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05 Aug 01:27

Unruhen in Marokko nach Pädophilen-Freilassung: König macht Begnadigung rückgängig

Der Spanier Daniel Fino Galván hat in Marokko elf Kinder und Jugendliche vergewaltigt und war deshalb zu 30 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Nun kam der 64-Jährige im Rahmen einer Amnestie frei. Dies sorgte für Unruhen in der Hauptstadt Rabat. Marokkos König Mohammed VI. reagiert nun.
05 Aug 01:27

New York police kill 14-year-old boy

by AP
A rookie police officer shot and killed a 14-year-old boy on a New York City street early on Sunday after he refused to drop his gun and pointed it at them.

22 Jul 20:37

Franz Jacobi: Warum der BVB-Gründer zurück nach Dortmund kommt

Für viele Dortmunder ist der BVB Teil ihres Lebens. Auch für Franz Jacobi war er das. Er ist einer der Gründungsväter des Vereins. Am kommenden Samstag kehrt sein Leichnam nach Dortmund zurück. Sein Urenkel, Gerrit Jacobi erzählt im ehemaligen Wildschütz, wie es dazu kam.
22 Jul 20:37

Entwicklung im Sprint "einfach nicht plausibel": Doping-Experte zweifelt an Superstar Bolt

Muss Sprintstar Usain Bolt sauber sein, nur weil er noch nie des Dopings überführt wurde? Nein, findet der Mediziner Perikles Simon. Skeptisch machen ihn der von Bolt ausgelöste Quantensprung bei den 100-m-Zeiten und das völlig ineffiziente Kontrollsystem. Zudem vertuscht der Leichtathletik-Weltverband eine brisante Dopingstudie.
22 Jul 20:36

Jeder dritte Regio-Express der Bahn ist verspätet

by Dietmar Seher, we, DerWesten
Viele Menschen im Ballungsraum Ruhr schätzen den öffentlichen Nahverkehr zwischen den Städten. Die Regionalzüge zwischen Hamm und Duisburg befördern heute rund 30 Prozent mehr Fahrgäste als vor drei Jahren. Die Kehrseite der Medaille: Die Zahl der Waggons und die Schienenwege wachsen nicht mit.

22 Jul 20:30

Construction of 'world's tallest building' begins in China

by Tom Phillips
A Chinese construction company has begun building what it hopes will become the tallest building on earth.

22 Jul 20:12

Eigener „Zirkus“ für Berufsathleten - Experte würde Doping für Spitzensportler erlauben

Der Nürnberger Dopingexperte Fritz Sörgel erklärt im FOCUS ein provokantes Modell: Er würde Spitzensportler aus allen Vereinen und staatlich geförderten Wettkämpfen ausschließen. Auf ihren eigenen Sportfesten könnten sie dann legal dopen.

22 Jul 19:58

Ruhr Reggae Summer

by Stephan Glagla, we, DerWesten
Der siebte Ruhr Reggae Summer in Mülheim: "Three Days of Love, Peace and Music"

22 Jul 19:47

Keine „wesentlichen Mittelrückflüsse" erwartet - Bund will Eurohawk an USA verschleudern


give them to universities!

Über 500 Millionen Euro wurden in das Projekt Eurohawk investiert, bevor es gestoppt wurde. Das Verteidigungsministerium will die Drohne nun offenbar in die USA verkaufen - rechnet aber bereits mit einem geringen Verkaufserlös.

22 Jul 19:32

Rated R: director David Twohy on making 'Riddick' without compromise

by Bryan Bishop

The last time audiences saw Vin Diesel's sci-fi antihero Richard B. Riddick in theaters was back in 2004, but that's going to change in September with the upcoming Riddick. Here at San Diego Comic-Con we sat down with writer and director David Twohy after he debuted a new red-band trailer with a particularly striking visual payoff to the legions in Hall H. Riddick represents a return to the R-rated form of the original Pitch Black, and Twohy discussed the making of the film, his plans for future installments, his personal feelings on 3D, and the creative freedom that working outside the traditional studio system allows.

Fortunately, that red-band trailer is available for online audiences to enjoy as well — so if you'd like to...

