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09 Mar 01:51

Everything About This “Beautiful Woman Soldering” Stock Photo Is Wrong

by Mike Senese

Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 9.15.01 AMInsinuating that women don’t know how to solder perpetuates a gender divide that we should have overcome long ago.

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06 Mar 17:15

How to Get Your Friends and Family Interested In Tabletop Board Games

by Patrick Allan

For the uninitiated, the world of board games might seem over-complicated, boring, or only for kids. You may know better, but if getting regulars to come to game night is a hassle for you, all you need is some clever ways to bring your friends and family into the fold and show them that just isn’t true.


05 Mar 13:28

Minecraft in Oculus Rift Lets You Live Your Blocky Fantasies

by Chris Kohler
Minecraft in Oculus Rift Lets You Live Your Blocky Fantasies
When you're so absorbed in your VR headset that Mark Zuckerberg walks by you unnoticed, what will you be playing? Probably Minecraft. The post Minecraft in Oculus Rift Lets You Live Your Blocky Fantasies appeared first on WIRED.

05 Mar 13:00

The 4 Most Important Things MythBusters Taught the World

by Rhett Allain
The 4 Most Important Things MythBusters Taught the World
Science is just like other activities that make us human: art, music, and emoji (actually, just kidding about the emoji). The post The 4 Most Important Things MythBusters Taught the World appeared first on WIRED.

03 Mar 04:24

How Modding Nerf Blasters Became a 3D Printing Business

by Lisa Martin

LaserGnomes_OnWhite-5What started as a quest for nerf-aided vengeance has turned into a robust 3D Printing business dedicated to modifying off-the-shelf nerf guns.

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16 Feb 04:46

These 9 DIY Ring Boxes Are the Ultimate Valentine’s Day Surprise

by Lisa Martin

I like the Unnecessarily Complicated Ring Box at the end.

a ring boxValentine's Day is upon us. If you're planning on popping the question, make sure you're prepared with a box. And what better box than a DIY?

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14 Feb 16:23

Gaming Store Showdown: Steam vs. GOG Galaxy

by Eric Ravenscraft

DRM is the only part about Steam I don't like. Valve is a huge proponent of open-source & Linux, but all the other publishers, like Lego, want their DRM. So GOG is certainly worth checking out.

Steam has more or less owned the PC gaming market for the last decade, but we finally have a decent challenger with GOG Galaxy. Here’s how the two stack up against each other, and more importantly, what that means for PC gamers as a whole.


14 Feb 02:53

This New Animated Lego Star Wars Short Looks Legit

by Angela Watercutter
This New Animated Lego Star Wars Short Looks Legit

Check out a preview for Disney XD's new Lego Star Wars short here.

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10 Feb 01:48

Pixar and Khan Academy Release Free Online Course for Aspiring Animators

by Michelle "Binka" Hlubinka

MoIncbehindscenesIf you've ever wanted to know how the animators at Pixar do it, then you need to check out the Pixar in a Box classes from Khan Academy.

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04 Feb 22:27

Google Will Now Warn You About Sites With Fake "Download" Buttons

by Eric Ravenscraft

Finding the right download button on a website is the least fun version of hide and seek ever invented. Now, Google’s taking action to warn users when sites engage in this kind of deceptive behavior.


03 Feb 00:17

The Force Awakens Is Getting the Lego Videogame Treatment

by Jake Muncy
The Force Awakens Is Getting the Lego Videogame Treatment

TT Games' latest Lego game will be out June 28, featuring a Lego-ized version of the film and new content bridging the gap between episodes VI and VII.

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28 Jan 04:56

A New Origami. Pay what you want for Origami Yoda ebooks with our newest book bundle!


You guys like these, right?

27 Jan 01:31

11 Essential Tech Skills You Need to Get Hired as a Web Developer

by Melanie Pinola

The skills you’ll need to land a job as a front-end web developer will vary from one place or one position to another, but there are several skills that are common to most web development jobs. Skillcrush shares 11 of them below.


