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04 Jan 16:20

Avenuesofinspiration:Incredible Sunrise Photographer AOI

04 Jan 16:07

Chegou a hora: como saber se é o momento de seu filho ir para escola

by Carolina Piscina
Foto: Shutterstock

Foto: Shutterstock


No Brasil, a lei só exige que as crianças sejam matriculadas na Educação Infantil com 4 anos de idade. Mas existem muitas creches e escolinhas que aceitam crianças a partir de um ano. Será que vale a pena? A resposta depende das condições de cada família. Se a mãe tem que trabalhar, talvez seja melhor a criança ir mais cedo para a creche do que ficar em casa sozinha com a babá e a televisão.

E não precisa ficar cheia de culpa. Ir para a escola cedo faz bem, segundo o uma pesquisa do governo americano. O National Institute of Child Development descobriu, em 2012, que alunos que frequentaram escolinhas ou creches demonstraram, na adolescência, melhor desempenho escolar e vocabulário mais extenso se comparadas com crianças que ficaram em casa até os cinco anos, quando começa o ensino obrigatório por lá. Mas o estudo também mostrou que os maiores benefícios da escola eram maiores a partir dos 3 anos, quando a criança já tem necessidade de desenvolver o contato social e autonomia para conviver em grupo.

Leia também

E se eu for chamado na escola?

Em busca da escola perfeita

Eu não quero ir pra escola!


Como é a escola boa?

Até os seis anos, as crianças tem um período de atenção muito curto, por isso precisam mudar de espaço e atividade frequentemente. Poder sair da sala de artes para a de música, depois para o parquinho e de volta para a classe, por exemplo, é importante para mantê-los ocupados e felizes.

Na hora de visitar a escola, verifique se ela possui ambientes onde elas possam correr e brincar livremente, e se elas mudam constantemente de uma sala para outra para fazer atividades diferentes. Veja se isso acontece mesmo em dias de chuva, e se existe um lugar coberto para brincadeiras fora da classe.

Escola ensina, família educa, e os dois precisam andar juntos. O jeito da escola tem que combinar com a família, para evitar desentendimentos que prejudiquem a criança depois. Pergunte à orientadora da escola se existe um projeto pedagógico, com brincadeiras que tem o objetivo de desenvolver um conteúdo específico: a linguagem, a autonomia, a música, a expressão corporal…

Vale perguntar quais os conceitos que ela vai abordar com as crianças e como pretende chegar neles, para ver se você concorda com o estilo. Sinta o “clima” da escola, se as crianças estão felizes, tranquilas, se tem mais risada que choro no ar. A sua intuição de mãe também conta muito na hora da escolha. Se você ficar satisfeita com a escola, a adaptação do seu filho vai ser mais fácil também.

Foto: Shutterstock

Foto: Shutterstock

Para ajudar na decisão, responda a essas perguntas:

  1. Sua casa tem quintal ou espaço onde a criança possa brincar com liberdade todos os dias?
  2. Ela tem possibilidade de circular fora da própria casa: pracinha do bairro, clube?
  3. Quem fica com a criança? O que essa pessoa pode oferecer de estímulos e experiências?
  4. Pode brincar com amiguinhos, primos e pessoas fora do núcleo familiar?
  5. Existe um equilíbrio entre suas atividades? Ela tem diversidade de opções?
  6. Ela fica irritada ou entediada com frequência?                   
  7. Você está preparada para entregar seu filho a uma escolinha? (Às vezes a adaptação é da mãe!)
  8. A escola visitada consegue compensar as respostas das perguntas acima?

Tamanho da classe

Confira a proporção recomendável de crianças por sala. Verifique se a escola tem também uma auxiliar para ajudar nas trocas de fraldas ou idas ao banheiro. Além disso, algumas contam com uma auxiliar “volante”, que ajuda duas ou mais classes alternadamente.

– Até 1 ano

Uma berçarista para no máximo 3 crianças, com o apoio de um educador responsável formado em pedagogia. Se tiver um fonoaudiólogo também, melhor.

– Até 2 anos

1 professor para 6 a 8 bebês, com uma assistente.

– 3 anos

1 professor para cada 15 crianças

– De 4 a 6 anos

1 professor para cada 20 crianças

A idade certa de colocar o filho na escola

A hora de mudar de escola

04 Jan 16:03

Relaxing on dad

by Jonathan
30 Dec 13:31


30 Dec 13:30

5 Lessons The Dalai Lama Taught Me About Happiness

by Trent Fleskens

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity of attending a lecture, titled ‘Happiness: the power of giving & receiving’, handed down by none other than the 14th Dalai Lama himself upon the eve of his 80th birthday.

Now, I’m not much of a spiritual person, or a religious person for that matter. I attended an all-boys catholic high school and was made to sit through hours of religion classes on a weekly basis, but it became quickly apparent that religion, prayer, and meditation weren’t really for me.

I came in with an open mind and I left with nothing but appreciation, respect, and praise for a man who represents so much, has been through so much more, and has such a wonderful and practical message to share with the world in search of inner peace and happiness for all.

In light of that, I thought I would share with you the 5 things that really hit home to me, not because they are profound or paradigm-shifting, but actually because they are so frank and deliberate, and can apply to everyone from every walk of life:

You are your own master. Ultimately, no one can make you happy if you aren’t able to find it yourself

This was the key to his whole lecture. The only person truly responsible for your own happiness is yourself. Others can try; they can give you the world and expect nothing in return. But if your heart cannot find a way to find contentment and peace within your surroundings, whether engulfed with love and support or starkly alone, nothing else will be able to overcome that.

