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03 Dec 02:45

PublicInvest Research remains Neutral on Dayang Enterprise

Jim Paull

Stock photos?

KUALA LUMPUR: PublicInvest Research remains Neutral on Dayang Enterprise Holdings with a target price of RM1.57 pegged to price-to-earnings multiple of eight times on FY16F EPS of 19.7 sen.
03 Dec 00:41

Mortal-aysia: Top 10 causes of death in Malaysia

by Jafwan Jaafar


Malaysians obsessively preoccupied with avoiding death from being stung by swarms of angry butterflies, or violently anal-probed by aliens who still don’t understand that nothing of consequence lies in our rectums, can chillax. Your horrible, agonizing, untimely demise will likely be at the hands of something else entirely. According to the fantastically-morbid Ministry of Health, Malaysians croak from the most mundane and yawn-inducing causes, namely commonplace chronic and infectious diseases, and run-of-the-mill accidents.

The top-of-the-class reasons Malaysians keel over are slightly different from the ones that finish off folks in other countries: the WHO’s list of leading causes of the world dropping dead shows that foreigners are more creative in the way they conk out. Elements that poke sticks at humanity’s mortality include diarrheal diseases and AIDS – neither of which appears on Malaysia’s snuffing-out greatest hits list (We have to start thinking outside of the box, people). Most fascinatingly, Mongolians face ‘Obliteration by C4 Explosives’ as a growing obstacle to staying in one piece. (Let’s be more like them).

We don’t seem to have a knack for shuffling things around for variety’s sake, either – the champion liquid paperer of Malaysians (that overexposed has-been, Coronary Heart Disease), has hogged the top spot for over half a decade now. It’s becoming the Miss Venezuela of our death beauty pageant (acutely embarrassing, and tongues are starting to wag). Let’s give the long-suffering runner-up, Stroke, an incentive to go on killing by handing it the crown. Let’s shake things up and start getting zapped in new and exciting ways.

So here’s to Malaysians, deciding en masse, to take to hot air balloons and plunging to the ground in pretty spirals; to tackle high-key karaoke favourites with massive bowel-rupturing gusto; and to tweet the most unflattering selfies (and dying from embarrassment). Because dying from wasting diseases is so 2014. (Is it too early to talk about auto-erotic asphyxiation?).

Top 10 causes of death in Malaysia (for now)

  1. Coronary heart disease. Risk factors: Smoking (surprise, surprise), high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, diabetes, lack of exercise, obesity.
  2. Stroke. Risk factors: Smoking (we meet again…), high blood pressure, advanced age, a family history of strokes, diabetes, lack of exercise.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema). Risk factors: Smoking (working overtime here), genetics, infection.
  4. Road traffic accidents. Risk factor: Being anywhere near a moving vehicle (Kancils excepted).
  5. Cancer (most common: breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, nasopharyngeal). Risk factors: Being alive.
  6. Diabetes. Risk factors: Type 1 – family history; Type 2 – obesity, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, advanced age.
  7. Hypertension. Risk factors: Smoking (haters gonna hate!), obesity, lack of exercise, excessive sodium in diet, alcoholism, stress.
  8. Kidney failure. Risk factors: Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, smoking, obesity, cancer
  9. Liver failure. Risk factors: Cirrhosis, diabetes, alcoholism, obesity, cancer.
  10. Infectious and parasitic diseases (hepatitis A, hepatitis E, tuberculosis, influenza, malaria). Risk factors: Being around other living things.

For more on this uplifting, heartwarming topic, visit the Ministry of Health.

02 Dec 14:17

Blank spaces replace NYT article on flagging Thai economy

Jim Paull

Malaysia needs to take page out of Thailand book of dirty rules irt 1MDB.

BANGKOK: The International New York Times said its printer in Thailand removed a piece on the moribund state of the kingdom’s economy on Tuesday, forcing the edition to carry blank spaces including on the cover.
02 Dec 02:04

Frantic at the bus stop

Jim Paull


KUALA LUMPUR: Many commuters were caught unawares by the revamp of the Klang Valley bus system, which included changes to route numbers.
02 Dec 01:55

Chaos at KLIA2 as pilots down with flu

Jim Paull

Wonder if flight is still happening.

