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20 Mar 08:12

The New York Times Experiments with more Structured Online Comments

» The New York Times Experiments with more Structured Online Comments

On Wednesday afternoon the Times rolled out an experimental approach designed to enhance discussion by adding structured data.

20 Mar 07:44

Chef de L’Opposition

Chef de L’Opposition

20 Mar 07:19

2011, so far

by Marian

Here is my customary end-of-year emptying of the memory card. 2011: strong in marmalade and chickens.

For my part I’m anti-resolutions, but I do promise to start emailing people back tomorrow since I’ve been avoiding logging-in for the past two weeks (which is to say, the past two months). 2011: weak in timely correspondence. All those other years, too. Also weak in that.

I’m spending my New Year’s Eve alone in my island fastness, as I like to do, complete with fire and onesie and a plentiful selection of bread items. Pretty pleased with myself, I have to say.

Happy New Year, guys!

20 Mar 06:46

513 - "Friends"

by jhum101
20 Mar 06:45

650 - "Nowhere"

by jhum101
20 Mar 06:45

151 - "Mario"

by jhum101
20 Mar 06:44

173 - "Movie Seating"

by jhum101
20 Mar 06:44

841 - "Audiophiles"

by jhum101
20 Mar 06:43

751 - "Swimsuit Issue"

by jhum101
20 Mar 06:42

228 - "Resonance"

by jhum101
19 Mar 21:09

Alatus Tower

Alatus Tower

Another concept piece that I did last semester along with the last two watercolor pieces. :B I had sekritly put this one on my personal site a while back but I never actually put it up on here, so in case anybody missed it before, here it is!

I altered the design of Azalea's animus a little :'D Also this is Azalea circa 13 years old or something so shorter hair and no fancy council uniform yet!

Incidentally I just got hired onto a REAL GROWN-UP JOB which I'll be starting in March! The commute is pretty far (read: ridiculous) but I'm gonna be take my role in protecting our environment and ride the train there every day so I can work on this comic during the ride (as opposed to killing myself slowly suffering through four hours of car traffic everyday ha ha ha uggghhh).

Yay steady income @w@

19 Mar 21:05

Face Games

by Matt


19 Mar 21:05


by Matt


19 Mar 21:04

Need to Know

by Matt
19 Mar 21:03

Wizard Debate

by Matt

Wizard Debate

19 Mar 21:03

B and M

by Matt

B and M

19 Mar 12:15

How to make an album with people instead of songs

by Juan

There are more Secret Knots stories about musicians and their work:

Joseph Johann Sartory and his visible, palatable compositions.

 Cult songwriter Alice Brel and the girl who admired and envied her.

Minne G, who captured the song everybody dreamt of on one night. (Collaboration with Kim Boekbinder!)

James Alonso, the music journalist who made up his interviews.

I used this photo as reference model for the girl reading a book, from Flickr user thisisawakeupcall.




19 Mar 12:00

Google Support Will Use Hangouts

by Alex Chitu
Google will start to use Google+ Hangouts to provide support. The screensharing feature is especially useful because a Google employee can see what's on your computer screen, so you don't have to take screenshots.

Here's the text used by the screensharing feature:

"Would you like to share your screen with Google? By clicking 'Share my screen' button you will enable screensharing. Your microphone and camera will remain off and your computer will be visible to your Google representative. Please make sure you close anything you do not want your representative to see. To turn off screensharing at any time click the 'Stop sharing my screen' button."

It's not clear which Google service will have this option, but the wording suggests it will be limited to businesses that use services like Google+, AdWords and Google Apps.

{ Thanks, Florian. }
19 Mar 10:37

Icon triptych of Lady Gaga, Tom Ford and Rebecca Black

by Graphic Patrick

Fame is the currency of today’s society and I love this triptych of modern day icons, but I would because they are by my boy Lars

19 Mar 10:37

Mental health poster series for download

by Graphic Patrick

In August 2010 I designed a series of posters on the subject of mental health. These caused a lot of discussion and controversy, here and further afield.

Since then I have been inundated with requests for prints – sorry if I didn’t get back to you. I have decided to offer these for download (just click on the poster).

I hope that these will benefit anyone who wants to use, print or post them.

If you would like to use them in a commercial capacity, please contact me to discuss options.

Creative Commons License
Mental Health poster series by Patrick Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


19 Mar 10:37

Accidental art

by Graphic Patrick

I was passing through Liverpool Street station and this video advertising screen caught my attention. It seemed to aspire to art. Perhaps it wanted something bigger than it had been given.

