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16 Dec 01:56

FBI Docs Reveal: "Flynn Was Not Lying Or Did Not Think He Was Lying"

by Tyler Durden

Authored by Sara Carter via,

The Special Counsel’s Office released key documents related to former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn Friday. Robert Mueller’s office had until 3 p.m. to get the documents to Judge Emmet Sullivan, who demanded information Wednesday after bombshell information surfaced in a memorandum submitted by Flynn’s attorney’s that led to serious concerns regarding the FBI’s initial questioning of the retired three-star general.

The highly redacted documents included notes from former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe regarding his conversation with Flynn about arranging the interview with the FBI. The initial interview took place at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017.

The documents also include the FBI’s  “302” report regarding Flynn’s interview with anti-Trump former FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Agent Joe Pientka when they met with him at the White House. It is not, however, the 302 document from the actual January, 2017 interview but an August, 2017 report of Strzok’s recollections of the interview.

Flynn’s attorney’s had noted in their memorandum to the courts that the documents revealed that FBI officials made the decision not to provide Flynn with his Miranda Rights, which would’ve have warned him of penalties for making false statements.

“The agents did not provide Gen. Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 before, during, or after the interview,” the Flynn memo says.

According to the 302, before the interview, McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.”

McCabe, who has since been fired for lying to the DOJ’s Office of Inspector General about leaking information to the media, also asked Flynn not to have his lawyer present during the initial meeting with the FBI agents.

The July 2017 report, however, was the interview with Strzok. It described his interview with Flynn but was not the original Flynn interview.

Apparent discrepancies within the 302 documents are being questioned by may former senior FBI officials, who state that there are stringent policies in place to ensure that the documents are guarded against tampering.

On Thursday, FBI Supervisory Agent Jeff Danik told that Sullivan must also request all the communications between the two agents, as well as their supervisors around the August 2017 time-frame in order to get a complete and accurate picture of what transpired. Danik, who is an expert in FBI policy, says it is imperative that Sullivan also request “the workflow chart, which would show one-hundred percent, when the 302s were created when they were sent to a supervisor and who approved them.”

He stressed, “the bureau policy – the absolute FBI policy – is that the notes must be placed in the system in a 1-A file within five days of the interview.” Danik said that the handwritten notes get placed into the FBI Sentinel System, which is the FBI’s main record keeping system. “Anything beyond five business days is a problem, eight months is a disaster,” he added.

In the redacted 302 report Strzok and Pientka said they “both had the impression at the time that Flynn was not lying or did not think he was lying.” Information that Flynn was not lying was first published and reported by

Flynn was found guilty by Mueller on one count of lying to the FBI. Supporters of Flynn have questioned Mueller’s tactics in getting the retired three-star general to plead guilty to this one count of lying.

In the report, the two agents describe Flynn as being very open and noted said Flynn “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.” Flynn is described as discussing a variety of  “subjects.”  The report includes his openness regarding Trump’s “knack for interior design,” the hotels he stayed at during his campaign, as well as other issues.

“Flynn was so talkative, and had so much time for them, that Strzok wondered if the national security adviser did not have more important things to do than have a such a relaxed, non-pertinent discussion with them,” it said.

The documents turned over by Mueller also reveal that other FBI personnel “later argued about the FBI’s decision to interview Flynn.”

16 Dec 01:55

AI soldiers 'defy orders'...

AI soldiers 'defy orders'...

(Third column, 20th story, link)

16 Dec 01:55

Mueller Scrubbed Messages From Peter Strzok's iPhone; OIG Recovers 19,000 New "FBI Lovebird" Texts

by Tyler Durden

The Justice Department's internal watchdog revealed on Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller's office scrubbed all of the data from FBI agent Peter Strzok's iPhone, while his FBI mistress Lisa Page's phone had been scrubbed by a different department, according to a comprehensive report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released on Thursday. 