PETALING JAYA: Hundreds of passengers were left stranded at KL International Airport 2 in Sepang after AirAsia pilots reported sick on Tuesday.
02 Dec 01:02

Prove IS culture has seeped into PAS, Mat Sabu dared

by Arfa Yunus
Jim Paull

Just looking at the picture makes me wonder.

mat sabu

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS Youth has dared Mohamad Sabu to prove his claim that Islamic State (IS)-style thinking has infiltrated the Islamist party.

The wing’s chief, Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Aziz told FMT that the allegation by the Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) president has vindicated PAS’s opinion that the newly formed party was set up for all the wrong reasons – mainly to find mistakes with PAS.

“Mat Sabu and his friends (in Amanah) have accused PAS of being like IS. Prove to us which PAS member labeled other Muslims as infidels. This is a 1970s story and he is trying to revive it since he can’t find any other issues.

“The infidel-labelling issue no longer exists in PAS and this shows that Amanah is living in the 80s by adopting an argument used by Umno in the 80s. Even Umno doesn’t play up this issue anymore,” he said when met at the Parliament lobby here today.

Earlier today, former deputy president of PAS Mohamad Sabu, also known as Mat Sabu, expressed concerns over the “IS-style” thinking which he claimed had infiltrated PAS.

In a report by The Malaysian Insider, Mat Sabu had called on the authorities to step in and investigate the claim.

Mat Sabu, who left PAS in September, described the spread of extremist ideology as a time bomb that was dangerous to only PAS but the public at large.

According to him, it was also one of the reasons why a group of PAS progressives, including himself, decided to break away from the Islamist party to form Amanah.

02 Dec 00:58

ERL passengers to pay RM55 for one-way ticket from Jan 1

by by P.Divakaran
PETALING JAYA: From Jan 1, Express Rail Link (ERL) passengers will have to pay RM20 more for a one-way ticket between KL Sentral and the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).
02 Dec 00:57

ERL fare up from RM35 to RM55 from Jan 1

by FMT Reporters
Jim Paull



PETALING JAYA: Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd (ERL) will increase its fare for a one-way trip between KL Sentral and KLIA/KLIA2 from RM35 to RM55 effective January 1.

ERL chief executive officer Noormah Mohd Noor said although the fare had been increased, they would find options to lower it by working with their corporate partners.

She said the increase was much lower than their initial concession agreement, which was RM64 for one-way.

“We structured our new fares with customers in mind. We recognise that the rising cost of living is a challenge, and are working on ways to make more fare options available to our passengers, she said in a statement today.

Noormah said they would continue to find ways to reduce the impact without compromising on service and safety.

“We would like to give passengers new options to reduce their costs when they travel, and we are working with our partners such as MasterCard to offer attractive discounts.

“For example, passengers travelling to the airport on KLIA Ekspres can pay as low as RM40 per trip, which is only RM5 more than the old fare of RM35,” she said.

Noormah also said discounts up to 20 per cent were available when using certain credit cards, and ERL was in discussion to expand the list.

Those who buy tickets online, through the mobile app and from ERL’s kiosks can enjoy 10 per cent off as with users who use the Touch ‘n Go card.

The fare increase will most likely attract criticism as other public transport such as the Light Railway Transit (LRT) and KTM Commuter had earlier announced a hike. The Land Public Transport Commission was also dealing with demands from taxi drivers to increase their fares.

02 Dec 00:56

Start with an “X” With Your Lipstick for That Perfect Lip Shape

by Heather Yamada-Hosley

If you want to define your top lip with the perfect “cupid’s bow,” start by drawing an “X” as a guideline. This trick will help you get the shape you want with just one extra step at the start.