21 Jan 00:08

Solving the "Longbow Puzzle": why did France and Scotland keep their inferior crossbows?

by Cory Doctorow


The longbow was vastly, demonstrably superior to the crossbow, but only England adopted it as a common military weapon; the Scots and French stuck with the inferior crossbow for nearly a century -- why? (more…)

20 Jan 01:14

Here's a video of a washing machine with a brick in it bouncing on a trampoline

by Mark Frauenfelder

Because the internet

yPwkZR This takes the time-honored tradition of throwing bricks into washing machines and recording their self-destruction to a new level.
19 Jan 00:36

This tool connects pencil stubs together

by Mark Frauenfelder
Photo: Blackwing Pages

The Tsunago pencil sharpener lets you "chain smoke" your pencils by connecting pencil stubs together. The Tsunago ("let's connect") has three blades. One sharpens like a normal pencil sharpener. Another bores a hole in the bottom of one stub. The third makes a plug in the other stub. All you need is a bit of wood glue to keep the pencil pieces stuck together.

Here's some who used the sharpener for a courageous Blackwing pencil rescue.

(Thanks, Kent!)

16 Jan 18:38

Dungeons & Dragons Is a Lot Like Religion

by Geek's Guide to the Galaxy

Interesting ideas

Dungeons & Dragons Is a Lot Like Religion

In this week's episode of the 'Geek's Guide to the Galaxy,' writer Joseph Laycock discusses his new book on the moral panic around role playing games.

The post Dungeons & Dragons Is a Lot Like Religion appeared first on WIRED.

07 Jan 23:01

American Panorama Is an Interactive Atlas for the 21st Century

by Liz Stinson
American Panorama Is an Interactive Atlas for the 21st Century

American Panorama is a series of interactive maps that lets you explore American history.

The post American Panorama Is an Interactive Atlas for the 21st Century appeared first on WIRED.

15 Dec 01:23

7 Star Wars Gingerbread Houses

by Jeremy S Cook

R2 looks feasible

cookie-star-destroyerGingerbread houses are kinda meh, but these Star Wars gingerbread houses are kinda amazing.

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09 Dec 02:16

Commentary: So Help Me God, I’m Going To Eat One Of Those Multicolored Detergent Pods

Anybody who knows me will tell you the same thing: I get what I want. Whether it’s food, being held, my binky, you name it—if I decide I’d like it, you damn well better believe I don’t rest until I get it, one way or another. And from the very second I saw those blue and red detergent pods come out of that shopping bag last week, I knew immediately that, come hell or high water, I would eat one of those things.

So with God as my witness, I swear to you: I’m going to find that container of multicolored pods, I’m going to take one out, I’m going to shove it in my mouth, and I’m going to chew it up and swallow it down, and nothing and no one is going to stand in my way.

You can’t ...

09 Dec 02:05

How to Build a High-End Gaming Table for as Little as $150

by Gareth Branwyn


gamingTable_5Build a dream gaming table that can even include an embedded digital mapping system

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The post How to Build a High-End Gaming Table for as Little as $150 appeared first on Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers.

04 Dec 04:37

Italy’s Etna Unleashes a Short but Spectacular Eruption

by Erik Klemetti

amazing photos

Italy’s Etna Unleashes a Short but Spectacular Eruption

Although it has been quiet for much of 2015, Etna produced a spectacular but brief eruption last night.

The post Italy’s Etna Unleashes a Short but Spectacular Eruption appeared first on WIRED.

04 Dec 00:54

Watch: Here’s How a Multi-Barrel Nerf Blaster Works

by Jeremy S Cook

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 10.47.30 AMLearn why Bill Hammack calls this Nerf gun "the epitome of good engineering."

