Shared posts

31 Oct 17:31

Stella Artois Is A Disgrace To Belgium

by Will Gordon on The Concourse, shared by Rob Harvilla to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy


Stella Artois Is A Disgrace To Belgium

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a big, trashy, sensationalist, and 100-percent accurate post titled "There Is No Excuse For Drinking Heineken," in which I argued that there are literally thousands of better-tasting ways to communicate to the world that you have a dollar more than the price of a Budweiser. I thought that would be my magnum opus in terms of cheap-shot Euro-lager hatred, but then I remembered that Stella Artois is even more offensive.


31 Oct 17:29

Slow motion surfing

by Jason Kottke

You know what's pretty? Big waves and surfing in slow motion. Take a break and relax at 1000 fps with this mesmerizing video.

The Hans Zimmer soundtrack only adds to the effect. (via ★interesting)

Tags: slow motion   sports   surfing   video
31 Oct 16:58

This Is One Of The Most Unfortunate Headlines We've Ever Seen

by Tom Ley
Patrick Kennedy

Oh WOW. How did this go to print?!

This Is One Of The Most Unfortunate Headlines We've Ever Seen

Hey, you guys remember Mark Whicker? The guy who wrote what is unquestionably the worst sports column of all time? Well, now he can add this headline to his collection of editorial facepalms.


31 Oct 13:03

​Where Did the Question Mark Go

by Tom Scocca on Gawker, shared by Tommy Craggs to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy

I always write my texts/etc like I would any sentence. But this makes sense, you know

​Where Did the Question Mark Go

It was sort of interesting to learn a little while ago that people have decided to start attaching huge significance to whether or not a sentence in a text or chat or other short message ends in a period. Sort of.


31 Oct 13:01

‘Dia de los Muertos’, A Colorful Animated Short Film Showing the...

31 Oct 04:06

Beastie Boy Ad-Rock's NY1-themed guitar strap, as revealed by his wife Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill & The Julie Ruin

by brooklynvegan
Patrick Kennedy


31 Oct 02:02

Stephen Colbert takes on Gamergate with Anita Sarkeesian

the biggest thing Gamergate has accomplished so far  
31 Oct 01:47

Ex Machina

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

I so very want this to be good, buuuut...well, I'll remain hopeful. Seems cool and Garland's got a good mind for sci-fi.

The directorial debut of Alex Garland, screenwriter of Sunshine and 28 Days Later, looks interesting.

Ex Machina is an intense psychological thriller, played out in a love triangle between two men and a beautiful robot girl. It explores big ideas about the nature of consciousness, emotion, sexuality, truth and lies.


Tags: Alex Garland   Ex Machina   movies   robots   trailers
30 Oct 06:10

Ebola scare drives sharp rise in Plague Inc. downloads

by Colin Campbell

As 24-hour news channels devote their coverage to the Ebola outbreak, a game about infectious diseases has seen a dramatic spike in downloads.

Continue reading…

29 Oct 19:47

An Interactive Ranking of the Most Popular Halloween Costumes in...

Patrick Kennedy

Interesting to see the meteoric rise of Zombie from 2009 to 2011. Also, had no idea of the stranglehold Witch held on the retail Halloween game.

29 Oct 18:16

Funny IKEA Instructions Showing the Dos and Don’ts of Handling...

29 Oct 17:58

We the Economy

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

Great videos, and always a plus to see Werner Herzog (aka, old man yells at cloud then explains its greyness as an extension of our doomed destiny) in fine form.

We the Economy is a series of 20 short videos that attempt to explain important economic concepts. For instance, acclaimed director Ramin Bahrani did a video about regulatory capture starring Werner Herzog, Patton Oswalt, and the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.

Anchorman director Adam McKay directed an animated My Little Pony-esque video about wealth distribution and income inequality featuring the voice talents of Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, and Sarah Silverman.

Paul Allen and Morgan Spurlock are behind the effort, with Bob Balaban, Steve James, Catherine Hardwicke, and Mary Harron directing some of the other videos. (via mr)

Tags: Amy Poehler   economics   Maya Rudolph   Patton Oswalt   Ramin Bahrani   Sarah Silverman   video   Werner Herzog
29 Oct 17:45

Tony Dungy Doesn't Think Michael Vick Is Being Haunted By Dog Ghosts

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

Well, he did choose to dignify it with a response.