02 Dec 00:53

Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Walnuts, Pomegranate Molasses & Shanklish — 5 Hanukkah Recipes from Amelia Saltsman

by Amelia Saltsman

What's happened to Brussels sprouts may be one of the best food moments of the 21st century. No more boiling them into cabbage-y oblivion. We love roasting them, for good reason — time in a hot oven reveals Brussels sprouts to be remarkably nutty, earthy, sweet, and versatile.


02 Dec 00:51

These 3-Ingredient Bacon-Wrapped Dates Will Disappear in Seconds

by Emma Christensen
Jim Paull


One is never enough.
02 Dec 00:50

10 Holiday Treats You Can Make in a Mug in the Microwave — Pinterest

by Ariel Knutson

Between now and the end of the year, there are a lot of holiday treats to be made and consumed. Where do you even start? If you, like me, want to try and eat everything right now, these mug cakes are what you need. These single-serving treats are so easy to make! All you need are the ingredients, a mug, and a microwave.


01 Dec 11:56

5 vitamins and minerals that are actually worth your money

by Joseph Stomberg,
Smithsonian Magazine Recently, a number of studies published in the Annals of Internal Medicine underscored a fact that scientists have become increasingly sure of: The vast majority of vitamins and mineral supplements are simply not worth taking. "Enough is enough: stop wasting money on vitamin and mineral supplements," declared an editorial that was published in the issue. This goes for a tremendous range of supplements that you might imagine to be beneficial. Multivitamins don't reduce the chance of cancer or cardiovascular disease. Controlled, randomized studies—where one group of people take supplements and another takes placebos, and the groups are compared—have produced little evidence that antioxidants protect against cancer. Study after study has shown that vitamin C does nothing to prevent common cold, a misbelief that dates to a theoretical suggestion made by a scientist in the 1970's. Of course, our bodies do need these vitamins to live—it's just that the diet of most people who live in developed countries in the 21st century already includes them in abundance. In many cases, taking high amounts of them in a refined form (especially vitamins A, C and E and beta carotene) can actually be harmful, increasing the risk of cancer and other diseases by excessively inflating the concentration of antioxidants in the body. Nevertheless, there are a handful of vitamins and supplements that, studies suggest, are actually worth taking for people with specific conditions. Information is Beautifula data visualization website, has a thought-provoking interactive that shows supplements charted by the strength of evidence that indicates they're beneficial. Here's our rundown of some of the most promising.  ​Vitamin D Of all the "classic" vitamins—the vital organic compounds discovered between 1913 and 1941 and termed vitamin A, B, C, etc.—vitamin D is by far the most beneficial to take in supplement form. A 2008 meta-analysis (a review of a number of studies conducted on the same topic) of 17 randomized controlled trials concluded that it decreased overall mortality in adults. A 2013 meta-analysis of 42 randomized controlled trials came to the same conclusion. In other words, by randomly deciding which participants took the supplement and which didn't and tightly controlling other variables (thereby reducing the effect of confounding factors), the researchers found that adults who took vitamin D supplements daily lived longer than those who didn't. Other research has found that in kids, taking vitamin D supplements can reduce the chance of catching the flu, and that in older adults, it can improve bone health and reduce the incidence of fractures. Of course, even though they're widely recognized as the best way to test a treatment's effectiveness, randomized controlled trials have limitations. In this case, the biggest one is that these studies can't tell us much about the mechanism by which vitamin D seems to reduce mortality or provide other health benefits. Still, given the demonstrated benefits and the fact that it hasn't been shown to cause any harm, vitamin D might be worth taking as a supplement on a consistent basis. Probiotics A mounting pile of research is showing how crucial the trillions of bacterial cells that live inside us are in regulating hour health, and how harmful it can be to suddenly wipe them out with an antibiotic. Thus, it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that if you do go through a course of antibiotics, taking a probiotic (either a supplement or a food naturally rich in bacteria, such as yogurt) to replace the bacteria colonies in your gut is a good idea. In 2012, a meta-analysis of 82 randomized controlled trials found that use of probiotics (most of which contained bacteria from the Lactobacillus genus, naturally present in the gastrointestinal tract) significantly reduced the incidence of diarrhea after a course of antibiotics. All the same, probiotics aren't a digestive cure-all: they haven't been found to be effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome, among other chronic ailments. Like most other supplements that are actually effective, they're useful in very specific circumstances, but it's not necessary to continually take them on a daily basis. Zinc Vitamin C might not do anything to prevent or treat the common cold, but the other widely-used cold supplement, zinc, is actually worth taking. A mineral that's involved in many different aspects of your cellular metabolism, zinc appears to interfere with the replication of rhinoviruses, the microbes that cause the common cold. This has been borne out in a number of studies. A 2011 review [PDF] that considered 13 therapeutic studies—in which patients who'd just come down with the common cold were given zinc supplements, and compared to those who'd been given a placebo—found that the mineral significantly reduced the duration of the cold, and also made symptoms less severe. So if you feel a cold coming on, avoid overdosing on vitamin C, but take a zinc lozenge or pill to get better sooner. Niacin Also known as vitamin B3, niacin is talked up as a cure for all sorts of conditions (including high cholesterol, Alzheimer's, diabetes and headaches) but in most of these cases, a prescription-strength dose of niacin has been needed to show a clear result. At over-the-counter strength, niacin supplements have only been proven to be effective in helping one group of people: those who have heart disease. A 2010 review found that taking the supplement daily reduced the chance of a stroke or heart attack in people with heart disease, thereby reducing their overall risk of death due to a cardiac event. ​Garlic Garlic, of course, is a pungent herb. It also turns out to be an effective treatment for high blood pressure when taken as a concentrated supplement. A 2008 meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials (in which similar groups of participants were given either a garlic supplement or placebo, and the results were compared) found that, on the whole, taking garlic daily reduced blood pressure, with the most significant results coming in adults who had high blood pressure at the start of the trials. On the other hand, there have also been claims that garlic supplements can prevent cancer, but the evidence is mixed. Observational studies (which rely on data collected from people already taking garlic supplements on their own) have found associations between garlic consumption and a reduced incidence of cancer, but that correlation could be the result of confounding factors. Controlled studies have failed to replicate that data.