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22 Nov 21:26

The Drone Racing League Will Be a Spectator Sport Like No Other

by Tim Moynihan
The Drone Racing League Will Be a Spectator Sport Like No Other

Most sports leagues have live, crowd-friendly games. The Drone Racing League, which has six races planned in 2016, is designed to be seen strictly at home.

The post The Drone Racing League Will Be a Spectator Sport Like No Other appeared first on WIRED.

13 Nov 01:22

The meaning of blackness in Othello

by Rob Beschizza

Could it be....pirates?

The Metropolitan opera only just stopped using blackface performers. Yes! White dudes were blacking up to play Othello until 2015 and still things needed to be explained to them.

In Shakespeare's time, though—before the Atlantic slave trade, before imperialism, before Jim Crow, before civil rights, before inconsiderate cosplay—blackness was different. Why, then, was Othello black?

To us today, the word “black” carries with it a specific cluster of associations informed by history, culture, stereotypes, and literature. Othello may have started in conversation with Shakespeare’s definition of blackness, but today, he speaks with ours.

A much more interesting question, really, is: Why is Othello black? Why did Shakespeare write a domestic tragedy about jealousy, and make the husband a Moor? Is Othello’s race a canard, or is it the key to unlocking the play’s deeper meanings?

Would you believe the answer to all of this might involve pirates?

The key, Isaac Butler relates, is to consider that to renaissance Englishfolk, "Moorish" would have been inextricably tied into religion: Othello is a converted Muslim, and his tragedy, then, is possibly one of failed assimilation and acculturation.

10 Nov 03:43

Hang the Jedi

by Jay Allen


The first time we ever see the power of the "light side" of the Force is to psychically dominate a security guard. The first time we see a lightsaber in use, it's to maim someone in a bar brawl. It's the "elegant weapon" of a man so feared that his battle cry sends the local people scattering.

Small wonder, given that his apprentice slaughtered those same people indiscriminately and without repercussion.

This man, Obi-Wan Kenobi, pines for a time when he and his brothers roamed the galaxy, meting out their unaccountable rulings as emotionless judges and executioners— when not using their powers to cheat at dice.

"A more civilized age" indeed.

04 Nov 23:50

Object-Oriented Programming Explained with a Role-Playing Game Example

by Melanie Pinola

Lets read through this together.

Object-oriented programming (or OOP) is an abstract concept, often hard to grasp when you’re new to programming. The “Invent with Python” blog offers an awesome analogy that makes OOP more understandable if you’ve ever played a RPG-style video game like World of Warcraft or Dungeons & Dragons.


02 Nov 01:26

Reverse trick-or-treating

by Cory Doctorow

It's when you carry a frame and door to someone else's door, while dressed as someone who's staying at home and giving out candy; you interpose your door between you and their door, ring the bell, and when they answer, they're confronted with your door, with a PLEASE KNOCK sign. They knock, you open up, and offer them candy. Trick-airity ensues. (via Reddit)

31 Oct 19:40

The Candy Hierarchy 2015: your essential guide to tonight's treats

by David Ng and Ben Cohen



(View this graphic as a huge PDF)


It’s always about the candy. The Candy Hierarchy is full up with this “joy induction” measurement, this thing that the co-principle investigators (PIs) Cohen and Ng go on about each year. From 2006 to 2013, the PIs conducted a longitudinal study, more or less guided by PI expertise and whim (or whimsical expertise) and possible corporation sponsorship. Research by others in the field sought to refute the findings, obviously unsuccessfully. Yet the PIs were so moved by the yearly outpouring of commentary that they opened up the study to additional data sources, namely people. People who the PIs surveyed. Or is it whom? Anyway, nobody cares - this is about sugar. The 2014 Candy Hierarchy was thus defined by data analysis of 43,767 votes obtained from 1286 individuals. Good for them. But not good enough for science. Because the 2015 Candy Hierarchy doubled down and reworked the whole thing with all kinds of more stuff. This hierarchy therefore presents the newly calculated 2015 rankings, based on a total of 518,605 data points obtained from 5459 individuals in a randomized fashion. It also provides the raw data from a secondary study that sought to understand the character of the survey takers, or rather how character affects joy induction. It’s all in there, just go check out the figures.