Tony Dungy Doesn't Think Michael Vick Is Being Haunted By Dog Ghosts

Are dog ghosts haunting Michael Vick, causing him and the Jets to be cursed? Let's ask Tony Dungy this oddly specific question.


29 Oct 05:21

‘Shake Puppies’, Photographer Captures Images of Adorable...

29 Oct 03:07

Baby Daddies :: Avery finds out his boys can swim. But he's not the only one. [Nashville]

by John Ramos
Patrick Kennedy

Lindsay - you watch this show too, right? These are my absolute favorite recaps. Their warm loving embrace of the soapy messes each week are probably a decent reason I keep watching the show. And because Connie Britton is amazing, of course.


  • Awkward
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For

    Situation: In her dressing room, Juliette complains to Emily about her pregnancy.

    What makes it awkward? Zoey sheepishly emerges from the clothing racks with a lame excuse about how she was looking for the wardrobe person or whoever.

    How is order restored? Juliette icily tells her that if she values her job, she'll forget everything she just heard, and Zoey may normally be an idiot, but she looks ready to forget her own name to boot as she hustles out of there. Hee. Pregnant Juliette, like all her other iterations, rules.

  • Party!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    We'll Have A Gay Old Time

    What's the occasion? Luke and his tour are blowing off some steam in Chicago.

    What are the refreshments? Booze and gay intrigue.

    Whose embarrassing public scene will everyone be talking about tomorrow? Well, Deacon and Pam are in the running: Deacon for chewing Will out for cheering too enthusiastically for their royal highness Luke; Pam, not for defending Will for being "young" and "having fun" but for asking Deacon if he's forgotten what that feels like. Pam, I'm trying not to be ageist but you keep tempting me to point out that you're older than dirt, so fine, I'm not going to die on that hill with you. If you ask Jeff, though, Will is the winner, not for his His Master's Voice act but for bringing his "trainer" to the bar. But while Deacon's kind of a pill sometimes, I agree with him that cheering for Luke is by far the greater sin.

  • Meeting Time
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Is That Short For "No Dong Allowed"?

    Who called the meeting? Jeff.

    What's it about? Business, in more than one sense.

    How'd it go? Awesomely for the viewers. A clueless Will durr-hees that he just loves it on the road, especially with his wife and her bras and lady parts safely back in Nashville recording and hitting on her producer (he doesn't know that, but we will), but Jeff's like, that's great, and use your trainer's erect cock as a microphone all you want, but get him to sign this NDA first or you're not the only one that's fucked, hear? But good God, I don't know why I'm paraphrasing considering this is Jeff we're talking about: "If that gym rat is helping you to make this your happy place, that's great." Don't ever change, Jeff Fordham.

  • Snapshot

    After Juliette crows that "being knocked up hasn't slowed me down one bit," Emily lays all the guilt on about her not having told Avery, so she's like fine, here we go, are you happy! So there's this:

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    GIF: Giphy /

  • Alert!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    9 1/2 Years

    Alert Type: Secret Progeny Alert.

    Issue: Kiley's leaving town, so Gunnar shows up to see her.

    Complicating Factors: After Kiley (uch, I hate that spelling SO MUCH) tells him she's been cyber-dating a roughneck and she's moving to Tulsa to be with him, Kiley's kid shows up -- and he's nine and a half, which gets Gunnar's gears grinding, since they broke up ten years ago.

    Resolution: Kiley tells Gunnar her boy "Micah" isn't his.

    Spoiler: Gunnar's better at math than I would have guessed.

  • Hell Yeah!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Daphne 2016

    Rayna and Luke take their kids on a stupid family trip on which they have to film a joint car commercial, and when Daphne figures out how little time she's going to get to spend with her mom, she tells Rayna the trip sucks (her words). I hate Maddie's teenage brat-itude, but coming from Daphne this is deeply hilarious, especially because Rayna's reaction is this:

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott


  • Meeting Time
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    You Can't Fire Me; I Quit!

