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26 Jun 14:53

Polaroid SLR670m Camera

Polaroid stopped making the legendary SX-70 in 1981. Yet here it is over 30 years later, gaining new features for your photographic enjoyment. The Polaroid SLR670m Camera is an SX-70...

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26 Jun 14:20

Spotify update finally brings Android Wear support, now available on Google Play

by Chris Chavez


It was almost a month ago that Spotify announced their intentions to bring Android Wear support to their application in June. With only a few days left in the month, you may have been wondering where said update was. Earlier today, Spotify was updated on the Google Play Store and yes, it finally brings that smartwatch compatibility you’ve been craving.

It’s pretty straight forward, with the card along with album artwork and pause control only popping up on your smartwatch once you’ve started music playback on your phone. Swiping to the left will bring up the music controls (volume, skip/previous tracks). Swiping again will allow you to browse your music library or playlists, as well as play your saved stations of one of Spotify’s curated playlists. While you can dive into an artist or find a specific album, oddly enough selecting a song isn’t possible.

Another weird quirk is there doesn’t appear to be a way to launch the app from your smartwatch — either by voice or an icon in the Android Wear app drawer — so you’ll need to start it up first on your smartphone or tablet. We’re sure another update is already coming down the pipeline that will add this functionality at a later date, but for now, you can grab the update right now from the Google Play Store.

25 Jun 18:06

The Astros Are Good Now. What The Hell?

by Tom Ley

If you’re like a lot of sports fans, there’s a good chance that you are just now starting to pay attention to baseball. You’ve finally recovered from all those sleepless nights spent watching NBA playoff games, the world around you is starting to fall into a summer malaise, and you’re ready to spend the next few months eating only food that has been grilled and watching baseball. There’s probably a few things you need to get caught up on, and one of them may be a little shocking. Guess what? The Astros are good now.


25 Jun 14:56

PBS shelves 'Finding Your Roots' over Ben Affleck slave-owner ancestor flap

by Sandra Gonzalez

PBS has put Season 3 of its genealogy-themed program Finding Your Roots on the bench after an internal review found that the show violated its standards by omitting information about Ben Affleck's slave owner ancestor from a 2014 episode

The network's internal review, made public by PBS Tuesday, said the co-producers failed to "shield the creative and editorial process from improper influence" and failed to "inform PBS or WNET of Mr. Affleck’s efforts to affect program content."

As a result, PBS is delaying the premiere of Season 3, which had been set for late September, and postponing the order of a fourth season "until we are satisfied that the editorial standards of the series have been successfully raised to a level in which we can have confidence," according to a statement. Read more...

More about Television, Pbs, Entertainment, and Tv
25 Jun 14:18

Google is inviting you to test their new 16-camera virtual reality recording rig

by Quentyn Kennemer

google jump vr camera array

Google is creating an awesome camera array that features 16 GoPro shooters. Jump VR is what they call it, and as the name suggests it will allow film makers to capture their scenes in virtual reality goodness for use with VR headsets, YouTube’s 360-degree video feature and more.

And now they want people to help test it. If you’re a filmmaker of the serious (and creative) variety you can head right here to apply to test one of these bad boys. Google will ask for some basic information about where you live, who you are and what you intend to do with Jump VR.

If they like your proposal enough you may find yourself with an insane new camera rig to play with later this summer. If not? Well, Google will send you about updates about the progress of Jump VR, including (hopefully) eventual availability.

[via TechCrunch]

25 Jun 14:15

Make your Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge look like AOSP Material Design with this theme

by Quentyn Kennemer

galaxy s6 material theme

There are many people out there who aren’t fans of TouchWiz and were elated to hear Samsung might go with a stock-like design for the Samsung Galaxy S6’s user interface. Unfortunately that never came to pass, but that doesn’t mean you can get something close to the real deal.

