Shared posts

01 Apr 15:34

Which Studio's Attempt To Copy Marvel's Movie Universe Is Most Doomed?

by Charlie Jane Anders on io9, shared by Tina Amini to Kotaku

Which Studio's Attempt To Copy Marvel's Movie Universe Is Most Doomed?

The rules have changed for superhero movies. Any studio that's serious about being in the game is openly trying to copy Marvel's comic-book-esque strategy of a shared universe and an interlocking series of series, with crossovers. But which studio is most likely to succeed in grabbing at Marvel's crown?


01 Apr 15:08

Amazon Boxes Reborn as a Remote Controlled Tank

by Brian Ashcraft

Amazon Boxes Reborn as a Remote Controlled Tank

Remember the cardboard wizard who turned Amazon boxes into a Japanese temple? Well, he's back, and this time, he's created a remote control cardboard model tank.


01 Apr 14:44

This spectacular, Kirby-branded Game Boy Color would have been treasured by any self-respecting game

by András Neltz

This spectacular, Kirby-branded Game Boy Color would have been treasured by any self-respecting gamer of the nineties. The artist behind the custom handheld is French illustrator Oskunk—you can find more photos of his projects over at his blog.


28 Mar 16:52

Classic Disney Stills, Digitally Revitalized

by Gergo Vas

Classic Disney Stills, Digitally Revitalized

When not busy with Hearthstone , Blizzard's character artist Tyson Murphy has some brilliant fan pieces in his pocket. He recently breathed new life into classic Disney movie stills. Here's his refreshed scene from 101 Dalmatians above, and its original pair below.


27 Mar 14:04

Japan sure loves smartphone games.

by Brian Ashcraft

I think a small part of me has died today.

Japan sure loves smartphone games. A new report (via TechInAsia) states that smartphone games now make up half of the country's gaming market, increasing 178 percent compared to last year. Wowzers.


27 Mar 13:39

Wrestlers know they're in trouble when the Squirtle Squad, a group of Pokémon abandoned by their tra

by Gergo Vas

Wrestlers know they're in trouble when the Squirtle Squad, a group of Pokémon abandoned by their trainers, enter a professional wrestling tournament. The WWE 2k14 character generator has no limits.


27 Mar 13:34

What Could Kill Japanese Arcades

by Toshi Nakamura


What Could Kill Japanese Arcades

As if Japanese arcades didn't have enough hassles on their plate already.


26 Mar 17:27

Oculus Kickstarter Backers Are Demanding Refunds

by Jason Schreier

Oh god I'm loving this.

Oculus Kickstarter Backers Are Demanding Refunds

When you give money to a Kickstarter, do its creators owe you anything beyond the rewards that were promised? Is there an implicit understanding that those creators will stay scrappy and independent? Or can artists and designers do whatever they want once they've got your money?


26 Mar 15:57

​Notch Says He's Canceled Oculus Rift Minecraft Because Of Facebook

by Kirk Hamilton

​Notch Says He's Canceled Oculus Rift Minecraft Because Of Facebook

The people at Oculus VR are doubtless pretty psyched that Facebook just bought their company for $2 billion . Some game developers, not so much.


26 Mar 15:57

The Internet Reacts To Facebook Buying Oculus Rift

by Patricia Hernandez

I hope you'll understand that I'm overreacting to the highest degree possible, and I DON'T CARE. IT'S FUCKING FACEBOOOK. UGH.

The Internet Reacts To Facebook Buying Oculus Rift

Now that Facebook is buying Oculus Rift, people have all sorts of opinions. Unsurprisingly, reactions have been rather negative: Oculus was supposed to be the future of gaming! Now that Facebook is involved, everything is ruined!


26 Mar 15:27

I Can't Stop Laughing At Sega's Sonic-Zelda Crossover

by Jason Schreier

brb killing myself

I Can't Stop Laughing At Sega's Sonic-Zelda Crossover

There is free Zelda-themed DLC coming out for Sonic: Lost World. It's out tomorrow on the Wii U eShop, and IGN's got one of their exclusive preview things right here. (The gist: Sonic gets to run around a zone filled with Zelda references.)


26 Mar 14:02

Final Fantasy Turned into a Religious Experience

by Brian Ashcraft

I really miss Uematsu's music. However, if Bravely Default is truly meant to be the spirtual successor to FF, then I'm quite happy to have Revo as the new resident composer.

Final Fantasy Turned into a Religious Experience

The Ise Grand Shrine is one of Japan's most important Shinto Shrines. This week, as the Emperor and Empress visit, the shrine is launching a new web animation with music from Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu. The tune might sound familiar.


25 Mar 20:10

EA Loses 'Worst Company In America' Contest In First Round

by Jason Schreier

EA Loses 'Worst Company In America' Contest In First Round

Congratulations, Time Warner Cable. You're so terrible that you've convinced the masses not just to knock out EA—two-time winner of the Worst Company in America award—but to knock them out in the first round.


25 Mar 20:04

Tiny Super Mario 64 Secrets You May Not Have Noticed

by Patricia Hernandez

Proud to say I knew about all of these already.

Super Mario 64 didn't skimp out on small details—take, for example, the penguins in Cool Cool Mountain. They do more than just provide you with stars, you know.


25 Mar 19:51

Futurama Ship Looks Like CGI, Is Actually Real Model

by Luke Plunkett

Futurama Ship Looks Like CGI, Is Actually Real Model

Harrison Krix is a guy who we normally post about for his props work, recreating famous video game weapons, but this piece is a little different.


