Shared posts

14 Nov 17:48

The Food Lab: How to Make an Herb Butter-Rubbed Spatchcocked Roast Turkey in Under 2 Hours

by J. Kenji López-Alt

So you've seen our spatchcock turkey and you're intrigued by the promise of extra-crisp skin and ultra-moist meat, all in about 90 minutes...but you want it to pack just a little more punch. This version's got all of the same crisp skin and juicy meat as the original recipe, but with a flavor-packed herb butter to coat it. Read More
14 Nov 15:51

Recipe: Grilled Bread Dressing with Cranberries & Leeks — Thanksgiving Recipes from The Kitchn

by Sheri Castle
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Turkey gets the talk at Thanksgiving, but many of us are all about the dressing (or stuffing, as some call it, regardless of whether it's stuffed inside a bird). Few foods peg regional preferences and hometown traditions more accurately than the style of dressing preferred by a family.

This one says California, and it's inspired by Judy Rodgers' legendary warm bread salad served with her perfect roast chicken at Zuni Cafe in San Francisco.


13 Nov 18:00

That Viral Video of Creeps Hitting on a "Drunk" Woman Was Just a Hoax

by Jay Hathaway

That Viral Video of Creeps Hitting on a "Drunk" Woman Was Just a Hoax

A "social experiment" where a woman pretended to be drunk on Hollywood Boulevard while gross men blatantly tried to take advantage of her made the rounds earlier this week. As many suspected, the viral "prank" was entirely staged. The L.A. Weekly broke the story.


13 Nov 15:08

Walmart Tells All U.S. Managers They Can Now Price-Match Online Retailers Like Amazon

by Mary Beth Quirk

It’s a war out there in the world of retail, and having the lowest prices around is a weapon every brick-and-mortar store has been trying to keep in its arsenal. Not so easy when online retailers like Amazon are constantly lowering prices. All that might change for Walmart, as store managers have been told it’s time to officially start price-matching Amazon and others.

We’ve known for a few weeks now that Walmart was considering allowing stores to match lower prices found online for customers who walk into the 5,000 or so locations in the country, and today the company’s head of U.S. business says that idea has been given the go ahead.

According to a brief report from Reuters, Greg Foran, president and CEO of Walmart U.S., made it seem basically inevitable, saying that the company informed managers that they can match prices with online retailers, because plenty of them were doing just that anyway.

This is just a way to formalize that practice, Foran explained. Some managers were already price-matching on certain items on a case-by-case basis.

“About half of the stores were doing it anyway,” he said during a call this morning reporting Walmart’s quarterly results.

Price-matching might end up costing Walmart money, but it also works against showrooming: If a customer likes something they see in a store, go online on their phones and see that Amazon has it for less, they’re not going to purchase it right there in the store. But if the price is the same, it’s more likely that shopper will just buy it right there.

Let the price-matching wars begin — because when more companies are fighting to give shoppers the lowest price, consumers win.

Wal-Mart told store managers to match online prices with Amazon [Reuters]

12 Nov 22:24

Where Has the Pizza Waffle Been All My Life

Where Has the Pizza Waffle Been All My Life

Submitted by: (via Holly Lofthouse)

Tagged: pizza , oh god why , food , waffles , g rated , win
12 Nov 20:32


12 Nov 16:49

Consumer Reports Battles The Prerinsing Menace

by Laura Northrup

Our colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports are fighting for a cause that might not seem all that important…especially not in comparison with pressing policy issues like antibiotics-laden meat or the looming merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. Yet this issue does lead to the waste of large amounts of water, energy, and time. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We last addressed this issue two and a half years ago, but if your household prerinses dishes before putting them in a recently manufactured dishwasher, you have wasted as many as 15,000 gallons of water since then. No, really.

As part of their ongoing crusade against pre-rinsing, our colleagues have issued a Thanksgiving-season challenge to readers to stop rinsing their dishes “cold turkey” for one cycle. If you find that some dishes come out still soiled, then those are the ones you will have to pre-rinse in the future. Make sure that you’ve loaded and lined up everything correctly, make some adjustments next time, and then use the several minutes that you save by not pre-rinsing to … I don’t know, check your favorite blogs again after dinner, or something equally important.