You are the master of your own happiness, your own sadness, your dreams, and your regrets. The Dalai Lama argued that happiness comes from finding inner peace with yourself and your life, along with service and engagement in your community. But one comes hand in hand with the other.

This one really hit home with me. On my travels, away from my support network of friends and family at home, I’ve had to teach myself new ways of finding happiness and peace when loneliness takes over. And I have found that engaging with the community, giving back to others, and embracing all aspects of the life I lead are major contributors to putting a smile on my face as I wake up every morning.

Seeking happiness through material goods brings only temporary relief, and hides the real problems

Just like the people around us are ultimately powerless to overcome our own feeling of emptiness, the value of papering over our issues with material things is also temporary. In fact, the Dalai Lama stressed that focusing our energy on distracting ourselves from the real issues only prolongs and clouds our path to fulfillment.

So the next time you drown your sorrows in a bottle of wine, or turn to retail therapy to paper over the loneliness, try mindfully accepting and embracing the hurt, and focus on why it exists, and how you can shift your psyche to make it disappear.

Secular education and a strong sense of compassion for others is the key to happiness

I found this point of his to be extremely refreshing. For the head of a spiritual order to endorse secular education within schools, away from dogmatic religious shackles, and towards the scientific embracing of the mind and soul was extremely impressive.

He rattled off anecdote after anecdote about his time studying with scientists in psychology, neurology, quantum physics, and chemistry, explaining how science is the key to educating people into the future about the world we live in, and through that, building a global foundation of compassion and understanding.

It was truly inspiring. Through better educating ourselves of the world we live in, we build stronger connections with those around us. Through empathy we build compassion, and through compassion, we build happiness. From the poorest streets in Zambia, to the bustling skyscrapers of New York, this is true for everyone.

The power of praying to a god or deity for happiness or help is questionable at best

This one shocked me a little. It really affirmed to me that the Dalai Lama is a rational, logical, frank, and open-minded person. Instead of preaching from the book, like the rest of the spiritual leaders around the world, he preached from his own mind and experiences.

He told us of his time as a refugee from his own country in March 1959. He recalled a period of great despair where, as leader of six million Tibetans and not much older than I am, he was powerless to protect his people from the might of the Chinese Communists. He was urged to pray to Buddha for help.

So he did. But does he believe that prayer to Buddha, or any deity for that matter, actually does anything? His answer, “I don’t know”, as he chuckled away. Instead, The Dalai Lama said that meditation, education, and deep thought about the issues he faced, were probably the key to finding his way through the toughest times of his life.

Formality impedes true connection with others

I found this one to be the most humorous, but also the most telling of them all. Obviously, the Dalai Lama receives a great deal of respect wherever he goes. He is greeted with a level of pomp and procedure received by few. But he made it very clear at the outset that he thought very little of the formalities prepared for him.

In fact, he argued through his usual anecdotal style, that formality is a mask that sits in front of who we truly are, and that when we are simply being ourselves, we build stronger connections with those around us. It’s something we see every day, and simply accept as a part of life. But to have a man of such a high office argue against the acts of respect he receives in order open the floor for real dialogue and trust is a very impressive thing.

Breaking down the barriers of formality and hierarchy were a key tenet in his assertion that we really are all equal, including his holiness himself. The Dalai Lama spoke like the most traveled and educated man I had ever met.

His thoughts and beliefs reflected not that of a spiritual leader tied to his holy scriptures, but of a pragmatic and compassionate elder, enlightened by decades of learning from and sharing with people across the globe. Through education and the extension of his arms towards all he has met around the world, he stands as a shining example of the beacon of peace and happiness we can all be.

Featured photo credit: Minette Layne via

The post 5 Lessons The Dalai Lama Taught Me About Happiness appeared first on Lifehack.

28 Dec 13:28

10 Inspirational Quotes From Yoda In Star Wars You Need To Know

by Kris Lee
STAR WARS: EPISODE V - THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, Frank Oz, Mark Hamill, 1980. ©Lucasfilm Ltd./courtesy Everett Collection

If you are crazy about Star Wars movies like me, I bet you are totally mesmerized by the legendary Grand Jedi Master, Yoda.  He was created by George Lucas and made the first appearance in “The Empire Strikes Back” in 1980.  Yoda was only 26 inches tall, more than 900 years old and a member of an unknown species.  He was widely known for his remarkable power, unique personality, a far more intuitive knowledge and a keen sense of awareness.

As the greatest Jedi Master of the Jedi Order, Yoda influenced generations of Jedi with enlightened advices.  By providing guidance and sage wisdom, he was the driving force behind the heroes like Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yoda’s most important apprentice was probably Luke Skywalker, whom he trained to become the future of the Jedi. Yoda would time to time rigorously test his trainees to mental and physical extremes and yet he was humble and gentle. His students often strongly disagreed with him at first, but gradually came to understand his insights.

So, here we go.  Below is handful of my favorite quotes amongst his many famous phrases from Star Wars films.  You may ponder, share his words of wisdom, learn from them and apply them to your own life. You will for sure discover his profound wisdom in each quote which will start transforming your everyday life. Now, read on!

