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23 Feb 11:54



23 Feb 11:49

Book Lamp WIN

Book Lamp WIN

Check out the via link below to see more of this nifty lamp design!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Colossal)

Tagged: gif , reading is sexy , lamp , design , books , g rated , win Share on Facebook
23 Feb 11:47

Those Not Present

'Yeah, that squid's a total asshole.' [scoot scoot]
23 Feb 11:45

A Riot Simulator Based on Real Worldwide Events for iOS and Android

by Justin Page

Video game director Leonard Menchiari and a small team of Italian developers have created a riot simulator for iOS and Android devices titled RIOT. The events in this simulator are based on real life “riots and manifestations happening in our world today.” You are able to choose which side of the protest to control, the riot police or a gang of rioters. Leonard and his team are currently raising funds on Indiegogo to help with software and licenses. RIOT will be coming out for Mac and PC sometime in the future.

The main purpose of this project is to create a game that will get people to be interactive with two opposing forces during clashes between rioters and police while showing the moral aspects and viewpoints of both sides.

RIOT Screen

RIOT Screen

RIOT Screen

music by Simon Michel – “All Around The World

sound effects by Eric Wegener and Rolando Nadal

images and video via RIOT

via, Nerdcore

19 Feb 07:05

cosmicotton: I-I want to hug him


I-I want to hug him

15 Feb 21:28

The Haunted Orchestra

The Haunted Orchestra

Submitted by: Unknown (via Grant Snider)

Tagged: monsters , halloween , the haunted orchestra Share on Facebook
15 Feb 21:25

Н.Е. Ватагин. Из серии "Русские писатели". Дерево, тон.

Второй сверху, дорогие друзья, не Гитлер, а Чуковский. И да, мне тоже непонятно, почто Ахматову с Цветаевой заголили.

Originally posted by sinitzat at Н.Е. Ватагин. Из серии "Русские писатели". Дерево, тон.

Увидела ссылку у Наташи Дорошенко в ФБ. Не могла не запостить:) Салтыкова-Щедрина не угадала

Почему поэтессы голые, непонятно.