Shared posts

30 Oct 00:47

tastefullyoffensive: The Most Amazing Halloween Costume Ever by...


The Most Amazing Halloween Costume Ever by Doctor Popular

29 Oct 21:28

"This is some advice I got from a priest mentor of mine years back. He said: ‘Here’s the rule, the..."

This is some advice I got from a priest mentor of mine years back. He said: ‘Here’s the rule, the airtight rule. Criticize somebody precisely in the measure that you are willing to help him or her deal with the problem you’re raising.’

The point is that if you are 100% willing to commit yourself to helping the person deal with the problem you’re raising, off you go. Critique ‘til the cows come home.

If you’re totally unwilling to take even one little step to help the person deal with the problem, then keep your mouth shut. Don’t say anything.

Maybe a little bit of commitment? Maybe a little bit of critique.

That has never left my mind, that little piece of advice. When I feel the urge to criticize someone, ‘alright Barron, are you willing to commit yourself to helping him deal with his problems?’ If not, keep your mouth shut.

- Father Robert Barron (via themushroomkiller)
29 Oct 20:39

Important kitty litter questions answered — Weird

Important kitty litter questions answered — Weird:

Where did kitty litter come from?

Edward Lowe’s odd discovery in January 1947 meant that cats could come inside and stay inside. Their terrible smells would be absorbed. Kitty litter meant that cats were viable housepets.

Should I feel guilty about kitty litter?

It’s strip-mined dirt that is transported overland via combustion engines and ends up in landfill where it never biodegrades.

29 Oct 20:28

Stop faking food allergies

by Jason Kottke

But for the love of Julia Child and the sake of every other soul in the restaurant, particularly the underpaid line cooks sweating their way through another Saturday night shift, please, please stop describing your food preferences as an allergy.

Neil Swidey on why food allergy fakers need to stop.

Syndicated from NextDraft. Subscribe today or grab the iOS app.

Tags: food   medicine   Neil Swidey
29 Oct 14:35

Halloween Treats

by alex

Halloween Treats

29 Oct 14:35

This Silk Cosplay Is Breathtaking

by Geek Girl Diva
Dan Jones

I really like Silk. I think she's my second favorite of the current line of spider-folk (after Spider-Man, of course).


Between the pose, the costume, and the excellent photography by David Love, this Silk cosplay by Danica Rockwood just blew me away.

See more after the break.

Silk with @danica_rockwood

A photo posted by David Love (@davidlovephotog) on

(via Badass Cosplay)

29 Oct 14:07


Dan Jones

This is so excellent.

29 Oct 13:19

The Beast D Off-Road Scooter

Are we really at a point that we can call electric, solar-powered scooters The Beast? Daymak thinks so. Their line of (mostly) street-legal eBikes designed for off-road use all carry the formidable name. The Beast D, the only one of the 4 bikes designated exclusively for the off-road, even almost looks the part with its big bad 21" x 7" x 10" tires and Mad Max aesthetics. Almost. I just can't give it full clearance with those solar panels running along the bottom.

Daymak sought to create its Beasts tough and rugged like an ATV, ready to tackle hills, trails, and rough terrain, despite being a scooter...with a battery...and solar heart. Check out the rest of The Beast D specs, and see if you think they may have succeeded:

  • Motor: 2 x 500W BLDC
  • Top Speed: 31 mph
  • Degrees of Incline: 36
  • Range: Up to 18.6 miles
  • Battery: 60V20AH Lithium
  • Battery Life Cycles: 800
  • Solar Panel Output: 15W
  • Charge Time: 4 to 6 hours

Muchas danke to The Awesomer.

29 Oct 12:47

trick or treat or justice

trick or treat or justice

29 Oct 12:47


29 Oct 12:47

You can now draw on your notes in Google Keep

by Nick Sarafolean
Dan Jones

When they came out with Keep, I didn't think I'd use it at all, but it's turning out to be pretty useful as a to-do list, or grocery list.