  1. “Death is a natural part of life.  Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force.  Mourn them do not. Miss them do not.  Attachment leads to jealously.  The shadow of greed, that is.” – Revenge of the Sith
  2. “You will know when you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”  – The Phantom Menace
  3. “Do or do not. There is no try” – The Empire Strikes Back
  4. “Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.” – Attack of the Clones
  5. “Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.” – The Empire Strikes Back
  6. “Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi.  My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away…to the future, to the horizon.  Never his mind on where he.  Hmm?  What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.” – The Empire Strikes Back 
  7. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – In Revenge of the Sith
  8. “That is why you fail.” – The Empire Strikes Back
  9. “Do not assume anything Obi-Wan. Clear your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot.” – Attack of the Clones
  10. “Yes, a Jedi’s strength flows from the Force.  But beware of the dark side, Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they.  Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight.  If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.” – The Empire Strike Back

The post 10 Inspirational Quotes From Yoda In Star Wars You Need To Know appeared first on Lifehack.

25 Dec 14:56

9 Questions That Will Rock Your New Year

by Natalie MacNeil

If you’ve ever gotten lost in the woods (or a giant mall parking lot) you know how helpful a compass can be.

And although it’s less north and south, and more marketing and distribution, a business compass can help you chart the direction you want your company to go in, and help you to stay on course.

In today’s episode of She Takes on the World TV, I’m going to help you create what I call my Business Compass, a 9-question business plan from The Conquer Kit that will keep you from losing your way AND make huge gains in the coming year.

Be sure to grab a pen and paper and then let’s dive into creating YOUR compass in the video below:


Click here to watch today’s episode of She Takes on the World TV:

To help you work through these questions and create your own Business Compass for 2016, I have a worksheet and beautifully illustrated download for you to create a Business Compass when you buy a copy of The Conquer Kit, which you can grab at

When you purchase The Conquer Kit you’ll also be giving back during this holiday season. 50% of all my royalties from The Conquer Kit will be going to our Conquer Academy in Tanzania to build a secondary school for the students to be able to continue their education beyond primary. We can’t do it alone, and it’s important to build it in 2016 because if we don’t, some of our primary students will have no secondary school close enough for them to attend, effectively closing the door to further education and so many opportunities for them. This Christmas, I hope you’ll consider purchasing The Conquer Kit and supporting this worthy cause.

Once you’ve completed your Business Compass, be sure to post your plan on your office wall or — if you’re feeling creative — design it into a poster on Canva and print it out to fame and display on your desk. Like any good compass, once you’ve created this list you’ll want to keep it handy!

And be sure to let me know in a comment below what you think of this activity. Do you love it? Do you have other ideas for charting your business path in the coming year? Our community would love to hear what you think (and I would too)!

Cosmic hugs,

Natalie MacNeil's Signature

08 Dec 15:49

27 situações que todo profissional de publicidade se identifica

by Diego Luís

A vida de um profissional de publicidade vai além do glamour reproduzido em filmes, seriados e programas de televisão. Como em toda e qualquer profissão, o cotidiano de quem trabalha com publicidade é feito de altos e baixos, e também peculiaridades que apenas quem atua na área já vivenciou. Se você é um profissional de publicidade provavelmente identifique-se com as situações abaixo.

Você saindo de casa atrasado e está cheio de serviços acumulados

1 - Quando você sai de casa atrasado e está cheio de trabalho acumulado

Aí você chega ao trabalho e não tem nenhum pouquinho de café

2 - Ai você chega na agência e não tem nenhum pouquinho de café

O que você faz? Manda o estagiário preparar. Bem amargo, por favor!

3 - O que você faz Manda o estagiário preparar. Bem amargo, por favor!

Então o dia passa e seu superior te chama para uma conversa particular

4 - Seu superior te chama para uma conversa particular

Você não sabe o porquê, mas sabe que a culpa vai sobrar para você

5 - Você não sabe o porquê, mas sabe que a culpa de alguma coisa vai sobrar pra você

O dia passa e você se abastece para continuar produtivo (ou acordado)

6 - O dia passa e você se abastece para continuar produtivo (ou acordado)

Enfim, rola o brainstorming para a campanha do cliente, mas alguém da uma sugestão idiota

7 - Enfim, rola o brainstorming para a campanha do cliente, mas alguém diz algo idiota

Pra variar você também dá uma ideia que ninguém gosta e fica chateado

8 - Pra variar você também dá uma ideia que ninguém curte

Mas se gostam da sua ideia você fica exatamente assim

9 - Mas se gostam da sua ideia você fica exatamente assim

Quando chegam a um consenso sobre a campanha

10 - Quando chegam a um consenso sobre a campanha

Então chega o momento de apresentá-la ao cliente

11 - Então chega o momento de apresenta-la ao cliente

Essa é a expressão do cliente enquanto você está apresentando a campanha

12 - Essa é a expressão do cliente enquanto você está apresentando

Você percebe que o cliente continua boiando e tenta explicar novamente

13 - Você percebe que o cliente está boiando e tenta explicar novamente

Por fim o cliente libera a verba para a campanha

14 - Por fim o cliente libera a verba para a campanha

… mas pede uma pequena alteraçãozinha e você fica assim

15 - ... mas pede uma pequena alteraçãozinha e você fica assim

Após todas as alterações realizadas, o software ou PC dão pau

16 - Após todas as alterações realizadas, o software ou pc dão pau

Você fica desesperado

17 - você fica desesperado

Você desaba

18 - Você desaba

Então você recorre à fé e reza por um milagre

19 - então você recorre a fé e reza por um milagre

Você volta para o PC e tudo está normal

20 - Então você volta para o pc e está tudo normal

Aí você envia o arquivo para o cliente aprovar

21 - Ai envia o arquivo para o cliente aprovar

… e ele pede uma alteração da alteraçãozinha. Você fica assim.

