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30 Apr 16:35

"Blog Inc." Review

by Jenny @ Spry On The Wall

I posted this picture on Instagram (@spryonthewall if you aren't already following) this past weekend and got some comments about a review/what I thought of the book.  So I thought I would do a post about my thoughts of Blog, Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho.  First of all, it's a super quick read, I mean I zipped right through it.  I found some useful information but I would really say it was steered towards new bloggers.  Look, I've been plugging away at this blog for a little over 4 years - 4 years!?!  And I'm still baffled by a blogging, I've learned a lot by observing, trying and just trial and error.  I think she oversimplified a lot of it.  If you don't have a blog and you read this book, it makes it sound like you can start growing and cashing in lickety split (and lickety split for me is a year or two).  There are so many blogs out there it's just not that easy.  Maybe it's just me and my current level of blogging frustration* (I'm sure you all have been able to tell because I just haven't been posting) but I didn't get much out of this book at all.  Have any of you read it?  What do you think?  Am I just sour grapes?  :o)
*My frustration has come to a head the past few months because I just feel so overwhelmed and saturated with blogs.  It's like information overload and I feel like 90% is just noise and not much use.  I struggle with whether to continue on a daily basis.  I'm going to re-assess my part in the blogosphere after Bloggy Bootcamp next month.  That will be the make or break time for me.