After Strzok was kicked off the special counsel investigation following the discovery of anti-Trump text messages between he and Page, his Mueller's Records Officer scrubbed Strzok's iPhone after determining "it contained no substantive text messages," reports the Conservative Review's Jordan Schachtel. 

Mueller's team was unable to locate Page's iPhone, however the DOJ's Justice Management Division (JMD) similarly scrubbed her phone - resetting it to factory settings. 

Meanwhile, the OIG recovered approximately newly found 19,000 Strzok-Page texts from their Galaxy S5 phones. The messages span a "gap" in text messages between December 15, 2016 and May 17, 2017. 

OIG digital forensic examiners used forensic tools to recover thousands of text messages from these devices, including many outside the period of collection tool failure (December 15, 20 I 6 to May 17, 2017) and many that Strzok and Page had with persons other than each other. Approximately 9,311 text messages that were sent or received during the period of collection tool failure were recovered from Strzok's S5 phone, of which approximately 8,358 were sent to or received from Page. Approximately 10,760 text messages that were sent or received during the period of collection tool failure were recovered from Page's S5 phone, of which approximately 9,717 were sent to or received from Strzok. Thus, many of the text messages recovered from Strzok's S5 were also recovered from Page's S5. However, some of the Strzok-Page text messages were only recovered from Strzok's phone while others were only recovered from Page's phone. -OIG Report 

Thousands of text messages between Strzok and Page were recovered by the OIG, many indicating that both agents in charge of investigating Donald Trump absolutely hate him. 

In August 2016, Strzok and Page discussed an "insurance policy" in the event that Trump won the election which many believe to be in reference to operation Crossfire Hurricane - the DOJ's counterintelligence investigation into Trump and his campaign. 

"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office - that there's no way he [Trump] gets elected - but I'm afraid we can't take that risk." wrote Strzok, adding "It's like a life insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40." 

In the home stretch of the 2016 US election, Strzok is fuming at Trump - texting Page: " I am riled up. Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer." He then texts "I CAN'T PULL AWAY, WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED TO OUR COUNTRY (redacted)??!?!," to which Page replies "I don't know. But we'll get it back."

More than two years later, the anti-Trump FBI agents may not have gotten their country back - but the special counsel's office continues to cast a shadow of doubt Trump's legitimacy.

16 Dec 01:54

American student stabbed to death in Netherlands told friend her roommate threatened to kill 3 people - Fox News

American student stabbed to death in Netherlands told friend her roommate threatened to kill 3 people  Fox News

Sarah Papenheim, an American psychology student who was fatally stabbed in her apartment in the Netherlands, had texted a friend saying her roommate ...

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16 Dec 01:53

U.S. internet speeds skyrocket 1 year after net-neutrality repeal


(Breitbart) American Internet speeds skyrocketed one year after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealed the agency’s 2015 net neutrality regulations, according to a study released this week.

Internet speed-test company Ookla released a study this week on American Internet speeds which found that broadband download speeds have increased by 35.8 percent, while upload speeds have increased by 22 percent compared to last year.

New Jersey had the highest average download speed of 121 megabits per second, and Rhode Island had the upload speed of 63 megabits per second. Maine had the slowest average upload and download speeds. California, the home of Silicon Valley, placed at 17th in download speed and 24th in upload speed.

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16 Dec 01:52

New Jersey becomes first state to ban use of wild, exotic animals in circuses

by Aris Folley
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signed legislation Friday that made his state the first in the nation to ban the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling acts.The legislation, also known as ...
16 Dec 01:52

Patreon tolerates calls for violence from leftists


(Breitbart) Patreon, a website which allows users to submit donations to independent creators and projects on a monthly or one-time basis, has attracted a reputation for banning right-wingers from the platform for dubious reasons. Meanwhile, it tolerates open calls for political violence from the extremist left.

Research by Far Left Watch, which monitors left-wing extremism, found numerous examples of pro-violence left wing groups and individuals that have active Patreon accounts.

