Shared posts

18 Oct 13:33






  1. 工作负荷过大。隔壁老张忍加班三个月之后身心俱疲,精神恍惚,连老板都懒得搭理。
  2. 缺乏对工作的控制感。刑警小陈去做卧底天天提心吊胆在天桥打电话给上司黄 sir,说“见面?你想我死啊?警察局里有内鬼!……我去干什么?我去看心理医生!我心理变态啊就这样!”
  3. 报酬低。隔壁老王贡献了一个改变世界级的创意,老板很开心一咬牙一跺脚奖励他 300 块,老王表示之后干啥都提不起劲来了。县级市干部范总面对老乡提来的大枣花生对秘书大发脾气:“你们就拿这个考验我?哪个干部经不起这样滴考验?!”(摔……)
  4. 不公平感。“我要见园长!我为园里立过功、我为游客买过萌,你们不能这样对我!”









个人能力与工作要求的匹配也是个体感受到工作压力的重要原因。比如,Maslach 等人认为,个体与工作不匹配程度越高,个体体验到的倦怠就越严重。当员工与工作环境中工作负荷、控制感、报酬、沟通、公平、价值观等方面中的一个或几个方面长期不匹配时,就会产生倦怠,失配时间越长,失配方面越多,产生倦怠的可能性就越大。

职业、社会评价和比较带来的压力感也可能给个体带来工作上的额外负担,造成职业倦怠感。Hobfoil 认为,工作要求过高容易导致倦怠。工作要求主要包括角色模糊、角色冲突、压力事件、过重的工作负担和紧张的工作气氛等等。这类职业倦怠通常在职称评定和职业晋升过程中表现的尤为明显。
努力——回报之间的差异也是造成工作倦怠感的客观原因之一。Siegrist 从社会交换理论的角度提出了工作倦怠的“努力——回报模型”。他指出,当“投入”超过“产出”时,往往容易产生工作倦怠。Brissie 等也发现,教师的个人回报感越强,工作倦怠水平越低。


(1)认知的改变,要求个体清楚自己的能力和机会,不因不恰当的期望和努力失败而产生倦怠;(2)以更积极的方式应对问题而不是逃避;(3)归因训练,使个体成为更加内控的人;(4)更积极表达自己的意见,尽最大可能改变环境;(5)单位对个体的扶持与关怀;(6)社会对个体的宽容与理解;(7)合理的饮食和锻炼。既往研究发现,对工作的期望值高而成功的可能性低、个体低努力程度、低自信、外控、逃避、A 型行为、神经质人格特质等都将影响职业倦怠的产生和发展。基于此,Pines 和 ronson 提出了以放松训练进行个体干预的思路和方法,通过认知压力管理、时间管理、社交训练、压力管理以及态度改变,增加个体对工作场所的应对能力。干预训练的有效性检验表明,通过放松技巧、认知重建和社交技巧等应对技巧的训练,职业倦怠的核心——情绪衰竭被证实确实减少。


赵崇莲、苏铭鑫:职业倦怠研究综述 [J]. 宁波大学学报(教育科学版). 2009.8

02 Oct 01:43

Carefree Caramel Cake

by Bakerella

Carefree Caramel Cake

Cake. Caramel. Get Carried away!


Gather your ingredients. Butter, flour, sugar, milk, eggs, baking powder, salt and vanilla.

Vanilla Cake

Then start the cake making and get to mixing.

Broke Cake

Then get really bummed when you take your cake out of the pans too soon before they’ve cooled… and just before your going to take it to a friend’s house for dinner … in just over an hour. Have you been there, too? Ugh. So disappointing.

So that’s when the caramel layer cake I’d been dying to make became carefree.

And that’s perfectly okay, because this was one of the best tasting yellow cakes. It was so so good. Oh my gosh I could hardly stop eating pieces of it.

Crumbled Cake

But thankfully I stopped in time to save enough cake and turn them into personal desserts that I could easily carry.

Little jars. Big save. Score.

Now to make the caramel icing so I can layer it on.

Caramel Icing

Brown sugar, butter, evaporated milk and vanilla makes one thick glorious icing. You have to spread it quickly while it’s still warm because it will harden when it cools … that is if you’re icing a cake.

