Shared posts

27 Apr 11:30

Coronavirus Genome

Spellcheck has been great, but whoever figures out how to get grammar check to work is guaranteed a Nobel.
27 Apr 11:20

Alpacas With Various Hairstyles Will Surely Make Your Day!

by Franzified

If you think you’re cool with the hairstyle you’re currently wearing, wait till you see an alpaca wear the same hairstyle as yours and be ten thousand times cooler.

Check out the coolest alpacas here over at Sad and Useless.

(Image Credit: Sad And Useless)

27 Apr 11:19

Household Items Redesigned to be Completely Useless

by Funky Freya

Architect and graphic designer Katerina Kamprani has redesigned a number of household items in such a way as to make them dysfunctional - and make the viewer appreciate good design all the more.

16 Apr 14:27

Where Did All the Antimatter Go? Scientists Are Closer to Finding Out

by Ryan F. Mandelbaum on Gizmodo, shared by Cheryl Eddy to io9

Particle physicists have released the results of a decade-long search, taking us a crucial step closer toward understanding where all of the universe’s antimatter has gone.


16 Apr 14:25

Coronavirus Charts

Adding data for South Korea but with their cases scaled to match the population of Japan and the land area of Australia, and vice versa.
14 Apr 17:11

Oumuamua é um “asteroide ativo” originado de um planeta destruído, aponta novo estudo

by Tayná Garcia

A principal evidência para a classificação é a ausência de uma camada de gás

The post Oumuamua é um “asteroide ativo” originado de um planeta destruído, aponta novo estudo appeared first on Jovem Nerd.

14 Apr 14:57

Mushroom Cloud Lamp

by Miss Cellania

In case you want a concrete reminder that things could always be worse, you might want a nuclear explosion lamp, available from Etsy seller Evil Incorporated. It's made from wood, metal, plastic, and cotton, airbrushed for realism. If you have neither the money nor the patience to have one shipped from Poland, you can make your own by following a guide at Instructables. This lamp is a guaranteed conversation-starter! -via Geekologie

07 Apr 13:12

Homemade Masks

I'm going to change the sign so the pole is horizontal and the sign is mounted on the front like a plunger, so I can carry it around like a lance to gently push people back if they try to approach.
06 Apr 17:47

UK Police Release Dalek To Remind People To Stay Indoors

police-dalek-warning.jpg This is a video from the parody Twitter account for the Sandford, England police department (from Hot Fuzz), who unleashed a Dalek on the streets to remind people to stay indoors, regularly repeating, "All humans must keep indoors. All humans will self isolate. By order of the Daleks." Pretty scary, right? And by scary I mean I'd strip that Dalek for parts faster than a band of Jawas. Also is there really a police department out there that has the funding for a Dalek? Because my local police department doesn't even have cars, just Razor scooters. Keep going for the full video.
03 Apr 11:40

Screaming Oreo

by John Farrier

Michael Reid, an art dealer in Sydney, Australia, expresses the existential angst that many of us are starting to feel while in quarantine. Like Edvard Munch's inner voice, he screams. Let us all make food art from our stash. But beware: once the cookies are used up, they're gone for food.

-via Lustik

31 Mar 12:09

Pathogen Resistance

We're not trapped in here with the coronavirus. The coronavirus is trapped in here with us.
27 Mar 18:04

Flying Saucer Abducting Cows Paperclip Holder

ufo-paperclip-dispenser-1.jpg This is the 'Filing Saucer' (very clever) paperclip dispenser available from Fred (a fairly reasonable $12). Thanks to a magnet in the bottom of the UFO, it looks like the aliens are actually abducting cow shaped paperclips. At least until you run out of cow shaped paperclips and replace them with regular ones, then it just looks like the aliens are just abducting regular paper clips, and now why would aliens be abducting regular paper clips? It doesn't make any sense! Keep going for a couple more shots in case those might affect your purchase decision.
13 Mar 12:19