Don’t waste time and money prerinsing your dishes [Consumer Reports]

10 Nov 16:15

It's 2014 and Spatchcocking Is Still the Fastest, Easiest, Best Way to Roast a Turkey

by J. Kenji López-Alt

In the past, I've gone on record saying that spatchcocking your turkey is the fastest, easiest, most foolproof way to a perfect Thanksgiving dinner. I still stand by those words 100%. There is no method that will get your crisper skin, juicier meat, or better gravy in less time. If you haven't roasted your turkey like this yet, now is the time to start. Read More
09 Nov 01:10

Adjust the Brightness of This Lamp by Lowering It into the Well

by John Farrier

Štefan Nosko and Katarína Beličková are consumer product designers in Bratislava, Slovakia. They call this lamp Well. You can control the brightness of the lamp by using it like an old fashioned water well. To increase the brightness, crank up the wire. To decrease the brightness, lower the light bulb into the shaded glass cylinder.

-via Fubiz | Photos: Adam Šakový

09 Nov 01:08

The Rules of a Wife Carrying Competition

by John Farrier

(Photo: Visit Lakeland)

Wife carrying is an old sport in Finland and Estonia derived from a rather aggressive dating practice that has fallen out of favor in modern times: grab a woman, toss her over your shoulder, and carry off to a newly married life.

(Video Link)

So file that practice under “do not try this at home.” The modern sport, though, is a bit more civilized. Grab a wife (not necessarily your own) and carry her over an obstacle course faster than anyone else. The sport has been formalized and regulated in Finland since 1992. When On Earth lists some of the rules that athletes must follow to enter into the Finnish championship:

  • The length of the official track is 253.5 meters with a sand track surface.
  • The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle about one meter deep.
  • The wife to be carried may be your own, or the neighbor’s, or you may have found her further afield; she must, however, be over 17 years of age.
  • The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kilograms. If she weighs less than 49 kg, she will be burdened with a rucksack containing additional weight to bring the total load to be carried up to 49 kg.
  • If a contestant drops the wife, he has to lift her on to his back or in his arms and continue carrying.
  • All participants must enjoy themselves.
  • The winner is the couple who completes the course in the shortest time.
  • The only equipment allowed is a belt worn by the carrier and a helmet worn by the carried.
  • The contestants run the race two at a time, so each heat is a contest in itself.
  • Each contestant takes care of his/her safety and, if deemed necessary, insurance.
  • The contestants have to pay attention to the instructions given by the organizers of the competition.
  • Wife Carrying Competition has two categories Official Wife Carrying World Championships Series and Senior series  40 years and older applicants.
  • Also the most entertaining couple, the best costume, and the strongest carrier will be rewarded with a special prize.

-via VA Viper

(Photo: Visit Lakeland)

POLL: Should wife carrying be an Olympic sport?

  • Yes and you should compete!
  • No, that's not a real sport.
  • Just show me the answers!
09 Nov 00:57

An Age Old Fairy Tale

07 Nov 19:39

Sounds About Right

Sounds About Right

Submitted by: (via Dump a Day)

Tagged: kids , eggs , parenting , brain , g rated
07 Nov 17:08


by Miss Cellania

Some things are worth dedicating your life to. The problem is, some things require all that time, work, an dedication before you even know if it’s worth it. Still, I'd probably put "going to the moon" in the worthwhile category. Not that I know from experience or anything. This is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

07 Nov 15:39

Stuck Comics

Stuck Comics
06 Nov 18:34

They'll Wallow in it All Day if You Let Them

06 Nov 18:30

Kids Play Favorites Too

Kids Play Favorites Too

Submitted by: (via Bits and Pieces)

Tagged: gifs , kids , parenting , favorite , g rated
06 Nov 16:22

European Chocolate Wins This Time

European Chocolate Wins This Time

Submitted by: (via Acid Cow)