Caramel Cake

But in jars, and in a hurry… spooning it in worked just fine. My friends certainly didn’t mind.

Spoon. Crumble. Carry. On.

Caramel Cake

This caramel cake recipe came from a cute little book I have called Southern Cakes by Nancie McDermott.

GiGi's Caramel Cake … in Jars

Servings: one 9-inch two layer cake or four 16 oz. jars


  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 2 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • - - - - - - - -
  • 1 lb box light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 7 tablespoons evaporated milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees fahrenheit. Grease and flour two 9 inch cake pans.
  2. Combine butter and milk in a small saucepan and heat on low until the butter melts. Stir and let cool to room temperature.
  3. Meanwhile, combine flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl using a wire whisk.
  4. In your mixing bowl, beat eggs and sugar on high, scraping down the bowl often. Beat until light yellow, smooth and thick.
  5. Stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Mix just until the flour disappears. Add the cooled milk and butter mixture and then the vanilla. Stir well and pour into prepared pans.
  6. Bake at 325 for 25 - 30 minutes until cakes are pale golden brown and begin to pull away from the sides of the pans. Cool for 10 minutes on wire racks and then turn cakes out onto wire racks to cool completely.
  7. To make the icing… In a medium saucepan, combine brown sugar, butter, evaporated milk, and vanilla. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Stir well and adjust heat so that the frosting boils and bubbles gently. Cook for 7 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes. Beat warm icing with a wooden spoon for 2-3 minutes until it thickens. Ice cake quickly or simply spoon into jars for easy carrying. Enjoy!
Source: Southern Cakes by Nancie McDermott, 2007

Caramel Cake In Jars

05 Jul 01:07

Hot. Sticky. Sweet.

by Bakerella


Sticky Toffee Pudding

It’s July and it feels like 100 degrees outside so naturally I made something light and refreshing to cope with the heat.

Sticky Toffee Pudding.

Okay, not so much a summertime treat. But hey, I did add ice cream. I should get points for that.

I’ve been wanting to make this for the past several months after I saw the recipe in Martha Stewart Living. I ripped the recipe out to save and this picture has basically been begging me to make it every since.

Medjool Dates

So Sunday was the day. Mainly because I finally came across the Medjool Dates at the Fresh Market that are recommended in the recipe.

Whoppers! Just slice them open, remove the pits and coarsely chop them up for the batter.

Sticky Toffee Pudding Ingredients

I love that this dessert just calls for a few ingredients.

Soaking dates

And that the dates get soaked in steaming hot coffee. Again… so summery.

And then after the cake comes out of the oven, you pour warm, cozy toffee sauce all over the top.

Toffee Sauce Ingredients

The sauce is super easy, too. Three ingredients easy.

Toffee Sauce

Simmer down now.

Toffee Pudding

Poke the cake with a toothpick or skewer and pour the sauce all over.

I went all lollipop stick on mine for greater saturation.

Toffee Sauce


Toffee Sauce

Let’s look at that again.

Sticky Toffee

The cake is gloriously drenched and just delicious all by itself.

But it looks kind of lonely, don’t you think?

Sticky Toffee Pudding

There. That’s better.

Sticky Toffee Pudding Topped with Toffee Sauce -

Here’s the recipe from Martha if you want to make it too. I mean if you want something hot to cool you off.

24 Jun 00:53

abel 在 "R脚本[粗糙版]:从yahoo中读取沪市个股的daily数据"

by abel
1、yahoo中自己做了adjusted close price,免得我花时间再去找其他数据修正


#StockCode.txt 文件中保存了沪市个股的列表(部分)
codelist <- read.table("StockCode.txt", colClasses=c("character"))[,1]
require(fSeries, quietly=T)
# 似乎只能下子2001年以后的数据,更早的就没有了
yahooStock <-
function(code="600001", dest.path=getwd())