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22 Jul 19:31

Bäckerhandwerk: German Strudel

by ZEIT ONLINE : Wirtschaft - Jana Gioia Baurmann
Bäcker aus aller Welt studieren an einer Akademie in Weinheim deutsche Handwerkskunst. Die Studenten lernen mehr als einhundert Rezepte. Von Jana Gioia Baurmann
22 Jul 19:30

Asylrecht: Wie ich Zaid vor der Abschiebung bewahrte

by ZEIT ONLINE : Politik - Annika Sartor
Die junge Anwältin Mieke Verrelst kämpfte für das Asylrecht einer geflohenen Irakers. Sie zog bis vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof – mit Erfolg. Von Annika Sartor
22 Jul 16:36

July 20, 2013


Noon: Phil Plait and me at the booth with THE SECRET PROJECT
2pm: Shiftylook Panel at room 28DE
22 Jul 16:30

Engine recovered from Atlantic confirmed as Apollo 11 unit

HUTCHINSON, Kan., July 19 (UPI) -- A team that retrieved engine parts from NASA's Apollo moon missions from the ocean floor says it has confirmed one is from the Apollo 11 moon landing mission.
22 Jul 16:29

First Persian leopard cubs in 50 years born in Russian breeding center

MOSCOW, July 19 (UPI) -- The first Persian leopard cubs to be born in Russia in 50 years are part of efforts to reintroduce the endangered species back to the wild, scientists say.
22 Jul 16:29

Woman missing for 50 years turns up in the Yukon

by AFP
A woman police once believed was murdered by her husband after she was last seen in September 1961 in westernmost Canada has been discovered living in the Yukon, with a new family.
22 Jul 16:27

Kite Patch makes you invisible to mosquitoes

by Tim Hornyak
This lightweight patch can keep blood-sucking bugs away and could prove key in the global battle against malaria. [Read more]

22 Jul 16:27

17 More People You See at Every Nerd Convention...

17 More People You See at Every Nerd Convention [dorkly]

Previously: 15 People You See at Every Nerd Convention

22 Jul 16:25

‘Children of Men,’ ‘Hot Fuzz,’ and '500 Days of Summer' directors say special effects can't match real stunts

by Adi Robertson

The top-tier panels at Comic-Con are usually dedicated to upcoming blockbusters or fan favorites — yesterday, thousands of people packed into the giant Hall H to see Harrison Ford or the cast of Dexter. Between these panels, though, we also got a chance to see three slightly more low-profile directors talk about their craft: Hot Fuzz and The World's End's Edgar Wright, Children of Men director Alfonso Cuarón, and Marc Webb, responsible for both the latest Spider-Man reboot and 500 Days of Summer. In some ways, Webb, Wright, and Cuarón couldn't be more different. But their current projects all have the basic elements of a Comic-Con movie — alien invasions, astronauts stranded in space, superheroes. They also share a common fear:...

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22 Jul 15:42


New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.
22 Jul 15:40

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad

by Iowa Girl Eats

Oh hi, back with another salad recipe for ya’!


Especially now that I know Ben likes Caesar Salads. For FIVE YEARS I have avoided making Caesar Salads (well make = buying the Dole salad kits) because he hates creamy foods. Mayo, yogurt, pudding, creamy dips – you get it. That said, imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago he dropped the bomb that Caesar Salads are, apparently, one of his favorite things in life. Huh? The same Caesar Salad that usually comes drowning in a thick and creamy dressing? Loves ‘em. Riddle me that?

Anyway, it’s actually good news because now I can just buy the kit then add grilled chicken and chopped tomatoes on top and call it dinner. Hallelujah!

I don’t know why I’m telling you all this besides the fact that I have a must-try salad recipe for you: BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad. Creamy dressing optional. You’ll see. : )

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad combines crunchy romaine lettuce with BBQ chicken, grilled corn, black beans, fresh tomatoes and crunchy red onions, all chopped to the same size then tossed in light ranch and bbq sauce – or your favorite dressing. I tell you what, lately I can’t get enough chopped salads. I love how fresh, quick, and easy they are. The epitome of healthy, summer eating.

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Oh! There’s crushed tortilla chips in there too. Can’t forget about those babies! Every BBQ Chopped Chicken Salad must have a handful of crushed tortilla chips, in my opinion. Salty and crunchy, they add a little bit of decadence to this fresh entree salad. Must try.

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Start by brushing 2 chicken breasts that have been pounded thin with extra virgin olive oil then season with salt and pepper. Grill for 3-4 minutes a side over medium-high heat, brushing the grilled side with BBQ sauce after flipping once. Put the lid down then let the BBQ sauce sizzle and caramelize as the second side cooks. Mmm. : )

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Pop 2 ears sweet corn on the grill next door then rotate occasionally until all sides are evenly charred.

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Pull the chicken and corn off the grill, let cool slightly, then chop the chicken and slice the kernels off the corn and set aside.