Google Keep is a great service. Whether you use it for reminders, shopping lists or quick notes, it’s got a function for you. With its latest update, Google is improving upon Keep even further. Users can now draw directly upon their notes with a simple tap. This can make it simple to highlight something in a photo or even jot down something that you can’t type, such as a unique symbol to remember.

With all of the competition among productivity apps, it’s good to see that Google hasn’t forgotten about Keep and is continuing to keep the service up to date with features. The ability to draw is coming in the next update, which hasn’t hit quite yet. But knowing Google, it’ll likely begin rolling out today and continue for the next few days or even weeks. Keep your eyes open for when the update reaches you!

29 Oct 12:44


29 Oct 12:44

Nintendo’s first mobile game is called ‘Miitomo’

by Alex Wagner

More than 7 months after Nintendo first announced plans to produce smartphone games, the company has finally revealed some details of its first mobile game.

Called “Miitomo,” Nintendo’s first smartphone game will have you create a Mii (an avatar) that will communicate with other peoples’ Miis without your knowledge. This will be good for people that have trouble communicating with others, Nintendo says, and it could reveal a side of a person that no one else knows about.

Miitomo will be a free-to-play title, but it will offer add-ons that you can pay for. Nintendo says that its future mobile titles will be pay-to-download. As for when Miitomo will launch, Nintendo is aiming to launch it in March 2016, a bit later than its original “end of 2015” window. Nintendo explains the delay by saying that it’s currently busy promoting other titles, and so the later Miitomo launch will give Nintendo more time to focus on its mobile game.

So Nintendo’s first mobile game won’t feature any of its major IP like Mario, Zelda, or anything else. In fact, Miitomo sounds kind of strange so far. We’ve only scratched the surface of what Miitomo is all about, though, and the game is going to become clearer as we get closer to its March 2016 launch. And if you were hoping for some major Nintendo characters to make an appearance in a mobile game, the news that future mobile titles will be pay-to-download suggests that they could feature big-name IP.

29 Oct 11:11

tastefullyoffensive: by Pie Comic

29 Oct 11:11

fuckyeah-nerdery: micdotcom: Casual reminder: Donald Trump...



Casual reminder: Donald Trump does not have a rags-to-riches story. That $1M loan equals $5.3M today adjusted for inflation. Oh and his business acumen? Check the markets over the years, that myth has been popped too.

Matt Laurer’s like “Hold the fuck up…”

29 Oct 11:10

tastefullyoffensive: (via MedicalGradeHangover)

29 Oct 11:09

Photographs of auto mechanics posed in the style of Renaissance masterpieces

28 Oct 16:52

The FCC Just Voted to Reduce the Exorbitant Cost of Prison Phone Calls

The FCC Just Voted to Reduce the Exorbitant Cost of Prison Phone Calls:

Currently, inmates and their families are charged as much as $14 per minute, a statement from the FCC said.

The Hill reports that the FCC’s ruling, which will go into effect next year, will cause the per-minute rate for inmates in state and federal prisons to drop to 11 cents. Local jails will be subjected to different limits—between 14 and 22 cents per minute, depending on their size.

28 Oct 16:21

Star Wars Holiday Sweaters

by elssah12

star wars holiday sweaters Star Wars Holiday Sweaters – Walkin’ in a winter wampaland!

28 Oct 16:21

From Dusk till Respawn

by Steve Napierski
From Dusk till Respawn Grandma is such a noob. She's camping around the coffin like that was going to be his respawning point.

See more: From Dusk till Respawn
28 Oct 14:36

refinery29: Meryl Streep Perfectly Summarizes Why Sexism Is...


Meryl Streep Perfectly Summarizes Why Sexism Is Still A Reality For Women

After discussing sexism in the refugee crisis, the Church, and financial systems, she went on to criticize her own industry for its deplorable lack of female film critics.



28 Oct 13:41


by The Awkward Yeti


28 Oct 09:37

Mitt Romney Finally Takes Credit For Obamacare

Mitt Romney Finally Takes Credit For Obamacare:

Without Tom pushing it, I don’t think we would have had Romneycare. Without Romneycare, I don’t think we would have Obamacare. So, without Tom a lot of people wouldn’t have health insurance.

