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03 Feb 16:33

Kazuo Koike Doesn't Like It When You Touch His "KanColle"



Manga author Kazuo Koike is known for many things: the creation of classic series such as Lone Wolf and Cub and Lady Snowblood, training generations of younger manga authors with his advanced level classes, offering life advice to fans, and being an inveterate otaku for DMM's Kantai Collection browser game. This last item recently caused some strife in the Koike household, as Koike himself relates:



"So I'm playing KanColle and it had been a while since I'd last played it, but then I noticed that the battle situation in the game in front of me was obviously different from how I had left it. So the next morning I said to my family "Don't touch my game!", like I was a middle school student squabbling with his mother. Even though I'm 79 years old...going to be 80 soon..." (Kazuo Koike)



Truly, ship-girls are serious business.




Kazuo Koike official Twitter feed


Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.

03 Feb 13:19

How Evangelion References Ideon

by sdshamshel

This post is dedicated to Anime World Order‘s Daryl Surat, who over 10 years has pointed out repeatedly that people will bring up the relationship between the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion and Space Runaway Ideon without knowing exactly how they connect.

Love it or hate it, Neon Genesis Evangelion, is one of the most influential and well-known anime ever. The story of youths with crippling psychological problems who must fight to save the Earth resonated with many, and anime came to copy, challenge, and rethink Evangelion in the years since. However, Evangelion itself carries its own influences from shows of yesteryear. For this post, I’m going to be writing about one of the major progenitors of Evangelion, Space Runaway Ideon, because it’s often brought up as evidence against Evangelion‘s originality and innovation, without thorough understanding as to what Ideon did and did not do relative to Evangelion.

Evangelion is just a rehash of Ideon,” the argument goes, but structurally they don’t have very many things in common. The city structure, otherworldly invaders, time limits, and the sense of scale when the titanic EVAs fight the similarly enormous Angels all come from Ultraman. In fact, if you want to see just how much Ultraman influenced director Anno Hideaki, check out the manga Insufficient Direction, drawn by his mangaka wife, Anno Moyoco (Hataraki Man, Sugar Sugar Rune). The escalation of trauma and the mistrust between humans comes from DevilmanIdeon, while bearing a few minor similarities to these series, brings something else to the table.

To understand Ideon, it’s useful to start at the beginning. Its story takes place in an era of space exploration and colonization. A group of archaeologists discover three ancient vehicles, which they find out can be brought together to form a giant robot called Ideon. During this time, they also encounter an alien race of conquerors called the Buff Clan, who possess legends about Ideon as a mighty god of ancient times. Though they take a number of casualties, the humans escape with Ideon, and spend the rest of the series fending off attacks from the Buff Clan with the help of the Ideon.

This sounds pretty par for the course for the time in which it was airing (early 1980s), but one thing made Ideon, as a mecha, different: it didn’t like to behave. The pilots from the very beginning are even unsure as to how to rouse Ideon from its dormancy. It powers up and powers down seemingly with a mind of its own, as indicated by a mysterious display called the Ide Gauge. If there’s a pattern as to how strong Ideon will be in any given fight, it is utterly unclear to the humans responsible for it. It is ancient alien technology that they are unable to fully grasp.

Then, deep into the series they find themselves cornered and at the brink of death. Suddenly, the Ideon achieves a power greater than anything seen before, and wipes out the enemy in an instant. Though they’re happy to have escaped with their lives, one important detail looms over their thoughts: it was not by the humans’ actions that they were rescued. Rather, they were at the seemingly serendipitous whims of the Ideon itself. As they continue on their journey, and as they continue to fight the Buff Clan, the heroes are made increasingly aware of the fact that the Ideon is powerful enough to destroy entire worlds, rend galaxies into nothingness, and wipe out civilizations… and they have absolutely no control over it. In the Super Robot Wars games, the power of the Ideon’s strongest attacks, Ideon Sword and Ideon Gun, are labeled as having infinite range as a reference to this, though the mechanics are gamified into something manageable).

If you’ve seen Neon Genesis Evangelion, you probably know where this is going. Some of the most iconic scenes in Evangelion are when the EVA-01, the protagonist Shinji’s mecha, goes berserk. During these pivotal moments, Shinji somehow falls unconscious or is unable to fight, and the EVA roars to life with a mind of its own. It fights like a beast, clawing, biting, and tearing. Its chilling cry becomes a wake-up call to the human characters who believed that they could control all of this technology and power. In the cases of both Ideon and Evangelion, the power granted to the heroes ironically creates a sense of helplessness because of the loss of control. Unlike older giant robot anime, such as Mazinger Z or even Reideen the Brave which featured a similarly sentient super robot, the spirit of the hero, or indeed all of humanity, is made to feel small and insignificant in Ideon and Evangelion. Where Evangelion differs is in its deeply introspective focus, of characters and the deep, torturous labyrinths of their psyches, and so it would be incorrect to say that Evangelion simply copied Ideon.

The Ideon TV series ends more abruptly than almost any other anime you will ever see, and a proper finale would be provided in the form of two movies, one recap and one conclusion. In the movies, the secrets of the Ideon are explored, and it’s through those secrets that further connections to Evangelion can be seen. The second movie, Be Invoked, reveals what causes Ideon to awaken and gain power: life energy. The Ideon throughout the series appears to respond better to children than to adults, and even better to babies. Though there is nothing explicitly written as to why this is the case, and I’m inserting my own interpretation into this to an extent, I believe that it has to do with the fact that children are both more full of life, and are not as warped by their experiences as the cold, cynical adults.

As the fight between the humans and the Buff Clan rages on, it turns out that meteors have been raining down on both planets, wiping out their homes. The implication behind these mutual apocalypses is that the Ideon itself and its Id energy have been testing the two sides to see if they can reach some sort of peace. Because the two sides refused to understand each other and just kept on fighting, the Ideon basically decided that both civilizations are not worth saving as they are. Hence, meteors. Ultimately, even as this is all happening, the Ideon fights the Buff Clan’s ultimate weapon, the Ganda Rowa. The two destroy each other, triggering a massive explosion that wipes out life on the surrounding planets. The spirits of those who died, both human and Buff, gather together as if all is behind them.

A few similarities to Evangelion appear here. First, the effectiveness of children as a source of “power” for the Ideon is similar to how the Evangelions appear to only function when piloted by 14-year-olds. Second, the protective element of the Ideon towards those children resembles how the EVAs have souls within them that (for the most part) are the mothers of the pilots themselves, who go berserk to save their children. Third, the Ideon’s desire to bring these two warring civilizations, and the final moments of Ideon itself, resemble the Human Instrumentality Project at the center of Evangelion. The Human Instrumentality Project is the idea that, by having all of humanity merge together, we will be free from the problems caused by people being unable to properly communicate their feelings. When we are all as one, there will be no suffering. Again, however, even if you factor out the newer works (the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, the manga’s alternative ending), Evangelion does not say the same things because of the greater focus on individual characters and their personal emotions. Ideon thinks on more of a macro scale than Evangelion‘s micro approach, despite the fact that both series involve the death of humanity.

Overall, the influence of Ideon on Evangelion can be summarized as the exploration of humans having to deal with powers beyond their control, and the apocalyptic consequences of those who continue to make mistakes even with this knowledge in mind. I hope this has been useful to you, and if there is anyone who would like to add new points, expand upon the existing ones above, or even argue against them, I welcome you to make a response.

