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19 Jul 01:01

Neue Regeln: Stadt Dortmund blitzt bald auch nachts

Fast überall und jederzeit blitzen - die Stadt Dortmund kann die Tempoüberwachung dank neuer Landesregeln deutlich ausweiten. Sie darf auch nachts blitzen - und wird das nach unseren Recherchen auch tun.
18 Jul 19:21

This 92-Year-Old Woman Is Still Working For McDonald's

by Michael Thrasher

Sara Dappen

Sara Dappen, 92, is the oldest McDonald's employee.

Local station KCCI in Story City, Iowa discovered Dappen less than two weeks after The Sun newspaper in England reported that Bill Dudley, 88, of Wales was the oldest McDonald's worker in the world.

Dappen has been working at the Story City McDonald's for five years, cleaning and greeting customers.

"I thought it was more interesting to keep walking around here than to keep walking down the street," Dappen said. "And this keeps me from sitting."

According to KCCI, fellow employees said Dappen has taught them better manners and she has inspired customers.

"I think it's crazy and she's going to last to be like 110 working at McDonald's," McDonald’s department manager Elizabeth Holmes told KCCI.

SEE ALSO: This Map Shows The Most Famous Brand From Every State

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18 Jul 19:09

Samsung unveils 1TB 840 Evo solid-state drive

by Dong Ngo
Samsung announces its latest entry-level solid-state drive, the Samsung SSD 840 Evo, which offers up to 1TB of storage space. [Read more]

18 Jul 19:08

This 24-Year-Old Is Writing A New Operating System For Google Glass That Google Can't Control (GOOG)

by Julie Bort

Stephen Balaban

Hackers are starting to make Glass do a whole bunch of things Google has forbidden the device to do.

And thanks to 24-year-old Stephen Balaban, they may soon be able control the device a lot more.

Balaban has built "an alternative operating system that runs on Glass but is not controlled by Google," he told NPR's Steve Henn.

Google is trying to walk a fine line between encouraging developers to write awesome apps for Glass and keeping people from getting too freaked out about the potential spying/creepiness/unwholesome factor.

For instance, Google has banned porn apps.

And, a couple of months ago, it banned facial recognition software

The ban came after Balaban, one of the developers behind commercial facial recognition startup Lambda Labs, built a facial recognition app for Glass.

After the ban, he promised he wasn't giving up. As people tweeted disappointment, Lambda Labs replied:

@jnparis @allthingsd @lizgannes Don't worry, we think it's a core feature. Google will allow it or be replaced with something that does.

— Lambda Labs (@LambdaAPI) June 1, 2013

We reached out to Balaban for comment and will share more details on this project when we get them.

SEE ALSO: Angel Investor Warns Google 'Glassholes' That They're In For A 'Glass-Kicking'

SEE ALSO: 12 Weird Things That Tech Companies Do To Make Their Employees More Creative

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18 Jul 19:07

F-16s being regenerated into drones

by Air Force News Agency
Less than three months after the last F-4 phantom II departed from the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group for drone conversion, maintainers here are already turning the wrenches on...
18 Jul 18:59

Cuba's shipment of 50-year-old weapons to North Korea likely paid for in sugar

by Vlad Savov

The bizarre discovery this week of a North Korean vessel trying to pass through the Panama Canal with a cache of Soviet-era Cuban weapons now has a new twist: the whole operation may have been paid for with the sugar on board. Buried under 250,000 sacks of sucrose, there were some 240 tons of 50-year-old missiles, radar equipment, and even a pair of MiG jets — all of which the Cuban government describes as obsolete due to their advanced age.

Continue reading…

18 Jul 18:58

Hartz-IV-Empfänger sollen zum Sparen Leitungswasser trinken

by Kathrin Meinke, we, DerWesten
Wenig Fleisch essen, Leitungswasser trinken und ihre alten Möbel verkaufen: Eine Broschüre des Jobcenters Pinneberg mit "Tipps" für Hartz-VI-Empfänger sorgt für Empörung. Der Vize-Chef der Bundesagentur lobt den Ratgeber, ein Sozialverbandschef sieht das anders und übt drastische Kritik.