One designer has finished a Material Design stock-looking theme for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, and it’s now available for free over at the Samsung Theme Store. What you’ll get is a theme that’ll make your phone resemble something like a Nexus thanks to new designs for the dialer, notification shade, icons and other system elements.

Samsung’s influence will still be quite prevalent throughout much of the user interface, naturally, but at least you can feel a bit more at home if you’ve been missing that AOSP look and feel. Be sure to head to the Samsung Theme Store on your phone and give it a try!

[via Google+]

25 Jun 14:14

T-Mobile’s JUMP! On-Demand lets you upgrade up to 3 times per year

by Quentyn Kennemer

T-Mobile logo DSC08666

Upgrading once every 2 years wasn’t enough. For some, upgrading yearly isn’t quite enough. And apparently once every 6 months has become a bit too restrictive, as well.

So now T-Mobile’s going a step further. The company has introduced JUMP On-Demand, the first in their string of announcements of improvements for existing Un-Carrier features.

JUMP On-Demand’s big benefit is that customers can upgrade up to 3 times per year, and there are no restrictions on when those upgrades occur. That means you don’t have to wait a minimum of six months, which is great for those who just have to get their hands on every big smartphone that launches in a year.

There are some other key things to keep in mind, too. For starters, the program no longer requires a $10 monthly fee, though this does mean you’ll no longer get insurance for your phone. You can add that insurance back for a lower fee (about $8 monthly) if you so choose.

John Legere

It’s also worth noting the phone is technically being leased to you and you don’t actually own it unless you pay for the device in full, though this was largely the same way it worked before. Here’s how T-Mobile explains it:

With Jump! On Demand, you make payments on your phone for 18 months. After 18 months, you can simply turn in your phone with nothing more to pay, or upgrade to your next new phone and start a new plan, or make a final payment and keep your phone.

If you keep your phone and make the final payment, the total of your payments will equal the retail price of the phone. In addition, customers can pay off their JUMP! On Demand plan at any time by paying the remaining payments in advance, and keep their phone without penalty.

Sounds good to us. JUMP On-Demand begins June 28th, so there won’t be much of a wait if you’re eager to take advantage. T-Mobile says this is just the first of many “AMPED” announcements that will bring us improvements to all their existing Un-Carrier moves, so stay tuned!

24 Jun 22:50

This is what the OnePlus 2’s USB Type-C cable will look like

by Quentyn Kennemer

oneplus 2 usb 4

It was only a couple of days ago that OnePlus confirmed their latest smartphone would look to use USB Type-C, a new USB standard that features identical-sided cables, two-way transfer + charging (your smartphone could charge your wireless headset!) and more.

oneplus 2 usb 5

So how does it look? For OnePlus 2, pretty damn sexy. You can see a photo of it above, courtesy of MyDrivers. It features OnePlus’s signature red, the logo on each end, and a flat tangle-free design to protect the innards of the cable.

oneplus 2 usb 2

It looks pretty neat, and we’re sure it’ll do well to get folks excited for the OnePlus 2 and the possibilities enabled thanks to the advent of USB Type-C.

24 Jun 22:47

You no longer need a Facebook account to log into Messenger

by Chris Chavez

Facebook Messenger icon

Despite having more than 1.44 billion monthly active users, Facebook knows that not everybody wants to join a social network just to keep in touch with friends and/or family. That’s why they’re eliminating the need to log in with a Facebook account altogether in their latest Messenger update.

Launching first for users in Canada, the United States, Peru and Venezuela, Messenger will not only require a phone number in order to get started using the service which we admit, is much more enjoyable to use than Hangouts. Users who login with their phone numbers will still have access to all the features in Messenger including sending photos, group chats, even voice and video calling.

Facebook Messenger sign-up Android

Facebook does mention that there are still benefits to using your Facebook account to login vs only your phone number like being able to message Facebook friends/contacts (not just people in your phone book), as well as access messages across multiple devices and on the web.