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01 Feb 19:29

Meet The Activists Leading The Fight Against LGBT Equality In Jacksonville


Seriously, Jacksonville is THE SOUTH and is completely culturally different from where I live despite being 5 hours NORTH

Jacksonville is set to be the next major battleground for LGBT equality as the city council considers extending non-discrimination protections to include LGBT people. Here's what the media should know about the groups and activists leading the fight against LGBT equality in Jacksonville.

As the largest US city that has never enacted protections for LGBT people, Jacksonville is considering updating its Human Rights Ordinance (HRO) to include non-discrimination protections based on gender identity and sexual orientation in areas like housing, employment, and public accommodations.

Anti-LGBT activists leading the fight against expanding Jacksonville's HRO falsely claim that adding LGBT protections would allow sexual predators to enter women's restrooms, a bogus talking point that was used to defeat similar protections in Houston in 2015.

Here's what the media should know about the loudest critics of expanding Jacksonville's HRO:

Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel has been active in opposing LGBT rights in Jacksonville since 2012, when Liberty Counsel attorney Roger Gannam helped organize opposition that led to the Jacksonville City Council rejecting LGBT non-discrimination protections. Gannam appeared at all three recent town hall meetings on the HRO, where he claimed that LGBT people don't need any further protections because they are already afforded the protection to marry. Gannam also authored a column in The Florida Times Union where he repeated the bogus claim that non-discrimination protections for transgender people will cause "male predators" to enter women's restrooms. The group has also opposed the HRO on their website, where founder Mat Staver assured his audience that "Liberty Counsel attorneys are actively supporting religious freedom in the Jacksonville area."

Staver has previously called LGBT History Month a "sexual assault on our children," repeatedly warned that the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage would trigger a revolution and civil war, and claimed non-discrimination protections for LGBT people will result in the "death of some individuals."

Pastor Kenneth Adkins


  • Took photos of himself dressed up as a woman to oppose the Jacksonville HRO
  • Pastor and owner of Issachar Media Group, based in St. Simmons Island, GA
  • Garnered local media attention with his vocal antics against the expanded HRO

Pastor Kenneth Adkins leads a group of black pastors who oppose the expanded HRO and are calling for a referendum on the measure. In December, Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry selected Adkins as one of six panelists chosen for a "community conversation" about HRO. Adkins has also vocally opposed the HRO expansion on Twitter with graphic and inflammatory images:


In other tweets, Adkins has said that the definition of the expanded HRO is "Giving Civil Rights to men who engage in Anal Sex with each other," called City Council Member Tommy Hazouri the "anti-Christ" for supporting the HRO, and photoshopped Hazouri's face onto pornographic images:

Hazouri has said he is considering taking legal action against Adkins for the graphic images.

Florida Family Policy Council

  • Florida chapter of national anti-gay group Focus on the Family
  • Headed by anti-gay activist John Stemberger  
  • Urges gay people to seek help in leaving the "gay lifestyle"

Florida Family Policy Council (FFPC) has been opposing LGBT equality in Florida since 2004. FFPC president John Stemberger actively opposed expanding the Jacksonville HRO in 2012, including by testifying against it before the city council. FFPC has already started a petition against the HRO, and the group's action arm (Florida Family Action) has built a website called "Defend Jax Families" to oppose the HRO. The website has a page titled "No Men In Women's Bathrooms" that calls transgender women "gender-confused men" and features the same graphics used by an anti-LGBT group that opposed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

Stemberger has previously called same-sex parents "objectively inferior" to married heterosexual parents, predicted that accepting gay Scouts would "literally destroy" the Boy Scouts, and declared that public policy should be guided by "scripture." In 2013, he launched an anti-gay alternative to the Boy Scouts due to his fear that accepting gay Scouts would lead to sexual abuse.

01 Feb 04:10

Anime World Order Show # 143 - Ten Years After (Juunen Go No!) Watashi Wa Doushiteru Darou?

by (Anime World Order)
Ten years sure is easy to type, but living them's another story! To celebrate our decade of podcasting, we er, had nothing planned. But it's a new year, so let's do a 2015 Year in Review despite the fact that we never did 2010 through 2014. Look, we never figured this whole podcasting thing out, okay? Visit for full show notes and supplemental links.
30 Jan 14:52

At GOP Debate, Fox News Failed To Ask The Gun Policy Questions Americans Wanted To Hear

Leading up to last night's mainstage GOP debate, Fox News noted that "gun control" was "the most searched issue last month" and that Americans "want to hear about gun control." But during the debate, the moderators failed to ask any questions about gun policy.

Fox News and Google sponsored a January 28 Republican primary debate featuring Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). According to a Washington Post transcript, the issue of gun policy was only mentioned in passing when moderator Chris Wallace asked Rubio about his accusation that Christie is a flip-flopper.

In failing to ask a gun policy question, Fox News moderators missed an opportunity to ask the Republican field about why they oppose background checks for all gun sales even when the measure is overwhelmingly popular with Republicans.

Due to its partnership with Google, Fox News was aware that Americans wanted to hear a question about gun policy. In a January 28 segment on Fox News program Happening Now about "what issues are most important" to voters, Fox News anchor Shannon Bream noted that according to Google Trends data, people "want to hear about gun control."

During Fox's January 28 undercard debate for candidates that failed to qualify for the main debate, moderator Martha MacCallum noted "according to Google, gun control is the most searched issue last month, making up nearly 80 percent of all the U.S. searches," before asking a question about how much funding the federal government should spend on building new mental health institutions. (Conservative media frequently overly conflate gun policy with mental health policy, even though the vast majority of people with a mental health condition are not violent.)

29 Jan 21:15

The hardships of the modern husband...


This is valid.

28 Jan 18:27

Trump's Sexist Attacks Aside, Megyn Kelly Is A Shill For Conservative Misinformation

Megyn Kelly is garnering another wave of misplaced praise, benefiting from Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's latest attacks on her. But outside of the debate scene, Kelly's role on Fox News is little more than to shill for conservative misinformation.

Journalists and pundits across the political spectrum are stepping up to defend the Fox News anchor after Trump labeled her a "lightweight journalist" leading up to Fox News' January 28 GOP primary debate, which he declined to participate in. Kelly's defenders have called out the sexism in Trump's attacks while lauding her as a "real journalist willing to stick her neck out to defend the vulnerable." But in doing so, they have bought into the distorted persona she has carefully crafted for herself -- that of the credible journalist, distinct from other Fox figures who are more obviously partisan.

That image has been bolstered by a series of glowing profiles of Kelly that describe her as a "take-no-prisoners newswoman" who "isn't afraid to throw hardballs at Republicans" and have called her "the brightest star at Fox News" who "transcends politics with her skillful skewering of windbags of both parties." Fox helped Kelly reinforce that image in Fox's first GOP primary debate, where Kelly posed a series of tough questions to the candidates -- most notably challenging Trump on his history of sexism -- and persuaded many of the 24 million viewers that she is a serious journalist. Fox's January 28 GOP debate will likely provide yet another opportunity for Kelly to amplify this deceptive image by deviating from her usual bigotry and right-wing misinformation to ask tough questions while all eyes are on her.

The media is right to call out the sexism of Trump's attacks on Megyn Kelly, but to argue that she is a serious, legitimate journalist while doing so misses the mark.

Outside of Fox's debate scene, Kelly has repeatedly used her authority to prop up conservative misinformation from The Kelly File's anchor desk. In the first two weeks of 2016, she spent over 1 hour and 22 minutes promoting Michael Bay's myth-filled Benghazi movie as "the gripping new film that may pose a threat to Hillary Clinton's hopes for the White House." Kelly regularly hosts the leader of an anti-LGBT hate group, and has a long history of offensive, discriminatory comments about minorities.