18 Jul 18:58

Keine Exklusivübertragung bei wichtigen Fußballspielen: Der Ball rollt nicht im Pay-TV

Es wäre eine Katastrophe: Die eigene Mannschaft tritt bei einer Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft an - aber das Spiel ist nur im Pay-TV zu sehen. Doch nach einem Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs haben EU-Staaten das Recht, den freien Empfang dieser Spiele zu erzwingen. Es ist eine Schlappe für Fifa und Uefa.
18 Jul 18:57

Intels Prozessoren - Erste 14-nm-Chips bis Mitte 2014

Erste 14-nm-Chips bis Mitte 2014 weiter
18 Jul 18:57

Hoffnung für Studenten - Wohnsitz-Regel für Bafög verstößt gegen EU-Recht

18 Jul 18:56

Plattenfirma muss Einkünfte offen legen: Elvis-Erben wollen Stück vom Kuchen

Die Songs von Elvis Presley sind Kult - und auch heute noch Millionen wert. Dass der "King of Rock'n'Roll" seine Hits für eine im Nachhinein lächerliche Summe verscherbelte, wurmt seine Rechtsnachfolger. Deswegen ziehen sie vor Gericht.
18 Jul 18:56

Deutsche Bahn entschuldig sich: WC defekt: Zugführer empfiehlt Flasche

18 Jul 18:53

Disgraced US marine says he would urinate on Taliban corpse again

by Rob Crilly
One of the American marines filmed urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters says he has no regrets and would do the same thing again.

18 Jul 18:52


18 Jul 18:51

Blatters Erkenntnis: Kein Fußball bei 42 Grad: Winter-WM wird wahrscheinlicher

Es hat ein wenig gedauert, aber sieht selbst Joseph Blatter ein, dass es ein Problem sein könnte, bei 42 Grad Celsius Fußball zu spielen. Und so fordert der Präsident des Weltverbandes plötzlich, die WM in Katar im Winter stattfinden zu lassen. Aber passt das in den Terminkalender?
18 Jul 18:50

Startup Wizard Says You Shouldn't Multitask Too Much If You Want Your Company To Succeed

by Megan Rose Dickey

startup workers

Multi-tasking is overrated.

In fact, it actually makes us less productive in the office and more prone to making mistakes, according to researchers at Stanford University. Evidence also suggests multi-tasking may be killing our creativity.

If you really want to get things done, you need to stay focused and create personal connections with people, Y Combinator partner Sam Altman writes on his blog

A lot of early-stage startups try to take on too much at once and don't have a clear set of priorities.

"For whatever reasons, many founders love to spend time on anything else—worrying about the details of corporate structures, interviewing lawyers, doing a really good job bookkeeping, etc.," Altman writes. "All of this pretending-to-run-a-company gets in the way of actually running a company."

YC advises startups to focus on writing code and talking to users. The best companies are excited to talk about evolving the product for the sake of their users, Altman says.

But it's hard to accomplish great things on  your own. That's why it's critical to always recruit and promote talented people. 

Head on over to Altman's blog to read the full post. It's a great read. 

SEE ALSO: This Is How It Feels When Your Startup Fails

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18 Jul 18:39

Colorado town plans bounties to shoot down drones

by Hannah Strange and Reuters
The farming and ranching town of Deer Trail is considering a reward to anyone who strikes back against the Big Brother technology.

18 Jul 18:36

Charlie Sheen becomes a grandfather at 47

LOS ANGELES, July 18 (UPI) -- Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen announced his 28-year-old daughter Cassandra Estevez has given birth to his first grandchild, a girl named Luna.
18 Jul 18:35

Infinity: A Mind-Bending New Sand Sculpture by Carl Jara (watch...

Infinity: A Mind-Bending New Sand Sculpture by Carl Jara (watch a time-lapse video on Colossal!)

18 Jul 18:33

Top US Military Officer: America Is Considering Entering Syria War

by Michael Kelley

Martin Dempsey

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the nation's top military officer, told a Senate committee that the Obama administration is considering the use of military force in Syria, Richard Lardner of the Associated Press reports.

Dempsey testified that that he has provided President Barack Obama with options for the use of force in Syria, including "kinetic strikes."

The issue "is under deliberation inside of our agencies of government," he added.

