Shared posts

04 Feb 11:47

Gerard Pique (soccer) born 2 February 1987

Fernanda Campello

a Shakira está passando muito bem hein

Gerard Pique (soccer) born 2 February 1987

04 Feb 08:27

Snowy Owl close up by fbc57 on Flickr. I swear to god, snowy...

Snowy Owl close up by fbc57 on Flickr.

I swear to god, snowy owls have the best expressions on the planet.

04 Feb 08:23

ridiculouslyrachel: Pendleton the hedgehog. [akhayley]


Pendleton the hedgehog. [akhayley]

04 Feb 07:22

I peed you a heart. urine my heart

I peed you a heart.

urine my heart

04 Feb 07:21

tsuthetiger: the fuck outta here


the fuck outta here

04 Feb 07:03

im literally getting drunk on pictures of men

im literally getting drunk on pictures of men

04 Feb 06:57

An average week illustrated with beverages.

An average week illustrated with beverages.

04 Feb 06:52


04 Feb 06:51


04 Feb 06:48


Fernanda Campello

ai gente hahahahahahahahahah pobrezinho <3


03 Feb 23:13


by Jesse


[mac version]
03 Feb 20:19

David Beckham for H&M (x)

David Beckham for H&M (x)

03 Feb 19:51

Valentin Lavillenie (pole vault) born 16 July 1991 

Valentin Lavillenie (pole vault) born 16 July 1991 

03 Feb 19:48


03 Feb 19:40


03 Feb 19:09


03 Feb 19:07


03 Feb 18:58


03 Feb 18:56

h0llyquinn: someome on facebook literally complained about the puppy bowlhow do...


someome on facebook literally complained about the puppy bowl
how do you 



imagethe fucking


P U PPY BOWL??????????????
i dnot g e t it??


imagelet’s not forget about kitty halftime show

if you complain about the puppy bowl you’re wrong

03 Feb 18:52

(via givemeinternet)

03 Feb 18:46

Walking Tall

03 Feb 18:45

Unnecessary censorship done right

03 Feb 12:05

Matt Lanter

Matt Lanter

03 Feb 12:01


02 Feb 22:06


by laurenpaiiige

02 Feb 21:34


02 Feb 21:31

z1c: being 20+ on tumblr


being 20+ on tumblr


02 Feb 21:23


02 Feb 17:35

These Sophisticated Tattoos Are Blacker Than Black

by Alex Wain

Kamil Czapiga is a young tattoo artist, whose talent is well in advance of his age. The Polish artist says that he’s inspired by “Imaginary worlds, Slavic mythology, old engravings, music and old engravings” and it’s those sources of inspiration he applies to his unique tattoo designs.

Each is entirely created in using black ink and the unique pointillism technique – whereby small dots and strokes blend together to create a uniform image. Like any form of tattoo, it’s a painful procedure to go through, but the results speak for themselves. No clutter, no blurred lines, just crisp, intricate and bold works.

You can see more of his ink work here or if you live in or near Poland make an appointment to see him at his Katowice studio

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 2

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 3

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 4

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 5

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 6

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 7

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 8

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 9

Kamil Czapiga Polish Tattoo Artist 10

Via Kamil Czapiga


02 Feb 17:23

iogurte que vale por um bifinho

Fernanda Campello

esse é o meu novo tumblr
aguardo contribuições

aí o passarinho virou pra passarinha e disse: você gosta de danoninho? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ai ai

esse é bem o tipo de receita que eu sou capaz de fazer. não precisa de fogão, não precisa untar forma, não precisa de coordenação motora fina. basta um liquidificador e é isso.

você vai precisar de R$ 10,10:

  • 1 lata de leite condensado (R$ 4,00)
  • 2 caixas de creme de leite 200 g (R$ 1,80 cada)
  • 1 copinho de iogurte natural 170 g (R$ 1,50)
  • 1 pacote de suco em pó sabor morango sem açúcar (R$ 1,00)

jogue tudo no liquidificador, bateu, geladeira, pronto já era. SÓ ISSO? PORRA! sim só isso. você acabou de fazer 1 kg de danoniño (o danoninho do paraguai) por R$ 10,10. e cada bandejinha de 400 gramas do oficial custa R$ 5,99. valeu? ah valeu, valeu demais…

tudo que a gente criou foi maravilhoso, inesquecível demais

agora vai lá, faz esse quilo de danoninho e depois me conta como foi comer diretamente do copo do liquidificador assistindo comédias românticas dos anos 90 no netflix. não que eu faça isso mas sei que tem gente que faz, né