In celebration of Salon’s 20th anniversary, we’re presenting some of our favorite and most popular stories from our archives.

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01 Dec 06:30

Make Mushroom "Jerky" For an Umami-Packed Snack Anyone Can Enjoy

by Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Whitson Gordon to Lifehacker

One doesn’t usually think of jerky as a vegetarian-friendly option, but this mushroom “jerky” from Food 52 is a savory snack that anyone can enjoy. (Except those allergic to mushrooms, obviously.)


01 Dec 06:29

Hang Jewelry or Other Light Items on a Clothespin Board

by Walter Glenn
Jim Paull


A scrap piece of wood, some clothespins, and some glue are all you need to display and quickly access jewelry or other light items.


30 Nov 16:17

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs in the Oven

Jim Paull


Boiling eggs is for your grandma. This way is so deliciously fool-proof that the entire article could be, "Throw them in the oven." But don't do that. Avoid the boiling water and the timers and the fuss and read on.


EditBaking Your Eggs

  1. Preheat your oven to 325º Fahrenheit (163ºC). If your oven is a little on the weak side or if you're baking a dozen large ones, you might want to vamp it up to 350ºF (177ºC).

  2. Get your eggs and put them into the muffin tin. If you have a mini muffin tin, even better. They won't roll around as much.

    • If you're not using the entirety of the pan, put the eggs in the center. When the weight of the tin is balanced, it's easier to maneuver.
  3. Once at temperature, put your muffin tin into the oven and set your timer for 30 minutes. Go watch an episode of your favorite TV show, read a chapter of that book you've been meaning to finish, or, heck, jog around the block. Your work here is done. And who said you couldn't cook?

    • When you bake eggs, the shells get little brown dots. This is totally fine! When you soak them in water the brown spots should all disappear.

EditFinishing Them Off

  1. Before time is up, prepare a bowl of ice water large enough to contain the eggs. This keeps the eggs from cooking more and turning that nasty shade of green around the yolk. It'll also speed up the time you'll spend waiting for them to cool down and peel them.