Kelly has also used her primetime Fox show to push falsehoods about Planned Parenthood, most recently asking whether the grand jury indictment of two members of the group that released deceptively edited smear videos to attack the organization was a "political hit job." Kelly once told Charlie Rose she's "not an opinion maker," yet she has repeatedly advocated for conservative causes and spread misinformation -- and has gotten away with it because there are journalists willing to call her credible.

27 Jan 20:55

While discussing the trouble with children...


26 Jan 20:15

FUNimation "Baccano!" Rights Scheduled To Expire


FUNimation's forum has indicated that their streaming rights and home video rights rights to Baccano! expire on February 8th. The 2007 Brain's Base anime adapts the mostly 1930s-set light novel series by Durarara!!'s Ryōgo Narita.



via @WTK

Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

22 Jan 18:50

Discotek Announces "Cromartie High School"


North American anime distributor Discotek has announced that they are working on a release of the 2003 anime adaptation of yankii (and Sakigake!! Otokojuku) parody Cromartie High School featuring Japanese with English subtitles and English dub. An April or May 2016 release date is planned.




Lupin the Third Jigen’s Gravestone Blu-ray was also previewed

Also upcoming


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

21 Jan 16:52

Fox Blames "Liberal Critics" For The Box Office Failure Of 13 Hours Film


It's a good thing those movie reviewers have so much power and cultural authority such that if they give bad reviews to something then audiences don't go see it, like how nobody went to see any of those Transformers movies--oh wait

From the January 19 edition of Fox News' The Five:

GREG GUTFELD: Since Friday, liberal critics have been claiming that other movies outsold the Benghazi film, 13 Hours. Gawker, the blog for failures, noted that Ride Along 2 did way better than Michael Bay's quote fan-fiction, which made 20 million dollars that weekend. How odd, left-wingers are now interested in profit to gauge success. Wasn't seeking the almighty dollar evil, which is why they prefer plotless independent films that star James Franco? More important, if this were a film that bashed capitalism or was exposing the homophobia of middle America, would the media be focused on receipts? Imagine a liberal blogger heralding the financial failure of that movie about transgender issues, The Danish Girl, that person would lose his or her job. Suddenly for 13 Hours it's way different because it's the one film in Hollywood out of thousands that escaped their grubby little progressive paws. If the flick had been an indictment of America, then profit wouldn't have come up. But they hate that a movie with western sympathies actually exists, so they delight that a movie chronicling the deaths of four Americans was outsold by crud. True the Benghazi movie didn't make as much money as others. But let's use that metric of success on the sad lefty blogger, you're still at home in your stained sweats, eating top-ramen over the sink, waiting for the next comic book blockbuster to rescue you from your finger-sniffing misery. And finger-sniffing it is. Hey, you know who is going to be on Bill O'Reilly tonight? Michael Bay. Let's show that clip, America.


GUTFELD: Eric, he makes a point that politics got in the way and that's what happened with these lefty bloggers. They can't see the movie.

ERIC BOLLING: He didn't put politics in the movie, he put no -- he didn't even mention Hillary Clinton's name in that movie. It was an account, he recreated the account that he got from Michael Zuckoff, is that his name, Zuckoff? Which was written with the help of five people who were there on the rooftop defending the C.I.A. annex and the Benghazi consulate. The politics got injected by the left, only when it suits their narrative. -- They were worried it would be too honest, too sincere and too documentary-like, but see the movie.


JUAN WILLIAMS: Wait a second. The left introduced politics? Funny, I mean my experience of it, is that the right made it out, everybody should go see this film because then you will be more aware of Benghazi and the failures and it was supposed to be an indictment of Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration?

GUTFELD: But Juan, don't you think that conservatives, we are just desperate for finding an objective firm about history, that's not Oliver stone, that's not Michael Moore? Does it hurt that we're grateful?

WILLIAMS: No I would appreciate it -- This is not a documentary. Let me just tell you. But I would agree with you --

BOLLING: Michael Bay put no politics in this.

WILLIAMS: This thing has been so politicized by the right, when you have Tom Cotton -- when you have Trump, and the other guys, buying tickets, telling people to go, come on of course it's politicized.  


Fox Host: Anyone Who Sees 13 Hours "And Then Goes On To Vote For Hillary Clinton, They're A Criminal"

Media Matters ' David Brock Explains Why 13 Hours' Benghazi "Myths" Won't "Stick"

Review: Michael Bay's 13 Hours Is A Coded Message To Benghazi Conspiracy Theorists

How Fox News Plans To Use Michael Bay's Benghazi Film To Sink Hillary Clinton's Presidential Run

21 Jan 16:50

Fox Host: Anyone Who Sees 13 Hours "And Then Goes On To Vote For Hillary Clinton, They're A Criminal"

From the January 18 edition of Fox News' Outnumbered:

SANDRA SMITH: So, what do you think of her dismissing all of the, I mean there are still so many unanswered questions here, Senator. People still want to get answers here and she is just saying it's movie making.

SCOTT BROWN: Typical Clinton. Just blow it off. That being said, my wife saw it yesterday. She called mer. She said she cried. She never cries at movies unless it's like, you know, touchy-feely type of movie. But that being said, the question that she and others are asking is who was in charge? It never mentions Clinton directly, but it's always State Department, State Department, State Department. Because they were in charge. They were running the show and they were nowhere to be seen and people died. And it's in the back of people's minds. And this actually brings it to the forefront. So, we'll see. I think she can't blow it off. I think it's going to be a very important part of the --

SMITH: Does constantly dismissing this, Andrea, does it eventually end up hurting her?

ANDREA TANTAROS: It does ends up hurting her. Because this isn't just a movie that's based on fiction. I mean, you can look at four gravestones, four tombstones and know that this is real. And actually, she should be lucky they didn't go further, Michael Bay didn't go further with that movie making. And it really points to credibility. If she wants to speak out now and try to discredit the film, she is speaking out against the survivors who we've seen on this news channel and elsewhere, talk about how she stood and looked victim's families in the eyes and lied. And a majority of Americans when polled, the number one word that they associate with Clinton is liar. So this woman has zero credibility. And frankly, I'll take the word of the men who survived that attack at that embassy over her word any day. And we know from that movie a stand-down order was given. Who gave it? She still has questions to answer.

SMITH: So she's also saying that she's not, she can't go see the film. She's too busy campaigning, Julie. Does she, is she appearing insensitive in all of this?

JULIE ROGINSKY: Well look, her point is that she spent 11 hours testifying on this issue. So it's not like she is avoiding subject. She obviously answered all the questions that were posed to her. She left when they were finished asking the questions, not when she decided to leave. And secondly, she continues to say that the Republican Intelligence Committee concluded that there was no stand-down order given. Now that's a point of contention obviously. But she is pointing to the fact that it was a Republican House Intelligence Committee that did that. What is she supposed to say? I mean, you guys expect her to what, fall on the sword and say I did it, I did it, I personally --

BROWN: No, just say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was in charge. This is what we did. And from --

ROGINSKY: She took responsibility for it.

BROWN: No, no. She's never come out. And listen I was in the hearings. And I'll tell you, they were the worst hearings in terms of when we initially were inquiring to get a straight answer. Had she said, you know, we screwed up. And what are we going to do make sure we work together that it never happens again? This is what I'm going to try to do. This is what I should have done. And this is what I'm going to tell my, Secretary Kerry to try to do. And that's never happened.

TANTAROS: Julie, she jailed a filmmaker based on a movie who, and this man is still in prison. That alone should put Hillary Clinton in prison. And frankly, if anyone sees this movie, which everyone should go see it, and then goes on to vote for Hillary Clinton, they're a criminal. In my estimation.


