Shared posts

13 Jan 20:09

yeah I’m that guy

yeah I’m that guy

02 Jan 18:25

The best guzheng cover of Daft Punk's "Derezzed" you'll hear all day

by Rob Bricken

I don't care how many Chinese zither-based covers of Daft Punk's Tron: Legacy soundtrack you listen to today, I feel quite confident that Michelle Kwan's adaptation of "Derezzed" is going to top your list. I know, it's a bold statement, but I stand by it.


02 Jan 14:23

It Just Wouldn't Be New Year's Without Anime Girls on Wooden Plaques

by Toshi Nakamura

Great, so they've got those kancolle things stealing Azumanga stuff too? Or was "a!" around before then?

It Just Wouldn't Be New Year's Without Anime Girls on Wooden Plaques

In Japan, New Year's isn't just about the dropping of the ball. It's the turning of a new leaf, and with it come numerous traditions from fortune telling to warding off evil spirits and drawing cute anime girls on wooden plaques... Wait, what?


02 Jan 14:17

'Weird' Doesn't Even Begin to Describe Burrito Galaxy

by András Neltz

Watching this makes me really wonder why I haven't made my own game yet. I do still have to learn how to make my own music.

'Weird' Doesn't Even Begin to Describe Burrito Galaxy

Its full name is Burrito Galaxy 64: Mega-Tortilla Bean Saga 30X6 - Planetoid SAL-5A XIV Directors Cut: Extreme Edition. Let that sink in for a bit.


30 Dec 20:01

America Pays More For Slower Internet and Less Capacity

by Owen Good

America Pays More For Slower Internet and Less Capacity

The average Internet connection speed in the United States may be well more than what's needed for multiplayer gaming or watching streaming video. But the country's infrastructure still lingers well behind what other nations enjoy, according to a slew of recent studies.


30 Dec 19:59

The Stylish Way To Play Your NES

by Steve Marinconz

So... the guy is smart enough to make something cool like this, but not smart enough to not display a 4:3 output on a 16:9 screen? I'M JUST SAYIN.

The Stylish Way To Play Your NES

Dave Nunez sure likes 3D printing stuff, and his latest project was no small undertaking. Inspired by his desk lamp and a pile of spare parts, he came up with the design for this 'NESPoise' system, and it sure is pretty.


30 Dec 19:35

Watch NASA Control Space Robots With Motion Controls

by Chris Person

Watch NASA Control Space Robots With Motion Controls

Not content with putting a man on the moon and Tang in our lunch boxes, the folks at NASA have pushed us one step further into the singularity, using an Oculus Rift and the new, more powerful Kinect.


30 Dec 19:34

Awakened In 2013: first, we imagined what the new wall-merging mechanic might look like in an older,

by Patricia Hernandez

Awakened In 2013: first, we imagined what the new wall-merging mechanic might look like in an older, classic Zelda game. Today, we're going to imagine what a 2013 remake of Link's Awakening might look like—here's a rendition by artist Jonatan Iversen-Ejve. (Via Tiny Cartridge)


30 Dec 16:43

The Last of Us Is Kotaku's Game of the Year

by Stephen Totilo

I need to get back to this as soon as I can.

The Last of Us Is Kotaku's Game of the Year

We have a winner, as voted on by Kotaku's staff: The Last of Us — Kotaku's Game of the Year.


30 Dec 15:21

A Moment Of Silence For The MMOs That Died In 2013

by Mike Fahey

I only ever heard good things about Dungeon Fighter Online... well besides the one bad thing which was its shitty publisher support in the states. Basically an online beat-em-up. I'm sorry to have missed it while it was alive.

A Moment Of Silence For The MMOs That Died In 2013

With their reliance on a large, stable online player base to survive, every massively multiplayer online game is destined to die — the only question is when. Will they last ten years, like Disney's Toontown Online, or die in beta like The Mummy Online? Here's to the MMOs that didn't make it past 2013.


