Shared posts

01 Sep 00:58

Grana e prazer - Autor(Adão Iturrusgarai)

28 Oct 11:14

Boxed Atari Jaguar w/ Games

by gnome

Melhor que pão com bosta!

Interested in the NTSC version of the very first 64bit (do the math etc) console ever? Good. This Atari Jaguar eBay auction is for you then. The console comes complete in its original box and all the bits that came in it (including the instructions and the Cybermorph game) and with four more games that brilliantly include both Doom and Alien vs. Predator

Seller ships to the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
07 Oct 15:51

D'aww, Babby's First Unholy Communion With Satan!


Submitted by:

Tagged: parenting , sacrifice
07 Oct 15:51

plagueofgripes: Don’t give up, skeleton!


Don’t give up, skeleton!

01 Oct 16:28

needstosortoutpriorities: #delightful things I find on twitter


#delightful things I find on twitter

30 Sep 15:59

Historian and Feminist Scholar Gerda Lerner

25 Sep 20:12


In the 60s, Marvin Minsky assigned a couple of undergrads to spend the summer programming a computer to use a camera to identify objects in a scene. He figured they'd have the problem solved by the end of the summer. Half a century later, we're still working on it.
18 Sep 15:28


09 Sep 22:09

loveniaimani: Your Body Is Beautiful And You Are A G o d d e s...


Your Body Is Beautiful And You Are A G o d d e s s 

Love this.

09 Sep 21:47

backyarditarian: widdershinsgirl: ohgodhesloose: cheskamouse: ...


Well, thank you for nothing, Lucas, you sexist asshole.








Female pilots edited out of the Star Wars movies.

I saw the tweets about this today, and I was like oh yeah, I remember hearing about that.

And then I saw the pictures and just— wow. What it would have meant to have these women in the movie, all this time. I can’t properly articulate it but it’s hitting me unexpectedly hard.

Wow thats a shame, even a nice old lady too.  These Space Valkyries  should have been left in.

They really should have.

ADSVFISIDCNCIDSVHIUEFUHFIDHuvririahfuwvrui4m8ywmu36 8hthfahuiharahfiargnihiurhurhaigoznifrbogirifrbgorbzo154+849848e54645w8va0




I lived, ate, and breathed Star Wars from age 2 until 2005 when RotS finally beat the enthusiasm out of me, and I have NEVER, EVER in all my reading on behind-the-scenes and makings-of heard of these shots. It’s a shame there was no relaunched edit of the original trilogy they could have slipped these in OH FUCKING WAIT THERE’S BEEN LIKE 3 OF THOSE NOW.

Fuck. FUCK. Whoever decided to edit out and bury these needs to french kiss an angle grinder.

I want to see the old lady in the A-Wing. Seriously, it’s like, she’s somebody’s grandma. Some kid in the Outer Rim Territories got greased by the Empire for seeing something she wasn’t supposed to see, and her grandma, the bush pilot, decided “Fuck this, I’m gonna strap on an fighter and make the Empire fucking PAY for the moment it decided to fuck with MY FAMILY.”


These are quickly being put into the “always reblog” category.
09 Sep 21:44

jessehimself: Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For...


Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System

Mark Ciavarella Jr, a 61-year old former judge in Pennsylvania, has been sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison for literally selling young juveniles for cash. He was convicted of accepting money in exchange for incarcerating thousands of adults and children into a prison facility owned by a developer who was paying him under the table. The kickbacks amounted to more than $1 million.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has overturned some 4,000 convictions issued by him between 2003 and 2008, claiming he violated the constitutional rights of the juveniles – including the right to legal counsel and the right to intelligently enter a plea. Some of the juveniles he sentenced were as young as 10-years old.

Ciavarella was convicted of 12 counts, including racketeering, money laundering, mail fraud and tax evasion. He was also ordered to repay $1.2 million in restitution.

His “kids for cash” program has revealed that corruption is indeed within the prison system, mostly driven by the growth in private prisons seeking profits by any means necessary.


Why might this not be a HUGE national story and his name not household? I’ll give you one guess what color those kids were.

09 Sep 21:43

Kingdom Lost

by boulet

08 Aug 11:37

regisfiliaaa: Got ‘em, coach! welp.

by wagatwe


Got ‘em, coach!


07 Aug 21:10

mildlyautisticsuperdetectives: HERE IT IS. THIS IS IT. MY...


E por conta dos losers, temos infinitas temporadas de Big Bang Theory no lugar de shows como este.



07 Aug 14:14

Não pode: mudar de ideia

by Clara

Acho que a coisa que me causa mais gastura em discussões são as pessoas que usam coisas que você fez e disse no passado como argumento.

Subir no palanquinho moral e ficar apontando dedos por algo que a pessoa disse em 1988 não é mesmo a melhor forma de ganhar uma discussão.

Já falei muita merda e não nasci sabendo. Ainda bem que aprendi, e, a partir desse aprendizado, quis espalhar o que eu acho certo por aí e debater. É um processo bem legal, o de debater, de escutar, de mudar de conceitos e largar as ideias velhas que não servem mais pra abraçar as novas que têm bem mais a ver com você.

Quando digo que já falei muita merda, não era coisa pouca. Me distanciava das mulheres, já fiz muito slut shaming, julgando naquela vibe “elas só são corpo e eu tenho cérebro”, olha, era muito ruim. Porém cá estou eu hoje, querendo que todas as minas dêem as mãos e cantem “we are the world” bebendo cerveja no bar.

Hoje uma moça disse que está cheio de machistas lendo o Lugar de Mulher.

Eu sei que está cheio de homem lendo mesmo. Sabe o que? Eu acho é pouco, eu acho é bom.