19 Mar 10:36

Woodblock prints by Ray Morimura

by Graphic Patrick

I’m absolutely swooning for these wood block prints by artist Ray Morimura. His work has an amazing sense of balance between geometry, pattern, line and colour. There feels like there something hidden in each composition, whether tangible, or not.

via bumbumbum

19 Mar 08:20

Koopa Armada

Koopa Armada

I've always had a soft spot for Bowser ever since Super Mario RPG :B This was something I worked on during the semester that I managed to finish in time to sell as a print at Fanime. Unlike many of my past illustrations, this one incorporated heavy use of layers, now that I actually know how to use them more effectively thanks to my Digital Illustration class this past semester @w@

19 Mar 08:19

Episode 7 : Sweater and Forget Her

--------: 12:21 PM
RickDickens77: Lou, are you there?
RickDickens77: Ok I know you're there, but when are you planning on telling me what's wrong?
RickDickens77: It's been more than a week since you even looked at me.
--------: 12:43 PM
RickDickens77: I think I know what this is about. Emily is a good friend of mine, ok?
RickDickens77: I know you might be feeling a little bit intruded upon. I get that.
RickDickens77: But I need you to be mature about this.
--------: 2:07 PM
LouisTheCat: im not angry
RickDickens77: Then what's with the silent treatment?
LouisTheCat: i mean im not angry anymore
RickDickens77: So tell me why you've been angry, at least. Is it Emily?
LouisTheCat: she was in my spot
RickDickens77: So it's about her spending the night.
LouisTheCat: thats my spot
LouisTheCat: i dont know why you would just let some tramp lay in my spot
RickDickens77: She's not a tramp, she's very special.
LouisTheCat: special tramp
LouisTheCat: so you mean whore
--------: 2:46 PM
RickDickens77: Ok, well anyway...
RickDickens77: I'm glad you're not angry anymore.
RickDickens77: I just want things to be back the way they were, ok?
LouisTheCat: so do i
RickDickens77: Emily is going to be part of my life and you need to learn to deal with that.
LouisTheCat: oh i dealt with it
RickDickens77: So are you two getting along?
LouisTheCat: shes gone
RickDickens77: Gone? But she was sick, I thought she'd probably be there all day.
LouisTheCat: she probably went to the cleaners
RickDickens77: ...and why would she do that?
LouisTheCat: probably to get the cat pee out of her sweater
RickDickens77: LOU! Why'd you pee on her sweater?
LouisTheCat: it was in my spot
RickDickens77: Lou, you can't be reacting like that to something so stupid. So let me get this straight, you peed on her sweater while it was on your spot? So you basically peed on your spot...
LouisTheCat: not really
LouisTheCat: she got up
LouisTheCat: fast
RickDickens77: Tell me you didn't pee on Emily
RickDickens77: Louis.
RickDickens77: LOU
--------: 3:15 PM
RickDickens77: I just spoke with Emily.
LouisTheCat: oh really
LouisTheCat: hows she doing
LouisTheCat: tell her i said hello
RickDickens77: She's really, really angry Lou. I don't think she's going to come back to the house unless I can promise her you've settled down.
LouisTheCat: wow
LouisTheCat: just wow
LouisTheCat: thats childish wouldnt you say
RickDickens77: I'm very upset. You can't interfere with my personal life like this.
LouisTheCat: all i want is my spot back man
--------: 3:37 PM
LouisTheCat: she didnt say anything about her purse did she
--------: RickDickens77 has gone offline
19 Mar 08:19

Episode 6 : Chag Sameach, Louis. Chag Sameach.