As someone who spends a lot of time messaging friends/family on Messenger, this is absolutely perfect as my immediate family is no longer on Facebook. I’d be willing to guess more than a few of can relate.

18 Jun 20:42

Cool dude Jon Hamm gave his Bonnaroo wristband to a waitress

by Kelsey Weekman

Jon Hamm is the patron saint of Bonnaroo.

After Hamm captured the hearts of crowds at the Tennessee music festival by leading a sing-along with Zach Galifiniakis, the two actors stopped to grab lunch at Tupelo Honey Cafe.

Waitress Abby Swartz recognized them immediately and resisted fan-girling out, Chattanooga news website reported. Bonnaroo ran from June 11 to June 14.

"Take this wristband and go to Bonnaroo," Hamm told the waitress, offering her his Bonnaroo artist wristband. "This will get you anywhere you need to go." Artist wristbands also provide access backstage Read more...

More about Zach Galifianakis, Bonnaroo, Jon Hamm, Music, and Watercooler
18 Jun 19:00

Twitter’s Project Lightning could change everything

by Rob Jackson

Twitter has been heavily criticized lately: user growth is slowing, ad revenue is meager, the CEO just resigned, and even though the platform is the king of mass media, sports, and celebrity, the average joe simply doesn’t seem to care much. But when Twitter flips the switch on Project Lightning they could flip the script on the whole world and take their dominance of real-time interaction to the next level.


Here is the nitty gritty on Project Lightning:

  • New “Event Pages” will turn trending topics into temporary information hubs
  • Twitter employees will curate the content shown on these new all-important pages
  • The pages will feature Tweets, photos, and Vines selected by staff
  • Live videos from Periscope will be prominently displayed when most important
  • Mobile devices will display one piece of content per screen with Tinder-like swiping to get to additional content

Imagine following breaking news stories like the Baltimore Riots or NBA Finals with these new pages. Instead of watching the news or reading blogs that reference individual tweets, Twitter will make itself the source that a user can follow by reading the curated coverage.

This takes Twitter’s already popular “Trending Topics” to the next level. Trending topics are inherently overwhelming because by the time it is trending, there is so much constant content flowing in that it’s impossible to follow any type of dialogue. Project Lightning will solve this problem by building an entirely new experience for the most important topics in real-time. And did we mention that members will be able to follow individual events, helping to attract those previously overwhelmed average joes?

This could change everything.

According to outgoing CEO Dick Costolo’s interview with Buzzfeed, Project Lightning has been in the works “for a long, long time” and will launch later this year. You’ll find these event pages on the web (logged in or out), in the Twitter app, and even find events embedded on other sites.

I’m not a big Twitterer and largely find the social experience exhausting and annoying, but when this goes live? You can count me in.

18 Jun 18:54

BME B-9 NH Black Edition Bike

One could call the all-black color scheme of the BME B-9 NH Black Edition Bike "stealthy", and that would totally make sense, given it was inspired by the F-117 Nighthawk....

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18 Jun 16:44

Two James Taylors, just singing on a seesaw, and only one is real

by Neha Prakash

Every now and then, a moment comes along in late night television that will be forever etched into the annals of pop culture history. This is probably not one of those moments

Instead, it's just two James Taylors (one the James Taylor you know and one an impressive impersonation by Jimmy Fallon) singing on a seesaw during Wednesday's Tonight Show. Just remember: What goes up, must come down.

More about Viral Videos, Jimmy Fallon, Watercooler, and Videos
17 Jun 20:04

FDA officially bans trans fats

by The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is cracking down on artificial trans fats, calling them a threat to public health.

The Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday that it will require food companies to phase out the use of artificial trans fats almost entirely. Consumers aren't likely to notice much of a difference in their favorite foods, but the administration says the move will to reduce coronary heart disease and prevent thousands of fatal heart attacks every year.