27 Oct 22:09

Podcast support coming to Google Play Music

by Alex Wagner

Remember Google Listen? Google’s podcast app for Android was killed off years ago, but in 2015, it’ll finally get a successor.

Google has announced that Google Play Music will soon support podcasts. That means that you’ll be able to search for and browse podcasts, and Google will also be using the same tech that crafts its contextual music playlists to recommend podcasts to you based on what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, and what you’re interested in.


Google isn’t saying when Play Music will begin supporting podcasts, only teasing that it’ll have more info to share in the “coming months.” The good news is that Google is now letting podcasters upload episodes so that when the service goes live, we’ll actually have something to listen to.

Here are some of the podcasters and networks that are already uploading shows to Google Play Music:

  • 5by5
  • Dan Carlin
  • Dave Ramsey
  • Earwolf
  • Feral Audio
  • Gimlet Media
  • HBO
  • Head Gum
  • HowStuffWorks
  • Loud Speakers Network
  • Nerdist/Legendary
  • Public Radio International
  • Radiotopia/PRX
  • Sideshow Network
  • Slate/Panoply
  • StarTalk Radio
  • This Week in Tech
  • Tim Ferriss

Podcast support in Google Play Music is a big deal. There’s no shortage of podcast apps already available on Android, but some folks may not want to try and sort through all of the options to find a good one. Google Play Music will let them use a built-in, quality app from Google to browse podcasts and get recommendations for new ones, giving the podcast scene a boost in the process.

Do you listen to podcasts on your Android device right now? If so, what’s your preferred podcast app?

27 Oct 20:27

the elusive clarkbender

the elusive clarkbender

27 Oct 17:20

Girl Wears Minion Dress To Homecoming After 15K Retweet Challenge

by Rielly


Ally and Daisy are besties with a wonderful sense of humor. Back in September Ally and Daisy agreed that if they could get 15,000 retweets for the Minion tutu costume Ally found then Daisy would have to wear the dress to homecoming. Daisy thought there was no way in hel…oh she was so wrong.

The original bright yellow dress tweet got over 20,000 RTs, and Daisy followed through and donned a replica costume made by Ally’s mom for the school dance. I think Ally might be the evil mastermind in this friendship.

Daisy told MTV News:

“Since the original dress was for ages 3-8, Ally’s mom ended up making it from scratch!She bought all the fabric from [Jo-Ann Fabric And Craft’s], took my measurements, and ended up making it in about a day. However, Ally and I did help with the making of the eye!”

Check out the tweets and more images of her adorable minion dress after the break.

The tweet that went too far:

please retweet

— ally miller (@allyamiller) September 14, 2015

Even Daisy’s Mom thought it was a good idea:

ok mom

— dais (@daisymaddoxx) September 15, 2015

Daisy said although Minions are super cute, it took a bit of bravery to actually go through with it:

“I got nervous the day of because it hadn’t actually hit me that I would have to be wearing a minion dress in front of my whole school, but Ally and my other friends gave me a pep talk and after that I was good to go.”

homecoming made me feel like a princess?????????????????

— dais (@daisymaddoxx) October 18, 2015

(via Hello Giggles)

27 Oct 16:23

4gifs: Spidercorg. [video]


Spidercorg. [video]

27 Oct 16:23

Why This Barber Is Giving Free Haircuts to Kids Who Read to Him

Why This Barber Is Giving Free Haircuts to Kids Who Read to Him:

Courtney Holmes decided to offer his hair cutting services for free. There was only one catch — each child would have to read him a story.

27 Oct 14:07

Gaming with Friends

by Steve Napierski
Gaming with Friends The irony of the situation is usually never having enough people to play board games with, in the first place.

source: Facebook
via: Reddit

See more: Gaming with Friends
27 Oct 12:23


by Enzo
Dan Jones

I'd go for an ad-supported free version that grants limited immortality.