30 Dec 13:35

A Wall Made of 300 Chairs Takes Repurposing a Step Further

by Lily Hay Newman

A Wall Made of 300 Chairs Takes Repurposing a Step Further

Screens and curtains are alright, but sometimes you want a real wall. Solid, substantial and offering some privacy. And if bricks and cement blocks are too boring, you can always turn to repurposed household items. Right?


30 Dec 13:35

The NSA Actually Intercepted Packages to Put Backdoors in Electronics

by Lily Hay Newman


The NSA Actually Intercepted Packages to Put Backdoors in Electronics

The NSA revelations keep on coming, and if you're feeling desensitized to the whole thing it's time to refocus and get your game face on for 2014. Because shit continues to get real.


30 Dec 13:29

A New York City Mugger Declined to Steal a Flip Phone

by Lily Hay Newman

A New York City Mugger Declined to Steal a Flip Phone

There have been 13 robberies reported in Central Park so far in 2013. But in most of them the robber presumably takes stuff. That's how that works, right?


30 Dec 13:26

Death laser ray spider-bot bring us one step closer to the apocalypse

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo


Death laser ray spider-bot bring us one step closer to the apocalypse

From the DIY Laser Guy: "I present my most terrifying laser creation as of yet... the remote controlled death ray drone bot! This beast packs a potent 2W blue laser that fries anything in it's path. It can walk around and shoot it's death ray at the touch of a button."


30 Dec 13:25

Samsung's New Chips Could Put 4GB of RAM Into Every Phone

by Jamie Condliffe

Samsung's New Chips Could Put 4GB of RAM Into Every Phone

There's an inherent trade-off when designing a phone, between pure power and respectable battery life. Fortunately, Samsung's latest memory chips are so efficient that they could make 4GB of RAM in phones an industry standard—and make 4K phones a very real thing indeed.


30 Dec 13:24

These 100 Year-Old Negatives Were Found Frozen in Antarctic Ice

by Jamie Condliffe

These 100 Year-Old Negatives Were Found Frozen in Antarctic Ice

These images look pretty great considering they're 100 years old. They look even better when you learn they've been sealed in Antarctic ice for 100 years.


27 Dec 18:43

The 20 Best Movies Disappearing From Netflix on New Year's Day

by Brian Barrett on Gizmodo, shared by Mike Fahey to Kotaku


The 20 Best Movies Disappearing From Netflix on New Year's Day

When the clock strikes its last midnight in 2013—or somewhere around there, anyway—dozens of movies will disappear from Netflix streaming. Fortunately, you've still got some time to churn through the ones you'll miss the most. Here's a list of the very best of the movies that'll be gone in 2014.


27 Dec 17:07

Nintendo's Taking The eShop Down For Repair

by Mike Fahey

ruh roh

Nintendo's Taking The eShop Down For Repair

Troubled by connectivity issues since Christmas Day's influx of new console owners, Nintendo's eShop for the Wii U and 3DS is in dire need of maintenance, so it's coming down at 4 PM Eastern for a 12-hour repair session.


27 Dec 15:11

Love is in the ai--... water.

by Gergo Vas

Clearly piloted by Mutta Nanba.

Love is in the ai—... water. It's in the water. Let that Christmas Spirit stay a while longer, even if it needs a little help from War Thunder. And don't forget to pull this, or similar stunts in any game in February.


27 Dec 15:11

If Anything Can Make Me Love My Vita, It's Digimon

by Mike Fahey

Dammit, it actually looks like a good game too, now that I've seen it.

On another note, I want to punch this guy in the dick for that remark about putting his Vita together with his keys. THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN, YOU DON'T JOKE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT

If Anything Can Make Me Love My Vita, It's Digimon

This is a screenshot for Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth for the PlayStation Vita. It's a game that probably won't make it to North America. It's not even due out in Japan until 2015. I'm so excited.