U.S. military options range from one-off missile strikes on infrastructure linked to chemical weapons, to funneling more weapons in rebel hands, to to carving out no-fly zones, and even as far as putting 20,000 U.S. troops in Jordan for a ground invasion.

The Syrian war began in March 2011 as a nonviolent revolution with an Arab Spring "Day of Rage" when 200 mostly young protesters gathered in the Syrian capital of Damascus to demand democratic reforms and the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad.

Assad swiftly cracked down on the dissent, and over the last 28 months, the conflict transformed into a proxy war to a full-blown sectarian conflict fuelled by radical jihadists and outside forces that has spilled over Syria’s borders.

In the last few months, Assad has regained the upper hand on the battlefield. Air superiority remains his greatest asset, but recently he has been bolstered by Hezbollah fighers, guerrilla training from Iran, and continued support from Russia.

Dempsey's statement comes days after the UN envoy to Iraq told the U.N. Security Council that the Syrian civil war and the escalating violence in neighboring Iraq can no longer be separated because "the battlefields are merging."

Consequently, it looks like the scope of the conflict continues to get larger as Syria's borders blur.

@ShamiWitness @charles_lister Right, and to me it blow doors open on the scope of conflict

— Michael Kelley (@MichaelKelleyBI) July 18, 2013 

The CIA has a presence on at least three of Syria's borders.

In March the Wall Street Journal reported that since 2011, the U.S. has been expanding the CIA's role in Iraq as radical Syrian rebels threaten the border region.

Last June The New York Times reported that CIA officers in southern Turkey was been funneling weapons to Syrian rebels. In December NPR reported that CIA officers were training rebels in Jordan on how to identify and safeguard chemical weapons (while Der Spigel reported that it had been happening since May).

In October and November we reported on potential but unconfirmed indications that the CIA may have been funneling heavy weapons from Benghazi, Libya, to Turkey.

syria 57

SEE ALSO: The US Doesn't Have Any Good Military Options In Syria

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18 Jul 18:32

The East Coast Heat Wave Is So Huge You Can See It From Space

by Jennifer Welsh

NASA's picture of the day on Thursday is a shot from the GOES East satellite showing the weather patterns that are causing the intense heat wave that's hovering over the East Coast. The unique weather patterns are so huge, they are visible from space.

NOAA writes about the image:

A very anomalous weather pattern is in place over the U.S. for mid-July. Trapped between an upper level ridge centered over the Ohio Valley and the closed upper level low over the Texas/Oklahoma border, atypical hot, muggy air is stifling a broad swath of the eastern U.S. The closed low is expected to drift west toward New Mexico bringing heavy, localized rain to some areas and temperatures running 10-20 degrees below mid-July averages. Across the east, temperatures will warm well into the 90's and stay there through the week.

Here's the image. We've marked the open space (the center of the weather system) over Ohio and the low pressure system over Northern Texas (which is creating crazy low temperatures in the region) in the image below:

heat wave ohio annotatedThe anomaly over Ohio will expand into the plains by mid-week, according to iO9, bringing increased humidity, heat index values that will could approach 110 degrees Fahrenheit on Friday.

Here's the image without the marks:heat wave from space unmarked

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18 Jul 18:29

Kein Verkauf von Schwefelsäure - Indien will Frauen vor Verstümmelungen schützen

In Indien wird Schwefelsäure gern zum Putzen verwendet. Doch Hunderte Männer nutzen sie auch, um ihre Frauen zu verstümmeln. Bislang war die ätzende Substanz überall zu haben. Nun wird der freie Verkauf verboten.

18 Jul 18:28

A Rare Tumor Made A Woman Act Drunk For Years

by Robert Ferris


Sometimes Rosemary McGinn would act so drunk that coworkers would send her home from work.

McGinn, a 54-year-old real estate agent from New York, told Fox News that she "would become very combative, not knowing what I was saying and sway back and forth."

But she wasn't drunk. Ever.

Her mysterious symptoms lasted years.

For awhile McGinn thought she had low blood sugar, and would try to stave off its effects by relying on sugary snacks throughout her day, but that didn't always work.

One day while driving she forgot where she lived. Then, she couldn't name the president, or what year it was. Later, she woke up from her confused state in her kitchen to find paramedics standing over her.