    Who called the meeting? Will.

    What's it about? After some smooching and some labeling of Will as "Mr. Hardbody," he wants his trainer to sign the NDA.

    How'd it go? Amazingly horribly. The trainer is highly offended, and Will only makes it worse as he tells him he doesn't want a relationship and what they have is just physical. It's hard not to sympathize with the trainer, but he does kind of lose me when he brings love into it -- obviously what they have is more than just physical and Will is being disingenuous as usual, but saying that a few weeks fucking on the all-expenses-paid road definitely equals love is not necessarily the most solid position. Regardless, the trainer stomps off after throwing the NDA in the trash, and Will follows him to try to salvage the situation -- only to yell, when he sees Deacon coming toward him, that the trainer can forget about getting a reference from him. Wow, not even on Grindr?

  • Love, Hate & Everything In Between
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Grandpa Glenn

    Avery, having had a series of phone mishaps since receiving Juliette's hilarious oh-by-the-way text, shows up to her film trailer; when Juliette tells the PA not to let him in, he bangs on the door and yells about her pregnancy -- within earshot of Noah, don't you know -- until Glenn emerges and manhandles him over to a more discreet location, where he lectures Avery that he used to think he was a great influence on Juliette, but now he's just such a mess. Of course, Glenn doesn't know about the infidelity, and Avery only mentions it in passing, but I wonder if Glenn might become a staunch ally for Avery once he absorbs the truth. Still, though, Glenn's going to be a surrogate grandpa for Juliette's kid, and that's cuter than kittens.

  • That Quote
    "Why are you actually having feelings?"
    - Jeff, once again burning Layla to the ground -
  • Alert!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Baby Got Back

    Alert Type: Nude Scene Alert.

    Issue: Juliette has to do a nude sex scene with Noah.

    Complicating Factors: The baby bump that's getting ever bigger.

    Resolution: Noah, knowing about the pregnancy thanks to Avery's understandable loudmouthing, manfully suggests to the director they put Juliette on top of him so she can be shot from behind; thanks to the closed set, no one's the wiser. Also, Noah whispers that Juliette's secret's safe with him, or I think that's what he said; I was more into this:

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Spoiler: Noah actually seems to be as nice as his body.

  • Love, Hate & Everything In Between
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    In Every Single Way

    At family bowling, Maddie sulks, but this time she has good reason, as she shows Rayna a tabloid piece calling her Rayna's "Plain Jane" daughter. Rayna tells Maddie she wants to protect her and knows how hard it is to be a girl her age, and goes on that she got through her own teenage years by trying to be the best version of herself. She concludes by saying Maddie shouldn't do it for anyone else, "you do it for yourself," and it's sweet and Maddie for once appreciates her mother's advice. Awwww.

  • Hell No!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Parks And Fornication

    Will goes cruising for a trick in a local park -- but the apparently willing guy he tries to french ends up beating him up, stealing his wallet, and telling him "that's what you get, faggot." Aside from this being horrifying on the merits, Will already had enough of an approach-avoidance dilemma with gay sex. This isn't going to help!

  • Hell Yeah!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Guar-Deacon Angel

    I do apologize for that one. Anyway, Deacon, coming back from a date with Pam, happily ditches her when he sees a battered Will limping out of a cab; after he ascertains from the sympathetic driver that Will was probably "bashed," Deacon goes to Will's room, from which Will emerges a bloody mess. Will gives a cock-and-bull line about having hit on the wrong "girl," but Deacon barely mm-hmms that before asking him to get checked out by a doctor and adding that he's had friends over the years who got in a lot of trouble cruising in public parks. After Deacon's gone, Will:

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Aw. But Deacon's at his best when he's taking care of other people.

  • Character Study
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Terry Needs Nutrients

    Name: Terry.
    Age: Late 50s.
    Occupation: Homeless person and apparent singer.
    Goal: To get some pizza, or in a pinch, a sandwich generously offered by Scarlett. Also, since he's played by the awesome Mykelti Williamson, to breathe life into Scarlett's dull existence.
    Sample Dialogue: "Pizza pie right here!"
  • Meeting Time
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    That'll Be All

    Who called the meeting? Zoey, kind of.