Media Matters' David Brock Explains Why 13 Hours' Benghazi "Myths" Won't "Stick"

Review: Michael Bay's 13 Hours Is A Coded Message To Benghazi Conspiracy Theorists

How Fox News Plans To Use Michael Bay's Benghazi Film To Sink Hillary Clinton's Presidential Run

21 Jan 16:49

REPORT: Fox News Spent Nearly Three Hours Promoting Michael Bay's Benghazi Film As A Threat To Hillary Clinton

Fox News has devoted roughly three hours to promoting the release of Michael Bay's 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, a movie about the 2012 attacks on diplomatic facilities in Libya, praising the film, repeatedly characterizing the movie as a threat to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, and hyping several debunked myths about the Benghazi terror attacks. More than half of the network's 32 segments focused on falsehoods about the State Department and Obama administration's responses to the attacks, and nearly 60 percent of the segments linked the movie to Clinton's 2016 bid for the White House.

Fox Devoted 32 Segments To The Film In Two Weeks

Michael Bay's 13 Hours Gives "Cinematic Treatment" To Benghazi Terror Attacks. 13 Hours, Bay's movie about the attacks, premiered on January 12. The film, according to The New York Times, was crafted to be a "cinematic catharsis for viewers whose understanding of the assault ... has been blurred by partisan politics." [New York Times1/5/16]

Fox News Spent Nearly Three Hours Over 32 Segments Hyping The Film. From January 4 through January 19, Fox News aired a total of 32 segments running for a total of 2 hours, 53 minutes, and 15 seconds featuring significant discussion of 13 Hours, according to a Media Matters review. 

Megyn Kelly Covered The Movie The Most, With Almost An Hour And A Half Of Airtime On Her Prime Time Show. On The Kelly File, host Megyn Kelly included discussion of 13 Hours in 11 segments for a total time of one hour, 22 minutes and 45 seconds. The Kelly File aired almost half all of Fox's total discussions of the movie, and ran more than one-third of the segments about the film. Kelly kicked off Fox News' coverage of 13 Hours with a 17-and-a-half minute segment on January 4, claiming that the film "may pose a threat to Hillary Clinton's hopes for the White House." Kelly also aired an hour-long special of the film on January 18. In a distant second behind The Kelly FileThe Five featured the second most discussion of the film, totaling 23 minutes and 33 seconds, and America's Newsroom followed with 14 minutes and 2 seconds of coverage.

Fox Hyped The Movie As A Threat To Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign

In Nearly 60 Percent Of Segments, Fox Linked The Movie And The Benghazi Attacks To Clinton's Presidential Campaign. 19 of the 32 segments, or 59 percent of all segments, featured Fox hosts or guests linking the movie to Hillary Clinton's bid for the White House and hyping it as a threat to her campaign. Megyn Kelly drove this narrative the most, invoking Clinton's White House run seven times, followed by The Five with four segments and Fox & Friends with three.

Clinton Is Not Mentioned In The Film, Has Taken Responsibility For The Benghazi Attacks, And Has Testified Before Three Congressional Committees. While Fox frequently invoked Clinton's presidential campaign in their segments on 13 Hours, Clinton is never mentioned in the film. Conservatives have sought to damage Clinton by promoting a series of myths about her actions during and after the attacks, but after she appeared before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, media pointed out that her testimony produced no "major new revelations" and condemned the committee as a partisan exercise. [Media Matters, 10/21/15Media Matters, 10/23/15Media Matters, 1/15/16]

Fox Invoked Clinton's "What Difference ... Does It Make?" Comments In 13 Percent Of The Segments. In four separate segments, Fox News personalities paraphrased or aired video of Hillary Clinton saying "what difference, at this point, does it make?" to attack her by falsely claiming she was dismissing the deaths of the four Americans killed in Benghazi.

But Clinton Was Referring To The Administration's Post-Attack Talking Points, Not The Tragic Consequences Of The Attack. During her January 2013 congressional testimony, Clinton was asked a question by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) about the State Department's role in editing then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice's media appearance talking points to remove a reference to the attackers' motive. Sen. Johnson asked Clinton "I'm going back to Ambassador Rice, five days later going to the Sunday shows and what I would say purposefully misleading the American public ... But why weren't we transparent at that point in time?" In response, she dismissed the relevance of asking who edited a government memo, saying, "[T]he fact is, we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest? Or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again." [Media Matters, 9/16/14Media Matters, 10/21/15]

Fox Obsessed Over Debunked Myth That Hillary Clinton And The Obama Administration Deliberately Misled The Public About Attackers' Motives

Fox News Suggested Clinton And White House Officials Intentionally Lied To The Public About The Attacks In More Than Half Of The Segments. Out of 32 segments, 17 included the implication that Hillary Clinton's State Department and the Obama administration deliberately misled the public about who perpetrated the attack and why, amounting to 53 percent of all segments. The Kelly File raised the topic the most, with seven segments suggesting Hillary Clinton and other senior White House officials deliberately lied about the attackers' motives.

But Initial Intelligence On Attackers And Their Motivations Was "Piecemeal" And "Conflicting" And "Continued To Change Throughout The Week." Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16, 2012, to discuss Benghazi and a series of anti-American demonstrations across the Muslim world, which were a response to an anti-Muslim YouTube video. Rice immediately came under fire for linking the Benghazi attacks to the video and for not referring to the attack as terrorism, even though she called the perpetrators "extremists" and made clear that her comments were based on the limited intelligence available. Lawmakers and media subsequently fixated on the "talking points" she was given for the appearances, falsely suggesting that the Obama administration had deceptively edited CIA intelligence to downplay the role of terrorism in order to benefit President Obama's re-election campaign. However, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence's Benghazi's investigation found that, in the wake of the attacks, "intelligence analysts and policymakers received a stream of piecemeal intelligence regarding the identities/affiliations and motivations of the attackers," and that "much of the early intelligence was conflicting." As reported by the October 2015 Democratic staff report on the Benghazi attacks, intelligence about the cause of the attack "continued to change throughout the week," and Secretary Clinton "relayed information consistent with reporting at the time" to Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil during their September 12, 2012 conversation. [Media Matters11/30/12Media Matters9/11/13Media Matters5/15/13Media Matters6/5/13Media Matters10/23/15]

Fox Furthered The Falsehood That The Obama Administration Issued A "Stand-Down" Order To Halt Reinforcements During The Attack

Fifty Percent Of Segments Forwarded The False Claim That The Obama Administration Issued A "Stand-Down" Order. 16 of the 32 segments suggested that the Obama administration, including Clinton's State Department, issued a "stand down" order to soldiers or CIA personnel while the Benghazi attacks took place. The Kelly File aired this myth the most, for a total of five segments, followed by Fox &Friends for a total of four segments.

But There Was No Obama Administration "Stand-Down" Order. 13 Hours portrays a confrontation between the CIA contractors it stars and their CIA base chief, who orders them to hold off on going to the State Department facility during the attacks so he can seek additional support. The base chief serving at the time of the attack subsequently disputed 13 Hours' characterization of these events. Fox has repeatedly pushed the myth that CIA and military personnel were ordered to "stand down" by higher-ups or someone in the Obama administration, theoretically hindering their ability to save the Americans who were killed during the attacks. But multiple investigations found that while commanders on the ground made tactical decisions in the interest of protecting Americans in Tripoli and ensuring a successful rescue effort in Benghazi, no such "stand down" orders were given. CIA personnel, the Pentagon, the House Armed Services Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, Tripoli commander Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson, then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, nine other military officers, the Senate Intelligence Committee, and the GOP-led House Intelligence Committee have all confirmed that no "stand down" order was given. [Media Matters1/15/16Washington Post1/15/16Media Matters7/10/14Media Matters7/27/13Media Matters8/27/14Media Matters2/11/14Media Matters5/9/13]

Fox Aired Six Segments Suggesting That No Forces Were Sent To Benghazi During The Attack. Fox has frequently claimed that no assistance was deployed during the attacks, with one contributor even going so far as to suggest that Obama "sacrificed Americans" as a "political calculation." Megyn Kelly revived this myth twice, and America's Newsroom, Cashin' In, The Five, and Fox & Friends all brought it up once.