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Next get the rest of the chopped salad ingredients ready, starting with the salad base - romaine lettuce. For 4 people you’ll want 2-10oz bags of chopped romaine lettuce (I used Dole.)

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Place the lettuce into a huge bowl (might want to do this in a few batches,) then use a pizza cutter to chop it up into small, bite-sized pieces. I learned this trick from a chopped salad restaurant in Minneapolis a million years ago and it’s basically my favorite. Cuts down on all those face-whipping pieces of lettuce in a salad. The worst!

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

To the chopped lettuce add 2 chopped vine-ripened tomatoes, 1/2 small chopped red onion, 

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

1 cup black beans, and the kernels from the grilled corn. 

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Finally, add a big handful of crushed tortilla chips (however many you want) and 1/2 cup each shredded Monterey Jack and cheddar cheese. These two ingredients are my secret salad weapons. The chips add an awesome, unexpected crunch, and the mixture of cheeses is just right. Love me some creamy Monterey Jack!

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Add the chopped chicken then, using a pair of tongs, toss the salad ingredients together.

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

I like to dress my salad with a mixture of light ranch and BBQ sauce, but use whatever your heart desires. Dress then toss again to combine, plate, and serve!

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad

Print this recipe!

Serves 4

2 chicken breasts, pounded thin
extra virgin olive oil, salt & pepper
1/3 cup BBQ sauce
2 ears sweet corn
2-10oz bags chopped romaine lettuce
2 vine ripened tomatoes, chopped
1 cup black beans
1/2 small red onion, chopped
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
crushed tortilla chips
Light ranch dressing
BBQ sauce


  1. Brush chicken breasts with extra virgin olive oil then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes a side, brushing grilled side with BBQ sauce after flipping once. Grill ears of corn, rotating occasionally, until evenly charred. Remove chicken and corn, let cool slightly, then chop chicken and slice corn kernels off cob and set aside. 
  2. In a very large bowl add lettuce (may need to do this in a couple batches.) Use a pizza cutter to evenly chop lettuce into small pieces then toss with tomatoes, black beans, red onion, cheeses, tortilla chips, chicken, and corn. Drizzle with light ranch dressing and bbq sauce (or your favorite dressing) then toss and serve immediately.

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

Chopped salads are seriously where it’s at. Each forkful’s got a taste of every ingredient from sweet and smokey corn, to spicy red onion, fresh tomato, and sassy bbq chicken. Enjoy!

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad |

22 Jul 15:39

NRW: Streiks an den Schleusen gehen Dienstag weiter

Tarife : Streiks an den Schleusen gehen Dienstag weiter

Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) - Gut eine Woche lang standen die Ampeln auf Grün - ab Dienstag bleiben die Schleusentore in Nordrhein-Westfalen wieder geschlossen. Mit Beginn der Frühschicht um 6 Uhr sollen alle Schleusen an den vier Kanälen bis Freitagmorgen bestreikt werden, teilte die Gewerkschaft Verdi am Montag mit. Bis zum Montag vergangener Woche hatten die Schleusenwärter bereits eine Woche lang gestreikt. Verdi ruft in dieser Woche auch an mehreren Kanälen in Niedersachen und Bremen zu Arbeitsniederlegungen auf. Die Gewerkschaft fordert einen Tarifvertrag zur Absicherung von Arbeitsplätzen bei der geplanten Neuordnung der Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.

22 Jul 15:38

Say Goodbye To The Iberian Lynx

by Dina Spector


The Iberian lynx, the world's most endangered cat, will probably go extinct in 50 years as a result of climate change, a new study in the journal Nature Climate Change reports. 

The Iberian lynx looks like a bobcat. It has grayish fur covered in dark spots, long legs, a short black-tipped tail, and black-tufted ears. There are only an estimated 250 Iberian lynx left in the wild, which survive in two isolated breeding populations in Southern Spain. 

Iberian lynxDuring the twentieth century, populations sank to a catastrophic low because of dramatic reductions in the big cat's main food source — the European rabbit. The rabbit makes up more than 80% of the Iberian lynx diet, according to the study, but a mix of disease and over-hunting has made the rabbit scarce.  

Climate change will put the final nail in the coffin, says lead author Miguel Araújo and colleagues.

Researchers contend that current recovery plans — captive breeding programs that facilitate the reintroduction of the Iberian lynx into the wild — are not effective because they don't account for the impact of climate change, which will make Southern Spain and Portugal unsuitable habitats for the lynx by mid-century. The outcome is not likely to change even if strong efforts are made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within this century, the report finds. 

"Survival of the species in the long term may require higher latitude and higher altitude regions on the Iberian Peninsula," according to a statement from the University of Adelaide's Environment Institute. 

