Shared posts

29 May 18:59

Nintendo Made A GameCube Controller Adapter For Wii U

by Jason Schreier

Nintendo is finally getting dead serious about this.

Nintendo Made A GameCube Controller Adapter For Wii U

Sneaky Nintendo—at the end of a video advertising their upcoming Smash Bros. tournament at E3 in two weeks, the house of all things Mario just announced a GameCube controller adapter for the Wii U.


29 May 18:03

An Artist Is Faithfully Recreating System Shock 2's Greatest Scene

by Chris Person

What's funny is someone was just talking to me about this scene yesterday.

An Artist Is Faithfully Recreating System Shock 2's Greatest Scene

Playing System Shock 2 is a frightening experience, and no moment is quite as shocking as seeing the face of the villain SHODAN for the first time. Now, one modeler is taking the time to render that scene in all its glory (Spoilers ahead).


29 May 14:29

I’ve been watching people play Watch_Dogs via

by svga

I’ve been watching people play Watch_Dogs via and noticed how heroic the main protagonists looks at his cellphone 90% of the time. 

Ubisoft is giving us the hero we deserve!

29 May 14:09

If You Drink Milk and Don't Get Sick, You're a Mutant

by Jamie Condliffe

I have the worst mutant power OF ALL TIME.

Milk is full of a sugar called lactose, which needs a special enzyme called lactase to break it down. But children used to stop producing the enzyme around the age of 4 or 5—and those of us who still make it are, in fact, mutants.


29 May 14:00

A Keurig Machine For Tortillas. Repeat: A KEURIG MACHINE FOR TORTILLAS

by Andrew Liszewski

A Keurig Machine For Tortillas. Repeat: A KEURIG MACHINE FOR TORTILLAS

The cup of joe you get from those pod-based instant coffee machines like the Keurig might not be the best you can find, but they sure are convenient. And while instant soup is a logical next step for pod-based dining, the makers of the Flatev have actually found a way to churn out fresh, warm tortillas from a machine on your counter. The future is delicious.


29 May 13:51

Award Winning Manga Author Naoki Urasawa Draws Godzilla

by Scott Green

This past weekend, Godzilla's international box office pushes Warner Bros. over the $1 billion mark for 2014. It was the first studio to cross that milestone for the year.

According to The Wrap, the weekend brought in $34.5, upping its international total to $167 million, and its worldwide haul to $315 million. The U.K. has been the strongest overseas marke  so far, with $19.3 million, followed by Russia and Mexico, both $13.2 million. It opens in China on June 13 and on July 25 in Japan,


On a somewhat smaller scale, co-producer Legendary Pictures has posted art of the king of kaiju by Naoki Urasawa, the Eisner Award winning manga artist of 20th Century Boys and Monster.


Renowned Japanese manga artist Naoki Urasawa creates exclusive artwork for #GODZILLA!

— Legendary (@Legendary) May 29, 2014

Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

29 May 13:48

You Can Watch Sony's E3 Conference In... A Movie Theater

by Jason Schreier

Oh yeah, those tickets are SO gone already.

You Can Watch Sony's E3 Conference In... A Movie Theater

Perhaps hoping to match last year's crazy E3 drama, Sony is taking their 2014 presser to the silver screen. You'll be able to watch the PlayStation press conference in movie theaters across the country. Yep, movie theaters.


29 May 13:34

THQ's Crap Is Still There, Gathering Dust

by Luke Plunkett

Jokes about THQ aside, this rather hurts.

THQ's Crap Is Still There, Gathering Dust

THQ closed down for good over a year ago, but the company's old corporate HQ remains, and in that time nobody has moved in to clean out all their old stuff. Games, posters, E3 prizes, the works, it's all just sitting there.


29 May 13:28

You Can Download a Mercedes Benz in Mario Kart 8

by Brian Ashcraft


You Can Download a Mercedes Benz in Mario Kart 8

This summer, Mercedes Benz is coming to Mario Kart 8 in Japan. No word yet whether or not the car will be available in the West.


29 May 13:27

Unforgettable Anime Figure Spawns a Memorable Meme

by Brian Ashcraft

Unforgettable Anime Figure Spawns a Memorable Meme

The recently revealed Gon from Hunter x Hunter figure is totally bonkers. You'll never forget it! The meme it's spawning in Japan will help make sure of that.


29 May 13:14

Hey buddy, forgot your cup.

by Gergo Vas

Hey buddy, forgot your cup. Grabbed from YouTuber Robbaz's compilation, this is one of those Watch Dogs glitches with a happy ending.


