Shared posts

14 Dec 20:37


14 Dec 20:32

"açougada, acracia, adevão, alarma, alarme, alteração, alvoroço, alvoroto, anarquia, angu,..."

“açougada, acracia, adevão, alarma, alarme, alteração, alvoroço, alvoroto, anarquia, angu, angu-de-caroço, anguzada, aperta-chico, aranzel, argel, arregaço, atabalhoação, atrapalhação, auê, bababi, babel, babilônia, bacafuzada, bachinche, badanal, baderna, bafa, bafafá, bagaço, bagunça, bagunçada, balborda, balbórdia, balbúrdia, bambá, bambaquerê, bananosa, bandoria, banguelê, banzé, banzé-de-cuia, banzeiro, barafunda, baralha, baralhada, barrilada, bereré, berzabum, bilbode, bochinche, bochincho, bode, bolo, bololô, brenha, briga, bronca, bruega, bulha, burundanga, cambulhada, caos, chinfrim, chinfrineira, chinfrinice, choldra, choldraboldra, cinza, cocoré, coisa-feita, coluvião, complicação, confa, confusa, cu-de-boi, cu-de-mãe-joana, danação, dédalo, desalinho, desarranjo, desarrumação, desgoverno, desmancho, desmanho, desmaranho, desordem, desorganização, desorientação, destempero, deus-nos-acuda, dificuldade, distúrbio, emaranhamento, embananamento, embaralhação, embrulhada, embrulhamento, embrulho, encrenca, enrolação, entuviada, envolta, esbregue, escangalho, esculhambação, esparrame, esparramo, estalada, estrago, estralada, estripulia, estropelia, estrupício, fandango, fecha, fecha-fecha, felga, ferga, flamengaria, forrobodó, frege, frevo, fritada, fubá, fula-fula, furdúncio, furdunço, fuzuê, galho, gambérria, gangolina, garabulha, garbulha, gódia, grude, imbróglio, indisciplina, inferneira, inferno, insubordinação, joldra, lambança, langará, lubambo, maçarocada, maranha, maria-da-fonte, massagada, mastigada, matinada, melê, melê-de-cuia, mexerufada, mexida, miscelânea, mistela, mistifório, mistura, misturada, mixórdia, motinada, movimentação, movimento, paçoca, pampeiro, pandemônio, pega-pega, pega-pra-capar, perequê, perereco, perplexidade, perturbação, pipoco, poeirada, porqueira, presepada, quebra-quebra, quebra-rabicho, quelelê, quilelê, reboldosa, reboldrosa, rebordosa, rebulício, rebuliço, recacau, rififi, roldão, rolo, ruge-ruge, rusga, salada, salgalhada, salsada, salseiro, sangangu, saragata, sarapatel, sarilho, sarrabulhada, sarrabulho, sarrafascada, sarrafusca, seribolo, sinagoga, sororó, surumbamba, sururu, tempo-quente, tiborna, tibornice, touraria, trabuzana, trança, trapalhada, trapalhice, tribuzana, tropel, tropelia, trovoada, tumulto, turbamulta, turbulência, turumbamba, turundundum, ula, valverde, vavavá, xirimbamba, zaragalhada, zaragata, zona, zorra, zungu”

- Sinônimos de “confusão” no Houaiss (via rafaelcapanema)
06 Dec 18:23

Rare Words


acosmist - One who believes that nothing exists
paralian - A person who lives near the sea
aureate - Pertaining to the fancy or flowery words used by poets 
dwale - To wander about deliriously
sabaism - The worship of stars
dysphoria - An unwell feeling
aubade - A love song which is sung at dawn
eumoirous - Happiness due to being honest and wholesome
mimp - To speak in a prissy manner, usually with pursed lips

23 Nov 22:04

Dirds (Dogs + Birds)

by Jason Jose

Dirds (Dogs + Birds)

Hilarious photo manipulations combining birds with dogs and somehow, they work.
17 Nov 22:18

A year of parenting, Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

INCIDENTAL COMICS Words and Pictures by Grant Snider

A year of parenting, Grant Snider

04 Oct 02:58

agiliza meu lado

by brunomaron

23 Sep 16:23

anitkaa on We Heart...

04 Sep 19:34

A Separate Reality: Illustrations by Alex Andreev

by Jason Jose

A Separate Reality: Illustrations by Alex Andreev

A selection of surreal digital illustrations from his series A Separate Reality.
It sounds paradoxical but digital art attracts me because it is free of technological influence. While in traditional arts technologies dramatically limit the artist—his ability to stylize works in graphics or extremely time consuming process of paint drying—in digital painting I sit in front of a screen, grab the stylus and see the result immediately.
02 Sep 22:25

Fernando Vicente

Fernando Vicente

Fernando Vicente

02 Sep 13:08


27 Aug 19:29

The Radical Challenge of Building a Dorm for the Deaf

by Liz Stinson
The clever design choices seen in this residence hall may add up to a space specifically suited to deaf students, but DeafSpace principles could easily (and perhaps should) be the basis for any architecture project.

27 Aug 19:20

Untranslatable words illustrated

14 Aug 05:46

Jay Z vs Marina Abramovic

by Bruno Natal

foto: Vogue

Cercado por uma plateia de artistas, conhecidos e desconhecidos, Jay Z transformou a gravação do clipe de “Picasso Baby” em uma performance de arte. Como em outras obras de Marina Abramovic, o rapper interagiu diretamente com o público, provocando uma reação talvez ainda maior nele do que na plateia.

