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22 Jul 16:20

Grilled Cremini Mushrooms Stuffed with Basil- and Parmesan-Mayo

by Joshua Bousel

[ Photographs: Joshua Bousel ]

About the author: Joshua Bousel brings you a new, tasty condiment each Wednesday and a recipe for weekend grilling every Friday. He also writes about grilling and barbecue on his blog The Meatwave whenever he can be pulled away from his grill.

Every recipe we publish is tested, tasted, and Serious Eats-approved by our staff. Never miss a recipe again by following @SeriousRecipes on Twitter!

Special equipment: Grill


serves Serves 4 to 6 as a side or appetizer, active time 10 minutes, total time 15 minutes


  1. Place mushrooms in a large bowl and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

  2. Light one chimney full of charcoal. When all charcoal is lit and covered with gray ash, pour out and spread the coals evenly over entire surface of coal grate. Set cooking grate in place, cover grill and allow to preheat for 5 minutes. Clean and oil the grilling grate. Place mushrooms on the grill, gill side up, and cook until mushroom caps brown and start to release their moisture, 3-4 minutes. Flip and continue to cook until mushrooms are slightly soft, about 3 minutes more. Remove mushrooms to a tray, gill side up, and let cool for 3-5 minutes.

  3. Fill each mushroom with a spoonful of basil parmesan mayonnaise. Serve immediately.

22 Jul 16:19

Schulden: Ungarn risikiert die Staatspleite

by ZEIT ONLINE : Wirtschaft
Die Regierung von Viktor Orbán müsste sparen und reformieren. Doch sie setzt weiter auf Populismus und Steuern für ausländische Konzerne. Von Julian Kutzim, Budapest
22 Jul 16:17

Original Schindler's list being auctioned on eBay, bidding starts at $3 million

by Chris Welch

One of four known original copies of Schindler's list is currently being auctioned off on eBay. The document contains the names of hundreds of Jews who were employed by Oskar Schindler during the Holocaust — effectively saving them from Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime. Steven Spielberg popularized Schindler's story with his 1993 film Schindler's List. The 14-page document was typed up by Itzhak Stern, Schindler's accountant and "right hand man," on onion skin paper and is dated April 18th, 1945. Collectors Gary Zimet and Eric Gazin are selling the historic list, currently in the hands of an unidentified collector who obtained it from Stern's family.

Securing the timeless document won't come cheap, however; bidding starts at a lofty $3...

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22 Jul 16:15

Why boredom could be deadly on the long trip to Mars

by Dann Berg

Forget the deadly radiation, a seven-month trip to Mars is going to be very very boring. At least that's what worrying researchers in the NASA-funded Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) project. According to the New York Times, boredom's effect on human brain activity is largely unstudied, but scientists are worried that a lack of stimulation could be extremely detrimental. Researchers at HI-SEAS are attempting to understand the effects of boredom and searching for innovative ways to keep astronauts' brains entertained.

Abnormal behavior, such as manic pacing and self-injury, has been documented in captive animals who lack any form of mental stimuli. Similarly, isolated scientists in Antarctica have exhibited...

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22 Jul 16:14

EU-Energiepolitik: Atomstrom ist jetzt Umweltschutz

Die EU-Kommission will den Bau neuer Kernkraftwerke erleichtern und entsprechende Subventionen ermöglichen. Es ist eine konsequent Folge der EU-Atompolitik. mehr...
19 Jul 16:41

George W Bush is Wikipedia's most-edited entry

by Rhiannon WIlliams
Researchers have compiled a list of the most-edited pages in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia

19 Jul 16:34

Bereits erstes Falschgeld - Fälscher nehmen sich den neuen Fünf-Euro-Schein vor

Die Euro-Banknoten der zweiten Generation sollen sicherer sein - die Geldfälscher lassen sich davon wenig beeindrucken. Kaum eingeführt, wurden neue gefälschte Fünf-Euro-Scheine entdeckt. Noch sind sie aber von minderer Qualität.

19 Jul 16:33

Sacred Valley – possibly real life location

by Silentstalker

Source: Daigensui (US forums)

Just an interesting tidbit of information, that came from Daigensui from US forums. It concerns the Sacred Valley map. The map is called like that in all the laguages I think – except in Korean.

