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05 Jul 13:57

2003 was a great year for music. that has nothing to do with this comic but i just - i just needed to tell someone

Ernie Dixon

Oh Harry.

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← previous July 4th, 2013 next

July 4th, 2013: Adventure Time Vol. 3 is out! I wrote this book. It has lots of awesome comics in it! I recommend you read it and hope that you enjoy the experience!

secretly, it was the final art all along

One year ago today: i mean it's... non-fiction future history??

– Ryan

22 Mar 13:30

Adventures in Housesitting

by nedroid

Adventures in Housesitting

22 Mar 13:29

Hark, a Vagrant: Anne of Cleves

Yes, this is a comic that is basically a giant pun. But I couldn't not draw it when I thought of it.


I probably should not assume that everyone either knows about Anne of Cleves' Holbein portrait or has read Anne of Green Gables but here we are. Anyway, everyone knows that Anne of Cleves was the raddest of Henry's wives, divorced and living in her party castle. Go Anne! Keep that head, gurl.

15 Mar 18:59

Scandal of the Century

by nedroid

Scandal of the Century