Shared posts

17 Mar 19:19

Irish handcuffs

when a person is carrying an alcoholic beverage in both hands at the same time.

Hemish O'Maley was in Irish handcuffs last night at the pub. He always had a Guinness in each hand.

11 Mar 12:50

Зимняя спячка

by Sergey Kirienko

Наверняка вы встречали у себя в компьютере странное слово «Гибернация». Это когда компьютер засыпает, но не выключается, и всё остаётся как было. Удобно, но зачем это непонятное слово?

Гибернация — это зимняя спячка у животных, происходит от слова hibernum — «зима». Точно, вспоминаем мы, — ведь по-французски зима — это hiver (по-португальски inverno). Откуда современному человеку знать, как по-французски будет «зима»? Естественно, из Fashion TV и модных журналов:

Automne Hiver 2012

Картинка из поиска

Для закрепления предлагаю вам песню на португальском языке: Inverno.

10 Mar 13:21

о странном устройстве usb-разъемов

Ilya Furman

USB superposition, I dig it

Безымянный гений разобрался в том, почему USB-кабель часто вставляется на третьей попытке; казалось бы, там всего две возможности, как же так получается? Оказывается, работают глубокие принципы квантовой механики:

До первой попытки кабель находится в суперпозиции двух своих возможных ориентаций. Первая неудачная попытка схлопывает волну и заставляет кабель выбрать конкретную ориентацию (а может, не сама попытка, а взгляд на кабель после нее). Но эта ориентация необязательно будет неверной (или верной) относительно входа; мы переворачиваем кабель и пробуем еще раз, и эта вторая попытка тоже может быть неверной, зато тогда уж третья - наверняка.

Есть тут небольшая натяжка (почему первая попытка должна закончиться неудачей? т.е. эмпирически это всегда так, но почему должно быть теоретически?), но в целом ясно, по-моему, что мы на верном пути к пониманию этого сложного феномена.

Вообще USB - это невероятная какая-то история. В конце 20-го века, когда, казалось бы, важность дизайна уже стала общим местом, несколько ведущих технологических компаний (в которых работает немало талантливых дизайнеров) вместе придумывают такое подключение, что не получается с первого раза, не задумываясь, вставить правильной стороной. Какой-то, извините, гигантский фейл.
07 Mar 17:00

An Iron Man Like 3d Hologram Controlled by Leap Motion and Three.js

The Leap Motion is a very cool piece of technology.  It’s a small $80 box that you can put on your desk to control an ordinary computer using hand motions.  It’s extremely accurate, allowing for very fine motor control using all of your fingers.  If you haven’t seen it, be sure to check it out.  I’m definitely getting in line for one to play with myself.

Robbie Tilton has put together an amazing video demo showing a Leap Motion controlling a Three.js rendered 3d hologram of the earth.  It is projected on a 4-sided prism, and while it’s not quite as good as what Tony Stark has in Iron Man, it’s still pretty darn cool.  And it’s controlled by JavaScript!  Check out the video, embedded below.

As you can see, the four sides of the earth image are projected onto a table and then onto the four sided prism, giving the hologram-like effect.  Thanks to tools like Three.js and WebGL, this can all be done quite simply using JavaScript.  Now imagine your web apps projected onto a hologram and controlled using Leap Motion.  Will you build the next JARVIS? 😃

I have no doubt that there will be many more amazing demos like this as developers get their hands on the Leap Motion, which is slated to ship in May of this year for $80.  If you have a great idea, you may even be able to get early developer access by signing up on their site.

03 Mar 00:58

Coffee Shop Productivity

The idea that if you do your work outside of your room or office you'll actually get more done, because you took the time to get out there and work somewhere else in the first place.

"Got to write my paper, going to head over to the coffee shop so I'll stop procrastinating "

"I do that too man, but today I'm going to the library instead. Still, got to love that coffee shop productivity."

28 Feb 16:31

ISO 8601

Ilya Furman


ISO 8601 was published on 06/05/88 and most recently amended on 12/01/04.
26 Feb 01:00

pretzelbasket: Extra batteries? Badass denim?  Cyberpunk as...


