC will now attempt to run The Conners on October 16 sans Roseanne - which execs now fear may not go so well. 

"When we greenlit The Conners we thought that the public would tune in to see the family return but what we've discovered is that people want Roseanne - they don't want the family by themselves," another source told The Mail

'The marketing and publicity teams are horrified as no matter what promotional material is released - and let's be honest it's been limited for a show that launches next Tuesday - Roseanne's fans come out in force stating that they won't watch the show

'The comments on social media tend to skew in favor of Roseanne and slam The Conners and the cast members who came back. Even dedicated fans of the Conner family feel conflicted about supporting a show that so swiftly eliminated the show's matriarch and creator.' -Daily Mail

"In the end the ratings are all that matter - and there are many people at Disney and ABC who are worried that firing Roseanne will see their Tuesday night ratings drop substantially. And should The Conners flop, Channing and her team will have many questions to answer."

"The whisper across ABC is that they will not even be a quarter of what Roseanne achieved last season."

An ABC spokesperson told the Mail denied that the network is concerned about the success of the Connors. 

To hear more about her firing, supporting Trump, and much, much more, check out Roseanne's Thursday appearance on the Joe Rogan show: 

12 Oct 16:41

Stephen Miller's third-grade teacher suspended after saying he ate glue as child...

Stephen Miller's third-grade teacher suspended after saying he ate glue as child...

(Second column, 4th story, link)

12 Oct 16:41

Human eyeball parts grown in lab...

Human eyeball parts grown in lab...

(Third column, 14th story, link)

12 Oct 16:39

Second Nasa space telescope shuts down after unexplained problem

by Andrew Griffin
Problem comes just days after Kepler space telescope also entered 'safe mode'
11 Oct 15:59

The Roar...

11 Oct 15:59

Panhandle pummeled; Mexico Beach Ground Zero...

Panhandle pummeled; Mexico Beach Ground Zero...

(Top headline, 2nd story, link)

11 Oct 15:58

Melania breaks silence...

Melania breaks silence...

(Second column, 9th story, link)

11 Oct 15:58

Miracle escape for Space Station astronauts as rocket fails mid-launch...

Miracle escape for Space Station astronauts as rocket fails mid-launch...

(Third column, 3rd story, link)

11 Oct 15:58

Lena Dunham, HBO Face Rare Failure as New Series Gets Critical Roasting...

Lena Dunham, HBO Face Rare Failure as New Series Gets Critical Roasting...

(Third column, 17th story, link)

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11 Oct 15:56

Ascension Parish daycare to close until December following judge's ruling

by WBRZ Staff
Ascension Parish daycare to close until December following judge's ruling

BATON ROUGE - An Ascension Parish daycare will have to close its doors following a hearing Tuesday morning.

Alphabet Soup Learning Center will remain closed until a December 13 hearing. The daycare filed a motion to stay, which would have allowed the center to stay open during the appeal process; however, the judge denied that motion.

"Parents literally found out this morning they can't come back here tomorrow," said employee Alyssa Goodrich. Until its closure, the daycare looked after about 70 children.

Starting Tuesday, daycare officials will start helping parents find new facilities for their children.  

The closures stem from a previous ruling where a judge upheld the Louisiana Department of Education's decision to pull the license. The state department said there were 74 deficiencies over a two-year period. The state said one of the most egregious complaints, was over-medicating a child.

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11 Oct 15:56

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Floats Conspiracy Theory About Saudi Arabia And Trump

by Amber Athey
'Would be nice to definitively rule out'
11 Oct 15:56

Twitter Bans Infowars Account for No Reason

Big Tech doesn’t want you to see our midterm coverage!
11 Oct 15:55



(First column, 9th story, link)

11 Oct 15:55

Pentagon reverses course in Trump campaign spy case

The Pentagon

The Pentagon

A federal employee who claims he was punished for questioning a $1 million payment to a man who spied on the 2016 Trump presidential campaign has won a key concession.

The Washington Times reports Pentagon officials have abruptly reversed course and will give a lawyer for Adam Lovinger access to an internal memo that concluded Lovinger was guilty of security violations before any investigation was completed.

Lovinger contends his security clearance was revoked as retaliation for whistle-blowing.

The Pentagon originally blocked access to the memo. It then handed over three blank pages to his attorney, who protested.

On Oct. 1, the Pentagon finally provided the full document.

Government watchdog Judicial Watch recently filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain copies of relevant documents in Lovinger’s case.

“Americans want to know if the Defense Department was working with the corrupt FBI, DOJ and other Obama agencies to spy on Donald Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton when the lawsuit was filed.

Lovinger has questioned the government’s payment of about $1 million to Cambridge professor and FBI informant Stefan Halper to spy on the Trump campaign regarding it’s relationship with Russia.