28 May 17:46

Watch Dogs, As Told By Steam Reviews

by Patricia Hernandez

Watch Dogs, As Told By Steam Reviews

Even though Watch Dogs hasn't been out for very long, many folks have taken to Steam to give everyone their two cents on the game.


28 May 16:27

You'll Be Able To Play Dragon Quest VIII On iOS Soon

by Jason Schreier

This is the only DQ I'm truly interested in playing too. The dub is surprisingly good iirc. AND THAT MUSIC, DAMN

You'll Be Able To Play Dragon Quest VIII On iOS Soon

My old PlayStation 2 just became a casualty of apartment cleaning, so it's delightful to see Dragon Quest VIII—one of the PS2's best role-playing games—on the iTunes Store in New Zealand today.


28 May 15:20

Bethesda's Newest Game Is Like Team Fortress Without Guns

by Tina Amini

Great concept, but that art style's just not doing it for me. People are saying that archer looks like David Beckham, but to me he just looks like a hipster.

Bethesda's Newest Game Is Like Team Fortress Without Guns

Today Bethesda announced the first new title to come from their fairly new studio: Battlecry in development by...Battlecry. Battlecry is a free-to-play, third-person, 32-player team action combat game for PC. It plays and reads a lot like Team Fortress, but without the gunpowder.


28 May 14:48

Fan Animation Turns Link Pikmin-Sized

by Gergo Vas

Fan Animation Turns Link Pikmin-Sized

Some just can't wait till a new, HD Zelda arrives and start working on their own fan-projects. This superb gif is from animator PencilTest 's upcoming fan-movie, which—if it'll have the same overall quality as this teaser—will be quite ambitious.


28 May 13:09

so here's an interesting thing about Persona 4


ITT: Overly wishful thinking

Obviously the window is open for these things in the game, but I frankly think they're reading too far into this cut content. There seems to have been some kind of experimentation going on to some degree with P3P and P4G, so I am curious to see what they might include in P5, in any case.

Also, speak for yourself lady (?), it's not just some Japanese thing. It feels awkward for me to hug anyone who's not my parents.



Did you know Yosuke was originally intended to be a romantic option for the player?

There’s already a fair amount of romantically charged dialogue in his Social Links that wasn’t removed - his Rank 5 scene where he’s in the protagonist’s room asking where he keeps his dirty magazines definitely comes to mind, for example:

Yosuke: So, you ever invited a girl in here?

> “I haven’t.”

Yosuke: Haha, maybe you’re more of a man’s man than I thought.

> Yosuke seems happy…

As does his Rank 8 scene where the player has the option to hug him on the riverbank if they’ve chosen certain dialogue in the Rank 7 scene. The hugging is notable because it’s a Japanese game - in the States it isn’t a big deal to hug your friends, regardless of gender. In Japan, hugging someone when you’re a dude is a much more intimate gesture, and not something you’d really do to your male best friend. (I was always mad about why no one hugged the player goodbye before his train leaves at the end of the game, but this is why.)

But! There are a few interesting unused audio files that are still in the game itself of cut dialogue from Yosuke’s Rank 10 scene that make things pretty clear, as well as some other stuff from the game.

Read More

This is super interesting. I remember my brother telling me that he was convinced that Yosuke was going to turn out to be gay by the end of the game. I thought that was a funny/over-optimistic way to read his character, but I guess there is a little bit of truth to that! I wish it was still in the game… OR BETTER YET, KANJI

28 May 12:52

Final Fantasy III is now available on Steam.

by Mike Fahey

Final Fantasy III is now available on Steam. The first legitimate PC version of the game is a port of the relatively recent 3D remake, and will set you back $15.99. Be sure to give your Warriors of Light distinctive names, so they aren't confused with all of the other nameless, world-saving orphans.


28 May 12:46

Japanese Candy Art is Just Precious

by Brian Ashcraft

Japanese Candy Art is Just Precious

This is "amezaiku" (飴細工) or, literally, "candy handiwork." And there's one way to best sum up this traditional craft: How sweet.


28 May 12:35

Watch Dogs PR Stunt Ends With Bomb Squad Called To News Office

by Luke Plunkett

Good job

Watch Dogs PR Stunt Ends With Bomb Squad Called To News Office

A PR stunt for Ubisoft's new Watch Dogs game has backfired, with a Police bomb squad called to the offices of an Australian news station.


28 May 12:33

Masami Ochiai, the Chairman of Index Corporation, and his wife, Index president Yoshimi Ogawa, were

by Brian Ashcraft

WOW. Thank god Atlus is disconnected from that now.