In Korean WoT, the map is called “단장의 능선” – which means “Heartbreak Ridge”. The Heartbreak Ridge is the spot where one quite bloody battle of the Korean War took place. The place itself looks like this:

“A” is the spot where the actual battle took place, but the big valley east of it is what concerns us. It’s known as the “Punchbowl” and you can check it out by yourself here on Googlemaps.

As you can see, the Punchbowl size, shape and structure does kinda resemble the Sacred Valley map:

Not essentially a groundbreaking fact, but interesting nonetheless :)

19 Jul 16:30

Fußballtorwart und Legende: Bert Trautmann ist tot

Der legendäre Fußballtorwart Bert Trautmann ist tot. Er stirbt im Alter von 89 Jahren in seiner spanischen Wahlheimat. Der Deutsche machte nach seiner Kriegsgefangenschaft Karriere bei Manchester City. Unvergessen, wie er im FA-Cup-Finale 1956 mit Genickbruch spielte.
19 Jul 16:30

EU asks Russia to forbid transfer of air passengers’ personal data

This creates a legal conflict for European air carriers and can’t be fulfilled without a bilateral agreement between Russia and the EU
19 Jul 16:30

DotA 2 - Für Linux und Mac verfügbar - PC

Für Linux und Mac verfügbar weiter
19 Jul 16:29

How To Create A Billion-Dollar Mobile Company (FB)

by Megan Rose Dickey

Kevin Systrom Instagram CEO

If you don't have a mobile presence, you should definitely get one.

Mobile development is still relatively new, though there are a handful of already-successful mobile startups out there, Bubba Muraka, a former Facebook employee and partner at VC firm DFG, writes on his blog.

Think Waze, the crowdsourced navigation startup that sold to Google, and Instagram. 

While at Facebook, Muraka helped launch Facebook Home and handled a ton of issues related to Facebook on Android.

With vast experience in mobile, Muraka has realized some untapped opportunities in the space.

There's a lot of opportunity in mobile when it comes to content creation, true multitasking, transactions, subscription services, and more. Muraka also expects there to be a wave of tablet-first companies.

"The industry talks about smartphones and tablets as both being 'mobile' devices instead of seeing them as two very different beasts. This is starting to change and I’m excited to see the wave of companies that are “tablet first” – but please don’t let that become a mindless mantra!" he writes.

Head on over to Muraka's blog to read the full post.

SEE ALSO: These Are The Latest Startup Funding Trends, According To The Valley's Most Influential Startup Investor

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19 Jul 16:28

Peinliche Pannen behoben: Daten auf NSU-Mahnmal stimmen wieder

Diese Pannen waren der Stadt Dortmund richtig peinlich. Auf dem erst am vergangenen Samstag enthüllten Mahnmal für die Opfer der NSU-Neonazi-Mordserie waren zwei Todesdaten falsch. Seit Freitagmorgen ist der Fehler behoben.
19 Jul 16:28

BlackBerry lässt sich Zugriff auf Mail-Passwort per AGB absegnen

Der Smartphone-Hersteller sieht offenbar kein Problem darin, dass aktuelle BlackBerry-Geräte die Zugangsdaten zum Mailkonto an einen Server im Ausland schicken – schließlich hätten die Kunden diesem Vorgehen mit dem Abnicken der AGB zugestimmt.

19 Jul 16:27

Greenpeace plant Demonstrationen gegen Ölkonzern in 50 Städten

19 Jul 16:27

Li Chengpeng's essay translated: watermelon vendor died pursuing the Chinese dream

by Li Chengpeng
Translation of blogger Li Chengpeng's entire essay that has since seen him "gagged" by Chinese Communist party officials.

19 Jul 16:26

Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung wird 40 Jahre alt


Die Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung wird 40 Jahre alt. Am Anfang der Proteste stand eine Entscheidung, die am 19. Juli 1973 offiziell verkündet wurde: In Wyhl am Kaiserstuhl sollte ein Kernkraftwerk gebaut werden. [video]

Meldung bei lesen

19 Jul 16:25

"Sex außerhalb der Ehe": 24-Jährige nach Vergewaltigung verurteilt

Unfassbar, was derzeit in Dubai einer jungen Norwegerin passiert. Nach einer Vergewaltigung wird sie von der Justiz zur Täterin gemacht. Ihre Situation ist dramatisch.
19 Jul 16:24

Stunning Videos Show The Colorado Lightning Storm That Injured 13

by Liz Klimas

colorado lightning

WELLINGTON, Colo. (TheBlaze/AP) — Nine people working at a Colorado farm were injured by a lightning strike Thursday, two of them critically and four seriously, a fire official said.