25 Mar 19:29

Japan Is Making an Anime Girl Vacuum Bot

by Brian Ashcraft

Very scared right now.

Japan Is Making an Anime Girl Vacuum Bot

Um, thanks? I guess? This is Cocorobo-chan. It's an anime girl vacuum cleaner you can talk to.


25 Mar 19:26

Guild Wars 2 Is Changing The Way Players Dress For Adventure

by Mike Fahey

Oh dear lord.

Guild Wars 2 Is Changing The Way Players Dress For Adventure

When the April 2014 Feature Pack for Guild Wars 2 drops next month, players are getting an account-wide wardrobe filled with every weapon and armor skin they've unlocked in the game. Then the dress-up parties begin.


25 Mar 19:15

Nvidia Debuts The GTX Titan Z, A $3,000 Video Card For Maniacs

by Mike Fahey


Nvidia Debuts The GTX Titan Z, A $3,000 Video Card For Maniacs

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang kicked off the company's GPU Technology Conference today as he often does, holding something incredibly powerful and expensive above his head. This time it's the Geforce GTX Titan Z, more video card than you need or could afford.


25 Mar 19:14

Oh Yeahhhhhhhhh

by Jason Schreier
24 Mar 18:13

Final Fantasy XIV... As A Super Nintendo Game

by Jason Schreier

This does a surprisingly good job of visually representing all the movement and positioning necessary in some of the coolest MMO boss battles. It's a thing of beauty when you have a group of competent people to play these kind of encounters with. But you already know from my rants how rare such occasions are.

Square Enix made this video. It's wonderful—like their 16-bit FFXIII video —and makes me wish they'd turn this into a real game.


24 Mar 18:12

The 3DS So Rare Nintendo Only Made One Of Them

by Luke Plunkett

The 3DS So Rare Nintendo Only Made One Of Them

Every year, a Pokemon tournament is held in Japan to decide the nation's best schoolboy player. It's a competition worth entering, because the prize is one for the ages.


24 Mar 18:01

It's Like Zelda, But Your Sword Can Reprogram The Entire Game

by Kirk Hamilton

These days most people know the basics of the top-down action adventure game. You know, "the Zelda-like." Character with a sword, walking through dungeons, solving puzzles and fighting monsters, opening chests. Time to introduce a major twist, no?


24 Mar 17:01

These Mixed-Up Little LEGO Creatures Are Just The Best

by Mike Fahey

Stupid cartoon, sorta amusing looking Lego. My weakness for putting googly eyes on things gets the better of me.

These Mixed-Up Little LEGO Creatures Are Just The Best

I had no idea what a Mixel was supposed to be when I first saw them on the shelf at Wal-Mart, but they fit my criteria for instant purchase: they were labeled "LEGO" and priced under $5.00. That's a small price to pay for love.


24 Mar 16:59

It Takes A Special Game To Make Me This Obsessive, Bravely Default

by Mike Fahey

Really, only a bit of it is because I HAVE to, but a lot of it (for me at least) is because I WANT to.

It Takes A Special Game To Make Me This Obsessive, Bravely Default

I'm fifty-two hours into my first play-through of Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies. All four of my characters are level 99, each has all 24 of the game's jobs mastered. I've not maxed-out levels and jobs in a Final Fantasy game in... ever.


24 Mar 16:45

New Infamous Game Is Secretly Pretty Funny

by Luke Plunkett

New Infamous Game Is Secretly Pretty Funny

Cute, Infamous. Very cute.


24 Mar 16:11

Little Dogs Make Attack on Titan Cosplay Cuter

by Brian Ashcraft on Cosplay, shared by Brian Ashcraft to Kotaku

More interesting than the CoD dog IMHO.

Little Dogs Make Attack on Titan Cosplay Cuter

Attack on Titan isn't exactly an adorable anime. But this doggy cosplay sure is.


24 Mar 16:10

A Look At China's Dizzying "Rubik's Cube" Buildings

by Eric Jou

A Look At China's Dizzying "Rubik's Cube" Buildings

Architecture is art. Some buildings are just cool to look at. Others are mesmerising and hypnotic, like one compound in East China's Jiangsu province, which has been dubbed by Chinese netizens as the "magical Rubik's compound".


24 Mar 16:09

The Cuccos from The Legend of Zelda are making an appearance in Super Smash Bros Wii U, and in the p

by Gergo Vas

The Cuccos from The Legend of Zelda are making an appearance in Super Smash Bros Wii U, and in the picture above, Toon Link is in trouble if he's really about to hit one of them. You shouldn't bully them... they might hurt you.


24 Mar 16:09

Someone's Pretending To Be Obama While Playing Titanfall

by Tina Amini

Your mileage may vary, but I was amused.

Probably the best thing about these videos from GameSocietyPimps is that everyone involved is such a good sport. Often these "character plays a multiplayer first-person shooter" pranks lean toward the cruder side, but this impression artist stays in fairly true character. Imagine Key & Peele's Obama skit but a little less...angry.


20 Mar 19:12

The Coolest Heroes of the Storm Alpha Costumes

by Gergo Vas

This is currently the only MOBA that runs a risk of sucking me in.

The Coolest Heroes of the Storm Alpha Costumes

An alpha version of Blizzard's upcoming MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, launched a few days ago, giving everyone with access a chance to try the game out in early development. And while many of the playable heroes of the Blizzard universe have not been added yet, a great deal of cosmetic skins are already available.