   code <- as.character(code)
   code1 <- ifelse(substr(code, 1, 1)=="0",
           paste(code, ".SZ", sep=""),
           paste(code, ".SS", sep=""))
   query <- paste("s=", code1,   "&d=8&e=29&f=2007&g=d&a=0&b=1&c=2001&ignore=.csv", sep="")
   dat <- yahooImport(query)@data
   names(dat) <- c("Time", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "AdjClose")
   setwd(dest.path) <- ifelse(substr(code, 1, 1)=="0",
           paste("SZ", code, ".csv", sep=""),
           paste("SS", code, ".csv", sep=""))
   write.csv(dat,, row.names=F)

files <- dir()
files <- files[substr(files, 1, 3)=="SS6"]
code.files <- substr(files, 3, 8)
# 600009等股票无法下载!为了保证不出现下载错误,把这些删除先
codelist <- setdiff(codelist, c("600009", "600457", "600554"))
codes <- setdiff(codelist, code.files)
# 开始干活
for(code in codes) yahooStock(code)

22 Jun 05:52

qxde01 在 "R 之关联规则"

by qxde01
   name Num control power wisdom political charm loyalty coutry origin status
1   夏侯惇   1      94    96     62        56    78      99      1      1      1
2     许褚   2      83    97     26        16    68      89      1      1      1
3     荀攸   3      60    38     94        91    80      86      1      1      4
4     荀彧   4      64    35     97        90    84      80      1      1      4
5     张合   5      88    93     61        54    62      85      1      1      1
6     程昱   6      82    25     91        80    74      89      1      1      4
7     张辽   7      91    90     82        69    85      88      1      1      1
8     于禁   8      77    74     51        48    60      85      1      1      1
9     曹仁   9      79    83     61        58    68      95      1      1      1
10    曹洪  10      76    75     45        42    70      92      1      1      1

items              transactionID
1   {name=夏侯惇,                  
     loyalty=死士}               1  
2   {name=许褚,                    
     loyalty=死士}               2  


# 转换数值类型数据


kingdom3as(kingdom, "transactions")
itemFrequencyPlot(kingdom3, support = 0.5, cex.names = 0.8)

itemFrequency(kingdom3, type = "relative")
itemFrequency(kingdom3, type = "absolute")
rules apriori(kingdom3, parameter = list(support = 0.01,confidence = 0.6))
fsets eclat(kingdom3, parameter = list(support = 0.05), control = list(verbose = FALSE))


rulesControl subset(rules, subset = rhs %in% "control=统帅" & lift > 1.2)
rulesWisdom  subset(rules, subset = rhs %in% "wisdom=智慧" &lift > 2.2)
inspect(head(SORT(rulesControl, by = "confidence"), n = 3))

singleItems fsets[size(items(fsets)) == 4]

WRITE(rulesControl, file = "data.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA)
11 Jun 00:50


by yangxudong
作者:yangxudong 发表于 2008/10/09 20:17:00 原文链接
03 May 04:24


by 墙外仙

cest la vi













27 Mar 23:39

The Most Surreal Places on Earth

by guest

so beautiful

The Most Surreal Places on Earth

Are you a desperate vagabond ready to conquer the highest peaks and submerge into the deepest depths to steal the concealed secrets of the universe? Buck up! Today is a great time to plan the possible route of your next risky adventure! You might not believe your eyes, but the places we will show you really exist. Some of them will bring you on the verge of tears, some will make your heart beat faster, another will make your hair stand on end - anyway, they won't leave you indifferent.

We won't go too verbose as no words can render the celestial charm of those sites. "A picture costs a thousand words" - they say. So, come on, pack your bags and join our thrilling expedition to the most surreal places on Earth!

Fly Geyser, Nevada

Can you imagine that even not all Nevada residents know about this wonder? Fly Geyser is located on the territory of a private Fly Ranch which makes it extremely difficult to access. High fence and locked gate with spikes on top guard the geyser from tourists. To be absolutely honest, we should mention that the Geyser is not a completely natural phenomenon. It was created by chance during well drilling. The well went out of order after several decades of operation as warm geothermal water has found a weak spot and began to leak onto the surface. Dissolved minerals started their sculptor job, which is still going on. Geyser coloration is explained by the variety of minerals it is made of.

The Wave, Arizona

The Wave is a sandstone rock formation in the United States of America near the Arizona and Utah border on the Coyote Buttes slopes. Travelers and photographers from all over the world are attracted by its colorful, wavelike forms. The Wave's intersecting U-shaped troughs are the result of erosion of the Navajo Sandstone during the Jurassic period.