--------: 11:13 AM
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: what
LouisTheCat: so i was talking to mittens next door
RickDickens77: I don't even want to know.
LouisTheCat: did you know theyre jewish
RickDickens77: Yes, the Blums are Jewish.
LouisTheCat: wtf are the blums
RickDickens77: The people next door, their last name is Blum.
LouisTheCat: mittens blum
RickDickens77: I suppose so.
LouisTheCat: ok well im never gonna let that one die
LouisTheCat: but anyway
LouisTheCat: did you know if youre jewish you celebrate christmas for like two whole weeks
RickDickens77: First of all it's called Hanukkah.
RickDickens77: And it's like eight days or nights or something.
LouisTheCat: so its like three weeks god thats awesome
RickDickens77: Sure, it's cool, that's just the Jewish winter holiday.
LouisTheCat: im gonna be jewish then
RickDickens77: It's not that simple, Lou, it's a religion.
LouisTheCat: ok so can you do that for me
RickDickens77: I don't know where to begin explaining how it doesn't work like that.
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: i dont think youre listening to me
LouisTheCat: christmas rick
LouisTheCat: eight of them
LouisTheCat: mittens says hes gonna get something every day
RickDickens77: Lou, it's not really like Christmas, I mean they give some gifts but it's not really the same. There's no tree, they just light some candles.
LouisTheCat: i dont like candles
RickDickens77: See? You don't really know what it's all about, and I'm not going to help you become Jewish.
LouisTheCat: oh i get it
LouisTheCat: you dont want me to be one of the chosen
LouisTheCat: theres a name for people like you rick
RickDickens77: Uh huh. You're being silly now, I'm done with this.
LouisTheCat: youre a putz
RickDickens77: That's enough, Lou.
--------: 2:54 PM
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: What
LouisTheCat: if you help me be jewish i will take back one thing i said about you for every day of christmas
RickDickens77: It's called Hanukkah.
LouisTheCat: right that
LouisTheCat: so we have a deal
RickDickens77: NO!
--------: 3:04 PM
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: WHAT
LouisTheCat: what are you getting me for christmas
RickDickens77: I don't know yet. I wouldn't tell you anyway.
LouisTheCat: can i make a suggestion
RickDickens77: sure
LouisTheCat: i want one of those little hats our people wear
RickDickens77: Lou, you are not Jewish, you can't just say you're Jewish, and I am not going to make that happen for you. So stop it.
LouisTheCat: rick i didnt want to play this card but i think you probably are aware that our people are extremely powerful and can make things difficult for you
RickDickens77: Ok, let's suppose for a second you could become Jewish. What if I told you I'd only give you one gift anyway?
LouisTheCat: well isnt that like a goy
RickDickens77: Now you're just being offensive. This is the end of this discussion, are we clear?
--------: 4:51 PM
RickDickens77: I'm heading out soon, do we need anything for the weekend?
LouisTheCat: not that i can think of
LouisTheCat: do you have any plans
RickDickens77: Emily is coming over tomorrow, and I'm hoping she'll hang out for the whole weekend so I want you to BE NICE THIS TIME.
LouisTheCat: being nice sounds like work rick
LouisTheCat: tomorrow is our peoples day of rest
RickDickens77: I told you we were done with that. See you in a while.
--------: 5:04 PM
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: ...WHAT
LouisTheCat: oy vey
--------: RickDickens77 has gone offline
19 Mar 08:19

Episode 4 : Oh Look, Oregano

--------: 11:14 AM
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: What
LouisTheCat: i just wanted to tell you i love you man
RickDickens77: Um... I love you too.
LouisTheCat: no but i love you man
RickDickens77: What is going on
LouisTheCat: oh shit what was that
RickDickens77: Are you ok Lou?
LouisTheCat: im freaking out a little man
RickDickens77: What do you mean?
LouisTheCat: hey did you ever notice how weird that lamp by the door is
LouisTheCat: i mean for reals that is a messed up lamp
RickDickens77: Have you been in the grocery bag on the counter?
LouisTheCat: been in it man i ate it
RickDickens77: Ate what exactly?
LouisTheCat: the bag
RickDickens77: Wait... the whole bag?
LouisTheCat: it had that leafy stuff you put in soup and things
LouisTheCat: you know i love that stuff
LouisTheCat: i cant be trusted around it
RickDickens77: Lou that was catnip, it was supposed to be a surprise
LouisTheCat: oh it was a surprise alright
RickDickens77: Not as much of a surprise as the bag will be.
LouisTheCat: you arent kidding man
LouisTheCat: im already getting turtle head going with that thing
--------: 11:47 AM
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: riiiiick
RickDickens77: Lou I don't have time to talk you down from whatever kind of trip you're on
LouisTheCat: wheres the fire extinguisher man
--------: RickDickens77 has gone offline
19 Mar 08:19

Episode 3 : Of Spoons and Spiders

--------: 10:17 AM
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: You don't have to do that, just say something and I'll see it.
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: WHAT
LouisTheCat: im bored
RickDickens77: Lou, I'm busy.
LouisTheCat: hey you know that thing on the mantle
RickDickens77: You're going to have to be more specific.
LouisTheCat: the spoon thing
RickDickens77: My mom's spoon collection, sure. What about it?
LouisTheCat: nothing
RickDickens77: What happened Lou
LouisTheCat: its on the floor now
RickDickens77: You knocked it over?!
LouisTheCat: i didnt say that
RickDickens77: Well how did it get there?
LouisTheCat: you know maybe if this is how its going to be i just wont tell you about stuff like this
RickDickens77: That is the only thing my mother cares about Lou. Did it break?
LouisTheCat: how the hell would i know
RickDickens77: Well look at it!
LouisTheCat: all i know is its on the floor man
--------: 12:42 PM
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: You don't have to do that!
LouisTheCat: hey man there is like a huge spider web by my box
RickDickens77: I'll clean it out when I get home.
LouisTheCat: i have to go now though
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: You'll have to just brave it out or hold it Lou.
LouisTheCat: im not going in there
RickDickens77: Then you can wait.
LouisTheCat: look rick i didnt want it to come to this but you left the basket full of clean clothes sitting on your bed
RickDickens77: Louis, I swear to God if you do that again...
RickDickens77: Lou?
--------: 1:21 PM
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: WHAT
LouisTheCat: im trying to do the right thing and you are making that very difficult
RickDickens77: I have meetings Lou. Do what you have to do I guess. Please use the box.
LouisTheCat: why did you even set this thing up
RickDickens77: What thing?
LouisTheCat: this talking thing
RickDickens77: So you could contact me in case you.. god dammit.
LouisTheCat: what
LouisTheCat: rick
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: I'll be home in 20 minutes.
LouisTheCat: im gonna take back some of the things i said about you rick
RickDickens77: Shut up.
19 Mar 08:18