Oh Wow; Guy Makes Impressive Diablo Statue With 3-D Printing Pen

diablo-3d-printed-sculpture.jpg Note: Subtitles on. This is a video of humorous Youtuber 3D SANAGO crafting a Diablo statue using a 3-D printing pen. It does have a basic wire armature and electronics for its light effects inside, but is otherwise all extruded plastic. Very impressive. Per 3D SANAGO: "Just work hard for 3 weeks and buy one instead," he jokes. "It's better for your mental health." Which, coincidentally, is equally valuable information if you were considering building your own love doll. Keep going for the full video, but it is 18 minutes so feel free to skip around.
13 Mar 12:15

The Tiniest Dinosaur Ever Found

by Miss Cellania

We think of dinosaurs as big and birds as small. The connection between the two types of animals is displayed in a very small piece of amber with a 99-million-year-old skull inside. The skull is only 7 millimeters long and belongs to the newly-named species Oculudentavis khaungraae, a bird-like dinosaur discovered in Myanmar.

Using high-resolution synchrotron CT scanning, the researchers were able to study the fossil in exquisite detail, without having to crack it open. The skull measures just 7.1 millimeters in length, which is comparable in size to the skull of a bee hummingbird, the smallest modern bird living today.

“The discovery suggests that miniature body sizes in birds evolved earlier than previously recognized, and might provide insights into the evolutionary process of miniaturization,” wrote Roger Benson, a paleobiologist from the University of Oxford who wasn’t involved with the research, in a Nature News & Views article. “In this case, weighing perhaps 2 grams, Oculudentavis is about one-sixth of the size of the smallest known early fossil bird. This indicates that, only shortly after their origins late in the Jurassic period (which lasted from about 201 million to 145 million years ago), birds had already attained their minimum body sizes.”

This is one strange creature. It had plenty of teeth, and eyes that were like a lizard in some ways, like an owl in other way. Read about this discovery and what it tells us about the history of dinosaurs and birds at Gizmodo.

(Image credit: Lida Xing)

10 Mar 12:16

Scientific Briefing

"I actually came in in the middle so I don't know which topic we're briefing on; the same slides work for like half of them."
09 Mar 13:40

Yoshinori Kitase, produtor da Square Enix, gostaria de fazer remake de Final Fantasy V

by Priscila Ganiko

Produtor expressou vontade pessoal durante entrevista

The post Yoshinori Kitase, produtor da Square Enix, gostaria de fazer remake de Final Fantasy V appeared first on Jovem Nerd.

03 Mar 19:27

Coronavirus Name

It's important to keep the spider from touching your face.
28 Feb 12:19

Parasite's Gorgeous Storyboards Are Being Translated and Turned Into a Truly Cinematic 'Graphic Novel'

by Charles Pulliam-Moore

Parasite director Bong Joon-ho is known for visualizing the scenes in his films in fine detail, and pouring his ideas into meticulously crafted storyboards that read almost as cinematically as the final product. Given Parasite’s widespread critical acclaim, it’s no surprise that the movie’s storyboards are getting a…


26 Feb 15:39

There's a Lot More Happening Inside Mars Than We Knew

by Ryan F. Mandelbaum on Gizmodo, shared by Cheryl Eddy to io9

Scientists have published a treasure trove of new research from the InSight lander’s first year on Mars, showing just how active the Red Planet really is.


20 Feb 12:43

Picking Bad Stocks

On the news a few days later: "Buzz is building around the so-called 'camping Roomba' after a big investment. Preorders have spiked, and..."
17 Feb 13:32

Extinct Turtle Weighed 2,500 Pounds

by Miss Cellania

A giant extinct turtle was discovered in the tropical regions of South America in the 1970s. It was given the painfully generic name of Stupendemys geographicus. The turtle lived five to ten million years ago, but only recently have fossils been found that are intact enough to give us a real vision of its size. The S. geographicus fossil shown above is accompanied by a paleontologist for scale.  

Researchers of the University of Zurich (UZH) and fellow researchers from Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil have now reported exceptional specimens of the extinct turtle recently found in new locations across Venezuela and Colombia. “The carapace of some Stupendemys individuals reached almost three meters, making it one of the largest, if not the largest turtle that ever existed,” says Marcelo Sánchez, director of the Paleontological Institute and Museum of UZH and head of the study. The turtle had an estimated body mass of 1,145 kg (~2,500 pounds) — almost one hundred times that of its closest living relative, the big-headed Amazon river turtle.