Scientists say there are no health benefits to trans fats, which are used in processing food and in restaurants, usually to improve texture, shelf life or flavor. They can raise levels of "bad" cholesterol and lower "good" cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. The fats are created when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil to make it more solid, which is why they are often called partially hydrogenated oils. Read more...

More about Us, Lifestyle, Health Fitness, Food, and Fda
15 Jun 22:04

The Rock hit some guy's car and now they're bros

by Tricia Gilbride

The Rock was driving too fast and too furious when he sideswiped a parked car and smashed the side mirror en route to set in Boston

Dwayne Johnson detailed the account in an Instagram post. He was rightfully nervous to smell what the owner of the vehicle was cooking after his property was damaged, but the situation turned out just fine

the rock car wreck

When The Rock approached the vehicle and offered to cover the damages, the car's owner, Audie Bridges, was starstruck and just seemed excited to have a new party anecdote Read more...

More about Cars, Film, Watercooler, Pics, and The Rock
15 Jun 21:59

Which characters on 'Game of Thrones' are beyond the books now?

by Bob Al-Greene

Warning: This post contains spoilers from the Season 5 finale of Game of Thrones.

The Season 5 finale of Game of Thrones brought its share of shocking moments and raised big questions about the future of some of our favorite characters.

One big point of contention this season has been the show's overlapping plotlines with its source material. As this season swiftly moved along, many of its plots met or surpassed the plots in the novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire

This offers viewers a glimpse of where those stories are headed in George R. R. Martin's unreleased sixth and seventh volumes. Other plotlines have diverged drastically from the novels. Characters are in different locations — even different continents — and in various stages of peril. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Tv, Hbo, Infographics, and Game Of Thrones
15 Jun 21:54

Watch a Chilean volcano erupt in a beautiful 4K timelapse

by Laura Vitto

Last April, Chile's Calbuco volcano erupted for the first time since 1972, much to the surprise of scientists and government officials alike

Though photos and video quickly appeared online, Timestorm Films just recently released its gorgeous 4K timelapse of the eruption. High-definition footage of Calbuco's billowing clouds of ash, combined with some truly ominous music, make for one stirring piece of filmmaking

In the video description, filmmaker Martin Heck writes that he and his crew had spent a few days prior to the eruption visiting neighboring Osorno volcano, and were headed south when Calbuco blew. They rushed to the nearest clearing and set up every camera in their arsenal, frantically backing up their full memory cards to make room for the unexpected footage. Read more...

More about Viral Videos, Vimeo, Watercooler, and Videos
15 Jun 21:51

The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series launching this fall

by Chris Chavez

The Walking Dead Michonne mini series

E3 is kicking off today with a series of announcements from big name video game publishers and if you keep an ear out, you’ll even find some mobile related news coming out of the show. In fact, Telltale Games announced a new Walking Dead title on their blog this afternoon. The new mini-series — The Walking Dead: Michonne — spans across 3 episodes taking place between issues #126 – #139 and centers on everyone’s favorite sword-wielding bad ass.

Telltale isn’t revealing too many specifics, only mentioning that the side-story will be launching this fall on all current and previous generation consoles (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and PC), as well as iOS and Android. Oh, and something about requiring at least the first episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two in order to play the Michonne story.

Telltale Games CEO and Co-Founder Kevin Bruner had this to say:

“Michonne’s complexity and range make her an ideal lead for the compelling interactive drama fans have come to expect from Telltale. With this mini-series, players will experience Michonne’s challenges first-hand, and the choices they make will shape her journey.”

We’ll keep you  posted as we learn more.


12 Jun 16:39

The underground world of drone racing in Australia

by Jenni Ryall

There is an underground scene of drone racers in Australia, who are meeting up in rundown warehouses in the fringe suburbs of cities.