Lake Retba, Senegal

Lake Retba or Lac Rose is located in the north of the Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal. It got its name due to the Dunaliella salina algae making its water look like strawberry milk shake. Pink color is clearly visible during the dry season. The lake is also famous for its high salt content, allowing people stay on the surface similar to the Dead Sea experience.

Derweze, Turkmenistan

Have you ever stood at the Hell's Door? Go to Derweze village, which name means "The Gate" in Turkmen language if you search for extreme! This terrifying attraction is located in the middle of the Karakum Desert, about 260 km north from Ashgabat. The Derweze area is rich in natural gas. Soviet geologists got into a cavern filled with natural gas while drilling. Due to the ground collapse, a large hole has created. It was decided to burn off the gas, but the roasting breath of the inferno is still trying to break into the world of living!

Socotra, Yemen

Socotra is considered to be a unique archipelago in the Indian Ocean for the diversity of its exotic flora and fauna. Its weird alien plants are the result of island's long geological isolation together with unbearable heat and drought. One of the most unusual Socotra's plants is the dragon's blood tree, resembling a strange umbrella. Aboriginals believed its red sap to be the blood of a dragon.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Have you ever walked through the clouds guessing are you in the top or the bottom? Salar de Uyuni gives you such unique possibility! Salar de Uyuni or Salar de Tunupa is the world's largest salt flat occupying the area of about 10,582 square kilometers. Today's Salar is a result of transformations between several prehistoric lakes. Its surface is covered by a few meters of salt crust possessing the utmost flatness, which varies within one meter over the entire area. Actually, the crust serves as a source of salt and makes a pool of brine, rich in lithium as well. The sky over the Salar is always clear, which in combination with large area and exceptional flatness makes it a perfect object for calibrating the altimeters of Earth observation satellites.

Jiuzhaigou Valley, China

Five-Color Pond is one of the smallest but the most amazing water basins in Jiuzhaigou lakes. Despite the shallowness, it has a breathtaking colored underwater landscape and some of the brightest and clearest waters in the area. As the legend goes, the Goddess Semo used to wash her hair here and the God Dage brought her water every day.

Sossusvlei, Namibia

Deadvlei is one more surreal attraction of Sossusvlei, Namibia. It is a clay pan located about 2 km from Sossusvlei. It used to be an oasis with several acacia trees before, but the river that watered the oasis has changed its course. Now the dead acacia trees make an odd contrast to the shiny white salty floor of the pan and the intense orange of the dunes.

Badab-e Surt, Iran

Badab-e Surt's terraces are made of travertine, which is a sedimentary rock deposited by flowing water from two distinct mineral springs. Thousands of years the water from these two springs had been streaming down from the mountain, it mixed up and gradually created a number of orange, red and yellow colored pools which now have the form of a staircase.

Crescent Lake (Dunhuang), China

Yueyaquan is a crescent-shaped lake in the oasis, lying 6 km south of the city of Dunhuang. Its name comes from the Qing Dynasty. The lake itself and the surrounding deserts attract the tourists appreciating camel and 4x4 rides.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

The queer lake's hue is normal for water basins with extremely high evaporation rates. During the dry season, as the water evaporates, salinity level increases to the maximum point and specific salt-loving microorganisms begin to thrive. Some of them produce red pigment colorizing the water and turning it into the Martian landscape.

Ice Cave in Skaftafell, Iceland

This cave in the glacier appeared as a result of glacial mill. The rain and melt water on the glacier's surface are forming streams that flow into the crevices. The streams melt holes in the glacier forming long ice caves with intricate walls and ceilings. Cold wind finishes the job and we can observe a momentary marvel ready to collapse at any time. Due to the constant glacier movement one can hear a scaring cracking sound inside the cave. The incipient crevices let the indirect daylight into the tunnel and we can observe its mysterious play on ice bubbles.

Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale can be translated as "the cotton castle" from Turkish. It is a natural attraction in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. Snow white Pamukkale's terraces are made of travertine, a sedimentary rock, deposited by water flowing from the hot springs.

Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Brazil

The Lencois Maranhenses National Park is a low, flat, occasionally flooded land, covered with large, white discrete sand dunes. Though it looks like a desert, in fact it is not. Due to the regular rain season in the beginning of the year, fresh water accumulates in the valleys between the sand dunes, reviving the desert with blue and green lagoons. It's rather surprising, but those water basins are inherited by fish, even despite the dry season.

Angkor, Cambodia

Angkor is a huge complex of the 12th century temples in Cambodia. No doubt that it's a place of historical and cultural interest. The buildings are ancient and magnificent. But what do you think is really strange about this place? Just look at those trees! They look like ancient nation of Ents, the walking trees from "The Lord of the Rings" movie! Do you think they can really exist?

Chand Baori, Rajasthan

Have you ever seen anything like that? Chand Baori is a famous stepwell in the village of Abhaneri near Jaipur in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is located opposite Harshat Mata Temple and was constructed in 800 CE. Can you imagine that those 3500 narrow steps in 13 stories extend 100 feet into the ground, making it one of the deepest and largest stepwells in India.

Frozen waves in Antarctica

These waves look like decorations from popular "Ice Age" cartoon. It seems as if they were frozen immediately at the will of a snow Queen. In fact, the waves are the result of melting, not freezing. Melting has created those downward pointing spikes, which are simple icicles.

Hidden Beach in the Marieta Islands near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Hidden from stranger's eyes, the beach of Marieta Islands, Puerto Vallarta can be called a lost secret world. Marieta Islands are archipelagos formed as a result of volcanic activity. This natural wonder possesses its unique marine ecosystem. The beach is a real paradise for people fond of snorkeling and scuba diving. Diverse, virgin flora and fauna in combination with transparent crystal water make the experience unforgettable. Humpback whale, sea turtles and dolphins are just a few animals that can be seen there.

The Glow Worms in Waitomo Caves

The Waitomo Glowworm Caves are definitely worth seeing not only because of their historical and geological significance. The glow worm, Arachnocampa luminosa, is a unique creature living in New Zealand. Thousands of these small worms radiate their otherworldly luminescent light hanging from the cave rocks during your unforgettable boat ride. The glowworms create a really magical view, every tourist should see at least once in a lifetime.

The Tunnel of Love in Ukraine, Kleven

In this photo you see the abandoned railway track, located nearly 350km from Kiev, which has transformed into a special romantic place, frequently visited by couples. The Tunnel of Love is especially beautiful in spring, when the green trees growing from both sides of the track form an improvised arch around it. This arch stretches for up to three kilometers and looks like a green picturesque tunnel of trees. The railway is occasionally used by the fiberboard factory, which preserves the tunnel in its initial look.

Glen Brittle, Scotland

Glen Brittle is a large glen in the south of the Isle of Skye, in Scotland. The magic Fairy Pools you see in the picture run down from the mountains into the glen. The area is extremely popular among hikers and mountain bikers. The marvelous lilac slopes above the Fairy Pools are covered with thick forests full of rare plants and animals and who knows, maybe even elves and fairies have found their refuge in this mystical place.

Cano Cristales, in the Serrania de la Macarena, province of Meta

Cano Cristales is a unique biological wonder often referred to as "the river of five colors" or "the river that ran away from paradise" and "the world's most beautiful river". Greater part of the year, Cano Cristales looks like any other river, but during a brief period of time yearly, it bursts into blossom and turns into the vibrant explosion of colors. Between wet and dry seasons, when the water level is just as required, a unique Macarenia clavigera plant turns the river into a sparkling ruby red stream, contrasting to the patches of yellow and green sand, blue water, and the enumerable shades in between.

Mount Roraima, South America

This rock soaring in the clouds is called Mount Roraima, the highest mountain of the Pakaraima chain of tepui plateau in South America. The mountain includes the triple border point of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. The tabletop mountains of the park are considered some of the oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back to nearly two billion years ago. The mountain's highest point within Venezuela is Maverick Rock, which is 2810 m high.

