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13 Aug 18:45

Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez-les !

by Geoffrey Dorne

Hello icon smile Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez les !

Aujourd’hui on mélange culture et culture… celle des livres et celles des plantes ! Nous lisons des livres depuis notre enfance et jusqu’à aujourd’hui, nous en avons tous une collection plus ou moins importante. Parfois, horreur, certains sont même tentés de jeter des livres (sacrilège à mes yeux!). C’est pour cela que « Gardenkultur » a été inventé et nous enseigne une façon très créative d’utiliser nos vieux livres.

gard2 Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez les !

Les vieux livres peuvent réellement être recyclés comme des supports / pots pour des plantes. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est un livre à couverture rigide ou d’un vieux roman et de mettre les graines de votre choix dans une section évidée de votre vieux livre cartonné. Entre la technique de décoration et l’environnement agréable pour la terre de la plante, vous continuerez à vous cultiver… mais différemment icon wink Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez les !

Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez-les !

old1 Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez les !

Vous avez sûrement un vieux livre de « Photoshop 7″ ou « Le Cobol pour les Nuls »… Allez, je suis sûr que vous aurez certainement envie de faire un petit essai après avoir vu ces photos icon wink Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez les !

sourceCes articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:

Ne jetez jamais vos livres, plantez-les ! est publié originellement sur le blog de graphisme & design : Graphisme et interactivité blog par Geoffrey Dorne

21 May 20:22

Sand Paintings by Andres Amador

by Camille

Voici l’artiste Andres Amador, qui imagine de magnifiques oeuvres pas comme les autres : des peintures de sable. L’artiste utilise les zones vierges de la plage en guise de toile et un râteau pour créer chacune de ces œuvres. L’artiste utilise les plages du monde entier, et s’inspire directement des dons de la nature.

Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 5 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 2 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 7 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 1 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 8 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 6 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 4 Sand Paintings by Andres Amador 3

28 Apr 06:55


31 Mar 07:57

Surveillance now cuter than ever, CCTV camera animals

Surveillance now cuter than ever, CCTV camera animals

31 Mar 07:15

Iconic Bands Recreated in LEGO

by Donnia

L’amateur de la marque Lego, basé en Malaisie, Adly Syairi Ramly a présenté une série de 20 miniatures Lego qui ont été refaits selon des groupes de musiques légendaires : The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill, Joy Division et Foo Fighters, les 20 groupes très réussis sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

lego-iconic-bands-20 lego-iconic-bands-19 lego-iconic-bands-18 lego-iconic-bands-17 lego-iconic-bands-16 lego-iconic-bands-15 lego-iconic-bands-14 lego-iconic-bands-13 lego-iconic-bands-12 lego-iconic-bands-11 lego-iconic-bands-08 lego-iconic-bands-07 lego-iconic-bands-02 lego-iconic-bands-06 lego-iconic-bands-05 lego-iconic-bands-04 lego-iconic-bands-03 lego-iconic-bands-01 lego-iconic-bands-0bis lego-iconic-bands-0
26 Feb 10:49


This image stays roughly in sync with the day (assuming the Earth continues spinning). Shortcut:
07 Jan 15:48

One Family Photo Each Year from 1991 to 2012

by Baptiste

Le photographe Zed Nelson a eu l’excellente idée de demander en 1991 à l’un de ses amis s’il pouvait le photographier avec sa femme et son nouveau-né, et ainsi répéter l’opération tous les ans. Le résultat, appelé The Family, nous montre 24 clichés, preuves du temps qui passe, de l’enfant qui grandit et devient homme.

Family Picture per Year-20 Family Picture per Year-19 Family Picture per Year-18 Family Picture per Year-17 Family Picture per Year-16 Family Picture per Year-15 Family Picture per Year-14 Family Picture per Year-13 Family Picture per Year-12 Family Picture per Year-11 Family Picture per Year-10 Family Picture per Year-9 Family Picture per Year-8 Family Picture per Year-7 Family Picture per Year-6 Family Picture per Year-5 Family Picture per Year-4 Family Picture per Year-3 Family Picture per Year-2 Family Picture per Year-1
24 Dec 08:33

Best science images of 2013

23 Dec 14:19

Lundi, j'ai piscine

by Marion



_Etude en anglais sur l'indifférence des enfants face à un père noeël (à noter que plus on s'approche de Noël moins les enfants sont indifférents)
Article sur les penchants alcooliques de James Bond
_ petite définition de l'instabilité de Plateau-Rayleigh, tapez ce mot dans youtube, vous pourrez regarder des robinets goutter au ralenti. c'est beau.
_Article pour vous les hommes, ou "comment uriner sans éclabousser". Vidéo à l'appui et à montrer à belle maman au réveillon.