05 Nov 16:58

The Food Lab: This Creamy, Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Gratin Just Might Be the Side Dish of Your Dreams

by J. Kenji López-Alt

Brussels sprouts have come a long way in the days since they were boiled to a stinky, cabbage-y death. Rapid, high-heat cooking has been the game-changer for me, but what if I told you that there's an even better way to cook Brussels sprouts? One that forgoes that quick cooking in lieu of extra-richness and flavor? A method that not only delivers decadently delicious results, but can be made 100% ahead of time with just a short stay in the oven prior to serving? This cheesy casserole packed with bacon and Brussels sprouts is where it's at. Read More
05 Nov 00:39

Kindergartner Teachers Need It

03 Nov 17:47

After Giving 100 Logical Reasons As To Why We’re Not Getting A Dog, She Tried Reason 101

Well did you know my new book — The New Dad Dictionary: Everything He Really Needs to Know - from A to Z — is now available?!?

02 Nov 20:10

Happy #PokemonHalloween!

Pokémon halloween awesome - 8365203712

Submitted by: (via corlista)

Tagged: Pokémon , halloween , awesome
30 Oct 19:48

Stick With a Theme

30 Oct 19:38

Whale That's a Nice Costume

27 Oct 19:44

Amazon's New Chromecast Competitor Is Just $20 Until Wednesday

by Ashley Feinberg on Gizmodo, shared by Mike Fahey to Kotaku

Amazon's New Chromecast Competitor Is Just $20 Until Wednesday

Amazon just announced its very own (crazy cheap) $40 Chromecast competitor, the Fire TV Stick. And if you're an Amazon Prime member, you have until Wednesday to pick one up for a mere $19.


27 Oct 16:56



Submitted by: (via idmfk)

Tagged: baby , bottle , ouch , parenting , g rated
27 Oct 15:40

Turns Out GMO's Change the Way Food is Made Entirely!

Turns Out GMO's Change the Way Food is Made Entirely!

Submitted by: (via Grand_Moff_Snarkin)

Tagged: gmo , food , gluten free , failbook
25 Oct 05:02

The Tolkien Fan

by Miss Cellania

Even if you couldn’t see their faces, it should be obvious which of these Tolkien fans is the older one. Sigh. This comic from CommitStrip is labeled “a true story.” Share this with someone young and let us know if you have to explain it. -via Geeks Are Sexy

25 Oct 05:00

Sarcastic Moms Caption Ridiculous Stock Photos of Parenting

by John Farrier

With a measure of alarm that I do not think was undue, I asked my wife, "Is there baby poop on my face?" At that time, there was not. But it would happen. As Bane said, "that comes later." And it did.

Getting baby poop on your face is part of parenting. And there will be other, similar experiences. That is parenting--real parenting, not the kind depicted in idealized stock photos.

The Tumblr blog It's Like They Know Us is filled with images of happy, cooperative children and their cheerful, well-rested parents. Contributors have added sarcastic captions that reflect their own experiences.

-via Joe Carter

25 Oct 02:24

Disorder in the Court

by (Bhaskar Dasgupta)

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.

ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'

ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS: My name is Susan!
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget..
ATTORNEY: You forget?  Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you kidding me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid
ATTORNEY: She had three children , right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney.  Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death..
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor , how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them.  The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK?  What school did you go to?
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM ATTORNEY: And Mr.  Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
And last:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

25 Oct 00:32

These 22 People Voiced Over 200 Cartoon Characters

by Craig S Baker

The best voice actors pull long hours, often playing multiple characters for multiple shows, films, commercials, and videogames in the course of a single day. The pros—as per the 2013 documentary I Know That Voice (available streaming on Netflix)—often say that each character’s vocal qualities create a unique “musicality” that applies only to that particular character. Vocal trainer Bob Bergen says, “If you can do Shakespeare as Porky Pig or Sylvester the Cat and stay in character, then you can probably handle the script for a movie.”

You might not recognize many of these real-life folks in public (a few do show up in front of the camera from time to time), but many of your favorite cartoon characters have been voiced by just a handful of talented voice actors for years. Here’s a partial list.