Richat Structure, Mauritania

Look into the Eye of Sahara, isn't it impressive? The Richat Structure is a prominent circular feature in the Sahara desert lying in the west-central Mauritania near Ouadane. This structure is a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome, 40-km in diameter. Differential erosion of the resistant layers of quartzite has created these high-relief circular cuestas. Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area of approximately 3 km in diameter. Initially, there was a theory that the structure appeared as a result of an extraterrestrial asteroid impact. Looking at the circularity of the Eye, you might be inclined to believe it, but the point is now argued to the favor of highly symmetrical and deeply eroded geologic dome.

Grand Prismatic Spring - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

If you want to see something really magnificent, put Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming into your list. This hot spring is the largest in the United States and the third largest in the world. The devilish colors of the spring strike the imagination! The water is saturated blue, with red lava-like color surrounding it. Would you like to know the secret? This amazing tint is produced by the pigmented bacteria. They form microbial mats around the edge of the water. Seasonal temperatures as well as levels of chlorophyll and carotenoids greatly influence the hue of the bacteria. The mats do not form in the center of the spring because the water is too hot for bacterium's live cycle. The water is heated by the underground vents, which are a part of the volcanic system, the Yellowstone stands on.

About the author

Helga Moreno is a copywriter for TemplateMonster Blog and one of those bloggers, absolutely cranky on writing and always hungry for new experience. When not writing about WordPress or responsive design, she loves sightseeing and travelling and always strives to capture everything beautiful on her way.

Tags:  inspiration photography surreal places earth guest guest post
24 Mar 05:11




  新任北京大学校长王恩哥3月22日表示,将谨记“空谈误业,实干兴校”,为实现“中国梦”和“北大梦”不懈奋斗。   中共中央组织部副部长潘立刚当天在北京大学宣布了中共中央、国务院的任免决定,王恩哥担任北大校长,因年龄原因,周其凤不再担任北京大学校长职务。   面对中组部、教育部、北京市官员和北大师生代表,王恩哥诚恳表示,受命担任这一职务,深知责任重大,使命光荣。一个人要有梦想,一个国家要有梦想,一所大学也要有梦想。创建世界一流大学,是全体北大人的梦想。他深知“北大校长”四字的重量,将谨记“空谈误业,实干兴校”,做一个尽心尽职的校长,以最大的热情和负责任的态度去履行校长职责。   王恩哥回顾了自己在北大的求学和工作经历。1987年,王恩哥进入北大物理系攻读博士学位,毕业后曾在中国科学院和多所国外知名大学学习、工作。2009年,他再次回到北大,担任物理学院院长。他说,这是他和北大的“不解之缘”。   谈及老话题“世界一流大学”,王恩哥说,当前,中国处于重要的发展战略机遇期,北大也站在一个具有特殊意义的历史节点上,我们要抓住机遇,明确发展方向。在加快创建世界一流大学的征程中,既要引进世界标准,又要注重本土特色,保持守正创新的品格,循序渐进,审时度势,科学谋划,为实现“中国梦”和“北大梦”不懈奋斗。   56岁的王恩哥是北大历史上第26任校长,也是这所百年名校在新中国成立后的第11任校长。(原标题:新任北大校长:将谨记“空谈误业,实干兴校”)   更多阅读   周其凤:我有5个梦想望继任者实现   王恩哥任北京大学校长         特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜,请与我们接洽。
22 Mar 04:48

Oh...well... that explains it.

19 Mar 09:28


by Miguel

so beautiful


      布宜诺斯艾利斯,读起来有长长的音节,恰到好处的节奏。西班牙原文是Buenos Aires,也就是中文“好天气”的意思。从地理学的角度,这样的解释不免让人入迷。布宜诺斯艾利斯地处拉丁美洲东部沿海,属于亚热带季风气候区,夏季炎热湿润,冬季温和少雨,大西洋的巴西暖流由赤道沿着海岸线南下,带来温和的氤氲水气,化作博尔赫斯诗里的“湿气的蒸腾”(《南方》)和“潮湿的暮色”(《雨》)。全世界最浪漫的城市之一,个人觉得早就已经超越了满是阿拉伯人黑人印度人的巴黎(对巴黎的非理智迷恋通常是亚洲人的通病)。
       Buenos Aires,那可是博尔赫斯和无数文人为之倾倒的城市,是胡里奥-科塔萨尔的《跳房子》,是黎耀辉与何宝荣的《春光乍泄》,是史诗《马丁-菲耶罗》和唐-拉米罗的荣耀,是贝隆夫人与阿根廷的哭泣。