23 Dec 13:31

Mario Magnetic Board

by Starrley

The boxes are made of printed cardstock, and each one has a magnet. There is metal behind the background so that the magnets will stick. It’s an awesome idea!


05 Dec 17:13

Little heroes, Alberto Varanda

Alberto Varanda |

Alberto Varanda |

Alberto Varanda |

Alberto Varanda |

Little heroes, Alberto Varanda

21 Nov 10:13

Le doigt et la lune

by Agnès Giard
Avons-nous raison de penser que la censure est une bonne chose ? Sous prétexte qu'il faut protéger les personnes vulnérables qui pourraient être traumatisées par la confrontation avec des idées ou des images jugées blessantes, nous avons mis en place...
20 Nov 14:16

Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display

by Baptiste

inFORM est un dispositif impressionnant pensé par le groupe de recherche The Tangible Media Group permettant de créer une interaction du digital avec le monde environnant, permettant par exemple de faire bouger un objet à distance. Une création absolument époustouflante à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display7 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display6 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display5 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display3 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display2 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display1 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display4 Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display8
14 Nov 17:14

A year of parenting, Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

A year of parenting, Grant Snider

02 Nov 20:13

Our Favorite Coffee Gear

by Shane Roberts on Gizmodo, shared by Shane Roberts to Lifehacker

Our Favorite Coffee Gear

Good coffee tastes amazing, can be a great comfort, and is fun and easy to make well with the right tools. Coffee is also good for you, having been shown to make you smarter, help you lose weight, keep you alive longer and kickstart your exercise routine. Today we're going to knock down coffee's barrier to entry by telling you exactly which gear you need to get your hands on for a great brew.



30 Sep 18:53

Costume ideas

28 Sep 12:54

Clean job

28 Sep 12:43

Foreign Fields

by Kyle

folk // ambient

Eric Hillman and Brian Holl author Foreign Fields simulating an escape within the grace of enthralling novels. Delicate trembles near calm rolling thunder are sung while immersed in ambient wonder on paths lit from acoustic guitar before being swept off feet by flourishing strings confessing secrets to a hopelessly romantic piano. Anywhere But Where I Am and the striking live set Tuscaloosa turn pages of intimate harmonies lending me free.

Conjures inner odyssey.
Foreign Fields – Mountaintop
Foreign Fields – Anywhere But Where I Am
+ Purchase/Visit

22 Aug 18:36

Fleeted Photography

by Solene

Le photographe géorgien Andrew Lyman présente sa série “Fleeted Happenings”. Des clichés pris en double exposition où l’on voit se dessiner furtivement dans le paysage, la forme de corps illuminés. Un superbe travail poétique à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.








f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f
22 Aug 18:30

Amazing Beach Calligraphy

by Baptiste

Focus sur Andrew Van Der Merwe, un artiste basé en Afrique du Sud qui propose de magnifiques créations calligraphiques qu’il compose sur la plage. De véritables œuvres d’art éphémères à découvrir en images suivie d’une brève vidéo explicative sur son travail dans la suite de l’article.

Amazing Beach Calligraphy5 Amazing Beach Calligraphy4a Amazing Beach Calligraphy4 Amazing Beach Calligraphy3 Amazing Beach Calligraphy Amazing Beach Calligraphy1
30 Jul 09:23

MarkdownPad Renders Markdown in Real Time, Exports Clean HTML

by Shep McAllister

MarkdownPad Renders Markdown in Real Time, Exports Clean HTML

Windows: Markdown is an awesome formatting language that lets you create rich documents using plain text syntax, and MarkdownPad puts it to great use Windows.



30 Jul 08:42

Portitle Finds and Aggregates All the Movie Info You Could Ever Need

by Shep McAllister

Portitle Finds and Aggregates All the Movie Info You Could Ever Need

Windows/Chrome: When you're trying to find a movie to watch, you might want to look it up on IMDB, then read about it on Wikipedia, then try to find a place to watch it. Portitle puts all of this info in one place, and is accessible from your right click menu.



20 Jul 17:35

A few tricks about public speaking and stage technology

by Chris Heilmann

Preparing for my upcoming workshops on public speaking for Mozillians, I just collected a few tips and tricks when being on stage and thought it might be fun to share them here.

