Shared posts

08 Jul 03:42

urbangreens: griya: Living Table by Habitat Horticulture I’ll...



Living Table by Habitat Horticulture

I’ll take 3, please

One of each, thank you very much

08 Jul 03:36


08 Jul 03:36

Russian designer Dmitriy Kulyev created a cloud...

by 1designperday

Russian designer Dmitriy Kulyev created a cloud that produces rain from rain. The Cloud Rainwater Pipe Attachment will make everyone smile.

(Want more? See and
08 Jul 03:26

snowce: Flower-shop, Brussels, designed by Paul Hankar, XIX...

snowce: Flower-shop, Brussels, designed by Paul Hankar, XIX century

08 Jul 03:17

Birthday cake planning

by Joanna Goddard
Toby's third birthday is coming up next month, and he's obsessed with it this year. Needless to say, we've daydreamed a LOT about the birthday cake. Since I'm not a big baker, I wasn't sure what to make (last year, we just served strawberries!). But at the playground the other day, my friend Maureen revealed a genius idea...
Read More >
08 Jul 03:15


08 Jul 02:12


08 Jul 02:08

fy-nghariad-fy-emrys: moriarty: ianwanda: I think if a murderer wanted to lure me out of my room...




I think if a murderer wanted to lure me out of my room all they’d have to do is turn off my wifi cause sure as fuck I’m gonna go see why it isn’t working

touch my wifi you fuck and i wont be the one who’s getting murdered tonight

living up to your url, i see.

07 Jul 22:04


07 Jul 22:04

pegacornalley: heiress-to-the-industries: mldmnnrdrprtr: crazy...








About three things I was absolutely positive. First, I had a pokemon. Second, there was a part of me - and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be - that wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was. Third, Gary Oak was unconditionally and irrevocably a douchenozzle.

Reblogging for the comment

How old are you? 


How long have you been ten?



Misty looked at Ash, his breathing still heavy from carrying her on his bike as fast as he could through the long grass outside of Pallet Town.

“You’re eyes are impossibly huge and black,” Misty said. “Your hair is… incredibly pointy, and doesn’t need product. Your face changes size and shape based on your feelings… and sometimes you speak like - like you’re from the 90’s. You never spend money on anything; you don’t go to the bathroom.”

The silence hung there, thick and heavy like a Snorlax blocking the bike path. 

“How old are you?” Misty asked, not sure if she wanted to know.

“Ten,” Ash replied, with a slight smirk and an almost amused tone.

Misty new that wasn’t true. Ash wasn’t like the other boys her age. He wasn’t even like her older sisters who ran the gym in Cerulean City. He was wiser and his passion was genuine.

Ash didn’t just want to catch them all, he needed to. He was going to be the best there ever was no matter how long it took, which gave Misty this nagging in the back of her mind. She had to know for sure.

“How long have you been ten?” she asked. Her voice weak, knowing full well the answer could change everything she thought she knew.

“A while…” Ash said. His voice trailing off, as if he were losing himself in a flood of memories.

Misty let out a faint gasp. She knew now. She was certain.

“I know what you are,” she declared, as if whatever had been holding her back from accepting the truth, finally let go of her hand and let her fall right down the Diglett hole.

Ash eyes were alive now, flickering like the flame on a Charmander’s tale.

He stared right into her and said, ”Say it… out loud. Say it.”

Misty’s heart was pounding louder than the thud of a Marowak’s bone club attack.

Despite the now eerily silent meadow, she could barely be heard as she whispered, “Pokemon Trainer.”



07 Jul 22:01


07 Jul 21:59


07 Jul 21:56


07 Jul 21:56


07 Jul 21:07


07 Jul 21:07

yvessaintlowrent: apolonisaphrodisia: This is the Lit Aube et...

by featherandarrow



This is the Lit Aube et Crépuscule (Dawn and Twilight bed) by Emile Gallé. It was made in 1904 and is at the Musée de l’Ecole de Nancy. The materials include Rosewood, ebony, mother of pearl and glass. The bed symbolizes dusk, dawn and life. Dusk is a butterfly at the headboard with a landscape of night. Dawn is a butterfly at the foot of the bed, illustrating the renewal of the day. The crystal part of Dawn is said to represent life as a “cosmogenic egg”. For more info see the museum’s website here.

oooooh aahhh geeeeez

07 Jul 21:07

tinycartridge: Dazzling limited edition Pokemon X/Y 3DS XLs Cot...


Dazzling limited edition Pokemon X/Y 3DS XLs

Cot damn those are pretty. The flashy Blue one, which comes with an SD card with either X or Y preinstalled, will debut in Japanese stores alongside the game’s launch on October 12. The exquisite Gold one, though, will be sold exclusively through Japan’s Pokemon Center stores.

Japan also has a new Pokemon X/Y trailer you can watch here — it previews the 3DS game’s character customization, new battle features, Fairy-type Pokemon, and the Player Search System.

PREORDERPokemon X and Y, upcoming releases
07 Jul 05:33


05 Jul 00:23

How the Tables Have Turned!

How the Tables Have Turned!

Submitted by: Unknown

05 Jul 00:22

Zen Cubicles

Zen Cubicles

Submitted by: Unknown

04 Jul 21:31

The Sky is the Limit

The Sky is the Limit

"Sky?" That's a fancy word for "unwillingness to participate in the cutthroat, nepotism-filled rat race toward middle management!"

Submitted by: Unknown (via Extra Fabulous Comics)

04 Jul 21:02

mond0: sö î hèãrd ÿôū łįkê gùÿś wìth áçćėñtš


sö î hèãrd ÿôū łįkê gùÿś wìth áçćėñtš

04 Jul 20:54

Either that was a firework, or another Tribute is dead

04 Jul 05:43

History 101: Caligula Was Awesome

History 101: Caligula Was Awesome

Submitted by: Unknown

04 Jul 05:24

Red Pandas Are Adorbs

Red Pandas Are Adorbs

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: red panda , adorable , attack , play
04 Jul 05:22

Now to Go In for the Nom

04 Jul 05:20

Puppy Nom

04 Jul 05:19

Observant Cat

Observant Cat

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gifs , jk , Cats , pointing , funny
04 Jul 05:14

Are You My Mommy?

04 Jul 05:14

Instant Improvement