22 - E ele pede uma alteração da alteraçãozinha. Você fica assim

Você altera a alteração e envia para a aprovação. Mas o cliente decide optar pela ideia inicial.

23 - Você altera a alteração e envia para a aprovação. Mas o cliente decide optar pela ideia inicial

Então o cliente marca uma reunião com urgência para acertar os detalhes da campanha, mas não aparece.

24 - Então o cliente marca uma reunião com urgência para acertar os detalhes, mas não vai

Você fica no aguardo do e-mail do cliente sobre a campanha

25 - Você fica no aguardo do e-mail do cliente

Até que finalmente recebe o tão aguardado e-mail. A CAMPANHA ESTÁ APROVADA.

26 - Até que finalmente recebe o tão aguardado e-mail. A CAMPANHA ESTÁ APROVADA

Chega ao fim mais um dia de trabalho e você chega a sua casa

27 - Acaba o expediente. Você chega em casa e tudo o que quer é descansar

Se você pretende se tornar um profissional de publicidade e ficou receoso após esse artigo, fique calmo, não passa de uma pequena brincadeira baseada em fatos do dia a dia de um publicitário. Quando coloco na balança, o lado bom é muito maior do que o ruim. Contribuir com a evolução e crescimento de pessoas e empresas. Ter várias ideias.

Coloca-las num papel. Torna-las possíveis. Vê-las ganhando vida. Utilizar-se da sua cultura e conhecimento em trabalhos e projetos. Procurar, enxergar e mostrar o lado bom das coisas, inclusive produtos. Contar histórias. Levar pessoas até as marcas e marcas até as pessoas. Conhecer e interagir com pessoas com diferentes pensamentos e outras culturas. São todos motivos que fazem eu me apaixonar todos os dias pela profissão e aposto que você também irá.

O post 27 situações que todo profissional de publicidade se identifica apareceu primeiro em Plugcitários.

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07 Dec 11:57

10 Common Mistakes Parents Make (Me Included)

by Lord Yeung
feature image23

When I became a mom, I got lots of advice on how to love my child.

But not until now, I realised the truth of parenting is “Prepare your child for the road, not the road for your child.”

What we may claim as “good parenting” can hurt our children in a long run. Unless we’re mindful of that, it’s easy to handicap them by making their lives too easy.

quote 65

The post 10 Common Mistakes Parents Make (Me Included) appeared first on Lifehack.

07 Dec 11:57

Fathers Writes A Poem To His Potentially Gay Son. The Result Is Totally…

by Lord Yeung
07 Dec 11:55

The Science Of Raising Happy Kids

by Lord Yeung
feature image 26


Credits to

The post The Science Of Raising Happy Kids appeared first on Lifehack.

24 Nov 11:50

Encontraram a felicidade

by Tiago Gass

meditacao pra ser feliz

Cientistas da Universidade de Kyoto dizem ter encontrado a parte do cérebro responsável pelo sentimento subjetivo chamado “felicidade“, aquela coisinha que dura pouco para os financeiramente menos afortunados – como diz o dito popular.
A procura pela felicidade plena é milenar e finalmente ela foi encontrada, ao menos no cérebro, mais exatamente no pré-cúneo, o qual faz parte do lobo parietal superior que fica na parte traseira do cérebro.
O estudo conduzido pelo Dr. Wataru Sato, um psicologo cognitivista da Universidade de Kyoto, e seus colegas questionou 51 indivíduos sobre o quão feliz são em geral, quão intensas são suas emoções e o quão satisfeito estão com suas vidas. Depois tiveram seus cérebros escaneados com a ajuda das cada vez mais incríveis máquinas de ressonância magnética, que conseguem coletar dados como atividade e massa cerebral.

lobo parietal medio
Com os dados os pesquisadores compararam o cérebro dos sujeitos e para a surpresa de todos, finalmente descobriram que os sentimentos positivos como alegria e satisfação de vida se manifestam nesta parte do órgão chama de pré-cúneo. Outro fato importante é que os indivíduos que mostraram-se mais satisfeitos no questionário, possuíam maior massa cinzenta no pré-cúneo. Ou seja, se você é uma pessoa feliz, pode dizer: “Eu tenho um pré-cúneo maior que o seu!”.
Quanto mais denso e desenvolvido era o pré-cúneo, mais intensos eram os sentimentos positivos, enquanto os sentimentos negativos pareciam não surtir tanto efeito emocional.
Vale lembrar que a comunidade científica acredita que o pré-cúneo é uma das partes mais importantes do cérebro quando o assunto é a manifestação da consciência, algo que ainda intriga os pesquisadores. Também sabe-se que, de fato, vários estudos demonstraram que a meditação é capaz de aumentar a massa cinzenta cerebral, em específico no pré-cúneo, nos dando uma ferramenta para praticar e desenvolver a felicidade e os pensamentos positivos.
Até dá pra sacar porque as histórias dizem que Buda era um cara que ria à toa, o “Buda que ri”.

