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23 Oct 03:13

Alyssa Milano Gets ‘Loomered,’ Confronted Over ties to Sharia Law Activist Linda Sarsour

Virtue-signaling actress's hypocrisy exposed.
23 Oct 03:13

Trump: If You Want the Media to Investigate Hillary, I’ll Need to Nominate Her for SCOTUS

‘That would take 3-4 years of questions’
23 Oct 03:12

Scientists discover plastic in faeces of every person who took part in Europe-wide study

by Tom Embury-Dennis
Up to nine different types of microplastic found in samples from each participant
23 Oct 03:11

Bernie Sanders: Blue Wave Is Dead; Midterms Will Be "Very, Very Close"

by Tyler Durden

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) says he "doesn't believe" that there will be a so-called "blue wave" of Democratic victories sweeping the midterm elections, and that it will be a "very, very close" situation. 

Speaking with The Hill's Krystal Ball on Monday while stumping from Iowa Democrat J.D. Scholten, Sanders said that the outcome from the November 6 elections will be determined by a "handful of votes." 

"You know a lot of people talk about this "blue wave" and all that stuff - I don't believe it. I happen to think that on election night we're gonna find a very, very close situation, and that maybe a handful of votes determining whether Democrats gain control of the House." 

"We have an entity able to stand up to [President] Trump or we don’t," added the former Presidential candidate whose aspirations for the Oval Office were derailed after Hillary Clinton and the DNC "rigged the primary" against him in 2016. 


Sanders - rumored as a 2020 hopeful against Donald Trump, told Hill.TV that he's doing everything he can to promote promising Democratic candidates such as Scholten - stating "we desperately need his voice" in Congress. 

Democrats will need to pick up 23 seats during midterms in order to take back control of the House. 

23 Oct 03:11

Trump Declares Himself a ‘Nationalist’ After Ripping Globalists at Rally: ‘Use That Word’

by Ken Meyer

If there was any doubt the idea that Donald Trump is a nationalist, it was put to bed on Monday night.

As Trump rallied support for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in Houston, he went on a tangent in which he bashed the European Union and the “radical Democrats” who supposedly want to “restore the rule of corrupt, power-hungry globalists.”

The president described globalists as people who want the world to do well even though they supposedly don’t care about America.

“We can’t have that,” Trump said. “You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist. And I say really, we’re not supposed to use that word. You know what I am? I am a nationalist. Use that word.”

Watch above, via Fox News.

[Image via screengrab]

— —

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23 Oct 03:11

NYT: Secret Service had to break up fight between Kelly and Lewandowski

by Michael Burke
White House chief of staff John Kelly and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski got into a physical altercation earlier this year outside the Oval Office and had to be separated by the Secret Service, ...
23 Oct 03:11

Judge bars New Hampshire proof of residency requirement for new voters...

Judge bars New Hampshire proof of residency requirement for new voters...

(Second column, 10th story, link)

23 Oct 03:10

Corey grabbed by collar...

Corey grabbed by collar...

(Third column, 3rd story, link)

23 Oct 03:09

Robot Closes NY Stock Exchange...

Robot Closes NY Stock Exchange...

(Third column, 7th story, link)

23 Oct 03:09

Surveillance video shows Khashoggi 'body double'...

Surveillance video shows Khashoggi 'body double'...

(Third column, 9th story, link)

23 Oct 03:09

Vandals Throw Giant Boulder Through McCarthy Office Window...

23 Oct 03:09

Explosive Device Found Near George Soros Home...

23 Oct 03:07

Teen accused of beheading mother found not guilty...

Teen accused of beheading mother found not guilty...

(Third column, 12th story, link)

23 Oct 03:07

Owen Shroyer Reflects On Trump/Cruz Rally & The Last Infowars Pages to be Banned From Twitter

by Owen Shroyer
Post-rally coverage details Trump's epic Texas speech.
23 Oct 03:07

Trump warns of Democrat 'mob rule'


(DALLAS MORNING NEWS) — HOUSTON — President Donald Trump and other friends of Sen. Ted Cruz turned Rep. Beto O’Rourke into a piñata Monday night, revving Texas Republicans to form a firewall for the national party — and block Democrats from transforming Texas into a political extension of California.

“Ted’s opponent in this race is a stone cold phony named Robert Francis O’Rourke, sometimes called Beto. …He’s actually a radical open borders left winger,” Trump said. “O’Rourke voted against your tax cuts and he went against oil workers… O’Rourke supports a socialist takeover of healthcare. You’re going to triple your taxes and it won’t be enough.”