27 Dec 14:34

No Cat Should Be Without A Mario Warp Pipe Climbing Box

by Mike Fahey

No Cat Should Be Without A Mario Warp Pipe Climbing Box

Cat Mario, meet Mario cat. Redditor Collinferal had a friend with a bored cat. With $140 in materials and his carpentry skills, he made her a magnificent Mario-themed toy that will keep said cat occupied for minutes.


27 Dec 14:25

​Interrupting Cow Is Easily My Favorite Assassin's Creed IV Glitch

by Kirk Hamilton

​Interrupting Cow Is Easily My Favorite Assassin's Creed IV Glitch

Did you know cows like playing checkers? Apparently, they do.


27 Dec 14:19

Turn Your Human Face Into A Video Game Character

by Luke Plunkett

The best idea in the comments (which I suggest you DON'T look at) is for using this to make Geth avatars. Which takes me back to me thoughts that I would have absolutely no issue with using voice chat if I could sound like Legion.

Turn Your Human Face Into A Video Game Character

FaceRig is a piece of software that will use your webcam to track your face (and facial movements) then transform it into something a little (or a lot) less human.


27 Dec 14:07

Majora's Mask Looks Better When It's Broken

by Luke Plunkett

Here we go again.

Also, the time limit wasn't the problem for me so much as the WORST SAVE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD. Which is the number one reason it would benefit from a rerelease.

Majora's Mask Looks Better When It's Broken

Majora's Mask is an acquired taste. One I've never fully acquired, sadly (the time limit is TOO STRESSFUL), but I'd be keener on the game if it was this broken in its natural state.


26 Dec 17:24

Strange And Wonderful Mirrored Video Game Cover Art

by Mike Fahey

I never get tired of these reposts. I blame it on the irrational amusement I get from sounding out bizarre words in my head.

Strange And Wonderful Mirrored Video Game Cover Art

What the hell am I looking at here? It's the strange imagery that's produced by taking a familiar piece of cover art, splitting it in half and duplicating one side on the other.


26 Dec 16:34

Nintendo Online Services Broken Now, Continuing Christmas Malfunctions

by Stephen Totilo

good times

Nintendo Online Services Broken Now, Continuing Christmas Malfunctions

Nintendo's online store isn't working for many gamers at the moment—not on Wii U or 3DS—making it essentially impossible to use many of the systems' core online services. So this is why I couldn't update the Netflix app on my parents' Wii yesterday! And it's why a lot of Nintendo gamers are pulling their hair out now.


26 Dec 15:44

You Can't Have A New Smash Bros. Game Without Zelda

by Mike Fahey

So so SO happy they're still using her Twilight Princess design. I'm very curious about what that picture with the phantom in it means.

You Can't Have A New Smash Bros. Game Without Zelda

A staple of the series since Melee, Princess Zelda returns for her third consecutive Super Smash Bros. appearance on the Wii U and 3DS. High-definition has been very, very kind to our princess.


26 Dec 15:18

The official high-capacity battery for the Wii U GamePad is now available in the U.S.

by Mike Fahey


The official high-capacity battery for the Wii U GamePad is now available in the U.S. The $32 part increases the GamePad's battery life from between three and five hours to a luxurious eight. For a solution that doesn't involve unscrewing the GamePad, there's always the Nyko Uboost.


26 Dec 15:13

Ah, So Lara Croft: Reflections Is A Card Game. Great.

by Mike Fahey

I'm out of jokes to make or lamentations to state.

Back in March of this year, Square Enix trademarked the name Lara Croft: Reflections. Some speculated it would be a 3DS or PlayStation Vita game. Nope, it's a free-to-play card battler.


26 Dec 14:56

Angry Birds Plus Beastie Boys. Listen To It.

by Steve Marinconz


Angry Birds Plus Beastie Boys. Listen To It.

There's no reason that McMaNGOS should have mashed up the theme from Angry Birds and the Beastie Boys' 'Intergalactic'. Except that it works surprisingly well.