Because Patreon takes a cut from donations processed via the platform, the crowdfunding site directly profits from these pro-violence accounts.

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16 Dec 01:52

Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages



Vimeo is described as a web platform that allows users to create accounts for hosting, sharing and streaming videos.

Unless the videos are not politically correct.

That’s according to Church United, a non-profit in Newport Beach, California, whose Vimeo page was abruptly shut down because some content dealt with the issue of counseling people who want to overcome same-sex inclinations.

“Conversion therapy” has been banned in California, 13 other states and the District of Columbia. California came close recently to classifying it as consumer fraud.

Church United said in a Facebook post that its founder, Jim Domen, received an email from Vimeo stating his organization had only 24 hours to download its videos, because the account was being closed permanently.

“Out of the 89 uploaded videos, the problem (according to Vimeo) was with five videos that spoke of SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts), with a primary focus on Assembly Bill (AB) 2943,” Church United said.

The reference was to the California bill, ultimately dropped, that would have made such counseling consumer fraud.

“Under Vimeo’s community guidelines, videos that support such efforts are in violation of the ‘Community Agreement’ and subject to termination. In direct communication with Domen, Vimeo stated, ‘Your account has been removed by the Vimeo Staff for violating our Guidelines. Reason: Vimeo does not allow videos that harass, incite hatred, or include discriminatory or defamatory speech,'” Church United said.

“However, none of Church United’s videos do what Vimeo Staff claimed. They only happen to share a different opinion on such matters.”

The report explained the videos shared personal stories of transformation and content regarding the California bill.

The legislation would have “banned any person, non-profit, or business from receiving funds for unwanted same-sex attraction therapy, books, materials, and/or counseling,” Church United said.

The non-profit said it is researching its options.

Vimeo did not respond to an email request from WND for comment.

The non-profit legal group Liberty Counsel is battling laws and ordinances in court that ban or restrict conversion therapy.

“These counselors provide life-saving counsel to minors who desperately desire to conform their attractions, behaviors, and gender confusion to their sincerely held religious beliefs,” Liberty Counsel said. “The sacred trust between counselors and clients establishes a unique relationship that permits the clients to inform the counselors of their goals and receive counseling consistent with those goals.”

The restrictions and bans, Liberty Counsel said, are “invading the private space of counselors and clients, forcing the government into the therapeutic alliance, and violating the privacy and fundamental rights of counselors and clients.”

The post Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages appeared first on WND.

16 Dec 01:51

Nolte: Donald Trump Mocks 'Pathetic' Weekly Standard

by John Nolte
President Trump can undoubtedly sense that the Weekly Standard is no longer respected in Republican circles.
16 Dec 01:51

Donald Trump Visits 'Wreaths Across America' Volunteers at Arlington Cemetery

by Charlie Spiering
Although it was not on his official schedule, the president traveled via motorcade to the cemetery, where Wreaths Across America volunteers were placing wreaths at the graves of soldiers.
16 Dec 01:51

California utility, under scrutiny over massive wildfire, falsified pipeline safety records for years: regu... - Fox News

California utility, under scrutiny over massive wildfire, falsified pipeline safety records for years: regu...  Fox News

One of California's largest utilities company was accused Friday of falsifying safety documents for the state's natural gas pipelines for years -- even after it was ...

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16 Dec 01:51

Disney fires actor Stoney Westmoreland after arrest for allegedly attempting sex with teen - USA TODAY

Disney fires actor Stoney Westmoreland after arrest for allegedly attempting sex with teen  USA TODAY

NEW YORK (AP) — Disney Channel actor Stoney Westmoreland has been fired after he was arrested in Salt Lake City for allegedly attempting to have a sexual ...