Episode 2 : Buddies

--------: 8:05 AM
RickDickens77: Lou are you there?
RickDickens77: I know you're there, can you see this?
LouisTheCat: what
RickDickens77: OK good. Remember what I showed you, how you can click on the little video camera for a video chat?
LouisTheCat: no
RickDickens77: Seriously? This was like twenty minutes ago.
LouisTheCat: oh that
RickDickens77: Right, so click on it
LouisTheCat: what
RickDickens77: Don't be a jerk, click on it.
LouisTheCat: well i dont want to have a video chat
RickDickens77: Why not?
LouisTheCat: why do you want to
RickDickens77: I'm just trying to make sure everything works.
LouisTheCat: well this works
RickDickens77: Right, but the video.
LouisTheCat: what video
RickDickens77: For Christ's sake Lou, the
LouisTheCat: relax im kidding
LouisTheCat: i dont see the icon
RickDickens77: It's next to my picture and name in the buddy list.
LouisTheCat: wtf is a buddy list
RickDickens77: I don't have time for this, if you want to be able to get in touch with me at work this is how we're going to do it and I feel like you're just jerking me around.
LouisTheCat: maybe i dont have time for this
RickDickens77: You lick your balls all day.
LouisTheCat: thats more than a little insensitive and i think you know why
RickDickens77: Whatever. Look, I have to work. I'll be on here if you need me.
--------: 8:25 AM
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: What?
RickDickens77: ...What?
LouisTheCat: rick
RickDickens77: Goodbye.
19 Mar 07:09

Don't even think about trying to sneak by me

by bza
I've tried to get around to as many species as possible on this blog, but it's really hard to keep up with all the smart-ass explorers that go into places like volcanos and obscure unexplored mountains and discover, like, seven thousand new species in a day. So to stem the tide, I've put together a post that covers a lot of the really dangerous new species that these Darwin-dick riders have shoved in our faces, just to get them out of the way and move onto the serious problem areas.

Hey buddy, nice head. What, were all the proportional heads taken? I did a little math, and even if I lost one leg, I'd still have 100% more legs than you. So suck on that.

The olive sunbird, huh? Fuck you.

Hey, loser: YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING CRATER. Get a job, free loader.

You think just because you're iridescent, you can get away with being a beetle. You know what else is iridescent? THIS FUCKING SHARK.

Yes, I realize it's a catfish. What the fuck do you know about fish, you're just a stupid beetle. Shut up, asshole.

What's so fucking surprising, shithead? Like you weren't just sitting around waiting to be discovered by humans. DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT CIVILIZATION. I bet your stupid reality show is only going to last until mid-season, anyway, so don't make any big purchases.

Yeah. Do you even need me to say anything? I didn't think so.

I bet you think you fucking invented that pose. Well guess what, fucktard: BIRDS HAVE BEEN USING THAT POSE FOR YEARS. You don't look contemplative, you just look like a Mexican flag with wings. And by the way, "Fruit Dove"? Gayest. Name. Ever.

You know I hate combo animals, Leopard Gecko. Get a more original name, like maybe Uneven Tail Gecko. Did your tail swallow a candy corn? I don't give a shit about your freaky eyes, you're still all elbows and suckage.

Wait a second, this frog and has fangs? And it fucking EATS BIRDS?! Um, we're cool. I think I'm done here. Yeah.
19 Mar 07:08

I think you may have sat on your own face, clown monkey

by bza

Mandrill, I'd like to introduce you to a concept called restraint. Here's how it works: I don't make fun of the fact that you think chewing on a twig is cool, and you refrain from looking like your mom had sex with a box of Fruit Loops and made you. Honestly, of all the ridiculously insane monkeys out there, you have to be the craziest one of all. You're a primate, Mandrill, not a fucking Care Bear.

And as if it wasn't enough that you have a Van Gogh painting on your ass, you just had to get like an all-time amazing shampoo/blow out at the local salon. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE IN THE WILD. It's so silky and planned, you are way too entirely ready for a night on the town in your rockin' unbuttoned shirt and puka shell necklace. Please stop your misguided search for a mate, wipe that shit off your face, and start eating a banana or something so other monkeys won't talk about you behind your back so much.