On June 6, a race was held in the old Bradmill Warehouse on the outskirts of Melbourne. The competitors — FinalGlideAus, Strepto, Daz, Covert and SD — have purpose-built quadcopters and wear specialised goggles allowing them to compete in the race from "first person view" (FPV)

Many of the drones, are "blinged" up with LED lights and accessories, making for a race of geeked-out, adrenaline-pumping goodness. And this scene is playing out across Australia. Read more...

More about Australia, Tech, Drones, and Drone Racing
12 Jun 15:27

Now that beards are over, here's the ultimate guide to shaving it all off

by David Yi

It's time to come to grips with reality, furry friends

The lush, bushy beard, as we all know it, has succumbed to a swift death and there's now a rampant fear that the lumbersexual may be at the brink of extinction. Blame it on the times, the summer, the melting glaciers or those yuccies. Whatever the case, it's clear that we're living in a different era, one in which millennials are opting for a sleeker, cleaner and minimal look

Though more men are now choosing for a close shave, according to a recent study, more than 50% are doing it all wrong. This means that they're cutting themselves, causing in-grown hairs, shaving off too much of their skin, and clogging their razors. Yeesh. Read more...

More about Fashion, Style, Guide, Millennials, and Grooming
10 Jun 19:20

Architects Release Live Video Of “Broken Cross”/”The Devil Is Near”

by wookubus

An officially sanctioned live video of Architects performing “Broken Cross“/”The Devil Is Near” in Europe earlier in the year has newly been released.

The post Architects Release Live Video Of “Broken Cross”/”The Devil Is Near” appeared first on

10 Jun 14:24

White House staffers covered cameras during press room's bomb threat evacuation

by Brian Ries

Unknown White House staffers were seen covering cameras in the building's briefing room on Tuesday as it was evacuated due to a reported bomb threat — and White House correspondents want to know why.

The staffers used t-shirts and newspapers to cover the cameras lenses as they continued to record video during the evacuation, which came after someone called a White House phone and reported a suspicious package in the room.

"Our camera in the WH briefing room was just covered up — our live shot from the briefing tuned dark" tweeted ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl. "Who did that? Why?" Read more...

More about Media, White House, Secret Service, Bomb Threat, and Us World
10 Jun 14:16

Airline carry-on size suggestions could mean you need new luggage

by Jessica Plautz

Airlines are fretting over how to fix a problem they created.

Since checked baggage fees have become common among U.S. carriers, the battle over overhead bin space in airplane cabins has become intense. Every boarding announcement is accompanied by a crowd of eager travelers, desperate to get their bags in the spaces above their heads.

On Tuesday, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced a new initiative "to optimize the accommodation of carry-on bags given differing carry-on bag sizes and airline policies." Read more...

More about Travel, Airlines, Air Travel, Lifestyle, and Travel Leisure
10 Jun 14:09

'Jurassic World' review: Leave the kids at home. It gets gnarly.

by Josh Dickey

LOS ANGELES — If you're a parent of a certain age who's just dying to share the awe and wonder you felt in 1993 with your own little dino-crazed hatchlings this weekend, well ... you might want to consider lining up a babysitter instead.

Because kids, Jurassic World is not your father's dinosaur movie. This is a grisly, highly stylized slasher film dressed up in computer-generated raptor hide.

From the small herd of despicable characters who you just know are going to get chomped and thrashed about to the splattering blood, brutal live maulings, torso-severings, disembowelments and defenestrations, Jurassic World has got to be the gnarliest PG-13-rated film — for "intense sequences of science-fiction violence and peril" — to hit the big screen since Jurassic Park. (Which, by the way, is downright tame by comparison, and yet somehow scarier.) Read more...

More about Movies, Entertainment, Film, Jurassic Park, and Universal Pictures
09 Jun 21:02

iOS 9 comes with 2 more apps you can't remove from your iPhone

by Raymond Wong

Just what we didn't ask for: More apps you can't remove from your iPhone.