Masami Ochiai, the Chairman of Index Corporation, and his wife, Index president Yoshimi Ogawa, were arrested on fraud charges for allegedly cooking the company's books. Index Corporation previously owned the Atlus brand, which has since been transferred to Sega.


28 May 12:31

Meet Pushmo World.

by András Neltz

I can't believe they actually DID decide to bring one of the good original 3DS games to WiiU.

Meet Pushmo World. It is the upcoming sequel to Intelligent Systems' 3DS puzzle games, Pushmo and Crashmo , and it's coming to the Japanese Wii U (yes, Wii U) eShop on June 19. UPDATE: Nintendo has confirmed that Pushmo World will also launch on the US (and EU) Wii U eShop on June 19.


28 May 12:29

Caramel Banana Sushi Exists in Japan

by Brian Ashcraft

Even I'm not sure about this.

Caramel Banana Sushi Exists in Japan

Goodness! Just when you thought unusual sushi couldn't get any more, well, unusual, there's this: Caramel banana sushi. Starting tomorrow, conveyor belt sushi chain Kura is offering it in Japan.


28 May 12:26

Would You Drink a "KanColle" Ship Girl's Coolant Water?

by Scott Green

You should all know that this was the very first thing I had to see when I logged into The Old Reader today. I would say it has not been a positive influence on my morning.

The question in Akihabara last week was "would you drink your ship daughter's coolant water?" The KanColle anthropomorphic war ship phenomenon has inspired bottles of "Coolant Water" energy drink to be produced for sale in the otaku mecca with the Kotobukiya shop reportedly being the most reliable place to find them.


Selling for 200yen for a 500ml bottle of the blue drink, incentives include a sticker of destroyer girl Shigure for buying two, along with posters with the purchase of six... which meant that a good otaku had to purchase eight to get both.


Like most of her sisters in rain-named Shiratsuyu class of destroyers, "Shigure" translates translates to "drizzling rain in autumn," so, it seems like they were going for something cool and refreshing with the selection of this fleet girl... she was also one of the remarkly lucky ships.



ジャンク通りに、艦娘冷却水の自販機が出来てますね! #艦これ #akiba

— akiba_asterisk(*)α (@akiba_asterisk) May 26, 2014

三月兎の「艦これ時雨汁」自販機、時雨汁が完売。 #akiba

— Coo @Seaside Tears 2 (@AT_Coo) May 27, 2014









Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

27 May 14:51

neopianangst: at last, Adam and Donna’s AMA clears up the...


Jesus fucking christ.


at last, Adam and Donna’s AMA clears up the scientology thing once and for all.

27 May 14:46

Looks like Lucina might be legit cancelled at this point. If they don’t show her in...


Is there a GSC stream tomorrow or something? Why has there not been any news? What is this salty liquid substance coming out of my eyes?

Looks like Lucina might be legit cancelled at this point. If they don’t show her in tomorrow’s stream I’m afraid we probably wont ever see her. 

27 May 14:44

Watch Dogs Is Full Of Memes

by Jason Schreier

The joke's on everyone because this is EXACTLY what I'd be looking for in a game like this.

Watch Dogs Is Full Of Memes

If you've ever picked up a new video game and thought "Gee, I wish this had a bunch of terrible Internet humor," this one's for you.


27 May 14:31

Man Builds Real ED-209, Has Twenty Seconds To Impress

by Luke Plunkett

Man Builds Real ED-209, Has Twenty Seconds To Impress

Shawn Thorsson, master props builder and costume maker, has outdone himself this time with a life-size, movie-quality replica of RoboCop's ED-209.


27 May 14:27

Japan Learns the Correct Way To Use "F**k"

by Brian Ashcraft

It's always important to brush up on the basics.

Japan Learns the Correct Way To Use "F**k"

One of the things I've noticed about living in Japan is that the country's non-native speakers are fuck all at using the fucking f-word.


27 May 12:59

In Japan, the World Cup Is Sold with Pikachu

by Brian Ashcraft

Kinda want some of this stuff. Hope NWorld comes through.

In Japan, the World Cup Is Sold with Pikachu

The World Cup is starting soon—real soon. June 12, actually! You know what that means? Merchandising. And in Japan, that means Pokémon merchandising.


27 May 12:48

"Lasertag With Swords" Means Pretend Jedi Can Finally Keep Score

by Leon Hurley

As of last night I decided I wanted/needed this in my life.

"Lasertag With Swords" Means Pretend Jedi Can Finally Keep Score

As the tagline for the Kickstarter video says: "How is this not a thing yet?"