The incident came as two other lightning strikes in Colorado and Montana left others injured, and as firefighters battled lightning-sparked wildfires across the West.

Watch this report from KCNC-TV regarding the injured farm workers.

Wellington Fire Protection District Chief Gary Green said the critically injured farm workers weren’t responding appropriately to questions and had weak muscles and tingling or loss of feeling after the strike. However, everyone was breathing and had a pulse, he said. Three workers were able to leave in personal vehicles.

Also Thursday, a 65-year-old woman was struck by lightning near a trailhead in Rocky Mountain National Park.

The National Park Service said the woman was taken to Estes Park Medical Center. Her condition wasn’t immediately released.

Here are a couple YouTube videos showing the lighting in Colorado’s storms:

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19 Jul 16:24

Holthoff-Pförtner gibt seinem Partner das Ja-Wort: Altkanzler Kohl ist Trauzeuge

Ende der 1990er Jahre verteidigt Holthoff-Pförtner den Altkanzler Kohl in der CDU-Spendenaffäre. Bis heute sind die beiden befreundet. Nun heiratet der Anwalt seinen Partner. An der Feier nimmt auch Kohl teil, und zwar als Trauzeuge.
19 Jul 16:24

Friedrich: Europäische Meldepflicht als Konsequenz aus NSA-Überwachung

Für den Bundesinnenminister ist eine Meldepflicht bei der "Datenausfuhr" ein probates Mittel, die Heimlichkeit der Abhörer aufzubrechen.

19 Jul 16:23

Studentenwerke bereiten sich auf Doppel-Abi-Jahrgang vor


viel erfolg!

19 Jul 16:23

Filmmaker Michael Moore files for divorce from wife of 21 years

LOS ANGELES, July 19 (UPI) -- Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has filed for divorce from producer Kathleen Glynn, his wife of 21 years, Michigan court records show.
19 Jul 16:23

PKK gives warning to Turkish leaders

ANKARA, Turkey, July 19 (UPI) -- The militant Kurdistan Workers' Party said Friday the ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey was standing in the way of the peace process.
19 Jul 16:13

Neues vom „Euro Hawk“: Minister de Maizière unter Beschuss

Es wird eng für Thomas de Maizière. Ein neues Dokument legt nahe, dass er schon im März von Problemen bei der Zulassung der Drohnen wusste. mehr...
19 Jul 16:12

Pandoravirus is now world's biggest virus


"Only 6 percent of its genes resemble anything found in other organisms." that is scary ...

Pandoravirus: World's biggest virus is twice the size of Megavirus, and has mysterious genetic code.
19 Jul 16:08

The Cronut King's New Science Project: Frozen S'mores

by Ariel Knutson

The Cronut King's New Frankenstein: Frozen S'mores

The creator of the now infamous Cronut, Dominique Ansel of Dominique Ansel Bakery, released his latest creation on July 13th: the Frozen S'more. Like the Cronut, the Frozen S'more is also a hybrid dessert — half s'more, half ice cream. It is truly something to behold. 


19 Jul 16:07

Spektakulärer Kran-Einsatz am Kölner Dom

19 Jul 16:07

Anklage gegen 53-Jährigen wegen Missbrauchs mit Todesfolge

Nach dem Tod einer Sechsjährigen hat die Bonner Staatsanwaltschaft am Freitag Anklage gegen den 53-Jährigen Onkel des sexuell missbrauchten Mädchens erhoben. Der Mann hatte im April seiner Nichte in seiner Wohnung in Lohmar (Rhein-Sieg-Kreis) K.
19 Jul 16:06

Rowling says she's angry about 'Cuckoo's Calling' authorship leak

LONDON, July 19 (UPI) -- British author J.K. Rowling says she is "angry" the law firm that represents her inadvertently leaked to the media the fact she wrote a book under a pen name.