Android gets a lot of flak for coming with a handful of "bloatware" apps that can't be removed, but Apple needs to be called out for the same

With every major version of iOS, Apple adds more apps that you can't uninstall — in the upcoming iOS 9, you'll get Find My Friends and Find My iPhone, even if you don't want them on your device.

Developers who installed the beta version of iOS 9 quickly found out the two aforementioned apps, which were previously available as an optional downloads from the App Store, pre-installed on their devices. Read more...

More about Apps, Iphone, Apple, Ios, and Tech
09 Jun 20:54

PBS Video For Android Can Now Stream Full Episodes To Your Chromecast

by Bertel King, Jr.

PBSVideo-ThumbThe PBS Video Android app has gained support for a cheap little media stick that frees shows from mobile devices and sticks them on something bigger. This way users can go back to viewing shows like Frontline, NOVA, and PBS NewsHour the way they've been watching them for decades.

Chromecast support works the way you're likely already familiar. You open up the app, you locate the icon in the top-right corner, you select the dongle you want to cast to, and you watch your show.

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PBS Video For Android Can Now Stream Full Episodes To Your Chromecast was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

09 Jun 17:36

T-Mobile Expected To Add Mobile Hotspot To All Active Plans (Even Prepaid) And Move To More Lenient Soft Caps On June 12th

by Ryan Whitwam

TMobile-ThumbA new leak points to big changes about to hit T-Mobile, and these are the good kind of changes. According to TmoNews, the carrier will be adding mobile hotspot to all active plans (even prepaid) on June 12th. It will also boost some hotspot caps and stop using hard caps entirely.


All of T-Mobile's current Simple Choice post-paid plans have tethering included, but there are still some older plans that don't.

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T-Mobile Expected To Add Mobile Hotspot To All Active Plans (Even Prepaid) And Move To More Lenient Soft Caps On June 12th was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

09 Jun 17:15

Service dogs get their own pictures in high school yearbook

by Max Knoblauch

Air Bud, eat your heart out.

Two service dogs working with teachers in Minnesota have been honored by their high school with a place in the 2014-2015 yearbook.

The dogs, Dakota and Carmel, belong to teachers at Blaine High School. One of the dogs works with a hearing impaired teacher and another works with students in a special education classroom

dog yearbook

Image: Tumblr

Unlike every yearbook photo of humans throughout history, the dogs look beautiful and natural in their head shots.

A student at Blaine posted an image of the yearbook on Tumblr, where it was spotted by Yahoo Canada. Read more...

More about Dogs, Watercooler, Pics, and Conversations
09 Jun 16:55

Snapchat now allows you to switch cameras when recording a snap

by Joe Fedewa


Snapchat, that app that all the kids are using and a lot of people don’t understand, just added a cool new feature. When recording a video to send as a Snap you can double-tap the screen to flip the camera. There are a million ways this could come in handy. Maybe you’re filming something crazy in front of you and you want to switch the camera around to show your reaction.

It sounds like a great idea, but there is one big problem: it doesn’t work. I haven’t been able to get it to work, and the Play Store is full of reviews from people saying the same thing. Of course, the feature works flawlessly on iOS. Snapchat is great, but the Android app could be a lot better. If you’re a Snapchat user let us know if you’ve been able to get this feature to work. Download Snapchat from the Play Store for free right here.

09 Jun 14:14

The hipster is dead, and you might not like who comes next

by David Infante

What do we call me? I’m a 26-year-old writer who lives in a gentrifying neighborhood in Brooklyn. I’m a straight white man with a single-speed bike and a mustache. I studied liberal arts in college, and I have ideas about stuff, you guys

Millennial? Hipster? Yuppie? All of these, or none? We don’t have a term that quite encapsulates this corner of the despicable millenn-intelligensia. And like any other privileged member of a so-called “creative class,” being called a hipster offends me for its inaccuracy. I demand to be snarked in precise terms

More about Features, Culture, Gen Y, Millennials, and Hipsters