    What's it about? The fact that Juliette is audibly bemoaning how fat her pregnancy is making her.

    How'd it go? Not so bad, considering Zoey's involved. When she pokes her head in to check on Juliette, instead of taking it off, Juliette sighs about her pregnancy weight, and the two of them lightly bond before Noah enters, Zoey then dorks out, and Juliette amusedly tells her she can go now, whereupon Noah tells Juliette she's fun to be around, and despite some of the shitty storylines they've given her lately, I agree!

  • Snapshot
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
  • Meeting Time
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Fathers And Son(s)

    Who called the meeting? Avery.

    What's it about? He wants to talk to Gunnar about Juliette's text rocking his world.

    How'd it go? Not great, although Gunnar does at least seem to forgive Avery for ruining Zoey's stupid party. But Avery admits he doesn't even understand why Juliette told him if she doesn't want him in her life, and given that he can't be in her presence for even a minute without things turning to shit, maybe that's best for both the child and for him. Gunnar looks bummed out, not least because of math.

  • That Quote
    "I have a Sad Dad apartment."
    - Avery Barkley -
  • Party!
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Teddy Bear…Sorry, I'll Fire Myself

    What's the occasion? Jeff, having earlier continued Operation Seduce Teddy But Not Like That, has invited Teddy to some record-company shindig.

    What are the refreshments? Booze and weirdly easily impressed women.

    Whose embarrassing public scene will everyone be talking about tomorrow? It's a horse race between Teddy, whose claim that he can make a parking ticket of this woman's "go away" is true but is also Velveeta with no additives or preservatives, and said woman, who when she hears Teddy's daughters picked out his shirt, tells him that "men of greatness listen to their daughters." Honorable mention goes to Rayna, who calls to squawk at Teddy about letting Maddie and Daphne get highlights/ear piercings, respectively, only for Teddy to inform her truthily that if she's on the road 364 days a year, she's kind of by definition going to miss some events in her kids' lives. Rayna:

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
  • Wrap It Up
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Luke chews Will out for showing up to his gig looking like Gerry Cooney, but Deacon suggests Luke lend him his makeup artist: "God knows you wear enough," which hee! Deacon then tells Will it's not his business, but he's there for Will if he wants to talk, and Will gives this only a soft pass!

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Rayna confesses to Sadie that it didn't go well with the girls, but when Rayna's told she's needed onstage and Sadie asks if she needs a moment, Rayna steels herself and says no! She is owning the fact that her kids are going to hate her!

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Gunnar confronts Kiley and tells her he thinks Micah is his, because math! Kiley tells him it's true! Avery and Gunnar are going to be dads together and I am a sap because I think that's adorable!

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    Juliette performs as Noah watches, and everything's great -- until she looks faint! As Noah rushes to attend to her, Zoey, also aware of the pregnancy and seeing Juliette's going to miss her cue, steps in for a verse! Zoey then works the stage like a pro, getting this reaction from Juliette:

    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott
    Baby Daddies   nashville tott

    HA! See you next week!

    Explore the Nashville forum.

    Baby Daddies appeared first on Previously.TV.

29 Oct 03:06

Zach Mettenberger Looks Ready, Titans Fans

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

I am so excited this man is the Titans QB. METTSHOW!

Zach Mettenberger Looks Ready, Titans Fans

Your new starting quarterback looks like a winner, or a man about to make a scene at Mapco because they stopped beer sales. It's one of those.


28 Oct 21:37

The NBA's 3D Court Projection Systems Are Awesome

by Barry Petchesky

My NBA season preview is short: if you're in one of the four cities that have installed 3D on-court projection systems this year, get there early for player intros. Look at this shit:


28 Oct 15:29

Franchise Unbeatable

by John Herrman
Patrick Kennedy

Good article, but better pull-quote.

by John Herrman

"At the end of the day, Brand Ebola may be too strong to counter. 'It’s got high awareness, it’s easy to understand, it’s got a fairy simple story,' said Calkins. 'It’s the ice bucket challenge, but bad.'"