1. The Voice: Christine Cavanaugh

The Faces: Dexter on Dexter’s Laboratory; Chuckie Finster on Rugrats; Gosalyn Mallard on Darkwing Duck; Oblina on Aaahh!!! Real Monsters; Marty Sherman on The Critic; and she was the original Babe the pig.

2. The Voice: Elizabeth “E.G.” Daily

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The Faces: Tommy Pickles on Rugrats; Louie of Huey, Dewey, and – on Quack Pack; Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls; Bamm-Bamm Flintstone on Cave Kids. She also took over as Babe in Babe: Pig in the City.

3. The Voice: Pamela Adlon

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The Faces: Bobby Hill from King of the Hill, Vidia the fairy in the Tinkerbell film franchise, and Spinelli on Recess.

4. The Voice: Charles Adler

The Faces: Starscream in the Transformers films; I.R. Baboon on I Am Weasel; Cow and Chicken on Cow and Chicken; Felix the Cat (1995); Ickis on Aaahh!!! Real Monsters; Ed and Bev Bighead and George and Grandma Wolfe on Rocko’s Modern Life; Buster Bunny on Tiny Toon Adventures; and Paddington Bear (1989).

5. The Voice: Tom Kenney

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The Faces: Spongebob Squarepants and his pet snail Gary; the Narrator and Mayor from The Powerpuff Girls; Mumbo from Teen Titans; Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh; Iron Man, Captain America, and Doctor Octopus from the Marvel Super Hero Squad franchise; Eduardo from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends; the Penguin on The Batman; Cupid from The Fairly Odd Parents; Dog from CatDog and Heffer Wolfe on Rocko’s Modern Life.

6. The Voice: Jeff Bennett

Disney Wikia

The Faces: Mr. Smee on Jake and the Neverland Pirates; Johnny Bravo; The Man with the Yellow Hat on Curious George; Kowalski from The Penguins of Madagascar and Petrie from several installments of the Land Before Time franchise.

7. The Voice: Jess Harnell

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The Faces: Wakko Warner from Animaniacs; Tim the Bear of The Cleveland Show; Sewer Urchin on The Tick; Chilly the snowman from Doc McStuffins.

8. The Voice: Frank Welker

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The Faces: Fred from Scooby Doo and later on, Scooby himself; Heckle and Jeckle from The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse and Heckle and Jeckle; Droopy on The New Adventures of Tom and Jerry; Stripe in Gremlins; Mohawk in Gremlins 2; Catgut and Howler from The Pound Puppies; Dr. Claw and Brain on Inspector Gadget; Torch on G.I. Joe; a whole bunch of Transformers; Slimer and Dr. Raymond Stantz from The Real Ghostbusters; Hefty Smurf, Poet Smurf and Peewit from The Smurfs, then Azrael on the Smurfs movies; Joanna the Goanna from Rescuers Down Under; Kermit, Skeeter and Beaker on Muppet Babies; Abu, the Cave of Wonders, and Rajah from Disney’s Aladdin; Bo, Booker, and Sheldon from Garfield and Friends and Garfield on The Garfield Show; George on Curious George; Barney Rubble for several projects; Goddard the robot dog on Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, and he’s made a strange array of animal noises on shows like Beavis and Butt-Head, South Park, and Johnny Bravo.

9. The Voice: Tress MacNeille

Wikimedia Commons

The Faces: Mom and Linda Van Schoonhoven on Futurama; Chip, Gadget and Zipper on Chip ‘N’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers; Babs Bunny on Tiny Toon Adventures; Dot Warner and Hello Nurse on Animaniacs; Daisy Duck; Arnold’s Grandma on Hey Arnold!; Agnes Skinner, Dolph, Jimbo Jones, Lunchlady Doris, and the Crazy Cat Lady on The Simpsons.