Extra batteries?

Badass denim? 

Cyberpunk as fuck! 

23 Feb 16:50

staceyjoy: This is sort of mesmerizing. Agreed. But I think it...


This is sort of mesmerizing.

Agreed. But I think it needs a soundtrack.

23 Feb 16:48

Complex regexp worked exactly as expected

by sharhalakis

Submitted by Leprosy

21 Feb 17:01

Git merge vs. rebase

by Mislav

The short:

  • git pull --rebase instead of git pull

  • git rebase -i @{u} before git push

  • (on “feature”) git merge master to make feature compatible with latest master

  • (on “master”) git merge --no-ff feature to ship a feature

    However if “feature” contains only 1 commit, avoid the merge commit:
    (on “master”) git cherry-pick feature

The long:

If you enjoy this post, check out my git tips you didn’t know about!

Avoid merge commits that result from git pull

When you want to push your changes to a branch, but someone else already pushed before you, you have to pull in their changes first. Normally, git does a merge commit in that situation.

Such merge commits can be numerous, especially between a team of people who push their changes often. Those merges convey no useful information to others, and litter the project’s history.

You should always pull with git pull --rebase. Git can be configured to make it the default behavior:

git config --global --bool pull.rebase true

Interactively rebase local commits before pushing

Run this every time before pushing a set of commits:

git rebase -i @{u}

The “u” stands for “upstream” (added in git v1.7.0), and it resolves to the latest commit on this branch on the remote. Putting it simply, this command rewrites only the local commits which you’re about the push. Starting in git v1.7.6, @{upstream} is the default for when there is no argument.

This gives you a chance to perform basic housekeeping before sharing your changes, such as squashing related commits together and rewording commit messages if they’re too long or not descriptive enough.

Suppose you have a set of 4 commits (newest first):

[D] oops! fixed typo in feature A
[C] bugfix for change B
[B] another change
[A] yay new feature!

You definitely want to squash A+D and B+C together, while still keeping A and B separate. The philosophy behind this is: don’t make bugs or typos a part of your project’s history if you haven’t shared them yet.

Integrate changes from master into a feature branch with merge

If you’re working on a long-lived feature branch, it pays off to sometimes merge in the master branch (assuming “master” is the main development branch) to verify that they are compatible and to get the latest bug fixes.

You could also rebase the current branch on top of master, but the rebase has shortcomings:

  • If multiple people work on the feature, rewriting history complicates their workflow.
  • Merge conflicts can be easier to deal with during merge than the more numerous, smaller conflicts during rebase.

Record a merge commit when a feature lands into master

After working on a feature/topic branch, merge it in master like so:

git merge --no-ff feature

The --no-ff flag ensures there will always be a merge commit, even when technically not necessary. Merge commits are useful because they convey the following information:

  • where do changes come from (in this case: the “feature” branch);
  • when were the changes merged and by whom, possibly indicating a code review (if that’s part of your development process);
  • keeps commits related to this feature/topic grouped together.

Sometimes a topic branch will consist only of a single commit, especially for bug fixes. When merging it in, I often decide not to record the merge commit for a single commit because that merge information is less useful to the team:

  • where changes come from is irrelevant, because the branch was likely short-lived, so people in the team haven’t developed familiarity with it;
  • when is already recorded in the commit itself as committer timestamp;
  • there’s nothing to group together.

You can pull in a single commit to master like so:

git cherry-pick feature
20 Feb 11:22

Those Not Present

'Yeah, that squid's a total asshole.' [scoot scoot]
19 Feb 22:13

разменный развод

Вот интересное и подробное объяснение известного обмана - The Short Change Scam. Я не знаю, делают ли так по-русски и есть ли у этого название.

Краткий пересказ того, что там написано - один из вариантов этого развода. Вы мошенник. У вас наготове купюра в $10, купюра в $5, и 15 долларовых купюр. Вы заходите в небольшой магазин/гастроном/лавку/бар итп.