  2. Immediately put the eggs in the ice water once they are removed from the oven. They'll be very hot -- use tongs to avoid burning your fingers. Let them sit in the cold water for 10 minutes.

  3. Remove them from the water and peel them. Their peels should just about slide right off. You'll never boil eggs again. Eat them whole, make 'em deviled, turn them into a salad, and save the rest for later.

    • Keep this in mind for when Easter comes around! Baking batches of eggs for dying is completely stress-free this way.



  • This is a great method for making eggs for deviled eggs. There are fewer destroyed eggs than when you boil them.
  • The eggs are much easier to peel without 'skinning' them using this method (as opposed to boiling).
  • Your eggs may have some brown dots on them when they come out of the oven, but that will go away in the cold water rinse.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Muffin tin(s)
  • Container of ice cold water
  • Tongs

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

30 Nov 03:19

Oil prices trade below US$42 in Asia

by FMT


SINGAPORE: Oil prices traded below $42 in Asia Monday ahead of an OPEC meeting and the release of data on China’s important manufacturing sector later in the week.

The market will be watching whether members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, which meets on December 4, slash currently high output levels and ease a crude supply glut that has depressed prices for more than a year.

Analysts said traders will also tune in to two key speeches by US Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen this week for signs on the timing of a hike in US interest rates.

November data on China’s industrial sector is released on Tuesday, with traders looking for clues on the health of the world’s top energy consumer.

At around 0230 GMT, US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for delivery in January was up 10 cents to $41.81 and Brent crude for January was trading five cents lower at $44.81 a barrel.

“We expect the focus to return to the timing of the US interest rate rise, with two key speeches by Fed Chair, Janet Yellen, on Wednesday and Thursday,” Capital Economics said in a market commentary.

Analysts expect Fed policymakers to raise interest rates during their December meeting, a move that will boost the dollar and make dollar-priced oil more expensive, denting demand and prices.

OPEC’s Friday meeting is expected to focus on the global crude oversupply, the return of Iranian oil to the market after the lifting of western economic sanctions and whether the cartel will cut production to boost prices.

“However, comments from key OPEC ministers still seem relatively sanguine. Also, it is not clear that even if OPEC did cut its production target, actual output would fall, given the cartel is already producing well above its current target,” Capital Economics said.

Sanjeev Gupta, head of the Asia Pacific oil and gas practice at professional services firm EY, said the OPEC meeting would “draw attention on supply and demand in the next year”.


30 Nov 02:55

Cerebral palsy boy gets attention of Petronas

by FMT
Jim Paull



JOHOR BAHRU: The hardship faced by Hamdan Saat, 47, the father of cerebral palsy patient Mohd Khairul Ridhuan, 10, has caught the attention of corporations who donated to ease his burden.

“Ridhuan is also blind as his retina is damaged. However, he can still hear and react if his body is touched,” he told reporters during a visit by Petronas at the Paediatric Ward of Sultan Ismail Hospital (HSI) here, today.

Hamdan, who earns RM1,100 monthly as a factory operator, has run out of money after having to commute from Kota Tinggi to Johor Baru for Ridhuan’s follow-up treatment.

“I love to send Ridhuan to Sultan Ismail Hospital for treatment as the doctors here know more about my son’s case than doctors in other hospitals.”

He was grateful to Petronas and the other corporations for their donation to the sick children at the hospital.

Meanwhile, vice-president and venture director of Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC) Juniwati Rahmat Hussin said the donation of school equipment, baby items and hampers were given to 69 other patients.

It was their second such programme after the Symphony for Soul programme with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) in March last year.

“It is our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme for the community outside Pengerang who have been affected by the PIC and to bring joy to the patients,” she said.


30 Nov 02:55

Indonesia ferry hits trouble on way to S’pore, 97 rescued

by FMT
Jim Paull



SINGAPORE: Almost 100 people were rescued when a ferry sailing toward Singapore from the Indonesian island of Batam hit a floating object and reportedly started to sink, authorities in the city-state said.

