Shared posts

03 Jun 16:10

Daaayyummm Gurrl!!!

03 Jun 14:15

More Game of Thrones Characters As Bad 90's Stereotypes

by Patricia Hernandez

More Game of Thrones Characters As Bad 90's Stereotypes

Last time around, we showed you what some Game of Thrones stars would look like in stereotypical 90's fashion. The artist, Mike Wrobel, has returned with some more characters in this style. Excellent.

Of course I would think this is excellent, since this batch includes two of my favorite characters. But, c'mon, Brienne as a football player totally fits.

Anyway, here they are—enjoy:

More Game of Thrones Characters As Bad 90's Stereotypes

More Game of Thrones Characters As Bad 90's Stereotypes

More Game of Thrones Characters As Bad 90's Stereotypes

GAME OF THRONES 80/90s ERA CHARACTERS (Part 3) [Moshi-kun via Laughing Squid]

03 Jun 13:40

Star Trek: The Wine is now a thing that exists

by Rob Bricken

I hopes D'Vines carries this.

Star Trek: The Wine is now a thing that exists

Behold three Star Trek-themed wines, dubbed "The City on the Edge of Forever," "Mirror Mirror" and "The Trouble with Tribbles." I'd make a crack about how the wines probably taste like Harlan Ellison's rage, Leonard Nimoy's goatee and furry flesh balls respectively, but I love it anytime someone combines nerdiness and booze.



31 May 18:46

Troll Gifting

31 May 17:23

Image of the day

by thebrainbehind

via shahirzag

31 May 17:08


31 May 14:57

Let This Be the Year of Maria Bamford

by Madeleine Davies


If you're unfamiliar with Maria Bamford, do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself immediately. The standup — who's been working in the business for decades — has a solid following among fellow comics (she's been on Louie and Marc Maron's WTF podcast) and hardcore comedy fans, yet her career has never quite taken off like those of her fellow Comedians of Comedy (Zach Galifianakis, Patton Oswalt and Brian Posehn). Hopefully, that's all about to change — Bamford has a new webseries in which she shows off her always remarkable character work and a major role in the new season of Arrested Development. Is it possible that we've entered the Age of Bamford? Could we be that lucky?



31 May 14:50

Where You’ve Seen Bob Benson, Er, James Wolk Before

by Stacy Lambe

Suddenly I am aweare of/rooting for Bob Benson. Would love it if Matthew Weiner decided to just fuck with everyone and make him Spiderman or something.


After this week’s episode of Mad Men, the Internet exploded with theories and ideas about Bob Benson’s true identity. The mysterious new character (portrayed by James Wolk) is suspected of being everyone from a government spy to the falling man from the opening credits. But what the Internet hasn’t been (or rather what it should be) asking is where we’ve seen him before.

Benson’s thighs were recently seen in the latest episode of Mad Men. (Why they took so long to make an appearance, we’ll never know.)


Benson’s torso made a pit stop in Chicago as Grant on Happy Endings.

james wolk shirtless 2

That’s where Benson also showed off his ticklish, furry pecs.


Oh, and he proved he was a good kisser.


Before he was in Chicago, Benson broadcasted his abs on Lone Star.


Benson’s broad shoulders (and again, his chest) made an appearance on Political Animals.

Screen Shot 2013-05-30 at 5.58.44 PM

Benson revealed he was a boxers guy on a brief visit to Shameless. (It must be in Benson’s contract that he appear shirtless in everything.)

james wolk shirtless shameless

So while we have to wait to find out just who Bob Benson really is, we know that this is one international man of mystery to keep our eyes on.

30 May 18:42

Hand Karate.

30 May 17:58

MSNBC Host Calls Men in Their Twenties Weak, Unmarriable Gamers

by Chris Person

In the middle of a dated metaphor about cavemen killing dinosaurs to make ends meet Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, called men in their twenties weak, unmarriable gamers.