Esses dias recebi isso:


Fiquei felizona em ter impactado a vida do cara e das mulheres com quem ele convive. Me senti bem de verdade, me senti cumprindo a missão.

Uma coisa é fazer um site pra mulher pensando em homem.  Não fazemos isso. O site chama Lugar de Mulher, né?

Outra coisa é os caras se interessarem pelo conteúdo, entrarem numas de ver as coisas de outro ângulo e perceberem que o jeito que eles agem não é bacana, vindo aqui por livre e espontânea vontade pra ler, pra escutar, pra possivelmente reinventar uma masculinidade, porque essa aí já não dá mais. Se eles não aprenderem sobre feminismo com mulheres feministas, vão aprender onde?

As coisas não se desconstroem sozinhas. É um longo processo para todos e mudar de ideia é uma necessidade, pois ninguém nasce pronto e ao longo da vida vamos descartando opiniõezinhas e nos envergonhando delas. Se foi assim comigo, se foi assim com Polly, com Mari, e com tantas de vocês, por que não pode ser assim com os caras? Eles não vão ter uma iluminação e mudar. Todo mundo passa por um processo.

Acreditamos em homens que apoiam o feminismo e querem se informar. Eles são muito bem-vindos pra escutar o que temos a dizer. Desnecessário frisar que se vierem cagar regra serão solenemente ignorados pois aqui não tem palhaça, mas os que estiverem dispostos a ver as coisas de uma perspectiva que nunca tinham visto antes, entrem e fiquem à vontade.

P.S.: Pode sim

21 May 16:01


06 May 19:53

what i think game of thrones is about based on... - chickensnack comix

by djempirical

Basicamente, tudo que sei sobre o tal jogo.

what i think game of thrones is about based on stuff people say around me and on internet

Original Source

06 May 00:28

huffingtonpost: Because one is too many.

06 May 00:26

they love that shit

they love that shit

06 May 00:25

Straczynski: "The New Aristocracy"

by Cory Doctorow

Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski has posted a brilliant, inflammatory set of "rules of the new aristocracy: "We are the New Aristocracy because we were born into it. We got our money the old fashioned, Medieval way: our parents gave it to us. We were born into the wealth that we stole from you and your family over the last fifty years."

It doesn’t matter how much an education costs, doesn’t matter if your kids can’t afford to go to college or come out with massive debt, we will always be able to send our kids to university. And because a lot of our income is derived from tax incentives and taxpayer-financed bailouts your taxes are sending our kids to school. But you do not have the right to any of our money to send your kid to school.

If you or your kids want to start a business, you will find that because we’ve sucked all the money out of the economy, there is simply no available cash around to help you finance your startup. (Unless you want to go to your friends online at sites like Indiegogo, and isn’t that just cute?) We just cut our kids a check and tell them to go have fun.

Your kids are born with a glass ceiling above which they will almost certainly never have the opportunity to rise. Our kids are born with a marble floor beneath which they will never be allowed to fall.

If you accidentally provide incorrect information on your tax return, you could lose your house, your possessions, and your livelihood. We lie all the time on our tax information and none of us ever have to deal with this. We squirrel away trillions of dollars in overseas accounts and do all we can to ensure that your money never leaves our control because we'll doubtless need to scoop out more of it soon.

You live in a Company Town; we pay you to work for us, while making sure that we own all the stores in town that sell our goods, the doctors offices where you go in town, the restaurants where you eat, and that we charge you just enough to make sure that at the end of the week you don’t have any leftover money to squirrel away, so you can never leave the company town, can never get ahead, and can never risk criticizing the company town. You work for us. We own the town where you live. We own you.


06 May 00:19

Tumblr | 610.png

01 May 17:24

Collaborating with UX team

by sharhalakis

by rockstarcode

26 Apr 01:46

Nos reímos, pero en realidad no hace ninguna gracia por @MariAnoRajoy12

24 Apr 11:53

GIF | 892.gif

21 Apr 03:20

At Google, Talking To Coworkers Can Get You Fired


Cadê aquela empresa hippie que não faz maldade?

At Google, Talking To Coworkers Can Get You Fired:





Here’s the story, according to Wilson: outside of regular Googlers and the occasional contractors, there are a number of workers, who are hired to digitze books for Google’s massive Books effort to scan and put online every book. These workers are identified by yellow badges, start at 4am, have their own building and have none of the privileges of regular Googlers (the awesome cafeteria, the shuttles, etc) or even contractors like Wilson. Apparently, these workers even have an instruction on the back of their badges to talk to a manager if anyone tries to talk to them.

Anyway Wilson, who is “interested in issues of class, race, and labor”, noticing these peculiar employees filing out of the building at the same time every day (and noticing that they’re apparently all of color…), asks (and gets) an ok from his manager to film them and go talk to them out of general curiosity.

Since these workers are not allowed to talk to other people, cue a general freakout by Google and by the company employing Wilson (who fear that Google will cut them off if their employees go around doing stuff like that). Long story short, despite apologizing profusely and promising not to do it again, Wilson gets fired.

The guy made a short film about it here

our technofuture

cant wait for eric schmidt and justine tunney to save america


20 Apr 21:52


20 Apr 21:51


19 Apr 13:36

Wearable computing breakthrough

by Cory Doctorow

An image from the future past.

(via via @stevenf)

16 Apr 20:19

April 11, 2014

16 Apr 20:15

TL;DR Wikipedia

by Miss Cellania

If you think the articles in Wikipedia are too long to read, there’s a new Tumblr ready to enlighten you on all manner of subjects. TL;DR Wikipedia bills itself as “Wikipedia condensed for your pleasure.” It’s a hoot! Some of the entries are even funnier than these; I picked out a few that lacked objectionable language to show here. Otherwise the air conditioner entry would be at the top. My accountant would disagree about the last one, though, at least in my case. -via Metafilter