But Reinforcements Were Sent To Aid The Diplomatic Post During The Attacks. A six-member quick-reaction team and 60 Libyan militiamen in Benghazi responded to the initial distress calls from the diplomatic post, and reinforcements from the embassy in Tripoli arrived the same night, before the second round of attacks on the CIA annex. In fact, one of the four Americans who were killed that night, Glen Doherty, was part of the rescue effort. Additional special operations teams were ordered to deploy from Croatia and the United States, but did not arrive in Libya until long after the attack had concluded. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has accused critics who believe more U.S. forces should have responded of having a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities." During a February 2013 hearing, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta stated that even though "time, distance, the lack of an adequate warning, [and] events that moved very quickly on the ground prevented a more immediate response" to the Benghazi attacks, he immediately ordered DOD assets to respond. Panetta also explained that "within hours, this six-man team, including two U.S. military personnel, chartered a private airplane, deployed to Benghazi." [Media Matters7/10/14Media Matters11/4/12Media Matters, 10/28/13Media Matters12/08/15]

Fox's 13 Hours Cheerleading Ignored Congressional Probes And Attacked Clinton Supporters

Megyn Kelly: The Benghazi Film Could "Pose A Threat To" Hillary Clinton's Campaign. Megyn Kelly opened her January 4 edition of The Kelly File with a 20 minute "exclusive" on the "gripping new film," claiming that it "may pose a threat to Hillary Clinton's hopes for the White House." Kelly said 13 Hours "reintroduces Benghazi as a potential campaign issue that cannot be helpful to Mrs. Clinton," and further invoked the falsehoods that "desperate calls for help ... went unanswered by President Obama's administration, including Hillary Clinton's State Department." [Fox News, The Kelly File 1/4/16]

Andrea Tantaros: Anyone Who Sees 13 Hours "And Then Goes On To Vote For Hillary Clinton, They're A Criminal." On the January 18 edition of Outnumbered, co-host Andrea Tantaros said that "anyone [who] sees this movie ... and then goes on to vote for Hillary Clinton ... [is] a criminal." [Fox News, Outnumbered, 1/19/16]

Fox Host Claims 13 Hours Will Raise Questions Eight Congressional Probes Have Failed To Answer. On the January 5 edition of America's Newsroom, co-host Martha MacCallum insisted that "there is no doubt that [the movie] will put some more questions to Hillary Clinton about her reaction that night," despite Clinton already having testified in three congressional hearings about the Benghazi attacks and eight different congressional committees having investigated them. [Fox News, America's Newsroom1/5/16]

Fox's Kilmeade Uses Benghazi Movie To Push Debunked "Stand Down" Order Myth. Co-host of Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade revived the "stand down" order myth on January 13, saying "the people who have seen it say it comes down to this: who gave the stand-down order, and that is included in the movie." [Fox News, Fox & Friends1/13/16]

The Five Co-Hosts Blame The Media For Attacking Fox's Obsessive Coverage Of Benghazi. On the January 5 edition of The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld lamented that "the media is going to let this slide," and co-host Eric Bolling agreed, bemoaning that "[the media] point[s] the finger at us, saying Fox or the right is rehashing this." Bolling further added that "we need to keep harping on this, because it matters." [Fox News, The Five1/5/16]

Fox News' 13 Hours "Advocacy" Is Part Of Network's Benghazi Obsession

Fox News Is Obsessed With The Benghazi Attacks. Fox News' evening lineup ran nearly 1,100 segments on the Benghazi attacks and their aftermath in the first 20 months following the attacks. Nearly 500 segments focused on a set of Obama administration talking points used in September 2012 media interviews; more than 100 linked the attacks to a potential Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential run; and dozens of segments compared the attacks and the administration response to the Watergate or Iran-Contra scandals. The network hosted Republican members of Congress to discuss Benghazi nearly 30 times more frequently than Democrats. [Media Matters9/16/14]

Washington Post's Wemple: Fox Is "Acting As An Advocacy Organization" With 13 Hours Coverage. Washington Post opinion writer Erik Wemple wrote that Fox "is promoting the Michael Bay movie for its potential to revive Benghazi as a problem for Clinton," and thus is acting not as a "news organization" but as an "advocacy organization":

That Fox News, even after hyping the bona fide revelations in the book version of "13 Hours," is promoting the Bay movie for its potential to revive Benghazi as a problem for Clinton. In so doing, Fox News isn't acting as a news organization, which reports events as they arise; it's acting as an advocacy organization, verily rooting for the movie to tilt the contemporary political debate. If Bay could only produce a Hollywood reenactment of Obamacare's lowest moments or of the failures of the president's Islamic State policy, he could surely bank on similar excitement from the country's No. 1 cable news outfit. [Washington Post1/20/16]


Media Matters identified segments based on Nexis transcripts and internal video archives for Fox & Friends, America's Newsroom, Happening Now, Outnumbered, The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, Shepard Smith Reporting, Your World with Neil Cavuto, The FiveSpecial Report with Bret BaierOn the Record with Greta Van SusterenThe O'Reilly FactorThe Kelly FileHannity, Fox & Friends Weekend, The Cost of Freedom, Bob Massi is the Property Man, The Journal Editorial Report, America's News HQ, Fox Report Weekend, The Greg Gutfeld Show, Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, #MediaBuzz, Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, and Justice with Judge Jeanine between January 4, 2016, at 6:00 a.m. and January 19, 2016 at 11:00 p.m. for "13 Hours," "Benghazi," or "Libya."

We included each segment where "13 Hours" was the stated topic of discussion. We defined significant discussion as at least two speakers in the segment talking about "13 Hours" to one another (e.g. the host asking a guest a question about the movie during a multi-topic interview). We coded for the following criteria:

  • Suggestions that the administration deliberately misled about who perpetrated the attack and why
  • Suggestions that the Obama administration ordered security forces to stand down
  • Suggestions that no security forces were deployed to Benghazi in response to the attack
  • Segments linking the Benghazi attack to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential run
  • What difference does it make paraphrase, or "what difference, at this point, does it make?" direct quote
21 Jan 16:45

Sentai Filmworks Licenses "Azumanga Daioh" for North American Home Video Release



For the first time in a decade, Azumanga Daioh - a 2002 TV anime based on the manga of the same name by Kiyohiko Azuma - will be available again on North American home video thanks to Sentai Filmworks.



Azumanga Daioh originally ran on TV Tokyo in 2002. The series is directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori and features animation by J.C. Staff. Azumanga Daioh was originally released on DVD in North American in 2005 and 2006 by ADV Films, but these earlier versions have been out-of-print for some time.



Sentai Filmworks describes the series as follows: "Azumanga Daioh is a witty romp into the misadventures of six high-school girls – Chiyo, Tomo, Yomi, Sakaki, Kagura, and a transfer student from Osaka, aptly nicknamed “Osaka.” Under the “guidance” of some rather peculiar teachers, the girls try their best to survive wacky school culture festivals, bread-eating contests, a teacher obsessed with seeing his female student in short shorts, awkward (and sometimes dangerous!) trips to Chiyo's summer home, and more!"