Trump marveled at O’Rourke’s “F” rating from the NRA. “An F means he wants to take away your guns,” he said at a noisy, rollicking rally in downtown Houston, with supporters waving red “Make America Proud Again” signs, many in red “Make America Great Again” caps. “If Ted doesn’t win your Second Amendment’s going to be in trouble.”

23 Oct 03:07

Laura Ingraham Calls Caravan a ‘Mobile Mob’: ‘They Know There’s Protection in Numbers’

by Joseph A. Wulfsohn

On Monday night, Laura Ingraham kicked off the show by tackling the migrant caravan that is making its way up towards the United States.

Ingraham began by relying on Merriam-Webster Dictionary to define the word “caravan,” which says the following:

1 a: a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostile regions 

also : a train of pack animals 

b: a group of vehicles traveling together (as in a file)

2: a covered wagon or motor vehicle equipped as traveling living quarters

“Well, that doesn’t really work for what we’re seeing here, does it?” Ingraham said. “The word ‘caravan’ colloquially can note something kind of fun, festive, desirable. Well yet other descriptions come to mind among Americans and legal immigrants watching this all play out.”

The Fox News host cited a Mexican newspaper that says among the migrants, most are “working-age males” and that there’s a “far smaller number of women and children” and that many of them “have friends and/or family in the U.S.”

“Well one thing is clear: they know that there is protection in numbers, that if they flood the zone, they’ll be able to overwhelm border patrol officials as they did in Guatemala and in Mexico,” Ingraham said. “It’s no wonder the mobile mob feels emboldened after vowing not to allow them through Mexico, Mexico- its police force is actually now providing an escort to the migrant caravan, if you can believe that.  Now does this sound like or look like something that most Americans think is a good idea? It doesn’t matter where people come from, whether they come from Central America, Europe, any part of the world, if they come in illegally, guess what? Most Americans think it’s not fair and Donald Trump knows this. When he says he wants to stop this mobile mob, a lot of people calling it ‘invasions’ – most Americans see it is not just an economic burden, and it is one, but a flagrant flouting of the rule of law as well.”

Watch the clip above, via Fox News.

23 Oct 03:07

SNAP: Woman demands to see passports of Spanish-speaking family at Virginia restaurant...

SNAP: Woman demands to see passports of Spanish-speaking family at Virginia restaurant...

(Second column, 11th story, link)

22 Oct 13:38



(Main headline, 1st story, link)

22 Oct 13:38

Robots Armed with Javelin Missiles Make Tanks Obsolete?

Robots Armed with Javelin Missiles Make Tanks Obsolete?

(Second column, 6th story, link)

22 Oct 13:37

Conservatism Is The New Counterculture

by Greg Jones
People desperately want to think for themselves instead of being told what they can and cannot do. But the modern left won’t allow such heresy.
22 Oct 13:37

How Political Correctness Has Ruined Disney’s Most Recent Princess Movies

by Auguste Meyrat
Instead of telling stories and developing compelling characters, children’s movies today prefer to promote boring feminist and anti-family propaganda.
22 Oct 13:37

How Harvard’s Dishonesty About Its Racial Discrimination Will Fuel Populism

by Warren Henry
The lesson this elite university and others really teach is that working hard and playing by the rules are for the little people, not the future Masters of the Universe.
22 Oct 13:36

YouTube TV outage: company apologizes and offers $10 credit for Apple’s App Store

by Ben Lovejoy

There was a YouTube TV outage last week, and if you were one of those affected, the company says that it wants to ‘make this right’ …


The post YouTube TV outage: company apologizes and offers $10 credit for Apple’s App Store appeared first on 9to5Mac.

22 Oct 13:35

"National Emergency" - President Trump To Cut Central American Aid As Mexico Loses Control Of Migrant Army

by Tyler Durden

Since President Trump threatened to close the Southern border due to Honduras' unwillingness to comply with his requests for assistance in stopping a migrant caravan marching toward the US, the migrants have successfully crossed into Mexico and on Sunday regrouped after being temporarily delayed at the Mexican border by border guards who failed to force the migrants to turn back. 


So, for the second time this year, it appears President Trump is ready to send more US troops to the border, as he said in a tweet Monday morning that he'd notified the border patrol and military that this is a "national emergency" while reiterating that the blame lay with Democrats for refusing to change our "pathetic" immigration laws.