10. The Voice: Jim Cummings

The Faces: Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, too; Goofy’s nemesis neighbor, Pete; Captain Caveman on Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated; Ray from The Princess and the Frog; the Tazmanian Devil; Cat from CatDog; Fuzzy Lumpkins from The Powerpuff Girls; Kaa and Colonel Hathi in Jungle Book 2; Ed the Hyena from The Lion King; Darkwing Duck; Bonkers D. Bobcat from Bonkers; Zummi Gummi from Adventures of the Gummy Bears; Monterey Jack and Fat Cat from Chip ‘N’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers.

11. The Voice: Casey Kasem

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The Faces: Shaggy from Scooby-Doo; Robin in Super Friends; Teletraan I, Cliffhanger and Bluestreak in The Transformers.

12. The Voice: Seth Green

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The Faces: Chris Griffin and Neil in Family Guy; A-Bomb in Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.; Leonardo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Jeff “Joker” Moreau of the Mass Effect video game franchise.

13. The Voice: Billy West

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The Faces: Philip J. Frye, Dr. Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg and Zapp Brannigan of Futurama; Buzz the Honey Nut Cheerios honey bee; the red M & M; Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, and Pepe Le Pew; Woody Woodpecker; both Ren and Stimpy of Ren & Stimpy; Zim of Invader Zim (pilot only); Slimer in Extreme Ghostbusters; Roger Klotz and Doug Funnie of Doug.

14. The Voice: Carlos Alazraqui

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The Faces: Mr. Crocker on Fairly Odd Parents; Mr. Weed in Family Guy; Lazlo in Camp Lazlo!; Rocko and Spunky in Rocko’s Modern Life.

15. The Voice: Dan Castellaneta

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The Faces: Homer Simpson, Krusty the Klown, Grandpa Simpson, Kodos, Barney Gumble, Groundskeeper Willie, Moleman, Mayor Quimby and the Rich Texan on The Simpsons; the Robot Devil on Futurama; Arnold’s Grandpa on Hey Arnold!; Earthworm Jim; Aladdin’s Genie, post Robin Williams.

16. The Voice: Nancy Cartwright

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The Faces: Bart Simpson, Nelson Muntz, Ralph Wiggum, and Todd Flanders in The Simpsons; Rufus the naked mole rat in Kim Possible; Chuckie Finster in All Grown Up; Margo Sherman on The Critic; Pistol Pete from Goof Troop.

17. The Voice: Maurice LaMarche

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The Faces: Mr. Freeze in Batman: Arkham Origins the video game; Morbo, Kif Kroker and Calculon in Futurama; Big Bob Pitaki on Hey Arnold!; Brain of Pinky and the Brain; Dizzy Devil on Tiny Toon Adventures; Chief Quimby on Inspector Gadget; Verminous Skumm and Duke Nukem on Captain Planet and the Planeteers; Pepe Le Pew, Yosemite Sam and the dorky detective himself, Inspector Gadget in various projects.

18. The Voice: John DiMaggio

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The Faces: Bender from Futurama; Jake in Adventure Time; Niblet, Mutt and Tiny in Pound Puppies; the Joker in Batman: Under the Red Hood.

19. The Voice: Gary Owens

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The Faces: Space Ghost; Powdered Toast Man from Ren & Stimpy; the announcer/narrator from Space Quest VI & IV, Garfield and Friends, and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.

20. The Voice: Tara Strong

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The Faces: Timmy Turner and baby Poof on The Fairly Odd Parents; Harley Quinn in several recent Batman video games; Raven in Teen Titans; Terrence in Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends; Bubbles of The Powerpuff Girls; Dil Pickles from Rugrats; Ben Tennyson of Ben 10.

21. The Voice: Richard Horvitz

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The Faces: Billy and his dad on The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy; Zim of Invader Zim; Grey Matter from Ben 10; Daggett on The Angry Beavers; Alphas 5 and 7 from The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

22. The Voice: Hank Azaria

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The Faces: Moe Szyslak, Comic Book Guy, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Cletus, Duffman, Chief Wiggum, Dr. Nick, Snake, Bumblebee Man, Kirk Van Houten, Lou, Professor Frink, Carl, Lenny, Disco Stu, and Superintendent Chalmers on The Simpsons; Harold Zoid on Futurama; Gargamel on the Smurfs movies; Venom on Spider-Man.