Fotos: Universidade de Kyoto.

21 Nov 18:27

I gave my cat a mini scarf because he was cold- he is so cozy he has not stopped purring

by michelle
17 Nov 17:43

30 (Ridiculous) Reasons Why Your Kids Are Crying

by Lord Yeung
10 Nov 16:43

Beach babes

by michelle
31 Oct 17:08

If You Want To Be A Great Parent, Just Do These 50 Small Things

by Amy Johnson
If You Want To Be A Great Parent, Just Do These 50 Small Things

Parenting is a tough job. Everyone wants to be a great parent, but no-one teaches you how to be a great parent – you have to pick it up yourself. There are lows and highs, and it can be tough to be the perfect parent every day. The main priority is making sure your child is happy, well-fed, loved and safe.

Check out 50 small things you can do to be an amazing parent.

1. Don’t try to fix everything. Often your child will need your help, but don’t run in to help every time without thinking. Sometimes your child will be able to solve their own problems, and letting them do so will teach them to be self-reliant.

2. Pay attention to your child’s interests so that you can help them to develop their interests.

3. Share as many different experiences as you can with your child. From sports to reading to dressing up, these experiences could turn into future talents.

4. Let your child decide what’s for dinner one night of the week.

5. Remember that discipline and punishment are two different things.

6. Read books with your child for at least a quarter of an hour each day. This is a great way to bond with your child.

7. Encourage family time. This gives your child the chance to bond with their extended family.

8. Admit when you are wrong. After a tough day you may snap at your child. Instead of secretly feeling guilty, apologise to your child to teach them about fairness and honesty.

9. Accept that your partner may have different ideas about parenting and then make a compromise that you are both happy with.

10. Don’t pressure your child to learn. If they complain repeatedly about their violin lessons, don’t force them to go. This is only making your child deal with stress and worry.

11. Have high expectations for your child, but always remain realistic.

12. Praise your child whenever they succeed so that they know they have supportive parents.

13. Ask your child five “you” question every day, such as “Did you enjoy school?” or “Did you like your lunch?”

14. Teach your child responsibilities while they are young. From putting their toys in their toy box to putting their juice carton in the recycling, your child is never too young to become aware of the world around them.

15. Eat one meal as a family together every day. Your child may not remember each individual meal, but they will always remember the tradition.

16. Love your children equally but remember they are unique in different ways.

17. Don’t label your child. Once you do, it can be very difficult for them to grow out of the label.

18. Be silly with your child. Tell your child silly jokes, and encourage them to make up their own jokes to tell you.

19. Listen to your child without dismissing their thoughts for being young.

20. Give your child open-ended toys like Legos or blocks. These will encourage your child’s creativity.

21. Savor the great moments. Being a parent is a wild ride with highs and lows – let yourself enjoy the amazing moments.

22. Don’t compare your child to others. They are a unique individual and comparing people is often more damaging than it is useful.

23. Encourage your child to think about their future without influencing their decisions.

24. Keep the TV in the living room. This encourages family time and provides your child with fewer distractions when they are supposed to be sleeping.

25. Keep sunscreen next to your child’s toothpaste, and put it on every morning during summer as part of the same routine.

26. Take your child to different places, like the museum, the swimming pool, the library and parks to to expand their interests.

27. Give your child gifts that encourage their interests.

28. Always put anything your child makes for you on display in your home to show you are proud.

29. Introduce your child to your most interesting friends.

30. Give your child choices to help them to work on their decision-making skills.

31. Set aside part of your home as a play-space for your child.

32. Accept your child for who they are.

33. Tell your child that you love to play with them, and that it is just as fun for you as it is for them.

34. Tell your child stories about them as a baby.

35. Let your child help you while you are cooking to help them to develop an interest in cooking.

36. Hug your child every day.

37. Put down your phone when you are playing or reading with your child.

38. Remember that when they are a teenager, they will be potty-trained, so don’t worry too much about it to early.

39. Don’t force your child to hug or kiss extended family or your friends if they don’t want to. They know what they are comfortable with and what they don’t want to do.

40. Keep a diary of all of the funny things your child says to show them when they get older.

41. Practise what you preach – follow the rules you teach your child to teach them about fairness.

42. Have a weekly movie night with your child. This is a cheap, easy and fun way for you two to bond.

43. Trust your gut instincts with your child – you know them better than anyone else does.

44. Get involved in your child’s education by always attending Parent’s Evening and helping them with their homework.

45. Take your child for long walks so they can experience the magic of nature while bonding with you.

46. Accept that both you and your child will have flaws.

47. Count to 10 before you react to your child’s anger or sadness.

48. Buy a joke book and tell your child a silly joke every day.

49. Show your child lots of affection. Hold their hand when you walk together and high-five them when they have good news.

50. Speak to your children as equals and respect their opinions.

The post If You Want To Be A Great Parent, Just Do These 50 Small Things appeared first on Lifehack.

31 Oct 16:54

11 dicas para exercitar a criatividade

by (Rogério Morais)
Você já passou por um bloqueio criativo? Simplesmente esperar que ele passe pode não ser a melhor ideia pois os grandes insights não costumam surgir de uma iluminação romântica e imprevisível. Por isso, desmitificamos a criatividade e juntamos 11 dicas para exercitá-la.

vi aqui
27 Oct 17:48

12 Phrases People With Anxiety Are Totally Fed Up With

by Matt Duczeminski

Anxiety is a terrible disease. Not only do those who suffer from it live in a constant state of worry and panic, but they also have to deal with those who don’t truly understand the nature of the disease. Although friends of those with anxiety are, for the most part, attempting to be sympathetic, sometimes their “words of advice” end up doing more harm than good. Even if you are trying to help, you should never catch yourself saying the following to a person suffering from anxiety.