The Iberian lynx can be saved, but it will require "a carefully planned reintroduction programme, accounting for the effects of climate change, prey abundance and habitat connectivity," the authors write. 

SEE ALSO: 10 Animals That Were Hunted To Extinction

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22 Jul 15:36

Bislang nur in Argentinien - Coca Cola bringt grüne Brause auf den Markt

Unter dem Namen "Coca-Cola Life" hat der Coke-Konzern in Argentinien ein neues Getränk auf den Markt gebracht. Bei der neuen Brause wird der pflanzliche Süßstoff Stevia verwendet. Und der verursacht angeblich auch kein Karies mehr.

22 Jul 11:38

Wenn Mitarbeiter unter Hitze leiden: Was Arbeitgeber tun müssen

Die Finger kleben, der Kreislauf ist im Keller, die Konzentration auf dem Nullpunkt - Hochsommer kann ganz schön anstrengend sein, wenn man ihn bei der Arbeit verbringen muss. Um die Sache erträglich zu machen, müssen Firmen ihre Mitarbeiter schützen.
22 Jul 11:37

Spionagesoftware XKeyscore - BND verteidigt Kooperation mit US-Geheimdienst NSA

Der Bundesnachrichtendienst sieht sich harten Vorwürfen ausgesetzt. Die Behörde habe die Kooperation mit der NSA verschwiegen, sei deren "eifrigster Partner" und benutze eine Spähsoftware des US-Geheimdienstes. Auf FOCUS Online bezieht der BND nun Stellung.

22 Jul 11:35

Apple-Entwicklerbereich gehackt

Der Grund für den seit Donnerstag andauernden Ausfall von Apples Developer-Bereich ist bekannt: Ein Angreifer hat sich Zugriff auf die persönlichen Daten der dort registrierten Entwickler verschafft

22 Jul 11:19

Nordkorea-Frachter hatte Kampfjets an Bord: Alte Sowjet-MiGs hinter Zucker versteckt

In panamaischen Gewässern wird ein nordkoreanisches Frachtschiff mit kubanischen Waffen an Bord aufgebracht. Darunter befinden sich auch russische Kampfjets, die nach Angaben aus Havanna in Nordkorea repariert werden sollten. Die UN überprüfen diese Angaben.
22 Jul 11:11

Steam - Verkauf von Spielen bald möglich?

Verkauf von Spielen bald möglich? weiter
22 Jul 11:08

US Military Dropped Bombs On Great Barrier Reef Because Drop Zone 'Wasn't Clear'

by Agence France Presse

Marine harrier takeoff

The United States military said Monday it had jettisoned four unarmed bombs on Australia's Great Barrier Reef during a training exercise only because civilian boats had strayed into the drop zone.

The US 7th Fleet had earlier said only that the planned target range was "not clear of hazards" at the time, forcing the two Harrier jets to dump their ordnance within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park off Queensland state.

But Commander William Marks revealed Monday that the crews had made the decision, which has been criticised by environmentalists, because civilian vessels were detected inside the drop range.

"The approved area where they could do some of this live training with these 500-pound bombs, it was not safe to drop the bombs," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

"There were civilian boats right below them."

The joint Australia-US training which began on July 15 involves 28,000 troops and Marks was unable to say how civilian vessels had strayed into the Shoalwater Bay military training area.

"I don't have any more information about what they were doing and why they were there," Marks said.

"But it's part of our procedures just to do that safety check and if we do see that, then for safety reasons we do not drop any ordnance."

Officials on Sunday said the fighter jets had conducted an "emergency jettison" of two BDU 45s, which are inert ordnance, and two GBU 12s, which were dropped in an unarmed state on the iconic reef's marine park on July 16.

The two AV-8B Harrier planes had intended to drop the bombs on a range on a nearby island but were unsuccessful despite several attempts. Running low on fuel, and unable to land carrying such a large load, they decided to jettison the bombs.

"Their priority was to get to a place which would create the least impact, which we believe we did -- dropping them in between 50 and 60 metres of water in a place where it is not a hazard to shipping and not a hazard to navigation," Marks said.

The drop was coordinated with Australian authorities, he said, adding that the environment was a priority for the US military.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, which will work with the defence department to recover the bombs, said they were considered low risk and about 30 kilometres from the nearest reef.

But the Queensland Greens Sunday described the incident as outrageous.

"Is this how we look after our World Heritage area now? Letting a foreign power drop bombs on it?" asked Senator Larissa Waters.

Copyright (2013) AFP. All rights reserved.

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