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26 Jul 03:16

Sunday at the Church Library

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)
Donna is shelving books.
For anyone interested in Ben Franklin, his parents are buried at the church. The graveyard was here before the church structure, which was a granary that held gunpowder during the revolution. The expression "fire and brimstone" came from our church, it being where the colonists stored gunpowder during the AMerican Revolution.
26 Jul 03:05

mother's day, I brought Donna tulips during the church service

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Scott Lord on Mystery Film)
I wanted to photograph the tulips I brought Donna during church- I had to run an errand and we are here during three church services- from outside looking into the church,but as you can tell, the reflection precludes it. The otherside of the building looks on to the adjacent churchyard with tulips on the graves of Ben Franklin's parents where I "reflect" every week (diligently) for those who have passed.
22 Jul 04:50

Mac Ahlberg (Bert Torn) with Marie Forsa

by (Unknown)
Justine and Juliette (Mac Ahlberg as Bert Torn, 1975) with Marie Forsa and Anne Bie Wargurg is more explicit than the films of exploitation and sexploitation. My copy is in Swedish and, whereas my first copy of Exposed (Exponerad, 1971) was entirely in Swedish, the earlier film contains only nudity without depicting the sexual act. The swith from Something Weird video to dvd has made some films unavailable to me.
The films screenplay was written by its director. There is the use of an expository retrospective voice over during exterior shots of Marie Forsa during exterior shots; the character being an omnicient she already knows the plotline's denoument. The technique could have been used more fully , near beautifully,had the film been more of a serious drama. The plot turns when Juliette brings Justine to a party, which becomes a quiet orgy. She is then introduced an older man, who brings her home with him and she is brought from liscentiousness to romance. The motif is underdeveloped by the film's levity- that Justine is decieved into a love affair is left as a plot gimmick rather than as a moral theme, but in that way the decadence is supported by its its own hedonist theme rather than a plot theme like The Rise and Fall of Susan Lennox where love is the morality.
The bedroom is darkened as he unfastens her bra and the director uses closeshots and superimposures to depict their making love. The voice over connects adjacent scenes, but the motif of sex in the darkness and erotic moviegoing in the darkness is subtle when connected with later scenes. Only through the tenderness of his lovemaking can the bedroom and movie theater (screening room) be connected thematiclly He photographs her nude of the beach and then, as spectator, screens the film in a projection room. During a dinner party, she undresses while, dancing, being shown nude in profile and over the shoulder. She uses voice over to explain that the two are in love and yet he is more intellectually concerned with dabating free love and morality-the open marriage. He then brings her to the projection room to screen one of his films, the camera cutting back and forth between a close shot of her as vouyer and explicit sex scenes on the screen- the direction is reversed one hundred and eighty degress, from screen to spectator. He underesses her from behind in the darkened room and makes love to her slowly from that position. The use of the vouyer is supradiegetic rather than infradiegetic and positions the subject as spectator.
There is an amazing slightly low angled close shot of her lifting her dress in a subsequent scene. her lover returns her to the orgy from the beginning of the film, where she appears with Juliette- she is now a woman.
Mac Ahlberg had photographed the Swedish film Cats (Kattorna, Henning Carlsen) in 1965.
Marie Forsa appeared in the Joseph Sarno films Veil of Blood, Girl Meets Girl (1974) and Butterflies.

Inga silent film
22 Jul 04:50

Sherlock Holmes, The Dying Detective (Elvey, 1921)

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Scott Lord on Mystery Film)
22 Jul 04:50

Silent Sherlock Holmes

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Scott Lord on Mystery Film)
22 Jul 04:49

Modern Art 1972

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Scott Lord on Mystery Film)
22 Jul 04:49

Scott Lord Mystery: The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Queue for Murder, 1947

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
22 Jul 03:57

Fwd: Bo Florin sent you a message on

Tags: florin edu

18 Jul 03:51

The Photoplay: Silent Movie Lobby Cards, Lon Chaney

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Scott Lord on Mystery Film)
18 Jul 03:48


18 Jul 03:48

Scott Lord Silent Film: Biblical Drama; The Miracles of Jesus (Mogul Film Company, 1910s) - YouTube

Silent Film

Tags: Silent Film

18 Jul 03:34

Scott Lord

Scott Lord

Tags: Scott Lord

09 Jul 04:32

Scott Lord on Silent Film Hollywood, Lost Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film: Scott Lord Silent Film: Ben Hur, A Tale of Christ (Fred Niblo, 1925)

scottlordpoet shared this story from Scottlordfilm's Favorite Links from Diigo.

Silent Film

Tags: Silent Film

23 Jun 03:50

Scott Lord Mystery: It Came from Outer Space theatrical trailer (Jack Arnold, 1953)

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
23 Jun 03:48

Scott Lord Mystery: Jungle Captive (Young, 1945) theatrical trailer

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
23 Jun 03:48

Scott Lord Mystery: The Man With Two Faces (Mayo, 1934) theatrical trailer

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
23 Jun 02:49

Scott Lord - YouTube

23 Jun 02:34

Scott Lord Mystery: Sir Nayland Smith, Scotland Yard

by Scott Lord Mystery Film

Drums of Fu Man Chu, Chapter Ten, Drums of Doom
23 Jun 02:33

Scott Lord Mystery:Sir Nayland Smith, Scotland Yard

by Scott Lord Mystery Film

Drums of Fu Man Chu: Chapter Five, House of Terror
23 Jun 02:33

Sherlock Holmes in Film - Scott Lord Sherlock Holmes

by (Anonymous)
Scott Lord Sherlock Sherlock Holmes in Film - Scott Lord Sherlock Holmes:

'via Blog this'

I've been looking through mystery film posters from 1913. Please keep reading my blogs for more.

Silent Film
23 Jun 02:18

Scott Lord: 2012

22 Jun 21:12

Scott Lord Mystery: The Premature Burial (Roger Corman)

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
22 Jun 21:12

Scott Lord Mystery: Boris Karloff in The Raven (Roger Corman, 1963)

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
22 Jun 21:09

Scott Lord Mystery: Tom Conway as Sherlock Holmes in Murder in the Locked Room (1947)

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
22 Jun 21:08

Scott Lord Mystery Film: Tom Conway as Sherlock Holmes in The Singular Affair of the Coptic Compass

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
22 Jun 21:05

Scott Lord Mystery: Dark Hazard (Alfred Green, 1934) theatrical trailer

by Scott Lord Mystery Film
22 Jun 21:05

Sherlock Holmes Trailers-Pearl of Death

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)

I happen to carry a Basil Rathbone Players Cigarette Card (1938) in my wallet.


Scott Lord
22 Jun 21:05

The Cat and the Canary (1927)

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)
22 Jun 21:04

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)
22 Jun 21:04

The Moonstone

by (Scott Lord on Silent Film, Swedish Silent Film, Danish Silent Film,)