1. “Stop being so negative!”

People with anxiety wish they could stop focusing on the possibility of bad things happening, but they can’t. Their minds are full of what-if scenarios, and will unwittingly latch on to the worst-case outcomes as if they’re 100% guaranteed. For people with anxiety, pessimism and realism are one in the same.

2. “You just like being miserable.”

We’ve all heard people say “you’re just not happy unless you have something to complain about,” but to a person with anxiety, this simply isn’t the case. They don’t like being miserable, but for many of them, it’s the only way they know how to live.

3. “You’re so dramatic.”

Life isn’t a TV show. People with anxiety don’t sit around writing their lives out in a script in an attempt to make every situation they face as dramatic as possible. They don’t thrive off of the panicky feelings they get, and they certainly aren’t entertained by them. They know they’re dramatic, and would give anything to not be.

4. “You’re being ridiculous.”

Along with knowing they’re dramatic at times, people with anxiety often know their feelings and intuitions are ridiculous, but they can’t help feeling them. Also, by saying this, you put a label on a friend because of an illness that they can’t help. Do you really think that will help at all?

5. “Try not to think about it.”

This is like saying “Stop thinking of purple elephants.” If you tell someone, especially a person with anxiety, to stop thinking about something, all they’re going to do is think abut it (no matter what “it” is). As a friend, the best thing you can do is steer clear of talking about “it” altogether, and bring up just about anything else to the person’s mind.

6. “Get over yourself.”

Those who don’t understand anxiety might think the sufferer is just throwing a pity-party. If anything, though, it’s the complete opposite. People suffering from anxiety hate being in the spotlight and don’t want to be the center of attention. They’re not making a huge scene because they want people to feel bad for them; they truly cannot help themselves.

7. “What do you have to worry about?”

A person who truly suffers from anxiety will probably answer this question with “everything and nothing all at once.” They know that, for the most part, there really is nothing to worry about, but since they can’t stop worrying about something (usually an intangible, unreachable something), they tend to worry even more. And insinuating they don’t have anything to worry about, of course, only exacerbates the issue.

8. “You just need to try harder.”

Though anxiety obviously creates observable reactions from those who suffer from it, it’s an internal disease of the mind that can’t be seen by others. Saying that a sufferer needs to “try harder” to deal with their issues makes it clear that you have no idea how much they are struggling to keep it together at any and all times.

9. “It must be horrible being you.”

File this one under “Gee, thanks.” While you might think such a statement is a sympathetic way of saying “I feel your pain,” a person with anxiety is just going to hear “Sucks to be you.” They really can’t imagine what it’s like to not suffer from anxiety, but would do absolutely anything to live life free of chronic worry. They know it’s horrible; they don’t need you to reinforce that.

10. “Everyone feels that way sometimes.”

Again, this is a vain attempt to commiserate with an anxious individual, but all it does is minimize everything the person is going through. Sure, everyone feels uneasy every once in a while, but the definition of anxiety is a chronic feeling of uneasiness. By definition, unless you feel anxious all the time, you have no idea how a person with true anxiety feels.

11. “You’re just lazy.”

At least the rest of the items on this list are attempts at being sympathetic; this one’s just straight-up mean. It goes along with “you need to try harder,” as if a person with anxiety deserves to have to put extra effort into beating their disease. And, again, just because you can’t see how hard they’re trying doesn’t mean they’re not.

12. “It could be worse.”

Of course it could be worse. But then, once you say that, all an anxious person is going to think about is how much worse it could be. As I said before, those suffering from anxiety tend to extrapolate and predict chains of occurrences that will lead to even worse scenarios. Saying “it could be worse” might be an attempt to let a friend know they don’t have it that bad, but all it really does is lead to them coming up with hundreds of what-if scenarios leading to pain and suffering.

Featured photo credit: Anxiety / Diane Northman via

The post 12 Phrases People With Anxiety Are Totally Fed Up With appeared first on Lifehack.

23 Oct 17:20

Como criar um quadro de avisos para se organizar melhor.

by ( - redação)

Um quadro de cortiça é um ótimo jeito de se organizar. Ainda mais quando ele tem um desenho todo diferente, né? 

Que atire a primeira pedra quem nunca fez a promessa na sexta-feira de que o final de semana seria todinho dedicado à organização da casa e, no final das contas, passou os dias de folga na cama, de preguiça e assistindo séries ;-).

A fórmula mágica pra te dar toda aquela empolgação necessária pra um final de semana de faxinão a gente ainda não descobriu, mas um empurrãozinho te ensinando a fazer um quadro de cortiça pra se organizar melhor a gente pode dar. O diferencial? Ele tem um desenho todo bacaninha, imitando uma espinha de peixe*.


  • 2 quadrados de cortiça com as dimensões de 30,5x30,5cm
  • Estilete
  • Régua
  • Caneta
  • Tinta acrílica na cor que você preferir
  • Pincel

PASSO 1: Desenhe a padronagem na cortiça - acredite, é mais fácil do que parece. Primeiro, trace linhas verticais paralelas com uma distância de 7,5 cm uma da outra. Depois, na horizontal, linhas paralelas com um distanciamento de 5 cm. Ao terminar, você terá vários retângulos.