- покупаете что-то небольшое, дешевле $5. Можно даже за доллар или дешевле.
- платите за это купюрой в $10
- в то время, как кассир достает сдачу (пять долларов с лишним), попросите его достать еще купюру в 10 долларов и обменять на десять долларовых бумажек, которые вы прямо сейчас достаете из кошелька одну за другой.
- оставьте сдачу в пять долларов с лишним на прилавке, но возьмите $10 у кассира и дайте ему девять - только девять - долларовых бумажек. Пока он пересчитывает их, спрячьте $10 в карман, и продолжайте тем временем доставать долларовые купюры из кошелька.
- кассир говорит, что не хватает доллара. Вы добавляете доллар, и заодно, раз уж у вас так много мелких купюр, добавляете еще пять долларовых купюр и одну купюру в $5. Просите у кассира обменять все это сразу на $20.
- кассир соглашается, вы берете $20 и сдачу от первой транзакции с прилавка и уходите. Ваша прибыль: $10 (минус то, что вы заплатили за купленную вещь, если она вам не нужна).

Впечатляет, да. Понятно, что первая транзакция, хоть деньги от нее никак не участвуют в обмане, абсолютно необходима, чтобы 'перегрузить мозг' кассира информацией и помочь ему перепутать баланс.


- заметка в NYTimes за 1906 год с описанием идентичного трюка;
- Видео-демонстрация (несколько другого варианта, но суть та же).
- Еще одна блог-запись об обманах такого рода, в ней много других ссылок.
19 Feb 15:00

Because he can

Zoreslav Khimich
Я сегодня прямо как ты


Zoreslav Khimich
Накурился и придумал четкий ответ на вопрос «может ли бог создать камень, который он сам не сможет поднять», полез в гугл, а там уже декарт ответил точно таким же образом

декарт известная сука, да
тоже мои мысли ворует постоянно

19 Feb 14:29

Shut Up Woman Fett On My Horse

by jwz
19 Feb 00:48

Как украинскому стартапу попасть в Y Combinator

На прошлой неделе Y Combinator (далее по тексту YC) начал принимать заявки на летний цикл 2013-го года. Самое время украинским стартапам начать подавать туда заявки. Я и мой стартап уже были в YC, позвольте мне рассказать зачем и как туда попасть.

Читайте полную версию статьи на и узнайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

  • почему YC?
  • будет ли YC, американский стартап-инкубатор, инвестировать в меня, украинца?
  • США? И как я туда, по вашему, попаду?
  • нужно ли мне будет регистрировать компанию в США?
  • и как же попасть в YC?

Подпишитесь на рассылку с советами про поступление в YC

Хотите знать больше про YC и узнать полезные советы про поступление из первых рук? Подпишитесь на рассылку, я буду нечасто, но регулярно делиться с вами своим опытом.

Если у вас есть вопросы про стартапы, YC и все что с этим связано, пишите мне на, а я постараюсь ответить в рассылке на ваши наиболее частые и интересные вопросы.

Читайте всю статью на

19 Feb 00:39

Sublime Text 3 Beta

by Jon Skinner

The first beta of Sublime Text 3 is now available to download for registered users. Some feature highlights are below, followed by our new pricing and upgrade policies, and system compatibility for Sublime Text 3.

Symbol Indexing. Sublime Text now scans the files in your project, and builds an index of which files contain which symbols. This backs the new features Goto Definition and Goto Symbol in Project, both of which are available from the Goto menu. Goto Definition takes you to the definition of the symbol under the caret, while Goto Symbol in Project prompts you to select a symbol via fuzzy matching, and then takes you to the definition of that symbol.

Pane Management. Working with multiple panes is now more efficient, with commands to create and destroy panes, and quickly move files between panes. You can see the new options under View/Groups, View/Focus Group and View/Move file to Group.

Speed. Sublime Text has always had speed as a feature, but version 3 addresses some weak points. Startup time is now virtually immediate, and plugins no longer have the opportunity to bring this down. Replace All performance is also significantly faster.