BC: Don’t you love how they call us Dr.?

DN: I don’t mind.

BC: Well, sure. But you don’t struggle with the medical doctor/PhD doctor thing?

DN: Nope. I’m cool with it.


DN: You’re not?

BC: No, no I’m not.



DN: Something more you wanted to say?

BC: Listen, I’m squeamish, so even the possibility that someone might ask me for medical help, help that could involve blood, it makes me light headed.

DN: It happens.


DN: Are we gonna talk candy or do this all morning?

BC: We’re gonna talk candy.

BC: Go.

DN: I’m going.


DN: The hierarchy kind of went through the roof this year.

BC: Way more votes than we knew what to do with, like an order of magnitude more.

DN: Yeah. And the data is open for others to dig into.

BC: Right. More so because there’s so much that we didn’t have time for.


BC: Did you see anything surprising?

DN: Meh. I’m not surprised by how the bigger data set (see Figure 1) finally showed dominance of full-sized candy bars over everything else. Proving once again that more is better for trick-or-treaters, gluttons all.

BC: I’m not surprised Dots secured their position in the lower tier.

DN: Right, a lot of chatter on the boards about that too. Dots bring out the kind of anger we used to see with Candy Corn.



BC: But you know what was weird?

DN: Do tell.

BC: People prefer Vicodin to Dots.

DN: Not weird at all, Ben, totally unweird. You know what I did think was weird?

BC: The floor is yours.

DN: You still can’t accept peanut butter’s ascendancy in the past few years.

BC: It’s a matter of principle. The public’s duped by Big Peanut. Big Mint and Big Caramel need to lobby more.

DN: What?

BC: Mint > Caramel > Peanut Butter. It goes in that order. All are chocolate combinations, but it’s the right combo that matters.

DN: Twix and Snickers were pretty high up. Both caramel-laden.

BC: But Peppermint Patties? Junior Mints? Give them their due. Somehow Nerds were higher than Junior Mints, Dave. Nerds.

DN: So you’re disagreeing with 518,605 votes?

BC: It would seem so, Doctor.



DN: Let me reset things, this is taking too long. I’ve got two points: one is the change in the Petersen Inflex (where votes for Joy and Despair cancel each out), which hits right about, ahem, at Vicodin. What does that mean? The other is the ranking pulled from the extra character data.

BC: Did we find anything interesting there?

DN: Maybe? Take a look yourself (Table 1A). You can totally see that the data pulled from kids actually trick or treating provide some interesting insight. table1a

BC: As in the kids really hate kale smoothies. That ranked last.

DN: And also the prominence of fruity chewy things. My God, Skittles is near the top!

BC: It looks like adults hate broken glow sticks the most.

DN: They want ones that work.

BC: That’s the only viable conclusion we can reach.

DN: Check out Table 1B too. It kind of looks like joy induction is similar regardless of whether a person chose Betty or Veronica. table1b

BC: Or Friday or Sunday. I’m especially interested in that one. It’s a big topic in my circles.

DN: Or even those that listed comic sans as their favourite font, despite prior evidence from this report.


DN: It’s as if Candy Joy Induction is this universal or primal thing.



BC: I have no response to that.



DN: Can we go now?

BC: I didn’t know I was keeping you. (more…)

25 Oct 01:30

Even Avogadro Didn’t Know Avogadro’s Number

by Rhett Allain
Even Avogadro Didn’t Know Avogadro’s Number

October 23 is Mole Day and we celebrate Avogadro's number. But what is a mole and how do you find it?

The post Even Avogadro Didn’t Know Avogadro’s Number appeared first on WIRED.