Ferry operator Batamfast called out two other ferries that rescued all 90 passengers and seven crew and took them back to the Nongsapura ferry terminal in Batam, Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority said in an emailed statement.

The authority said early on Monday it had received a report of the incident on the ‘Sea Prince’ at 9:45 p.m. on Sunday (1345 GMT).

A passenger, Chella Ho, said the ferry started sinking slowly in deep water and passengers were loaded into two inflatable boats but those boats also sank because they were overloaded, TV news network Channel News Asia reported.

– Reuters

30 Nov 01:18

Cookies For Canines: 9 Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

by Emily Han
Jim Paull

When I was young this is the stuff I made for my dog.

Everyone loves getting cookies but dogs may be the most appreciative recipients of all! With ingredients like peanut butter, bacon, and carob, these dog biscuit recipes are sure to have tails wagging.

And at least some of them are tasty even by human standards!


30 Nov 01:18

11 Refreshing Smoothie Recipes for Your Post-Holiday Restart — Recipes from The Kitchn

by Hali Bey Ramdene

We're at the holiday interlude, that all-too-short period of time between the big festive meals of Thanksgiving and Christmas, which means it's the perfect time to take a break from all the ripping and running, and stock up on refreshing smoothie recipes. Mix up any one of these colorful blends the next time you need a recharge, a quick hit of veggies, or something sweet and satisfying to sip on between all that holiday shopping.


29 Nov 05:06

Mineral water for halal market

IN quenching the thirst for good health, Lumin Spring International Group Sdn Bhd has launched Lumin Spring, the world’s first premium halal mineral water for a refined taste of wellness.
28 Nov 04:25

How To Make Turkey Gravy — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

by Emma Christensen
Jim Paull

Yes that step is the most important.

You've roasted your turkey, and now it's time for gravy. You don't need a recipe; this step-by-step guide will show you how to make delicious gravy to pour over your mashed potatoes and turkey with wild abandon.

The deeply browned and rich scrapings from the bottom of the roasting pan might not look like much when you first take the turkey out of the oven, but those drippings are Thanksgiving manna. Let's make some gravy.


28 Nov 01:42

How to Crack Your Upper Back

Cracking your back is quite simple. You may crack it by yourself naturally, with props or have a friend do it for you. Repeated cracking may make adjustments at the chiropractor much easier, and can help with back pain.


EditCrack Your Own Back

  1. Place your hands behind your back, one on top of another. Press on your spine as high up as your hands will reach. Stretch backwards, leaving your hands pressing on your spine, and you should get some satisfying pops.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 1 Version 3.jpg
  2. Sit in a chair with a short back. Slide your butt toward the edge of the seat until the chair back touches the part of your back you wish to crack. Place your palms on your forehead and exhale slowly. Your head and shoulders will sink down behind the chair and should offer you a few good cracks.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 2 Version 3.jpg
  3. Stand up straight with a wall corner in the center of your back. Bring your arms backward by squeezing your shoulder blades. This gentle stretch can help crack your back naturally.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 3 Version 3.jpg
  4. Laying on a hard flat surface, bring your knees to your chest. Grab your feet with your hands. Tuck your chin to your chest and use your feet to push against as if you're trying to arch your back to touch the opposite wall. Turn onto other side and repeat.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 4 Version 3.jpg

EditCrack Your Back With a Medicine Ball

  1. Crack your middle back. Sit on the exercise ball. Slowly walk your feet out and lower yourself onto the exercise ball so that your back is resting over it. Allow yourself to completely relax. Slowly move forward and back so the ball rests over different parts of your back.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 5 Version 3.jpg
  2. Crack your upper back. Kneel in front of the exercise ball. Slowly roll the ball forwards, leaning forward as the ball moves away from you. Once you've fully stretched out, allow your upper and middle back to relax and sag for a bit.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 6 Version 3.jpg
  3. Crack your lower back. Lay your chest and abdomen on top of the medicine ball. Slowly roll forward so that your toes touch the ground, but your knees do not. Allow your arms to hang loosely around the ball and relax the muscles in your back.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 7 Version 3.jpg