Judicial Watch said Halper also has high-level ties to both U.S. and British intelligence.

Government records show the Office of Net Assessment, a small Defense Department unit known as the Pentagon’s think tank, paid Halper a total of $1,058,161 for four contracts that lasted from May 30, 2012, to March 29, 2018.

More than $400,000 of the payments came between July 2016 and September 2017, after Halper offered work to a Trump campaign volunteer and a trip to London to entice him into disclosing information about alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, Judicial Watch said.

Judicial Watch has been trying to obtain records related to Halper’s contract, the scope of the work, reports, analysis, abstracts, summaries and similar records.

The internal memo could play a pivotal role in Lovinger’s case. Written by Barbara Westgate, who directs the Washington Headquarters Services, the memo was listed as evidence by the Pentagon’s Consolidated Adjudication Facility, which she oversees and which decided to remove Lovinger’s clearance. He was suspended without pay after a decade of Defense Department assignments.

Westgate concluded Lovinger “violated security policies.” But his lawyer, Sean Bigley, told the Times the memo found his client guilty before the investigation was completed months later.

Bigley told the Times the process is supposed to be objective.

However, he said, that “didn’t happen here because they were unduly influenced by their superiors at WHS, who directed, managed and rigged this case from Day One.”

The Times said conservatives have suggested that Lovinger, a Trump supporter, is a victim of the “deep state,” Obama administration holdovers obstructing the president’s agenda.

Lovinger also had raised questions about “costly academic-type studies that seemed to him to be a waste of taxpayer money,” the report said.

11 Oct 01:22

FACEBOOK Fights to Block Media Access to Internal Privacy Records...

FACEBOOK Fights to Block Media Access to Internal Privacy Records...

(First column, 7th story, link)

11 Oct 01:21

Nikki Haley Just Screwed Conservatives Going Into Midterms: Bannon

by Tyler Durden

Former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon slammed UN ambassador Nikki Haley's decision on Tuesday to announce her resignation, calling it "suspect" and "horrific," and that it overshadowed positive news that Trump and the Republicans need to build support going into midterms, according to Bloomberg

"The timing was exquisite from a bad point of view," Bannon told Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait on Wednesday at the Bloomberg Invest London forum. "Everything she said yesterday and everything she said about stepping down could have been done on the evening of November 6. The timing could not have been worse."

Haley's announcement, according to Bannon, took White House officials by surprise - and distracted attention from Brett Kavanaugh's first day as a justice on the Supreme Court, along with headlines over the lowest US unemployment rate in five decades. Haley's decision undermines Trump's message to Republican voters, said Bannon. 

In the Oval Office on Tuesday, Trump said Haley told him six months ago she wanted a break after spending two years in the post. She’ll continue in her role until year-end. Haley said Tuesday that she was ready for a break after two terms as South Carolina’s governor and two years at the United Nations. -Bloomberg

Bannon also says that he took Haley at her word that she has no political aspirations - particularly when it comes to running against Trump in 2020. She says that she looks forward to campaigning for Trump in two years. That said, Bannon calls Haley "ambitious" and "very talented," though he said so using a backhanded compliment. 

"I think she is incredibly politically ambitious," Bannon added. "Ambitious as Lucifer but that is probably...I am probably taking Milton out of context."

Trump defended the timing of Haley's departure on Wednesday, saying "there's no good time" for her to have announced her resignation - and that if she'd waited until after midterms, it would have raised questions as to whether her motive was based on the results.  

11 Oct 01:21

Eric Holder: 'When they go low, we kick 'em'


(FOX) — Speaking on Sunday at a campaign event for local Georgia Democratic candidates, former Attorney General Eric Holder flatly rejected former first lady Michelle Obama’s widely cited call for civility and instead seemingly urged Democrats to brawl with Republicans.

“It is time for us, as Democrats, to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are,” Holder told a crowd of campaign volunteers and candidates. “Michelle always says — I love her; she and my wife are like, really tight, which always scares me and Barack — but Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. When they go low, we kick ’em.”

After raucous applause, Holder, who served in the Obama administration from 2009 to 2015, added: “That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”

11 Oct 01:21

Hurricane Michael smashes Florida Panhandle before being downgraded; at least 1 dead

by Associated Press
The most powerful hurricane on record to hit Florida's Panhandle left wide destruction and at least one person dead and wasn't nearly finished Thursday as it crossed Georgia toward the Carolinas.
11 Oct 01:21

Pompeo says release of American pastor by Turkish court would be 'important step'

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that the release of American pastor Andrew Brunson by a Turkish court at his next hearing on Friday would be an important step and the right thing to do.