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16 Dec 01:49

President Trump Makes Unannounced Visit to Arlington National Cemetery…

by sundance
Earlier today President Donald Trump made an unannounced trip to Arlington National Cemetery to pay his respects to deceased veterans and celebrate “National Wreaths Across America Day”.   Christmas wreaths are laid at the grave sites of fallen soldiers at Arlington … Continue reading →
14 Dec 13:00

Grammy Award-winning singer Nancy Wilson dies at 81

Grammy award-winning singer Nancy Wilson, whose hits ranged from R&B to jazz and funk, died at her California home at age 81 on Thursday after a long illness, her publicist said.
14 Dec 13:00

Sondra Locke death: Oscar-nominated actor and Clint Eastwood's former partner dies aged 74

by Jacob Stolworthy
She had a 13-year relationship with Eastwood
13 Dec 15:14

After 2 Years in Office, Trump’s Approval Rating Matches Obama’s at Same Point of Presidency

by American Mirror
Trump’s job approval stands at 46 percent, according to a new poll released by Fox News.
13 Dec 15:13

Father of Swedish Terror Victim Attacked by Migrant who Vandalized her Grave – Police Do Nothing

by Voice Of Europe
“When I called the police no one came.”
13 Dec 15:13

Mexico President says did not discuss border wall with U.S. President Trump

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Thursday that he did not discuss the U.S. administration's proposed border wall when he spoke with President Donald Trump this week about migration.
13 Dec 15:12

Manitoba cannabis producer issues recall

by Abigail Turner
A Winnipeg based cannabis producer is recalling two types of cannabis sold in Saskatchewan. 
13 Dec 15:12

Tucker Carlson Points Out Elitist Hypocrisy On Climate Change And Private Jets

by Hanna Bogorowski
'Al Gore, who by the way, flies private all the time'
13 Dec 15:11

Trump Slams Cohen: "I Never Directed Him To Break The Law"

by Tyler Durden

One day after President Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, was sentenced to three years in prison for a variety crimes, Trump took to Twitter to address alleged campaign finance violations Cohen says he engaged in at Trump's direction. 

Cohen flipped on Trump after federal agents raided his office and home in April, later making the remarkable claim that Trump directed him to pay off two women who claimed to have had affairs with the president in order to prevent their allegations from influencing the 2016 US election. The payments included $130,000 to porn star Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels), while Cohen also orchestrated a $150,000 payment to a former Playboy playmate through the National Enquirer's parent company, American Media Inc. (AMI). 

Trump, who initially denied knowing about the payments but later acknowledged that he had known about them, insisted this week that they were "a simple private transaction," and not related to the election - and therefore would not be subject to campaign finance laws. 

On Thursday, Trump took to Twitter to defend himself and lash out at Cohen in a three-part tweetstorm - claiming Cohen had an obligation to know the law, and that his former personal attorney had pleaded guilty in order to embarrass him and receive a reduced sentence.

"I never directed Michael Cohen to break the law," Trump said. "He was a lawyer and he is supposed to know the law. It is called “advice of counsel,” and a lawyer has great liability if a mistake is made. That is why they get paid. Despite that many campaign finance lawyers have strongly stated that I did nothing wrong with respect to campaign finance laws, if they even apply, because this was not campaign finance. Cohen was guilty on many charges unrelated to me, but he plead to two campaign charges which were not criminal and of which he probably was not guilty even on a civil bases [sic]. Those charges were just agreed to by him in order to embarrass the president and get a much reduced prison sentence, which he did-including the fact that his family was temporarily let off the hook. As a lawyer, Michael has great liability to me!"

Hours after Cohen's guilty plea, American Media Inc. admitted responsibility for its role in a $150,000 "catch-and-kill" hush money payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, which Cohen negotiated, to keep the story out of the public sphere "and prevent it from influencing the election." 

According to AMI's cooperation agreement with federal prosecutors, Cohen and another campaign official met with AMI Chairman and longtime Trump friend David Pecker about the payment around August 2015. 