Believe it or not, this turtle had to worry about predators. Read about the largest turtle ever at SciTechDaily.

(Image credit: Edwin Cadena)

14 Feb 12:05

What The?: Silo Collapses In The Most Beautiful Way Possible

This is a short video of a silo demolition that goes not according to plan in what is arguably the most beautiful way possible. It's like it was making a run for it until it had no more leg to stand on. Honestly, when the Lord calls me home that's exactly how I want to go too. "In the most beautiful way possible?" No, in some freezing-ass cornfield in the middle of nowhere. You know sometimes I worry about you. Keep going for the video, which is worth a watch for the better frame rate and audio.
14 Feb 12:03

3D Printers Are Finally Starting to Work More Like Star Trek's Replicators

by Andrew Liszewski on Gizmodo, shared by Cheryl Eddy to io9

Transporters? Spaceships that can travel at the speed of light? Star Trek introduced us to many fantastical technologies that have us looking forward to the 23rd century. But we might not have to wait that long for all the tech Captain Kirk had to play with, as 3D printing has taken another big step toward making…


14 Feb 12:03

Mysterious Object Beyond Pluto Could Help Explain How Our Solar System Formed

by Ryan F. Mandelbaum on Gizmodo, shared by Cheryl Eddy to io9

Nothing you encounter is truly “pristine.” Nearly every atom on our planet has been processed in some way, either by humans, the Sun, Earth’s core, or other influences. But on New Year’s Day 2019, the New Horizons mission flew past one of the most pristine objects in the solar system: Arrokoth, an object far beyond…


13 Feb 19:12

I'll Go This Way, No This Way!: Pendulum Swinging Above Magnets With Reversed Polarity

This is a video of a magnetic pendulum constructed by Youtuber markhacks trying to navigate its way atop a minefield of magnets with reversed polarity. The way it moves, it kinda reminds me of-- "My boner while trying to follow along with one of those 80's Jazzercise videos." OMG I thought the exact same thing! "Really? So are we workout partners now or what?" I will always be your spotter. *watching you crush yourself under barbell* Weird ass boner dude. Keep going for the full video.
13 Feb 12:45


Blockchains are like grappling hooks, in that it's extremely cool when you encounter a problem for which they're the right solution, but it happens way too rarely in real life.
12 Feb 12:19

Lunatic Returns Canned Corn Kernels To Cobs To Determine Approximately How Many Cobs Are In A Can

This is a video of Youtuber Curiosityandbeyond (I'd argue this has gone waaaaaay beyond curiosity) returning the corn kernels from a Russian can of Heinz sweet corn to existing cobs to determine approximately how many cobs worth of corn are in a can. The result? SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: two. Granted I'm not sure how this compares to the cans of corn I buy because I don't get the Heinz cans from Russia, but valuable information nonetheless, and I can't wait to spread this knowledge at happy hour on Friday where everyone will be convinced I'm the world's most interesting man, or wish I'd already been eighty-sixed, which I have been, but *setting empty bottle on bar* this bartender is new and doesn't-- "Hey aren't you the guy who peed in the pool table?" Gotta go! Keep going for the video while I wonder if the internet could get any more internetty.
10 Feb 19:52

Gatos desenhados de forma 100% acurada.

by Zanfa
10 Feb 19:40

Impressively Synchronized Japanese 'Fake Mirror' Performance

This is a video of a fake mirror act from Japan starring a gymnast perfectly in sync with her live action mirrored reflections. That must have taken some practice. Way more practice than I'd be willing to participate in, just so we're clear. "You must be great on a team, GW." I really am. *pegs own teammate in back of head with dodge ball* Out of the way, fartbox! Keep going for the performance.
06 Feb 12:55

Longcat: The Next Generation

by Miss Cellania

(Image credit: ryan4637)

The way a cat stretches is so impressive that it inspired Pilates and a long-lived internet meme. In fact, the world is full of longcats!

(Image credit: Stuckurface)

How do they do that? My theory is that a feline spine is constructed like a Slinky. Made of rubber.

(Image credit: dead_marine)

See a collection of the 80 finest longcats found on the internet in a ranked list at Bored Panda.