EditHave Someone Else Crack Your Back

  1. Lay down on a firm surface like a floor. Have your arms at your sides, elbows bent and hands on either side of your head. The head should be to one side.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 8 Version 3.jpg
  2. If you're feeling tense, ask your friend to give you a quick rub down to relax you.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 9 Version 3.jpg
  3. Have them put their hands on either side of your spine. Their fingers should point toward the sides of the body. There will be about between the base of their palms.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 10 Version 2.jpg
  4. Exhale as they gently push down and forward at the same time. Their hands will always be touching your back and will not slide up the back either.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 11 Version 2.jpg
  5. Have them start in the middle of the back and work upward, little by little. They should eventually find a spot that will produce a few good cracks.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 12 Version 2.jpg

EditOther Ways to Crack Your Back

  1. Do the leg-over-leg back stretch. Sit down onto a mat with your back straight and your legs flat on the ground. Bring your right leg gently up and, keeping it bent, rest it over the left leg. Your left leg should be flat on the ground, and the right leg should have only the foot resting on the ground, near the left hip.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 13 Version 2.jpg
    • Bring your left arm across your body and wedge it on the right side of your right leg. You should feel the tension already. Using your left arm to push off of your right knee, twist your spinal chord gently back and to the right.
    • Once you have felt a pop, release the pose, loosen out some of the tension, and repeat, using the opposite leg.
  2. Do the lift-from-behind stretch. This stretch requires two people. Have the person who needs their back cracked cross their arms over their chest so that each hand is resting on the opposite shoulder. Get a friend behind you to grab your elbows, pick you up slightly off the ground, and lean back.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 14 Version 2.jpg
    • You should feel several cracks using this method. Make sure the other person is strong enough to lift you up, and that the act of lifting doesn't cause the other person to fall backward.
  3. Stretch using your bed. Lie down on the bottom of a bed, with everything above your shoulder blades hanging off the edge of the bed. Relax and slowly let your upper back and arms sink towards the floor. After you've fully stretched downward, do a full sit-up to bend your spine in the opposite direction, going back downward, sliding your shoulder blades farther and farther off the edge of the bed each time.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 15 Version 2.jpg
  4. Do the rocking stretch. This is a Pilates stretch used to loosen the muscles in the spinal column. Lie down on a mat and bring both knees to your chest, hugging them with your hands. Slowly rock forward and backward on the mat, building momentum as you go. Aim to feel each piece of your spine on the mat as you rock back and forth.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 16.jpg
  5. Do the floor crack. Lay down face-up on some hard flooring (not carpet), with your arms stretched out. With your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees about 45 degrees, or enough to rotate your hips so that your lower spine is flat against the floor. You're trying to get your entire spine aligned with the floor. Put your hands at the back of your head and push your head forward (so your chin goes in the direction of your chest.) Press firmly but it shouldn't hurt; if it hurts stop or apply less pressure. Your vertebrae should pop gently in one to three places between your shoulder blades with very little pressure. It feels fantastic.
    Crack Your Upper Back Step 17.jpg


  • If you're feeling tense or your back is out of alignment, you may not get a crack right away or at all.
  • Try to keep your back straight while sitting and standing. Good posture can help prevent back pain.
  • You can also sit in the bathtub and push backwards.
  • Be careful you don't injure your back.


  • If you are experiencing pain, stop immediately. Always pay attention to what your body is telling you.
  • Begin gently. Different people require different levels of pressure to get their back to crack.

EditRelated wikiHows

28 Nov 00:06

The Best Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals for Your Kitchen — Black Friday Deals

by Kristin Appenbrink

Now that the Thanksgiving meal has been eaten and everyone has had a chance to share what they're thankful for, it's time to save some money. Even if you don't plan to stand in line or camp out for the best deal on a new TV, you can still take advantage of the lower prices that accompany the official start of the holiday shopping season.

To help you out, we've compiled some of the best deals on kitchen goods. So whether you're braving the crowds or shopping online, here are a few deals to pay attention to.