The company initially said they paid McDougal $150,000 for two years' worth of her fitness columns, magazine covers and exclusive life rights to any relationship she has had with a then-married man, only to walk that back Wednesday afternoon. 

13 Dec 15:10

Advocacy group drafts U.S. privacy bill as effort grows to make law next year

A consumer advocacy group backed by large American technology companies on Thursday unveiled a U.S. privacy bill that strictly limits collection of biometric and location information and calls for punishment by fines, as Congress weighs nationwide regulation to supersede new California rules.
13 Dec 15:09

Taxypayers Off the Hook for Sex Harassment Settlements in Congress: Reason Roundup

by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Time's up for lawmakers who count on taxpayers to pay for their bad behavior. Members of Congress will have to start covering the costs of sexual harassment and retaliation settlements themselves. An agreement yesterday paved the way for this new policy—the first major change to congressional sexual harassment rules for more than two decades.

Right now, harassment and retaliation settlements "are paid through taxpayer-funded accounts members use to pay for office salaries and expenses," explains NPR.

Yesterday's agreement worked out differences between House and Senate versions of the update. The Senate version would have capped how much lawmakers themselves had to pay, while the House version would have set no limits. The compromise version does not set limits in sexual harassment lawsuits but does in cases of court-ordered damages (at $300,000).

"The deal comes after nearly a yearlong standoff between the House and the Senate over member liability and other issues in the bill," reports NPR. But now "Senate rules committee Chairman Roy Blunt, R-Mo., the chief GOP negotiator in the Senate, says he expects the bill will pass the Senate this week."

The legislation also edits other aspects of how harassment and retaliation claims against lawmakers will be handled, with an aim to make the process less complicated and more transparent:

The deal provides legal counsel for House staff who file complaints and legal assistance to Senate staff. It would also eliminate a mandatory 30-day "cooling-off period" before someone can file a complaint.

All settlements and awards involving members would be made public at the time of the settlement, and an annual review would be released to the public.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D–Calif.) is vowing to pass additional reforms next year.


Congressman would "love" to regulate speech. Talk about saying the quiet parts loud: In a TV interview yesterday, Rep. Ted Lieu (D–Calif.) said he "would love to regulate the content of speech," but is prevented from doing so by the First Amendment.

Lieu was being questioned about and criticizing complaints from House Republicans about alleged anti-conservative bias in Google search results.

Facing post-interview criticism, Lieu insisted that his intent had been to defend free speech by explaining that the First Amendment didn't allow for things House Republicans wanted to do. Maybe, but in the process he positioned himself as someone whose censorious impulses are curbed only by the Constitution.


Good news for hemp, not for much else in new Farm Bill. The legislation cleared Congress yesterday and is on its way to President Donald Trump for approval. "Many of the headlines about the farm bill have focused on the inclusion of a provision that will legalize industrial hemp—a form of cannabis that contains very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in marijuana. Industrial hemp has a wide range of uses that includes making clothing, as a substitute for plastics, and as a additive to food and drinks," writes Reason's Eric Boehm.

But aside from that, Boehm says, this iteration of the perennial farm bill "somehow manages to suck even more than most." Why?

Among other things, it widens "an agricultural subsidy program that's already been widely criticized for sending benefits to people who, by most measures, would not count as farmers." More on that from the R Street Institute's Caroline Kitchens here.

It also came, in the House, with a resolution that ends debate on invoking the War Powers Act to stop U.S. funding of Saudi monstrosities in Yemen. That resolution was tucked into a procedural vote, which passed 206–203, with 18 Republicans voting against it and five Democrats for. The procedural vote cleared the way for the House to approve the final farm bill later in the day.


• Former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced yesterday to three years in prison for tax evasion and facilitating illegal campaign contributions. In related news, National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc. admitted to its part in brokering a $150,000 hush payment from Trump and Cohen to model Karen McDougal. The company entered into a non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors.