The new release of Azumanga Daioh will be part of the Sentai Selects line, and will feature both the English dubbed and Japanese with English subtitles versions of the show. Release date and pricing information are still to-be-announced.


Source: Sentai Filmworks official press release


Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.

21 Jan 16:45

"Blood Blockade Battlefront" OAD Scheduled


How long until we see the story where Zapp must find the missing cat or else his dick will explode

Blood Blockade Battlefront - Back 2 Back's (the latest incarnation of Yasuhiro Nightow's manga) home magazine Jump Sq. Crown, out in Japan the 22nd, is set to announce that the supernatural action series will be returning to anime in a new DVD episode, titled "Ousama no Restaurant no Ousama" (King in Restaurants of Kings). The release will be packaged with the Blood Blockade Battlefront Binge Bible official guide book on June 3rd. 



via otakomu


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

14 Jan 21:38

air quotes required; the story of "Japanimation" the magazine

by d. merrill

Does this mean Steve Harrison scanned this

The exciting thing about the independent comic boom of the 1980s is that pretty much anybody with 32 pages of content and a line of credit at a printer could be a comic book publisher, right up there with Stan Lee and Jenette Khan and the Goldwaters over at Archie. Alternatively, the depressing thing about the independent comic boom of the 80s is, again, pretty much anybody could be a comic book
14 Jan 19:25

Al Jazeera America Will Shut Down By April 30

by Karoli
In spite of some acts of stellar journalism, Al Jazeera America will be shut down by April 30th, the network announced today. Al Jazeera Media Network, which is funded by the government of Qatar, launched the U.S.-based network in August, 2013 after buying Current TV, the cable news channel co-founded by Al Gore, for about $500 million earlier in the year. The decision to go out of business was “driven by the fact that our business model is simply not sustainable in light of the economic challenges in the U.S. media marketplace,” AJAM CEO Al Anstey was quoted as saying in an AJAM report. “I know the closure of AJAM will be a massive disappointment for everyone here who has worked tirelessly for our long-term future,” Anstey wrote in an email to staffers. AJAM came into being after Al Jazeera Network bought out Current TV. Over the past three years, they've done some really great investigative reports, but could never seem to gain traction. In my area, it took forever for them to even be added to the cable lineup and when they were, they were dropped down to the low fidelity band near C-SPAN. Contrast that with the extreme right-wing One America Network, which Verizon FIOS placed right next to CNN and MSNBC, just behind Newsmax TV. You'd think perhaps there's a conspiracy, but maybe it's just simple economics.
12 Jan 14:40

One-Punch Man Ranks #3 on U.S. Monthly Bookscan December List


"Adult graphic novels" so the 1 and 2 spots go to The Walking Dead

3 volumes of One-Punch Man, 4 volumes of Tokyo Ghoul rank
11 Jan 21:49

"Fairy Tail" and "Hajime No Ippo" Characters Crossover in Mobile Game Collaboration


Through February 5th, the Fairy Tail wizards are getting in the ring with the boxers of Hajima No Ippo thanks to a Taito social RPG collaboration between Brave Guild and The Champions. Fairy Tail players can get an SSR boxing Natsu for clearing 10 Ippo missions and logging in for 10 days, then a UR Erza for clearing 20 missions and logging in for 14 days. 


The Champions players can get an SR Volg for clearing the tutorial, UR Takamura Mamoru for getting level 10 in Fairy Tail, Miyata for level 20 and Ippo for level 30.



via Dengeki Online


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

07 Jan 19:45

Legend of the Galactic Heroes Side Story Audiobook Reunites Original Cast


I may have forgotten about the part where Production IG is planning a new anime for 2017

Julian no Iserlohn Nikki audiobook was released on January 2
05 Jan 14:54

Trump's TV Ad Gets A 'Pants On Fire' From Politifact

by Karoli

Donald Trump's scary television ad is an incredible mixture of fiction and horror movie. Featuring throngs of people pushing through a border, the voice-over features the ubiquitous scary voice talking about Mexicans pushing their way into the United States.

Politifact gives it a "pants on fire" rating, which is the default for all things Trump.

About halfway through the ad, a narrator says of Trump, "He'll stop illegal immigration by building a wall on our southern border that Mexico will pay for." Video footage shows dozens of people streaming across the border, as if they were ants fleeing an anthill.

The clear suggestion is that the footage is of the "southern border" between the United States and Mexico. But it’s not -- it’s 5,000 miles away, in a small Spanish enclave on the mainland of Morocco.

PolitiFact was able to trace the footage back to the Italian television network RepubblicaTV. On May 3, 2014, the network posted footage of Moroccans crossing the border into Melilla, one of two enclaves on the Moroccan coast that are held by Spain. Migrants who cross the border there are essentially entering territory held by a European Union nation, even though they are still on the African continent. (It can also be seen posted by a YouTube user here.)

read more

05 Jan 14:53

Ammon Bundy Hates Government Unless It Gives Him Money

by Karoli

This is right up there with "if only I got my government check for the month, then I too would be out there protesting against the government"

Ammon Bundy Hates Government Unless It Gives Him Money

These right wingers are so ridiculous about their hatred for government. This is Ammon Bundy in a nutshell: Bundy hates government when they stand in the way of what he wants to do, and he loves government when they pave the way for what he wants to do.

Mother Jones:

Ammon Bundy runs a Phoenix-based company called Valet Fleet Services LLC, which specializes in repairing and maintaining fleets of semitrucks throughout Arizona. On April 15, 2010—Tax Day, as it happens—Bundy's business borrowed $530,000 through a Small Business Administration loan guarantee program. The available public record does not indicate what the loan was used for or whether it was repaid. The SBA website notes that this loan guarantee was issued under a program "to aid small businesses which are unable to obtain financing in the private credit marketplace." The government estimated that this subsidy could cost taxpayers $22,419. Bundy did not respond to an email request for comment about the SBA loan.

So there you go. Ammon Bundy is unafraid to take from the government while he stands up there and complains about obeying the laws of that very same government.

05 Jan 14:51

Bill O'Reilly Announces That He Will "Tweet More" This Election Cycle To Combat "Anti-Fox Propaganda"


By this he means pay someone to be a Twitter dot com reader and dictation-taker, I presume

From the January 4 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

BILL O'REILLY (HOST): And finally tonight, the Factor tip of the day. As many of you know, I am not a big fan of high tech. Mostly because I can't work it. Drives me nuts. These machines drive me crazy, and they conspire against me. But also because I see so many people addicted to the devices, right? Their lives totally revolve around the machines. Not good. However, this year, I'm going to have to tweet more. Going to have to, because it's good way to message. And in this age of anti-Fox propaganda, I need to do it.


Fox's Varney And O'Reilly Lash Out At "Hate Site"Media Matters

Returning To Their Roots, Conservatives Take Comfort In 'Liberal Media Bias' Debate Charge

04 Jan 15:54

Hand-Crafted "Golgo 13" Leather Wallets Available for Pre-order



A special website is offering an unusual character good: limited edition, hand-crafted, carved leather wallets based on Duke Togo (aka Golgo 13) the stony-faced assassin of Takao Saito's long-running Golgo 13 seinen manga. The wallets feature a carving of the Golgo 13 logo with its famous skeleton wearing a crown of thorns.





Each wallet is hand-made and retails for 140,400 yen ($1178.82 US) including tax. The release run for these luxury goods is limited to only 120 wallets total, and since each wallet is crafted individually, there is a turn-around time of up to 10 months after placing an order.