API. Sublime Text now uses Python 3.3 for plugins, and runs them out of process, so any plugins that load native code no longer risk crashing the main Sublime Text process. The API is also fully thread-safe, and provides several callbacks that run asynchronously (e.g., on_modified_async). There are also new API functions, including full access to the project data. Sublime Text 2 plugins will require porting to work with Sublime Text 3, however in most cases the changes will be small.

Selected Changes:

  • Added Goto Definition, and Goto Symbol in Project
  • Significantly improved startup time
  • Significantly improved Replace All performance
  • Improved matching algorithm used for Goto Anything and auto-complete accepts transposed characters
  • UI: Enhanced pane management
  • UI: Previewing files from the sidebar creates a preview tab
  • UI: Improved animation in the side bar
  • Projects: Multiple workspaces can be created for a single project
  • Projects: When adding folders to the sidebar, symlinks are not followed by default. This can be changed by enabling follow_symlinks in the project
  • Build Systems: Added ’shell_cmd’, which supersedes ‘cmd’, with more intuitive syntax
  • Build Systems: Better PATH handling behavior on OS X when using shell_cmd
  • Build Systems: ‘Make’ build system has an improved error message regex
  • Build Systems: Syntax file can be specified for the output
  • Build Systems: Word wrap is enabled by default
  • Find in Files: Improved handling of binary files
  • Find in Files: Line numbers are hidden in the output
  • Find: Find in Selection will no longer be automatically selected
  • OSX: Improved performance on Retina displays
  • OSX: 10.7 or later is required
  • OSX: 64 bit only
  • OSX: System version of Python is no longer a dependency
  • OSX: Italic fonts are synthesized when not available in the typeface
  • Linux: .deb files are provided
  • Linux: Starting from the command line will daemonize the process by default
  • API: Upgrade from Python 2.6 to Python 3.3
  • API: Plugins run out-of-process
  • API: Plugin API is now thread-safe
  • API: Some API events are now run asynchronously
  • API: begin_edit() / end_edit() are no longer accessible
  • API: Projects are exposed to the API
  • API: Added window.settings() and window.template_settings()
  • API: show_quick_panel() accepts an on_highlighted callback

Compatibility. Sublime Text 3 should work on all systems that currently run Sublime Text 2, with the exception of OS X 10.6. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to maintain 10.6 compatibility, as there is no C++11 toolchain for OS X 10.6, and Sublime Text 3 makes extensive use of functionality in C++11.

Pricing. The price for a Sublime Text license key has increased by $11, from $59 to $70, the first price rise in Sublime Text’s five year history. All licenses purchased at this new price are valid for Sublime Text 3. Users with a Sublime Text 2 license key can continue using the key with Sublime Text 3 while it’s in beta. When 3.0 is released, upgrades will be available for $30, or $15 for users who have purchased recently. The cut off date for the reduced upgrade price will be based on the actual date of the 3.0 release.

Sublime Text 3 is currently available to registered users only. An evaluation version will be available later.

19 Feb 00:33

One Time Thing

One Time Thing
19 Feb 00:26

Please Advise

Corporate Jargon for What The Fuck.

Dear jim,

I have not yet received the Alabama case files I asked you to Send.

Please Advise.

18 Feb 23:43

Space station commander gives us all a tour

Ilya Furman

На мешке по дороге в Russian Section красным написано "НОВЫЙ ГОД", охуеть!!!

In her final days as Commander of the International Space Station, Sunita Williams of NASA recorded an extensive tour of the orbital laboratory and downlinked the video on Nov. 18, just hours before she, cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and Flight Engineer Aki Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency departed in their Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft for a landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan. The tour includes scenes of each of the station’s modules and research facilities with a running narrative by Williams of the work that has taken place and which is ongoing aboard the orbital outpost.

After viewing this, I feel compelled to paraphrase the tagline from “Superman,” “You’ll believe a woman can fly.” And I do. She has the best job ever — superhero.

I can’t recall a longer look at non-fictional humans moving through a microgravity environment. Can you? Even with my Internet-depleted attention span, I couldn’t look away from this 25-minute video — watched the whole thing in one sitting. I bet you will too.

Via Andrew Sullivan.