Speaking on the topic of shifting gender roles and female breadwinners, Joe stated the following about my generation:

"Men in their twenties, who unfortunately I think are weak, and stay at home, and play videogames and are weak, weak, weak and unmarriable! They’re just...there are no good men out there! Other than my son and his friends."

Look, I’m not expecting miracles from cable TV pundits, particularly not Joe. But putting aside the generational differences for a second (You say my generation is ‘weak’, I say we’re ‘terminally unemployed and totally screwed’), we need to get beyond this idea of gaming as a weak or passive form of media. It’s not that what he’s saying is surprising, it's the carelessness with which that stereotype is used on a day-to-day basis by media across the board.

But of course, I’m sure Joe's sons are totally the exception.

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @papapishu

30 May 17:50

WATCH: Jane Lynch Finds Hilarious 70s Love Groove To Keep Church And State Separate

by Lester Brathwaite

@ Chelsea

The only funny lady fit to fill Bea Arthur’s legendary orthopedic loafers, Jane Lynch, and Jordan Peele of Comedy Central’s brilliant Key & Peele got in bed with Americans United for Separation of Church and State and started funking.

The result is the video “Epic Church-State Break Up” with Lynch portraying the Church half of a ’70s soul duo. And it’s kind of amazing.

The song was written for Lynch and Peele by singer-songwriter Faith Soloway and according to Americans United executive director Rev. Barry W. Lynn, “tackles a serious issue in a provocative and playful way,”

You can sign Americans United’s petition to keep church and state separarte here.

And you can enjoy Jane Lynch and Jordan Peele dry-humping here:

church-state-separateAwww yeeeeaaahhhhh. 

30 May 13:39

Today, Patrick Stewart Ate His First Slice of Pizza

by Joseph Ehrman-Dupre

Patrick stewart pizzaA momentous, and seemingly impossible, event occurred today in New York City: Patrick Stewart, the 72-year-old actor, ate his first ever slice of pizza.

Stewart tweeted:

 My first ever pizza "slice". Please note: the authentic NY fold. 

New York Magazine adds:

How is this possible?

We don't know. It is incomprehensible that a man - particularly one who has spent much of his adult life in New York and Los Angeles - could go 72 years without ever consuming a single slice of pizza. Stewart does emphasize the word slice in his tweet, so perhaps he's eaten plenty of whole pizzas. Still, though. You'd really have to go out of your way to pull that off.

Congratulations, Mr. Stewart. And here's to many, many more slices.   

29 May 20:07

The Bearcats Make Excellent Photobombs

The Bearcats Make Excellent Photobombs

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gif , photobomb , sports , funny , g rated , win
29 May 19:55

These....I need these....for reasons.

29 May 17:24

The Rock and The Pebble

29 May 17:20

Barcelona From Above [PIC]

29 May 16:28

"That" About Covers It

29 May 14:46


28 May 19:56

Arrested Arrested Development?

by Andrew Sullivan

What did you think, Skippy?

Todd VanDerWerff reviews the new season:

How much you like the fourth season of Arrested Development will depend on just how quickly you can accept that it’s a show that looks a lot like Arrested Development and shares most important elements in common with that show but is also another series entirely, something more like Mitch Hurwitz and the cast of that earlier show got together to make a bunch of loosely intersecting short films about the characters from the earlier project, each with its own tone and point-of-view. It’s an occasionally hilarious, sometimes boring, always bloated boondoggle of a project, and it’s the sort of thing that’s at once staggering in its ambition and hard to approach with anything like real affection. It is, in places, masterful. It is also, in other places, at once weirdly pleased with itself and too ready to hold the audience’s hand where that hand needn’t be held. It’s also very oddly directed and edited, though some of that just might stem from the project’s inability to get the whole cast in one place at one time, due to the actors’ other commitments.

I must confess to only getting around to the first three episodes. David Cross remains priceless. But I found the dialogue often subsumed by the music or mumbled; and the genius of some moments – like Buster inhaling his mother’s cigarette smoke to blow it out of the window – got bogged down in the tedious confusion of others. But if watching the first round of AD compulsively taught me anything, it’s that

the show is terrible until you watch it all. Any critique of the show based on an incomplete viewing is one you should ignore at all costs.