• Yesterday's vote of no confidence in the U.K. Parliament wound up OK for Prime Minister Teresa May, who has been under fire from many sides for bungling Brexit.


• Trump's latest immigrant targets are Vietnamese people who came to America as refugees from the Vietnam War and its aftermath:

• Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R–Ky.) will stop blocking the sentencing reform bill known as the FIRST STEP Act from a Senate floor vote. "Under pressure from the White House and a number of his fellow Republicans," McConnell said he'll bring the bill "for a vote as early as the end of the week," reports Reason's C.J. Ciaramella.

• As in so many areas, people's support for mandatory paid-leave policies drops the more they have to pay for it:

• Las Vegas is one of a number of cities where opioid-related harm reduction methods are growing:

13 Dec 15:09

Navarro Affirms Arrests Of Canadian Citizens In China Was "Retaliation" For Huawei CFO

by Tyler Durden

With US stocks set to open higher on Thursday, traders' blood pressure probably spiked when they saw headlines from an interview with White House trade advisor Peter Navarro hitting the tape (who can forget his infamous comments two week ago when he chided traders and Wall Street banks for pushing for a trade detente, warning that talks with China hadn't yielded any progress).

Fortunately for equity bulls, stock futures remained in the green as Navarro offered a mix of bullish and bearish commentary during a brief chat with Fox Business's Maria Bartiromo, where the notorious China hawk discussed the Trump administration's goals in its negotiations with its trade war rival, and advised traders to "focus on March 1" instead of trying to read too deeply into every report "on the front page of the Wall Street Journal" (comments that, on the surface, would seem to undercut the impetus for yesterday's rally).

"Investors shouldn't get hung up on the day to day...Just focus on March 1 when we'll have a complete offer from China that will be negotiated behind closed doors not on the front pages of the Wall Street Journal."

However, Navarro's comments weren't all bad: He affirmed that China had restarted purchases of US soybeans, and that Beijing is making an effort to ease trade tensions with the US. This shouldn't come as a surprise, Navarro said, because if China doesn't buy our soybeans "they get inflation...they get riots in Tiananmen Square."

Instead of focusing on trade policy, Navarro suggested that traders should focus instead on the Federal Reserve and its plans for raising interest rates.

In terms of the administration's goals for its trade negotiations, Trump is trying for two objectives: pushing China to improve market access (buy more stuff and let us enter markets without forced IP transfer) and - more importantly - implement 'structural' reforms like ending cyberintrusions, state-directed investment and intellectual property theft that have been the target of the Section 301 trade investigations launched by the White House.

Moving on to a discussion of national security issues, Bartiromo moved on to the security topic du jour: China's motives in arresting two Canadian nationals. Asked whether these arrests constituted retaliation for the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, Navarro responded that "it is."

That marks the first time a Western official has directly acknowledged what everybody already suspected.

Watch the full interview with Navarro below:

Chinese officials have accused the detained Canadians' of threatening national security and insisted that the arrests weren't motivated by politics. Hu Xijin, editor of the state-backed Global Times, a nationalistic tabloid, said on the Weibo social media platform the Chinese government would never concede that the Canadians’ detentions were related to Meng’s case. "But the use of a complete set of laws to prove the rationale for arrest is one and the same as what the U.S. and Canada did to Meng Wanzhou," he said.

13 Dec 15:09

Michigan Lawmaker Wants To Fine Restaurants Hundreds For Handing Out Plastic Straws

by Tim Pearce
'My bills are not going to get a hearing'
13 Dec 15:08

Trump cancels White House Christmas party for press

13 Dec 15:08

Trump Warned Not To Interfere With Prosecution Of Huawei CFO

by Tyler Durden

President Trump angered senior officials in his Justice Department and Democratic lawmakers this week when he told Reuters reporters that he wouldn't hesitate to intervene in the prosecution of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou - who is at the beginning of what's expected to be a lengthy extradition process - if it would improve the president's chances of striking a trade deal with China. His comments elicited indignant replies about Trump turning what should be a purely criminal proceeding into a political bargaining chip.