02 Feb 18:07

Playing Video Games


Playing Video Games

It’s funny because the response is the same.  The joke is ruined when I have to explain it.  -Raf

02 Feb 18:05


I don't know what's worse--the fact that after 15 years of using tar I still can't keep the flags straight, or that after 15 years of technological advancement I'm still mucking with tar flags that were 15 years old when I started.
15 Jan 23:31

Today in Killdozer news

by jwz
Ilya Furman

отлично провел время парень, хочу также

Puppy thrown at German biker gang

A German student "mooned" a group of Hell's Angels and hurled a puppy at them before escaping on a stolen bulldozer, police have said.

The man drove up to a Hell's Angels clubhouse near Munich, wearing only a pair of shorts and carrying a puppy.

He dropped his shorts and threw the dog, escaping on a bulldozer from a nearby building site.

He was arrested later at home by police. The 26-year-old is said to have stopped taking depression medication.

After making his getaway on the bulldozer, he had driven so slowly that a 5km tailback built up behind him on the motorway.

After driving about 1km, he had abandoned the bulldozer in the middle of the motorway, near Allershausen. He continued his journey by hitchhiking.

"What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hell's Angels is currently unclear," a police spokesman said.

The puppy is now being cared for in an animal shelter.

10 Jan 02:45

Непобедимый - рабочее

Скетчи - минут по 30-40 на.

...по обшивке кормовых отсеков пробежала дрожь, и одновременно легкий шорох из-за бортовых переборок – словно целые стада зверьков носились там, постукивая коготками о металл, – сообщил, что приборы автоматического контроля уже отправились в длинное путешествие, чтобы проверить каждое соединение лонжеронов, герметичность корпуса, прочность металлических швов.

Некоторое время колонна двигалась в горизонтальных лучах
холодного и красного, как кровь, солнца по однообразной
10 Jan 02:45



Тяжелая машина задержалась, слегка вздрагивая, словно на невидимой натянутой пружине, и с высоты пятисот метров был проведен внимательный осмотр этого места.
09 Jan 21:35

For Baskins

Ilya Furman

New PBF yay

For Baskins
25 Dec 17:37

No more silent extension installs

by Google Chrome Blog

It’s important for users to know what extensions they have enabled since extensions can sometimes influence Chrome’s functionality and performance. Many users have installed extensions from the Chrome Web Store, but some users have extensions that were silently installed without their knowledge.

Until now, it has been possible to silently install extensions into Chrome on Windows using the Windows registry mechanism for extension deployment. This feature was originally intended to allow users to opt-in to adding a useful extension to Chrome as a part of the installation of another application. Unfortunately, this feature has been widely abused by third parties to silently install extensions into Chrome without proper acknowledgment from users.

Two new features in Chrome 25 will help users run only the extensions they want to use:

Extensions installed by third party programs using external extension deployment options will be disabled by default. When a third party program installs an extension, the Chrome menu will be badged, and users can click through the Chrome menu to see a dialog containing an option to enable the extension or to remove it from their computer.

In addition, all extensions previously installed using external deployment options will be automatically disabled. Chrome will show a one-time prompt to allow the re-enabling of any of the extensions.

Windows application developers should ask users to install Chrome extensions from within Chrome. A great way to allow users to install a Chrome extension related to your Windows application is to link users to your website and use inline installation.

If you have questions, please get in touch with us on the Chromium extensions group.

Posted by Peter Ludwig, Product Manager

25 Dec 17:01

В центре воздушных течений. Остров погибших кораблей.

18 Dec 16:49


to be out of marijuana

aye we need to hit the weed spot dawg we dankrupt

18 Dec 16:48

Corporate Blue Balls

What one gets after hours and hours of meetings discussing a decision and the decision is never made.

This is the 4th meeting we've had this week to discuss whether or not we should we should order more paper for the copier. Someone needs to make a decision - I've got Corporate Blue Balls!

18 Dec 16:46

“Excuse me stewardess, I speak...

“Excuse me stewardess, I speak java.lang.NullPointerException”

[expanded from a submission by Jason S.]