So I’ll withhold judgment until we’re satiated and can get all the jokes. Jace Lacob, meanwhile, pans the season:

Whereas the first three seasons were subtle, there is a decided lack of finesse here. Season 4 feels like an anvil being dropped on the heads of the viewers, one with a note attached that reads, “LOVE ME. PLEASE LOVE ME. LOVE ME,” all in caps. The humor feels broader and more overtly self-conscious. It trades far too easily on callbacks to the early seasons, a sort of unpleasant fan service that is depressing to watch.

Brian Merchant is on the same page:

[T]he new season of Arrested Development is not all that good. It’s just not. It’s still reasonably funny, and more interesting than most things on TV, but the frantic, diabolically plotted comedy of the 00s is MIA. Instead of ensemble madness we get plodding single character-led episodes, some of which—especially the Lindsay episodes—are downright tedious. And no one ever expected to associate Arrested Development with tedium—over-stimulation, maybe, schizophrenia, sure—but not boredom. I was actually bored watching some of these episodes.

28 May 19:45

Bryce Harper in His Underwear

28 May 18:43

cecilia paredes

by thebrainbehind

The wonderful art of cecilia paredes. Go get inspired here

28 May 18:38

Infinity Mirror Room

28 May 15:01

Daft Punk – Lose Yourself To Dance

by thebrainbehind

H/t Chelsea

Video by neonwiretv edited using footage from Soul Train. Great stuff. More daft punk here. My apologies for the crappy youtube ads

28 May 14:03

Love Hurts: A First Aid Kit for a Broken Heart

by John Farrier





Eventually, someone will break your heart. Don't wait until s/he has ripped it out of your chest and stomped on it before developing a contingency plan. Be prepared with Melanie Chernock's first aid kit. It contains chocolate, vodka, tissues, bubble bath, a candle and a music CD with appropriate songs.

Link -via Fubiz

28 May 13:54

This Week The Internet Went Crazy Over These Glitchy And Artistic GIFs

by Gergo Vas

The reveal of the Xbox One might have overshadowed content on the Internet this week, but that certainly wasn't the case for the craftiest of internet denizens who convert anything worthy into an animated GIF. Whether it's some sort of a video game glitch, like giant Spock's terrifying stare above, or a nice form of art, we sifted and sorted to grab the most popular ones for you.

Just as we did last time, it is time to round up some of the funniest and greatest animated GIFs that popped up during the week.

The game might be years old, but Grand Theft Auto IV, with the correct mods, is still an unlimited source of fun and place to defy gravity.

Horses of the Wild West in Red Dead Redemption need to chill out.

Pedro M Filho invites us for some heady GameBoy-Ception.

We featured the animated aftershock of the Xbox One reveal earlier, but this little fella explaining the console's name missed the round-up.

After some nice animated treatment to 3DS Pokémon covers from last week, the other generations also got theirs.

Could this scene possibly be the only part of Metro: Last Light that's not depressing?

Waywarddoodles has a really good idea of how to spend the weekend and test the strength of your friendships.

Bumped into a GIF during the week that is much better? Hit the comments and post them!

To contact the author of this post, write to

28 May 13:49

OC, experiment, Fractalius gif...

28 May 12:58

Videobomb like a king.

24 May 18:31

Homeless Teenage Girl Graduates as Valedictorian, Is a Total Badass

by Meher Ahmad


What was your excuse for not being valedictorian of your high school graduating class? Mine was Law & Order. Those weekday marathons sucked me in within minutes, and before I knew it, it was 11pm and all I had learned about human anatomy was what Detective Briscoe and the medical examiner had discussed over the dead body of a mobster. It wasn't the most conducive behavior to becoming top of my class.



24 May 17:54

Pilar Zeta

by thebrainbehind

The wonderful work of Pilar Zeta! Go get inspired here

24 May 17:27

Who disturbs my slumber?


Me, when woken up before 7am on a weekday.