Golgo 13 began serialization in 1968 in Shogakukan's Big Comic seinen manga magazine, making it one of the longest running manga series that is still currently being published.


Source: Comic Natalie via My Game News Flash


Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.

03 Jan 18:48

GME! Anime Fun Time Episode #16 – One Punch Man

by gooberzilla


It’s a new year, and what better way to celebrate than with a comprehensive review that barely scratches the surface of the wonders of One Punch Man?

CLICK HERE or on the image above to download our review of the 2015 anime TV series (with bonus manga discussion), featuring Daryl Surat of Anime World Order, regular co-host Tom Pandich, and special guest host Ruth Gwaltney.

We talk about humor, narrative structure, and what it takes to be a hero in this modern world.


visual_01Don’t let Saitama’s try-hard appearance in the first key visual dissuade you. One Punch Man is primarily a comedy.

30 Dec 22:55

While discussing STAR WARS fans...


28 Dec 23:09

Crunchyroll to Stream "LUPIN THE 3rd PART4" Anime


Crunchyroll is kicking off its winter 2016 anime plans with LUPIN THE 3rd PART4. The episodes that have already aired will be available when the simulcast kicks off on January 7 at 11:30am Pacific Time. 


LUPIN THE 3rd PART4 will be available to Crunchyroll members in the United States, Canada, Central and South America, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.




A beloved classic franchise, LUPIN THE 3rd PART4 will be the first full-fledged Lupin the 3rd television series to air since 1984, when Lupin the 3rd Part 3 aired. The new story takes place in Italy and San Marino, and features a blue-jacketed Lupin in his 20’s. Lupin the 3rd follows the escapades and adventures of master thief Arsene Lupin III, a brilliant thief who has been able to carry off heists no one ever thought possible. Although he has been arrested and jailed on multiple occasions, he has always managed to escape.



Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his new webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS, every Thursday at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.

18 Dec 14:02

VIDEO: Teaser for "Chinyuuki" Live-Action Film Adaptation Starring Kenichi Matsuyama


Shigeru Chiba hype man narration plus slam on the live-action Attack on Titan movies I didn't watch

The official website for the upcoming live-action film adaptation of Man Gataro's Chinyuuki: Taro To Yukaina Nakama Tachi shonen gag manga today posted its first 30-second teaser introducing 30-year-old actor Kenichi Matsuyama, known as L in Death Note and Soichi Negishi/Johannes Krauser II in Detroit Metal City, as the protagonist Taro Yamada with his head bald. The video is narrated by 61-year-old veteran voice actor Shigeru Chiba, famous for his shouting narration works for The Fist of the North Star anime series.


The manga author added his comment to the teaser: "Though I told them to make it the worst stupid film in history, why did they make such an interesting film? Idiot!! Bring the director of the xxxxx on Titan films for reshoot!!!"


The Yudai Yamaguchi-dirtected film will be distributed by Toei from February 27, 2016.








チラシ先行公開! #映画珍遊記

— 映画 珍遊記 (@chinyuuki_movie) December 17, 2015



Source: "Chinyuuki" Live-action film official website 


© Man Gataro/Shueisha, "Chinyuki" Production Comittee


16 Dec 14:00

Fox's Sean Hannity To Sen. Rand Paul: "I'm Not So Sure If I Agree With All The Geneva Conventions"

From the December 16 special edition of Fox News' Hannity:

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): I'm all for going after as many records as we can get of terrorists. I just ask that it be done in an individualized fashion where you put a person's name on a warrant and you say "we have suspicion they did X" and then you get a judge to sign it. I'm just not for sweeping things. Donald Trump's talking about closing down the Internet. To close the Internet would violate the Constitution and would specifically violate the First Amendment. So I think when he says these outlandish things, someone needs to call him on it, so I was glad I did.


PAUL: He says other things like "well we should kill the terrorists' families." So we're going to kill like their 2-year-old kids, their 4-year-old kids? And the thing is that to kill bystanders and non-combatants goes against what America stands for --

HANNITY: Well let me ask you this --

PAUL: -- and goes against the the Geneva Convention.

HANNITY: There was an exec -- I'm not so sure if I agree with all the Geneva Conventions and whether or not other countries follow those rules. There's a separate debate. But there's an executive order, I believe President Ford at the time that prohibits the assassination of foreign leaders. I think if we got an opportunity to take out an evil foreign leader, that we'd be wise to do so.


Fox's Krauthammer: Trump's Plan To Kill Relatives Of Terrorists Is "An Unbelievably Irresponsible, Semi-Insane Policy"

O'Reilly Downplays Trump's Plan To Kill Relatives Of Terrorists As Merely Political "Theater"

Conservative Media's Celebration Of Torture

11 Dec 03:55

How Cable News Covered Planned Parenthood Shooter Admitting "I'm Guilty"

Fox News and CNN virtually ignored reports that alleged Planned Parenthood shooter Robert L. Dear admitted "I'm guilty," and said "I'm a warrior for the babies" during his first courtroom appearance, where he is charged with killing three and wounding nine. A Media Matters analysis of MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News determined that Fox spent just 30 seconds covering Dear's statements--after leading the charge in frequently airing the phrase "baby parts," that the shooter reportedly used. CNN devoted less than 3 minutes of coverage to Dear's statements, while MSNBC spent over 21 minutes noting his admission of guilt and claim that he is "a warrior for the babies."

Alleged Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shooter Admits "I'm Guilty. There's No Trial...I'm A Warrior For The Babies" In First Court Appearance.

New York Times: Suspect in Colorado Planned Parenthood Rampage Declares "I'm Guilty'...'I'm A Warrior For The Babies" in Court. The New York Times reported on December 9 that Robert Dear, the accused shooter in the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood mass shooting, stated "I'm guilty. There's no trial... I'm a warrior for the babies" during his first court appearance. The New York Times additionally reported that Dear faces "179 felony counts, including first-degree murder, in the Nov. 27 shooting that killed three people and wounded nine." [The New York Times, 12/9/15]

AP: Prior To Attack, Accused Shooter "Asked At Least One Person..."For Directions" To Planned Parenthood Facility. On December 8, the Associated Press reported that according to law enforcement officials, prior attacking the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility Dear "asked at least one person in a nearby shopping center for directions to the facility before opening fire." The AP concluded this was the "clearest suggestion yet that he was targeting" the Planned Parenthood facility. [Associated Press, 12/8/15]

Shooting Suspect Reportedly Said "No More Baby Parts' In Reference To Planned Parenthood" During Questioning. On November 28, NBC News reported that Dear reportedly said "'no more baby parts' in reference to Planned Parenthood" during questioning, according to two law enforcement sources:

The day after a gunman killed three people and shot nine others at a Colorado Planned Parenthood office, officials tell NBC News a motive remains unclear, but say the suspect talked about politics and abortion.

Robert Lewis Dear, a North Carolina native who was living in a trailer in Colorado, made statements to police Friday at the scene of the Colorado Springs clinic and in interviews that law enforcement sources described as rantings.

In one statement, made after the suspect was taken in for questioning, Dear said "no more baby parts" in reference to Planned Parenthood, two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the case told NBC News. [NBC News, 11/28/15]

Fox News And CNN Virtually Ignored The Alleged Shooter's Admission Of Guilt And Court Statement That He Is "A Warrior For The Babies," While MSNBC Devoted Over 20 Minutes Of Coverage

How News Covers Guilt - Warrior For The Babies
Fox Devoted Just 30 Seconds To Coverage Of Dear's Court Statements.
Fox News spent just 30 seconds covering reports that Dear stated "I'm guilty. There's no trial ... I'm a warrior for babies" during his first court appearance, between 4 PM and 11 PM on December 9.