The post Franchise Unbeatable appeared first on The Awl.

28 Oct 11:19

Newswire: Phil Lord and Chris Miller will return to write The Lego Movie 2

by Caroline Siede
Patrick Kennedy

Nice! Everything truly is awesome.

Before The Lego Movie even hit theaters, Warner Bros. began planning a sequel to its toy-filled romp with writers Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan and animation supervisor-turned-director Chris McKay. But then McKay jumped ship for the Lego Batman spinoff that was fast-tracked for 2017, pushing The Lego Movie 2 back to 2018. And now that delay has allowed original writing-directing duo Phil Lord and Chris Miller to return to write the sequel.

Lord and Miller were already on board as producers, but they’ll now have a much bigger hand in shaping the film. Given that The Lego Movie 2 is currently without a director, it’s possible Lord and Miller will also end up back at the helm—or it’s possible they’ll just stick with scripting duties, as they did for the follow-up to Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. After all, their schedule is pretty full ...

28 Oct 11:19

A Fascinating Animated Graphic Demonstrating the Different Means...

28 Oct 03:38

David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong

by Tony Zhou
Patrick Kennedy

One of my favorite running video series, about directors with a focus on one very particular use of technique. I recommend them all, but the Edgar Wright one in particular is wonderful:

27 Oct 20:06

Dear America: Quit Flipping Out About Gluten

by Albert Burneko on Foodspin, shared by Albert Burneko to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy

YES. "Cutting back on refined carbohydrates, booze, and calories is smart; subsequently attributing your improved health to the elimination of wheat gluten from your diet is dumb. If adopting a no-throwing-yourself-off-of-tall-precipices lifestyle improves your health, it's because colliding with the earth at a high velocity is bad for you—not because you have a congenital sensitivity to wind."

Dear America: Quit Flipping Out About Gluten

"A third of American adults say that they are trying to eliminate [gluten] from their diets," reports The New Yorker, in a long feature about our culture's weirdening relationship with this common protein composite. This is insane. Americans are insane.


27 Oct 17:03

The Wet Stuff

by editors
Patrick Kennedy

Great read, and made me think of my hometown's goofy little water park (Splash Down!) in a different light.

The men who built the great American water park.

Bryan Curtis | Grantland | Sep 2014
[Full Story]
27 Oct 16:44

All Of Madison Bumgarner's Game 5 Strikeout Pitches, At The Same Time

by Timothy Burke

All Of Madison Bumgarner's Game 5 Strikeout Pitches, At The Same Time

Giants ace Madison Bumgarner's line last night was filthy , and in the course of earning the complete game he picked up eight strikeouts while walking zero. Here is a video featuring a composite of all eight of those strikeout pitches, similar to what we did with Clayton Kershaw's no-hitter .


27 Oct 16:13

The sounds of NASA

by Jason Kottke

NASA has a new Soundcloud account with playlists like Rocket Engine Sounds, Solar System & Beyond Sounds, and Space Shuttle Mission Sounds. Here is the infamous Sputnik beep:

"Ok Houston, we've had a problem here":

And "one small step":

(via @brillhart)

Tags: audio   NASA
27 Oct 13:04

St. Louis Cardinals Prospect Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

by Samer Kalaf
Patrick Kennedy

Jesus this is really freakin' sad. His swing reminded me of Vlad's. Amazing career cut incredibly short.

St. Louis Cardinals Prospect Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

St. Louis Cardinals outfield prospect Oscar Taveras was reportedly killed in a car crash while driving to Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. His girlfriend Edilia Arvelo, in the car with him, was also killed. Taveras's agent, Brian Mejia, confirmed the 22-year-old's death.


27 Oct 11:12

The New IKEA BEKANT Sit/Stand Desk Can Be Adjusted With the Push...

07 Dec 20:45

Sum Times, Arithmetic Street Art Installations by Aakash...

07 Dec 18:25

“Man! That is flagrant false advertising!”

“Man! That is flagrant false advertising!”

05 Dec 20:08

Hand Crocheted Knight Helmet Hat With Button-On Movable Visor