The president also claimed that "unkown Middle Easterners" had become "mixed in" with the caravan.

And since Honduras and Guatemala did nothing to stop the migrants despite Trump's requests for assistance, the president added that we would be cutting off aid: "We will now begin cutting off, or substantially reducing, the massive foreign aid routinely given to them."

The backlash to the migrants has intensified over the weekend, as the mile-long caravan has continued unimpeded toward the US's southern border. Amusingly, liberals bullied the  Associated Press on Sunday into correcting one of its headlines after the wire service described the caravan as an "army of migrants".

"A ragged, growing army of migrants resumes march toward US,” read the original headline on the AP story. The AP later changed the headline to replace the word "army" with "caravan."

Though the AP has used the word "army" to refer to large groups of people besides migrants - including nurses and political activists - many on the political left criticized the wire service for its original headline.

Meanwhile, videos have emerged of people handing out cash to the migrants, raising suspicions that the caravan has received outside funding for its assault on the southern border.

22 Oct 13:35

President Trump to WITHDRAW from #Nuclear Treaty with #Russia… | @MarkSleboda

by Shane Stranahan
22 Oct 13:35

Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) Details #RAPE Accusation Against Bill Clinton…

by Shane Stranahan
22 Oct 13:34



(Main headline, 4th story, link)

20 Oct 14:51

McConnell Confronted at Restaurant by Angry Customers...

20 Oct 14:50

Facebook Sells Disabled Iraq Vet $300,000 In Ads, Then Deletes His Influential Pages

by Tyler Durden

Facebook banned several pages operated by disabled by Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, after he says he spent $300,000 on advertising. The social media giant removed without warning Kolfage's Right Wing News and Military Grade Coffee Company (which donates 10% of all profits to veteran organizations), in a site-wide effort to crack down on "misinformation" on the network.

Right Wing News alone had over 3 million followers at the time of its banning. 

According to his new wesbite, Kolfage, a triple amputee, explains: 

I’m not a “conservative.” I’m not a “liberal.” I’m an American, with deep beliefs in what our country stands for. I proved this by vowing to protect and fighting for Americas greatest tenet: free speech.

Many Americans have fought for these political freedoms … freedom of speech … and every American has enjoyed those freedoms … UNTIL TODAY. On October 11, 2018, Facebook shut down thousands of Facebook accounts for their political opinions, saying in effect that they don’t have a “legitimate political argument.” STOP SOCIAL MEDIA CENSORSHIP NOW!

Kolfage says his "income as a father and husband is threatened," and that he "invested over $300,000 in ads at Facebook's own request," according to Breitbart's Lucas Nolan.  

In a Facebook post on his personal page, Kolfage wrote "Facebook lied, they shut down my page because it was conservative, powerful, and the elections are in 2 weeks.

Operation Iraqi Freedom

In 2004, Kolfage was on his second deployment in Iraq when his airbase came under rocket attack. He would lose both legs and an arm as a 107mm rocket shell "exploded about three feet" away, throwing him into the air and against a wall of sandbags. 

Airman Kolfage’s best friend was thrown from his bed during the attack. He heard the screams and rushed outside to find his friend bloody, mangled, and clinging to life. The Airman and a medic rushed to help Airman Kolfage, who was struggling to breathe with only one lung after the other had collapsed. Brian’s friend desperately tried to divert his attention from the seriousness of his injuries, but calmly, Airman Kolfage assured him that he already knew the extent of his wounds, and that he just wanted to go home to his family. 

Brian spent 11 months at Walter Reed medical center, and claims that to this day he is "still the most severely wounded Airman to survive any war." 

Not going quietly

"If I have to roll into their headquarters and sit there with people in the media, I will," said Kolfage of his plans to fight Facebook's decision. "I will be there exposing everything they’ve done to me and my family and our employees. We’re going to take legal action if we don’t get our pages back. It’s just going to turn into a sloppy mess for them. I think they’ve underestimated what they’re dealing with, attacking me, attacking conservatives in general, right before the elections. Never once did Facebook come to us to say there was any issue with RWN or our other pages. Never. But they sure loved taking our money." 

20 Oct 14:45

SCOTUS Puts The Brakes On Kids’ Climate Lawsuit Against The Government

by Chris White
'Belongs in the Halls of Congress, not the courts'