And in a sign of just how badly Trump upset the federal law enforcement community with his comments, members of the "deep state" community of federal intelligence and law enforcement agents and president Trump's advisors are engaging in the time-tested practice of trying to walk back controversial comments made by the president by leaking a story to WSJ claiming that the president has been warned that any intervention in the Huawei case would "break with longstanding tradition" and that Meng's arrest was "out of his hands."

Despite President Trump’s statement that he might intervene in a criminal case against the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co., such a move would break from longstanding tradition and advisers have warned him that his options are limited, according to people familiar with the matter.

When news broke last week of the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, threatening the president’s trade talks with China, he asked for options, according to one person, and advisers told him the arrest and potential prosecution of Ms. Meng was essentially out of his hands.

The arrest was a Justice Department matter, they said, and the White House should stay out of it for now, this person said. There are no immediate plans to intervene in the matter, officials added.

The timing of this leak is incredibly inconvenient (it follows two possible trade-war victories: China restarting purchases of US soybeans and considering the scrapping of its "Made in China" 2025 plan"). Furthermore, it risks harming the fragile market rally as WSJ's sources insinuated that Trump's comment about intervening in May's detention was purely intended to prop up stocks.

The matter arose when Mr. Trump returned to Washington last week optimistic that his trade talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping had made headway. But stocks didn’t respond as well as he had expected, and on Tuesday Mr. Trump told Reuters he would be willing to intervene in the case against Ms. Meng if it meant securing a strong agreement.

"If I think it’s good for the country, if I think it’s good for what will be certainly the largest trade deal ever made, which is a very important thing - what’s good for national security - I would certainly intervene if I thought it was necessary," Mr. Trump said.

"It’s also possible it will be a part of the negotiations," he added.

And while the story goes on to quote several experts who seemed to suggest that Trump wouldn't dare interfere with the DOJ (because his administration has always shown such unshakable respect for precedent), it also points out that - constitutionally speaking - there's nothing stopping Trump from absolving Meng.

Former Justice Department officials said that while Mr. Trump’s intervention in the Meng case would be a departure from the norms against White House involvement in criminal cases, there is nothing in the Constitution that bars it. Such actions are more common - though still unusual - if the action is framed as a national-security matter.

While the circumstances were different, President Obama pushed the Justice Department to drop cases against several alleged Iran-sanctions violators while negotiating a plan for that country to curb its nuclear program.

"In this trade negotiation, the economic and national-security concerns are increasingly indistinguishable, as is the case with so much of what the U.S. and China are in conflict over at the moment," said Robert D. Williams, executive director of the Paul Tsai China Center at Yale Law School.

It's hardly surprising that "deep state" figures would try to undermine Trump's trade talks. But, for now, all they can do is orchestrate damaging leaks. They don't have the authority to stop Trump from using Meng as a bargaining chip - if that's what the president believes is in the best interest of the nation.

13 Dec 15:08

Tribune Publishing reportedly paid $2.5M to cover up ex-chair’s anti-Semitic slur

by Savage Admin

THE LA TIMES: The Los Angeles Times’ former publisher and editor, Davan Maharaj, reportedly received a $2.5-million settlement following his [READ MORE]

The post Tribune Publishing reportedly paid $2.5M to cover up ex-chair’s anti-Semitic slur appeared first on The Savage Nation.

13 Dec 15:08

Arizona newspaper publisher uses his publication to accuse wife of poisoning attempt -

Arizona newspaper publisher uses his publication to accuse wife of poisoning attempt

PRESCOTT, Ariz. — An award-winning Arizona newspaper publisher and his wife are locked in a bizarre divorce case that has morphed into something more: a ...

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13 Dec 15:07

Oil-slicked man stuck in California grease duct rescued - NBC News