CNN Largely Ignored Robert Dear's Statements, Providing Just Over Two And A Half Minutes Of Coverage Across Seven Hours. CNN discussed Dear's statements for a total of two minutes and thirty-one seconds between 4 PM and 11 PM on December 9.

MSNBC Led Coverage, Providing Over 21 Minutes Of Discussion On Robert Dear's Statements. MSNBC discussed Dear's statements for 21 minutes and 25 seconds, over 13 separate segments, mentions or teases between 4 PM and 11 PM on December 9. 

Leading Up To The Attack, Fox News Led The Charge Among Cable News Networks In Frequently Airing The Phrases "Baby Parts" And "Parts Of Babies"

Cable News Networks Aired The Phrase "Baby Parts" Or "Parts Of Babies" 119 Times Between The Release Of The First CMP Video And The Attack On Planned Parenthood. In the time period between July 14, the date the first deceptively-edited Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video was released, and November 26, the day before the attack on the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Fox Business and CNBC aired the phrase "baby parts" or "parts of babies" 119 times. [Media Matters, 12/2/15]

Fox News Aired The Phrase "Baby Parts" Or "Parts Of Babies" More Than Any Other Cable News Network. Of the 119 mentions of the phrase "baby parts" or "parts of babies" across the cable news networks, Fox News led the field with 72 mentions spread out across 14 separate shows. Sean Hannity's show Hannity aired the most mentions of any program. Fox Business Network mentioned "baby parts" or "parts of babies" an additional 11 times. [Media Matters, 12/2/15]

"Baby Parts" And "Parts Of Babies" Phrases Were Aired On Other Cable News Networks 47 Times. Outside of Fox News, the other major cable networks aired the phrases "baby parts" and "parts of babies" 47 times. CNN aired the second most mentions of the phrases, with 28 mentions, most of them stemming from CNN's three hour long morning show New Day. Fox Business aired 11 mentions, MSNBC aired six, and CNBC aired two mentions of either phrase. [Media Matters, 12/2/15]

Anti-Abortion Activist Most Prevalent In Use Of Term "Baby Parts." Among individuals who used the phrases "baby parts" or "parts of babies" on cable news networks, CMP's founder David Daleiden -- the person behind the deceptive videos -- used the terms the most often. Daleiden appeared on CNN once and on Fox News five separate times, and used the term "baby parts" a total of 12 times. CNN's Chris Cuomo used the term the second-most frequently with nine mentions during CNN's New Day. CNN political commentator Ben Ferguson used the terminology six times, as did Fox Business host Stuart Varney. [Media Matters, 12/2/15]

Following The Attack, Fox News Repeatedly Denied That Anti-Choice Rhetoric Could Have Motivated Shooter, And Argued Planned Parenthood "Deserves Much Of The Harsh Criticism Directed Towards It"

Sean Hannity: Anti-Choice Rhetoric Should Not Be Blamed For Shooting Because "Pro-Life By Its Very Name Means You Are Pro-Life." During the November 30 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show, host Sean Hannity denied that "negative, hateful speech" is to blame for the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, claiming that it would be inappropriate to "blame a lunatic who goes out there on a crime spree" because "pro-life by its very name means you are pro-life":

SEAN HANNITY: While I was away, of course, we had this horrible shooting at this Planned Parenthood clinic. And if you believe the liberal media, this is all because of conservatives. Negative, hateful speech allowed this to happen. That's what the headline is in the New York Daily News today.


How do you blame a lunatic who goes out there on a crime spree and blame people that are pro-life for what this lunatic does? Pro-life by its very name means you are pro-life. You don't go around taking the lives of innocent people. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Sean Hannity Show, 11/30/15]

Bill O'Reilly: "Planned Parenthood Is In The Baby Body Parts Business, And Deserves Much Of The Harsh Criticism Directed Toward It." In the November 30 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly denied that "harsh criticism" of Planned Parenthood played a role in the shooting, citing the repeatedly-debunked claim that Planned Parenthood "is in the baby body parts business" to argue that the organization "deserves much of the harsh criticism directed toward it":

BILL O'REILLY: Planned Parenthood is in the baby body parts business, and deserves much of the harsh criticism directed toward it. The situation is reminiscent of the assassination in 2009 of Dr. George Tiller, a late term abortionist in Kansas. For $5,000 Tiller would terminate any pregnancy for any reason. He was nicknamed "Tiller the Baby Killer" by organizations who objected to his grizzly practice. I reported extensively on Tiller, and after he was assassinated by a named Scott Roeder, some far-left loons blamed me. The truth is, I reported accurately on Tiller, whose assistant was stripped of her medical license after the assassination. By the way, Roeder was given life in prison, a well-deserved sentence. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 11/30/15]

Fox's Andrea Tantaros: Violence Against Abortion Providers Not Systemic, Just "A Kook Here" And A "Kooky Pastor There." In a December 1 segment from The O'Reilly Factor, Fox's Andrea Tantaros disagreed with GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson who admitted there were "some pro-lifers who will say things like 'I can understand why someone might come into an abortion clinic and shoot it up,'" a sentiment he said was "over the top." In response, Tantaros asserted that the "guy who shot at the Planned Parenthood center" was merely "a kook," that anti-choice groups were largely peaceful, and that violence was just "a kook here" or "a kooky pastor there" (emphasis added):

BILL O'REILLY (HOST): There's a difference between very afraid and talking about violence. I don't know if Dr. Carson was in good territory there unless he can name people. Because if he said it to me I would have said give me a couple names, doctor, because what you are doing is demonizing a pro-life movement that is generally peaceful and has been for decades.

ANDREA TANTAROS: Bill, I think this was very foolish of him. The pro-life movement is driven to persuade. Their rhetoric is based on reality, on cold hard truth.

O'REILLY: There are kooks. There are people who go over the line.

TANTAROS: That's true. There is a kook here and there kooky pastor here and there. There is a guy who shot at the Planned Parenthood center. But, the pro-life movement has been peaceful.They lobby for legislation to educate. And you know what they tweak the conscience of Americans and it's working as you know, because polls don't support late term abortions.

O'REILLY: Overwhelmingly, I think Leslie would agree, the pro-life lobby has conducted itself in a very professional manner. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 12/1/15]

Fox Host Decried Planned Parenthood For "Politicizing" Deadly Clinic Shooting. On the November 30 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends First, co-host Heather Childers denounced Planned Parenthood for supposedly "politicizing tragedy," following reports that the alleged shooter had used the phrase "no more baby parts" in remarks made to police officers after he was taken into custody:

HEATHER CHILDERS (HOST): Politicizing tragedy, Planned Parenthood blaming GOP rhetoric for the deadly shooting. And now Republican presidential candidates are firing back.


JAMES ROSEN: The suspected gunman in the Planned Parenthood shootings is reported to have used the phrase "no more baby parts" when discussing his motivations for the attack, has given rise to competing charges from left and right about the climate surrounding the broader abortion debate and which side may be abusing the right of free speech. [Fox News, Fox & Friends First, 11/30/15]


Media Matters searched Nexis and internal video archives to analyze news coverage of the alleged shooter Robert Dear's statements on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, using the search terms "warrior for the babies" OR "planned parenthood" OR "Colorado shoot!" OR "wanted to seal" OR "protect the babies" OR "I am guilty" OR "there is no trial" from 4 P.M. EST through 11:00 P.M. EST on December 9. Media Matters did not include reruns in the time count of coverage.