Once she arrived at the local hospital, doctors McGinn had a tumor in her pancreas the size of a pencil eraser. A tiny tumor wouldn't usually cause such odd symptoms, but this one had some very rare features.

It was an insulinoma, a tumor that was erroneously creating insulin. Insulin regulates how the body uses sugar, instructing cells to store it right after we eat a sugary snack. Because she was always producing insulin, her body was always absorbing and storing it, which caused her incredibly low blood-sugar levels.

After her medical mystery was solved, surgeons removed the tumor, and McGinn says she is now happily back to normal and focusing on losing the weight she gained from the sugary snacks being stored by her body as fat.

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18 Jul 18:28

A Billionaire With A Hamptons Mansion Bigger Than The White House Wants More Space For A Pilates Studio

by Steven Perlberg

ira rennert house

Sometimes 64,389 square feet just doesn't cut it. We've all been there.

For billionaire Ira Rennert, it was time to add a pilates studio, spa bath, sauna, steam shower, and three extra bathrooms to one of the two pool houses on his Hamptons estate, Newsday reports.

But in a bit of poetic justice, Rennert — who amassed his $6.5 billion net worth from junk bonds — needs zoning approval from the Village of Sagaponack.

From Newsday:

The single bathroom at the pool "greatly under-serves a family social gathering," the application states. The closest bathroom in the main house "is over a 200-foot, several-minute, indirect walking distance away."

The 633-square-foot addition to the existing 386-square-foot pool house "would complete the offerings of a modern, fully equipped family swimming facility," the application says.

[Rennert's lawyer] Flanagan, in an interview, said, "Quite frankly, to walk several hundred feet to go to the bathroom is inappropriate."

One of Rennert's neighbors summed the whole thing up pretty well: "Enough already."

Read the full report at Newsday>

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18 Jul 18:25

3D-Druckservice von eBay

Das Online-Auktionshaus bietet in Zusammenarbeit mit etablierten Partnern wie Sculpteo, MakerBot und Hot Pop Factory einen eigenen 3D-Druckservice an – der ist allerdings noch Beta und nur in den USA zu haben.

18 Jul 18:24

Analysten: Viele Aktien günstig zu haben: Auf Schnäppchenjagd in Südeuropa

Die Schuldenlöcher sind tief, die Wirtschaft liegt am Boden - Staaten in Südeuropa sind für die meisten Anleger der Inbegriff der Euro-Krise. Kein Wunder also, dass sie von Aktien aus der so genannten Peripherie lieber die Finger lassen. Doch aus Sicht vieler Experten ist das zu kurz gedacht.
18 Jul 10:59

Spekulationen um Übernahme - Praktiker-Aktie schießt um 30 Prozent nach oben

Praktiker ist pleite, aber zumindest bei den Anlegern keimt wieder etwas Hoffnung auf. Gerüchte über eine Übernahme der Baumarkt-Kette lassen die Aktie in die Höhe schießen. Offenbar gibt es mehrere Interessenten.

18 Jul 10:53

Softwarekonzern SAP senkt Prognose

SAP-Logo am Tor der Konzernzentrale (Foto: dpa)

Eigentlich laufen die Geschäfte von SAP in Europa und Nordamerika gut. Wegen der wirtschaftlichen Abkühlung in Asien wird der weltweit zweitgrößte Softwarekonzern jedoch seine Jahresziele nicht erreichen können. Die Aktionäre reagierten mit Verkäufen. [boerse]

18 Jul 10:47

Team Fortress 2′s latest update cracks down on idle players

by Dave Cook

Team Fortress 2′s latest game update will put a stop to players idling to rack up game time. Previously, idle players could simply turn the game on and walk away to earn play-time rewards. Valve has now blocked the practice.

Posted on the Team Fortress 2 blog, the update will pause item drops whenever a player idles and resumes once they become active once more.

The post makes clear Valve’s stance on idling players, “You will not be banned for just idling. You may be banned if you use external programs to circumvent idle detection.”

Have you seen players idling in Team Fortress 2 before? Is it a big problem? let us know below.

18 Jul 10:45

BlackBerry späht Mail-Login aus

Wer auf einem aktuellen BlackBerry seinen Mail-Account konfiguriert hat, sollte besser sein Passwort ändern. Die dort eingegebenen Zugangsdaten kennt nämlich auch der Hersteller.