Via @fcontinentino > SP-Arte

12 Aug 17:09

Illustrations by Isabelle Dalle

by Jason Jose

Illustrations by Isabelle Dalle

Digital illustrations combining anatomical drawings from medical journals and a variety of other images such as ballet dancers, astronomy charts, cherubs, wings, and animals. 
10 Aug 12:45

Spike Jonze's Her: A Love Story for People Who Don't Like People

by Graeme McMillan
The first trailer for Spike Jonze's new movie has been released, revealing an update on Manic Pixie Dream Girls for men who can't deal with living humans.

06 Aug 21:24

Creator of xkcd Reveals Secret Backstory of His Epic 3,990-Panel Comic

by Laura Hudson
When the xkcd comic "Time" first appeared online as the newest update of the popular Randall Munroe webcomic, it looked deceptively simple. But then it changed every half-hour for the next week?and then every hour for the next four months after that?as the characters slowly built an immense castle out of sand, pondered the strange, shifting sea levels, and set out on an epic, time-lapsed sequential art journey to discover the truth about their world.

06 Aug 18:48

Tierra Patagonia Hotel by Cazu Zegers Arquitectura

by Jason Jose

Tierra Patagonia Hotel by Cazu Zegers Arquitectura

A hotel located on the shore of Lake Sarmiento, Chile with views of the mountains of Torres del Paine National Park. The structure is meant to evoke the timeless shapes of sand dunes and driftwood.
The form seeks to merge with the metaphysical landscape, not to interrupt it. The shape of the hotel is reminiscent of an old fossil, a prehistoric animal beached on the shore of the lake, not unlike those found and studied by Charles Darwin. The building is as though born out of the land, like a fold in the terrain that the wind has carved in the sand. It is anchored to the ground with stone slopes and is completely covered in washed Lenga wood paneling. This finish gives the hotel a silvery sheen, typical of old wooden houses worn away by winter. The spatial solution aims for warm and cozy spaces structured by internal pathways, allowing the building to inhabit its extension.
06 Aug 18:03

Foodscapes: Photos by Carl Warner

by Jason Jose

Foodscapes: Photos by Carl Warner

Amazing foodscapes that are photographed in layers from foreground to background then each element is put together in post production to achieve the final image.
Although I’m very hands on with my work, I do use model makers and food stylists to help me create the sets. I tend to start with a drawing which I sketch out in order to get the composition worked out, this acts as a blue print for the team to work to. I tend to draw a very conventional landscape using classic compositional techniques as I need to fool the viewer into thinking it is a real scene at first glance, it is the realisation that the scene is in fact made of food that brings a smile to the viewer, and for me that’s the best part.
See also his Bodyscapes series.
05 Aug 17:39

There she goes again

There she goes again

31 Jul 22:44

how-wry-innocence: yelira: releasings: This picture is in...




This picture is in time with the average heart rate. What you’re hearing is the sound of your blood pumping, which you aren’t normally aware of. This picture tricks your mind into making yourself aware of your heart rate, so you hear it.

what the fuck have you done

My heart rate is almost twice this. It’s also irregular. Soooo

Oops, I don’t have a heart.

31 Jul 22:36

Shoot for the moon

31 Jul 22:35

## NO MATCH ##

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
29 Jul 19:24

Bodyscapes: Photos by Carl Warner

by Jason Jose

Bodyscapes: Photos by Carl Warner

Creative photography using the human form as landscapes.
An alternative portrait of a human being whose body becomes a landscape of themselves and plays on the sense of space in which we dwell. The external view of ourselves therefore becomes a more abstract and perhaps more intimate reflection of our inner being when viewed as a landscape or given a sense of place.
29 Jul 19:23

Shape Series: Photos by Tierney Gearon

by Jason Jose

Shape Series: Photos by Tierney Gearon

Photos series exploring captivity in which animals and people are placed inside color plexiglass boxes.

26 Jul 20:20

Currency Collage by Mark Wagner

by Jason Jose

Currency Collage by Mark Wagner

New works using the one dollar bill to create humorous portraits, landscapes, and other scenes. George Washington figures prominently in many collages since his face is on the currency.
26 Jul 20:18

Digital Art by Kazuhiko Nakamura

by Jason Jose

Digital Art by Kazuhiko Nakamura

Fantastic 3D digital illustrations combining machinery and flesh. Reminds me of the Borg characters in Star Trek.
13 Jul 15:27

Parque temático do Angry Birds será inaugurado hoje em SP com tirolesa e tobogã

Fãs do jogo virtual Angry Birds terão a oportunidade de se divertir em um parque temático que ficará instalado no Mooca Plaza Shopping (zona leste de São Paulo) a partir desta sexta-feira (dia 12). Até 12 de agosto, o público poderá curtir uma série de atrações no espaço, que tem 250 metros quadrados. O parque contará com uma tirolesa de 10,5 metros de altura e uma parede de escalada de 6,8 de altura por 2,5 de largura (formada por "60 agarras", 40 em formato de pássaros e 20 em forma de caixinhas). Também haverá um tobogã em forma de espiral, estilingue, jogo interativo, espaço para fotos e um cercadinho infantil cheio de pelúcias. Leia mais (12/07/2013 - 02h00)
13 Jul 14:16

"It’s no good trying to get rid of your own aloneness....

"It’s no good trying to get rid of your own aloneness. You’ve got to stick to it all your life. Only at times, at times, the gap will be filled in. At times! But you have to wait for the times. Accept your own aloneness and stick to it, all your life. And then accept the times when the gap is filled in, when they come. But they’ve got to come. You can’t force them."
—D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover

13 Jul 14:15

"Shopping is a form of daydreaming, a way to recast your life...

"Shopping is a form of daydreaming, a way to recast your life instantly, a desperate optimism about the meaning of style and detail. Such a fleeting feeling, but impossible to resist. She knew she was the kind of woman who couldn’t walk past a post office without wanting to buy stamps."
—Dana Spiotta, Lightning Field

09 Jul 00:56

Batman: Hoarder