1. 布宜诺斯艾利斯街景

2. Tango


3. 五彩之城


4. 科隆大剧院




2.暴走准许!第一天可以随便报一个city tour大巴,然后跟着大巴玩一天,之后就随便从酒店里拿一张地图,开始暴走吧!到哪里都是风景!远的地方坐地铁即可,题主当年坐的时候貌似是5毛钱一张票。
3. 艳遇准许!意大利和西班牙后裔们混合了南美狂野的气息,早就全全世界最性感的民族!深邃的眼眶,不羁的长发加上高挑的身材,腐女天堂这个外号绝对名副其实。对于男性朋友,需要先行自学西班牙语,女性朋友肢体语言即可。


— 完 —

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17 Mar 02:15

Unexpected day: what are we gonna do about Google Reader death? Keep calm and carry on.


great product

Hello everyone!

This morning I have mixed feelings: I am happy that we have the possibility to bring our beloved The Old Reader to a new level, and I am sad that Google Reader soon will be completely over. It was a large part of my daily internet life. We even started making The Old Reader because no one could stand my whining anymore.

News came unexpected (mind you, we are living in GMT, so it was literally the middle of the night), but we are doing out best. We tripled our user base (and still counting), and our servers are not amused so far. We will be deploying more capacity shortly, so things should get better by the end of the day. Please, be patient with us.

image(The Old Reader’s team before March 13, photo by

This is overwhelming. When we started this as something for us and our friends to use, we never expected so many of you to join us in our journey. Thank you very much for your kind words and support, we appreciate this.

Seeing Google Reader go, many of you are asking whether The Old Reader is going to stick around. Also, quite a lot of people would like to donate to keep our project running. We have been discussing this quite a lot recently, and we decided that paid accounts (the freemium model) are the way to go. We want to keep making a great product for our users, not cater it for advertisers’ needs.

We are going to be honest, we have not even started coding this yet. However, we would like to get this news out as soon as possible for everyone to know the way we will be going. Paid accounts will have some additional features, but the basic free accounts will still be 100% usable. We are not in this game to make money, but we want to give something special back to the people who are going to be supporting us.

We have our daily jobs, so we can’t promise that new features will be ready tomorrow or next week. We have no investors or fancy business plans, but we are open about everything we do, and we want to do it the right way.

We reworked the plans according to the news today. Creating an API for mobile clients is the number one priority in our roadmap. We would love to collaborate with any developers who were making Google Reader clients. Please, spread the word about this if you can.

For those of you who are posting feedback and creating new feature requests - please, double-check for existing items in Uservoice. We hate answering the same questions multiple times and removing duplicate requests.

Most asked questions are:
- “When will OPML import be working again?” As soon as we launch more capacity to handle this. Hopefully, later today.
- “Why are you asking for access to my Google contacts when I log in via Google account?” We don’t anymore.
- “When will you make an iOS app? How about Android?” We will start with API as soon as we can and see how it goes.
- “Why is there no way to login without Google or Facebook accounts?” We cover that one in our knowledge base, but we plan to implement own login code. The demand is high.
- “How do I rename a feed?”. Just browse the Tour page, please? 
- “Shut up and take my money!”. Will work on that, stay tuned.

We have lots of things to do, and it will probably take us several days to reply to all emails and tickets. Also, Twitter keeps reminding us about daily tweet limits, so there might be delays as well.

Some other news: last week our developer (on the left) turned 21, and we have implemented PubSubHubbub support. Many of you asked us to make feed updates faster, and PubSubHubbub makes compatible feeds refresh almost instantly. Yay!

Thank you very much for your support. We will do our best during next three months to prepare for the day Google Reader will no longer be around.

16 Mar 10:20

Google, don't turn off Reader. Signed, The Internet

by Chris Ziegler

so beautiful


Google's sudden decision to sunset Reader — perhaps the best-known RSS reader ever made — has been met with swift reaction from high-profile users across the web. Here's a sampling of people asking to save an RSS service on Google... all coming from the service that probably helped kill it in the first place: Twitter.

Continue reading…