Speaking at beyond tellerand

Stage attire/clothing

You will read a lot of things by clever people about “dressing better than the audience to give you a position of authority” and other – possibly true in some environments but so not in all – tips and tricks, but here are some things I found work very well for me:

  • Take off your lanyard/badge – it’ll reflect in the light of a stage and look odd on photos. Furthermore, if you use a lapel mic the lanyard will keep banging against it making clicking sounds or muffling your recording. I tend to put my name tag on my hip, threading the lanyard as a loop through the hoops of my trousers (I know, not possible when you wear a dress – just take the badge off before you get mic-ed up).
  • Provide a space to clip the mic to – this is why button down shirts and polos are better than T-Shirts. You can clip the mic on them without having to thread the cable through the whole shirt, out of the neck and back to the middle of your chest where it should be
  • Avoid stripes or loud patterns – they take away people’s attention to a degree but more importantly look terrible on photos and video as they cause a Moiré pattern effect. A great example of that is the Hugo Boss site, where it is impossible to see the texture of some shirts even in zoom because of this effect.
  • Dark is good – you will probably sweat on stage, either because of the heat from the lamps or because you are nervous. Dark shirts don’t show sweat stains. Remember Developers, Developers, Developers? The other way to deal with this is to wear a hoodie/jacket/blazer to cover up
  • Keep a bit of space – very tight fitting clothing might show your perfect figure but it can also be distracting or in the case of largely built men intimidating. This is not a date, you are here to deliver some great content.
  • Empty your pockets – you will need them to put the wireless transmitter of the lapel mic, it looks better to have no unsightly bulges and there won’t be the sound of clinking coins or keys in your pocket.
  • Leave your mobile behind – a call or message during your talk can really change the flow of your talk. Furthermore, the buzz of the phone trying to find a connection will be audible on your microphone. An exception to this is of course when you want to show stuff on the phone or bring it up as a surprise. Even then turn it into flight mode. Some people also use the phone and alarms to tell them when there is only 10 minutes left in your talk. That could cause issues with the audio, too, so leave that to a friend in the audience or ask the organisers to have a clock on stage.

Audio equipment/microphones

In some rooms you can make do without a microphone at all, but that is not always the case and you need to be a trained speaker to be loud but not detrimental to your vocal cords. Here are some things to be aware of when it comes to microphone technology:

  • Wireless lapel microphones – these are awesome and by far my favourite. As mentioned earlier, make sure they don’t end up next to anything that could cause click sounds, like buttons, tie-clips or your lanyard. Other than that, having those is the best thing you can get as they give you the most mobility on stage and are very simple to put on and take off. Try to get mic-ed up as soon as possible, as wiring them under your shirt is a bit intrusive and you might want to check your looks afterwards again (if that is important to you). Make sure they are muted when you are not on stage yet and that you turn them on just before. As my colleague Robert Nyman put it “You just don’t know what weird sounds your body is capable of until you get wired up”. Also you don’t want conversations you have with people before your talk be transmitted or recorded (well other than by the NSA)
  • Behind the ear microphones – these are a bit trickier, but yield very good sound results. Make sure that the mic doesn’t scratch against your beard stubbles, do not wear large ear-rings that might clink against them and take off your glasses, put the mic on and then put the glasses on top of them. I always found these microphones to be not really comfortable as they can cut into the back of your ear and limit your head movement a bit. Be aware of that.
  • Handheld microphones – these seem intrusive as one of your hands needs always to be close to your mouth and effectively covering your chest – thus not allowing for large, inviting open gestures with both arms – but they can be great. If you are not too comfortable a speaker yet, they are something to hold onto on stage and keep your hands from randomly moving around or shaking. Also, they just work without people having to fiddle with your hair, glasses or other attire.

As a strong rule of thumb – show love to the audio folk of the venue you speak at. They know their stuff and it is up to them for you to be audible by the audience. Follow their advice and make their life easier and you’ll give a great talk.

Available stage tech

Last but not least, here are some things on technology available for you on stage.

  • Bring your own power cables and adapters – not every venue or conference is equipped with all the things you need
  • Do not expect audio or video playback to be available – many a time I saw speakers building up to “a great video” just to be forced to show a blank rectangle or something without sound
  • You will be offline – just give up on the promise of connectivity on stage. A good speaker does not need it and there is nothing more discouraging than seeing someone who is there to inspire you about the awesomeness of cloud services struggling with the wireless crapping out
  • Plan for low resolution – 1024*768 at 60hz is normally possible, higher, not so much. So plan your demos and slides to be readable and usable on that resolution
  • Bring your own remote/clicker – these are awesome. First of all it means you will not be glued to and hidden behind your computer. Secondly you have something in your hand (see handheld microphone above for the benefits of that). Thirdly they have laser pointers which is great to get rid of stray cats that may enter the stage

Hope that was helpful, there is more to come :)

Photo by Andreas Dantz

20 Jul 14:40


Ces phrases que l'on dit, qu'on entend, que l'on répète parfois, juste parce qu'elles imprègnent si profondément notre inconscient que beaucoup de gens sont déçus lorsqu'ils se trouvent face à la réalité amoureuse. L'Amour est aveugle : cette phrase absurde (serait-ce merveilleux, un sentiment[...]