PASSO 2: Para terminar, desenhe diagonais nos retângulos. Como na imagem acima, trace, nas fileiras impares, linhas esquerda para a direita e nas pares da direta para a esquerda.

PASSO 3: Com o estilete e a régua, corte os paralelogramos.

PASSO 4: Com a cor de tinta pinte alguns pedaços de cortiça da maneira que você preferir. Nesse tutorial, eles foram pintados de maneira alternada. Caso você deixe alguma peça sem pintar, vire-a para esconder as marcas feitas pela caneta.

PASSO 5: Por fim, é só escolher uma parede da sua casa e prender seu novo quadro de avisos na parede. Você pode prender tanto com fita dupla face de espuma quanto usando pregos, a escolha é sua :-)

*herringbone = espinha de peixe é esse tipo de padronagem que lembra uma... espinha de peixe rs. Ela volta e meia aparece em alguns projetos de faça você mesmo. Como você viu, é um desenho super fácil de fazer e ótima caso você já tenha se cansado das bolinhas, do chevron ou do listrado.

♥ O traduz o tutorial, pesquisa materiais e deixa tudo mastigadinho para a sua vida ficar mais fácil. :-) Agora, custa nada visitar o conteúdo original, né? :-) Aqui valorizamos muito quem produz tutoriais para web! Pedimos seu beijo de agradecimento em forma de visita, clicando aqui!
19 Oct 21:49

60 Things for Your Bucket List Other than Getting Married

by Casey Imafidon

It seems like the dreams of many involve wanting to get a great job, get married, and have kids. We are so caught up in the many conventional tricks and doings of this world that we never stop to learn and discover through the simple and unconventional interests of our world. This is where a bucket list comes in. There is splendor in abundance only if we took the time to catch a breath and appreciate other pursuits and interests that could also fill us with happiness and excitement.

Our goals in life are mostly framed within a certain social context. However you can create or aspire to pursue things that can open up this context. It is simply in looking beyond the closest image and setting your sight at anything and everything you wanted to do.

Open your heart to the joys and thrills that could be attained even in activities on your bucket list that have nothing to do with gaining a job or getting married. At the end of the day you can look back at the past and nurture a memorable thought when you go after these 60 things that have nothing to do with marriage and having kids (but you can do with or without these things).

“Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” – William Ross

  1. Learn a new language.
  2. Go skiing.
  3. Climb a mountain.
  4. Connect with past teachers and tutors.
  5. Go on a road trip with friends.
  6. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  7. Offer a heartfelt surprise to someone.
  8. Be a mentor someone.
  9. Do a kind deed and do not expect anything in return.
  10. Sing to an audience.
  11. Start your own business.
  12. Swim under a waterfall.
  13. Pursue your dream, whatever that may be.
  14. Fly in a hot air balloon.
  15. Volunteer in a way and give back to the world!
  16. Make a difference in someone’s life.
  17. Google yourself.
  18. Leave a note for a total stranger.
  19. Take a drive to an unplanned destination.
  20. Walk or dance barefoot in the rain.
  21. Experience a sunrise and a sunset — maybe in the same day.
  22. Plant a tree and either nurture it or watch it grow.
  23. Publish a book.
  24. Host a cocktail party.
  25. Befriend a stranger.
  26. Speak in front of a thousand people.
  27. Match-make for your friends.
  28. Learn how to dance.
  29. Learn how to play a violin, a guitar, a piano or any musical instrument.
  30. Give your lunch to someone who is homeless and hungry.
  31. Give blood to someone who needs it.
  32. Get a drink for a stranger.
  33. Witness a solar eclipse.
  34. Run barefoot.
  35. Have your fortune read.
  36. Backpack and set off to a location you have never visited.
  37. Be an actor, whether in a self-produced flick or otherwise.
  38. Live in another country for at least six months.
  39. Read a book on an abstract subject you’ve always wanted to know more about.
  40. Live through four seasons of the year in one particular location.
  41. Cook a meal for your loved ones.
  42. Take a walk into the heart of nature.
  43. Knit a scarf.
  44. Connect with an individual or company that you adore and thank them for their service/product/what they do.
  45. Reach out and volunteer at a hospice.
  46. Bake a cake for someone special.
  47. Fly a kite.
  48. Fall asleep on a grassy plain.
  49. Practice some meditation.
  50. Attempt a vegan diet.
  51. Get brave, prepare for, then face and conquer your biggest fear.
  52. Adopt a rescue pet.
  53. Donate some of your hair for cancer.
  54. Invest in the stock market.
  55. Teach kids.
  56. Learn a new skill.
  57. Disconnect from the world around you for a week. Switch off your phone and tablet and spend some quality time with yourself and the people around you.
  58. Do something that does not represent who you are, at least for once act stupid and don’t act too serious.
  59. Try a delicacy you have never eaten before.
  60. Go on a romantic getaway.

So here you have 60 things you can do apart from getting married and getting a good job. Now which one sounds most appealing to you? At least that could be worth a try in the next two days?

Featured photo credit: via

The post 60 Things for Your Bucket List Other than Getting Married appeared first on Lifehack.