28 Nov 00:03

Save Over $40 On This Highly-Rated Pressure Cooker, Today Only

by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team to Lifehacker

If you don’t own a pressure cooker , today’s a great day to fix that. As part of a Gold Box deal, Amazon’s knocked the highly-rated Instant Pot IP-DUO60 down to an all-time low $79. That’s not just the best price ever, it’s actually an entire $40-$50 less than usual.


27 Nov 23:53

A phone call to bliss

by Fa Abdul
Jim Paull

So looks like you have to do something.

speakerI moved to my new place in SS2 Petaling Jaya some three months ago. Ever since I have been complaining non-stop to friends and family about the surau behind my condominium and its ridiculous loudspeakers.

Every time during the call for prayers or azan, I can almost feel my floor and furniture vibrating. To make matters worse, the surau not only begins Quran recitals as early as 5am but also tends to hold ceramah agama (religious sermon) as and when they feel like it using the loudspeakers.

A few days ago, at 6.45 in the evening, I returned home tired after a long day at work. As soon as I lay down on the couch, hoping to enjoy some peace, another ceramah agama took place at the surau. I got up and closed my sliding doors and windows and even covered up under a thick blanket – but thanks to the ridiculously loud speakers, the sound somehow still managed to reach my eardrums.

I couldn’t tahan anymore. So I got up, pushed my sliding door wide open and headed to my balcony like I was going to battle. With a frown, I stared at the corner unit on the first floor of the low cost flat situated right opposite my balcony – that’s where the surau is situated.

I observed the run-down building and for a brief moment, I pitied the residents of the flat. If I who live in a different building could not stand the sound, imagine what the residents of that flat went through every single day!

But then it occurred to me – if the sound of the loudspeakers troubled them as much as it troubled me, why were they not doing anything about it? By right, if there is something we aren’t happy about, it becomes our responsibility to make an effort to find a solution, kan?

Ouch! I then realised I was no different from them. Like the residents of the flat, I too was doing nothing about the loudspeakers at the surau. There was only one solution to the issue – lodge a police report. So that’s exactly what I decided to do.

On my way to the Sea Park police station that same night, I received a phone call from a friend. Upon finding out what I intended to do, he asked if I was out of my mind. According to him, making a police report required me to give my personal details and he assured me that it wasn’t something I would want to do especially when filing a complaint based on religious matters.

Thinking maybe he had a valid point, I made a U-turn and returned home only to find the ceramah agama replaced by the strains of the azan. Wonderful! Hoping I would have some peace after the Isyak prayers, I took my shower and got ready for a simple break fast dinner. And that’s when I heard the ceramah agama commencing, taking place right after the prayers.

I told myself, “Ini tak boleh jadi ni.”

Upset, angry and frustrated, I called the Petaling Jaya police station.

“Cik, repot hanya boleh dibuat jika ada gangguan selepas jam 12 tengah malam,” said the police officer.

“Tapi ceramah agama yang dikendalikan oleh surau ni mengganggu ketenteraman saya,” I replied.

“Okay, macam inilah. Cik berikan saya nama penuh dan nombor telifon, saya akan arahkan pegawai saya pergi ke surau tersebut dan minta agar bunyi speaker tersebut dikurangkan,” he assured me.

Reluctantly, I gave him my details, hung up the phone and waited.

Less than twenty minutes later, the speaker was turned off. I heard no more ceramah agama that night. On top of that, on days that followed, even the sound of the azan was much reduced. And now, it has been three days and the volume of the speakers have been controlled. I can have blissful sleep again.

I am amazed at the level of professionalism, efficiency and kind assistance of the officers at the Petaling Jaya police station. Thank you!

I guess sometimes we are too consumed by negative thoughts that we tend to indulge in unending complaints yet put no effort into finding a solution. If only I had taken the initiative, I wouldn’t have had to endure countless sleepless nights from the ridiculous loudspeakers all those weeks.

It is true, we kill all the caterpillars, then complain there are no butterflies. How typical of us!

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Stocking Stuffer Idea: $4 Magnetic Smartphone Car Mount

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