19 Oct 20:11

Morning stretches

by michelle
10 Oct 13:25

Trailer mistura de Disney e Star Wars

by (Rogério Morais)
Canal do YouTube Comedy PistolShrimps misturou o trailer de Star Wars VII com vários personagens da Disney como Aladdin, Dumbo e Belle.
Assista ao divertido vídeo abaixo e confira.

06 Oct 16:13


23 Sep 16:05

85 Insanely Clever Organizing and Storage Ideas for Your Entire Home

by Vanessa Beaty

Organize Your Kitchen The kitchen is another room in the house where you have a lot of small items that can be tough to keep in order.  Spice jars, partially eaten bags of food, plastic bags, dishware … all of it can be so hard to keep organized and neat!  Try these hacks to give [...]

The post 85 Insanely Clever Organizing and Storage Ideas for Your Entire Home appeared first on DIY & Crafts.

22 Sep 14:31

Receita de banana com cobertura de chocolate fácil e rápida!

by - redação
Imagem: SugarHero

 Pra comemorar o dia da banana, uma receita linda linda pra ninguém colocar defeito!

Você é do tipo que, depois de toda refeição, tem que comer um docinho pra ficar contente? Então bate aqui o/. O problema é que às vezes dá aquele peso na consciência de comer tantas calorias tooodo dia né? Bom, hoje a gente te mostra uma receita a diminuir essa culpa. Afinal é fruta e chocolate, e os dois fazem super bem. ;-)

Banana tem potássio, que auxilia no controle da pressão arterial. Chocolate aumenta os níveis de endorfinas no cérebro. As endorfinas são relacionadas ao bom humor, sensação de bem-estar e euforia, e também a um efeito analgésico. Quer combinação melhor?


  • Banana
  • Palito de picolé
  • Chocolate em barra (prefira um com menos açúcar)
  • Azeite
  • Toppings / coberturas (pode ser confete, coco ralado, amendoim moído, granulado...)

  • Corte as bananas em pedaços de 5 ou 6 cm, ou deixe-as inteiras e espete-as nos palitos de picolé. Coloque-as em uma assadeira forrada com papel manteiga ou alumínio e leve ao freezer por cerca de 15 minutos.
  • Enquanto isso, derreta o chocolate + azeite (1 colher de sopa para cada 120g de chocolate) em uma tigela refratária em banho maria (ou no microondas, mexendo a cada 20 segundos). A razão pela qual o azeite é adicionado ao chocolate é para reduzir a sua viscosidade, assim a casca pode ficar fininha sobre a banana.
  • Retire as bananas do congelador e, uma de cada vez, mergulhe-as no chocolate derretido, certificando-se de que a banana é completamente coberta com o chocolate.
  • Pra finalizar, antes do chocolate secar, jogue por cima a cobertura que você escolheu.
  • Coloque no congelador novamente por mais 30 minutos, e pode servir :-)
♥ A gente acha que essa receita super combina combina com o calorão que anda fazendo, afinal, a ideia é servi-la geladinha! No também tem um post bem legal sobre banana ;-).
22 Sep 14:24

The Half Up Hairstyle You’ll Want to Try Right Now

by Twist Me Pretty
Take your hair from drab to fab with just a little twisting and pinning. Click through for the full tutorial.
11 Sep 21:24


02 Sep 14:52


01 Sep 12:46

Ele a chamou de Malala

by Stephanie Noelle

Malala Yousafzai, de 17 anos, é a pessoa mais jovem a ganhar o Prêmio Nobel da Paz, por defender que as meninas do seu país podiam ter uma educação escolar similar à dos meninos. Ela foi baleada na cabeça por membros do Talibã, ficou em coma, conseguiu se recuperar e foi morar na Inglaterra, onde deu continuidade aos seus projetos. Só por esse breve resumo já dá pra sacar que a mina é firmeza, maravilhosa e extremamente inspiradora. O que dizer, então, do documentário sobre sua vida, que será lançando em 02/10 nos cinemas lá fora e 19/11 no Brasil? Se depender do novo trailer, divulgado na última sexta-feira, 28/08, intenso e emocionante. Sério, te desafio a assistir ao trailer sem ficar com os olhos cheios d’água ou pelo menos se arrepiar. É poderoso.

O documentário é dirigido por Davis Guggenheim, e além de mostrar a jornada que a levou a receber o prêmio, nos leva pra dentro da sua intimidade, com sua família, amigos, irmãos e até suas paixonites. Pra nos lembrar que Malala ainda é uma adolescente, e é real. “Eu ainda tenho 17 anos. Eu ainda sou uma adolescente”, ela fala no começo do trailer. Mas é essa adolescente que diz que “há um momento em que você tem que escolher entre ficar em silêncio ou se levantar”. Malala recebeu esse nome por causa de outra Malala, uma guerreira afegã, também adolescente, que lutou pelo seu país em 1880 e morreu em batalha. Uma homenagem e tanto de uma heroína de carne e osso.

Fotos: Fanboynation

29 Aug 16:21

Artista cria toucas e chapéus de crochê para cães e gatos

by Bianca Camargo
O que seria de nós sem nossas toucas durante o inverno? Quando a temperatura cai não há quem consiga ficar sem usá-las! É por esse motivo que a norte americana Meredith Langley criou incríveis toucas de crochê para proteger também nossos bichinhos de estimação. Em sua lojinha online, ela vende uma variedade incrível de modelos, […]